By your standard and definition you have failed to love me as you should since you have sought to correct me. Degree in Computer Science, Management Information Systems, or related IT field, or equivalent work experience. I would be very pleased to see the church begin policing itselfin other words, call these individuals out for the frauds that they are. LCU says: "It has been the privilege of Life Christian University to recognize their published works, along with their lifetime ministry achievements in consideration for earned degrees . Those who wish to express themselves to that extent can always write an article of their own on a different website. Names Of Infamous Freemasons - Glory to God, I said. I think one thing your comment does is highlight once again something we have had to repeatedly address in this comments thread. Poom! Why do Christian leaders even pursue these fake titles? The Universal Life Church offers a free Doctorate of Divinity degree for anyone who receives their rubber-stamp ordination. Modernism vs. Postmodernism: Can we really know the truth? Lucifer stands before Gods throne day and night accusing the brethren. Honorary doctorates do not qualify recipients to work in the field designated on the diploma. The conflicting statements can only be resolved if one sees the difference between credits for time in the ministry and credits for work done in the ministry as little more than a technicality. Hes very dominant over the airwaves on Atlantas Christian radio stations and he frequents many UMC mega-Churches as a guest speaker throughout the Atlanta market. What good does an air of academic respectability do? I have studied this issue of phony doctorates very carefully and believe that I do understand it quite well. Kenneth & Gloria Copeland teach unbiblical False Teachings such as Prosperity gospel, Word of Faith says that Christians are "little gods." Kenneth says, "You don't have a god in you, you are one!" ("The Force of One" Audiotape, 1987) He says, "When I read the Bible where He (Jesus) says, 'I AM', I say, 'Yes, I AM too!'"- In this article we will attempt for the first time to unveil the truth of Kenneth Copeland's Masonic membership.As Kenneth is a closet, secret Freemason who does not want anyone to know this truth, it will be a involving task that needs to look deeply into any specific clues. Gods telling Abraham that he would be the father of many nations was not the bestowal of an academic degree on Abraham that he had not earned. And the little household treadmills will only go up to about 10 degree incline, but to pass the stress test, I had to go to 14. This mill casts aspersions on competing mills and titillates potential clients with the promise of the added prestige one will have using their phony title: Every time you signed your name Dr., D.D., D.Div. or Doctor of Divinity, it would have greater impact, and would enhance all of your words for the Kingdom of God that ever preceded or ever would follow . If a school wants to operate without such accreditation it is free to do so but the degree of excellence upheld by the school is, therefore, suspect and one must, at least, ask why the school avoids any aspiration to the educational standards recognized for the awarding of a degree that they call a doctorate. John 12:43. Mark Rutland is a charismatic minister who has become president of Oral Roberts University. Accrediting agencies are not part of the secular government. . That is why seminaries such as those that award a doctorate to high school graduates who pay them $50 and read two or three books will never be able to receive accreditation. In my field, the median time is 6 years. Please comment, I'm here to help, pray, or just listen. Initial list of 33rd Degree Masons: - Fire Word Ministries - Facebook Copyright Copyright 2012, David Kowalski. Now I did it with the defibrillator active, and then after I passed the stress test, representative of the manufacturer of this machine thats in here, came out with the computer and turned that defibrillator off because I dont need it anymore. Complete Immersion Day or Night. Seriously, how many ministers really preach at a level which engages the minds of their flock ? Psychopathic TV preacher Kenneth Copeland (wealth of $760 million Gratuate of Kenneth Copeland Bible College Azle, Texas, United States. What did these great giants of theology do to earn their Doctorate degrees? Financial integrity is of utmost importance in this . There are two sources for these illegitimate titles: honorary doctorates and diploma mills. Born again believer and must adhere to the doctrines of this organization as upheld by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and their appointed representatives; Must work well with others, as a team and according to Romans 16:17, must not cause dissension . Reports say he has two jets and two propeller planes,] I had to do an extreme stress test. Their voice on technical and scholarly matters in their field deserves to be heard with respect, and public respect for such learning tends be lessened and thus the degree cheapened by those who flaunt phony ones. There has always been some manner in which universities have verified the standards upheld by their schools. In 1994, Gloria Copeland was voted "Christian Woman of the Year," an honor given to women whose example of faith and excellence "exemplify godly character and leadership.". The Masonic Connection - Copeland As I point out in the article, many people using honorary degrees do so in order to advance their standing in the ministry. The (rNIV) Revised New International Version of the Bible is the only accepted Scripture within the ELCA at present; as their Study Bibles are now all (rNIV). I wouldnt quit. You speak of love as though it is something that never corrects those who are doing wrong yet you have written to me, accusing me of doing wrong. My apologies to Dr Wainwrights descendant and anyone who was misled by my error. Pat Robertson: Net Worth $100 Million . And the little household treadmills will only go up to about 10 degree incline, but to pass the stress test, I had to go to 14. Kenneth Copeland: Net Worth $760 Million. I have it now, so begin to rejoice. Ken Coleman - Ramsey It also speaks against lying, however. If people want to go to an unaccredited school they have a right to do that. Kermit has the very same academic qualifications as many notables in the Church, including the late Dr. Jerry Falwell, whose formal education after high school was limited to an undergraduate degree at an unaccredited Bible College. So I passed the test. "For almost 50 years, Fred and Betty Price have been wonderful . Such schools are essentially scams and the degrees they award are phony ones. And I knew what it was and anyway, so, and I went to all the exams and all that stuff. My DNA took after my mothers side with a history of heart trouble. [This is again his positive confession and super-faith. Kenneth Copeland is in the Masonic Satanic Cult (33rd Degree Mason So I did. The key word there is average. Not all doctoral programs are equally demanding and I do not dispute your claim to being able to obtain a doctorate in your field in six years. Though accrediting agencies are accountable to the government as we all are, the government in no manner dictates the content of seminary or Bible college curriculum! Do not republish. 148 followers 150 connections. Wikipedia: Mark Rutland is a missionary, evangelist, ordained minister of the International Ministerial Fellowship, and the third and current President of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma.. I nowhere criticize unaccredited Bible Schools. I believe when these phony greed motivated organizations and self-appointed ministers are caught,(and they will be exposed-Matt:10:26, Mark 4:22, Luke 8:17, 12:2) their names should be placed in a fraudulence registry so others can be warned about them!! Thus, I would not be able to reply knowledgeably to that particular point. No matter how a person goes about obtaining a degree of any level within the Church it is only valid in truth if it is not part of any governmental or state run programs. Hey people us common sense search the scriptures. Do it right now. They would not react emotionally to my saying a minister they followed drank water on a regular basis, as they would know this fact would be of no embarrassment to the minister. Thus, I could start my own denomination and open a diploma mill that by cousin Ted and friend Bob accredit for me. Africa Kenneth Copeland Ministries - Africa Private Bag X 909, Fontainebleau, 2032, South Africa Telephone: 27 (11) 699 7700 Her younger brother died of a heart attack. My subject was one Revd Dr Samuel Wainwright, an ultra-Protestant Church of England clergyman (1824-1899), the origin of whose doctorate I could then nowhere trace. The issue at stake in this article remains one of personal integrity, not church/state relations. My mother died with heart disease and her younger brother, her older brother was killed in World War II. Give him credit for that.] Where is Kenneth Copeland Today? His Bio: Net Worth, House, Books The alternative to this status is one in which churches pay taxes to the government on the donations given to them. The 1970s were tremendous years of growth the ministry. Homepage | Kenneth Copeland Ministries He's given you His written Word, and He's given you His Holy Spirit to help you understand it. The fact that someone is angered by my telling those facts shows they really know the practice is wrong and that the public telling of it will be defaming to some minister(s) they follow. My name is Kenneth new heart. The title of doctorate is bestowed by educational institutions with a generally agreed upon amount of work involved to obtain the degree. Sort by: relevance - date. I was duped into an unaccredited degree by one od these places. In other words, his faith message requires believers to lie to themselves, lie to people and lie to God. is published by Anton Hein together with his wife, Janet, and the Apologetics Index team. He also attended North Texas State University where he received his Masters Degree in 1966. Copeland has also written several books and resources. Now wait for it to manifest! Those with real doctorates have earned a right to speak to scholarly issues related to their degree in a way that most others have not. As to the time required to get a doctorate, it takes about four years just to get a Bachelors degree that precedes the earning of a Masters degree required to enter a doctoral program. United States Kenneth Copeland Ministries - United States 14355 Morris Dido Rd Newark, TX 76071 Telephone: +1-817-852-6000. Copeland is a popular preacher of the prosperity gospel, a strand of Christianity that teaches that material wealth and health are signs of God's favor. The ELCA opened their own seminaries to counter the LCMS. Youre a new heart. . A dissertation demonstrates the students sufficient mastery of the subject to be able to use his or her learning synergistically in an advanced writing on the topic in a manner that is supposed to contribute some new insight from the student. Admissions - Kenneth Copeland Bible College You will receive notifications of new posts by email. Sharif, you are most right in asserting that the government should never dictate doctrine or standards to the church. Kenneth Copeland's Living Legacy of Heresy - Pulpit & Pen News Give Him authority over your heart. If you believe finding fault is wrong you have defined your finding fault with me to be wrong. If you are strong in adaptability, leadership and have the right initiative for the . John de Ruiter College of Integrated Philosophy, The Church of Almighty God (Eastern Lightning),, See the contrast between the campus of Columbia Evangelical Seminary ( and the website (, Dr. Who? Im glad Copeland got one. It is hypocritical for diploma mills to argue that this is a worldly intrusion into the church since the mills follow government guidelines for such things as building codes, zoning, and income tax. . The mills overhead is minimal as those who run it do not have to maintain the kind of facilities or qualified staff real schools do. On July 1, a slew of conservative Christians, including conspiracy theorist Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and anti-abortion zealot Abby Johnson, gathered to do far more than pray. Copeland says the man is "not hurt" but there's obviously no way he could know that. I again state what it seems I have had to say many times in this comments thread accreditation does not involve governmental meddling in teaching content. KCBC Program Coordinator - Canada (part-time and onsite) I was under his teachings years ago. Kenneth Copeland, one of the leading preachers of the prosperity gospel, has claimed that God is : very much like you and me having a body, complete with eyes, and eyelids, ears, nostrils, a .
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