It appears extremely paradoxical as though its a small police box on the outside but in reality its a big sci-fi space and time machine on the inside. IN MY OPINION Otzi in a chart can show you a) where your enemies are likely to strike you down, b) where people tend to examine you the most, and/or c) where you cause a lot of speculation. they may have travel-related fears (fear of flying, fear of water, fear of car accidents, etc.) you may be very routine and ritual oriented - you likely get into a zone where you stop paying attention to everything around you and focus solely on what the task is. They see the relationship between two people as an entity separate from the individuals in the relationship. #astrology on Tumblr 3 Mercury Aspects. and a 4h stellium in the persona chart greatttt (he was just trying to herd his sheep). go ask your questions! tennis elbow or carpal tunnel. The energy of a composite affect the individuals in the relationship and draw from their energies, but the composite chart doesnt focus on the individuals, unlike synastry charts, which show us how different energies within the individuals interact with each other. Is marriage astrology really helpful - The Week Key words: Revolution, reassessing, rebuilding, technology, science, socialism, togetherness, connections, organization, class consciousness, idealism. positive aspects: you could have a very muted style used to hide your sexuality, yet still attract a lot of attention. you know whos good at that? Loyal Spouse Astrology | Loving Husband in Astrology | Astro Yogendra Health issues could arise upon you so claiming a lifestyle change you see serves you best is essential, so watch for your relationship with food. They are guided by their tender, loving, and protective hearts. Chiron: aspects with Chiron can point to either healing in the relationship or a shaky foundation or damage in the relationship. in a theatre ? With our research spanning over 36 years and thousands of hours, we have been successful in providing accurate and precise predictions explained to you in simple and easy terms for better understanding. Aquarius is bringing new to whats old, Saturn is authority and government, more radical and socialistic ideals are being held to higher esteem by more people as times grow harsher. Marriage is such a phase of life, in which one must take care not only of one's own but also of the other person's feelings equally. medusa-athene (881) / pallas (2): positive aspects: you may find yourself feeling at home in a feminines space. thus nearly everyone around the world feels the same way. negative aspects: you could be despised for your looks and find yourself punished/ostracized by the one who despises them the most - others may fear/avoid you after this. The Mad Hatter, or Hatter as he is referred to as in Lewis Carrolls novel,acts as a harbinger for Alice on her way through Wonderland. SATURN retrograde people likely had to grow up very quickly - during this retrograde you may need to be more mature. You might not have been or be in a relationship with them for long enough to fully see all the dynamics in action. These couples are attracted to each other instantly. you matter. in my persona chart for this asteroid the sun is in the 2h house ;) so i definitely give that wondrous gift that wasnt even mentioned but is perfect.. @starshinesparkle retrograde is when an object appears to move backward or appears smaller when in reality, it is doing what it always does. power structures will always exist try to evaluate the good and the bad of the one you exist in. Hannibal allegedly swore at an early age to show animosity towards the Roman Republic due to his father being forced to surrender part of Sicily to the Romans. However, when we talk about marriage in astrology, let us consider it a long-term relationship between man and women, which will later convert into the family. but what if that's not enough? my bryon is opposite neptune so i have no clue if this makes my poetry shitty lol? He often explored the human condition by means of politics and spirituality. DNA can be telling as to what you may experience - when DNA is damaged it leads to cell death or apoptosis. His memoir was burned by his publisher after the work detailed his bisexual relations. i recognize that you disagree. get a cat lmao. * Venus Sextile/Trine/conjunct Saturn Constantia is the Latin word meaning constancy. MERCURY: retrograde occurs three or four times a year for around three weeks. you may feel as though no one knows you that well, similar to how medusa had many admirers but none of them knew her. and since we reached 100 posts last night, lets celebrate with this long post! you may participate in some sort of club that takes up a lot of your time - medusa participated in the worship group for athena. And one can find the perfect match with the help of marriage horoscope by name. negative aspects: you may feel as though karma tends to hit you the hardest in life. you may not speak up for yourself all that often - she didnt even try to explain what happened with poseidon to athena. Marriage Horoscope Predictions let you know, Your prospective life partner Favourable periods for your marriage General nature of your married life Predictions on children Your Doshas affecting marriage Yogas influencing your married life Remedies to Doshas Fill the form below to get Marriage Horoscope Average rating: 4.9 The Moon: in the composite chart, the moon is associated with sensitivity and the level of comfort in a relationship. Combinations Which Gives Marriage Problems In Astrology Also, the composite chart sums up the relationship and its dynamics as a whole. as for 2h: banks, via your mothers siblings, could be at your public enemys funeral:), via your grandfather, through nephews and nieces, through step siblings, etc. His invasion from the Alps took the Romans by surprise and led to an incredible defeat of Roman troops - this is the combat often referred to as the Battle of Cannae. First, because we are in the relationship, it is difficult for us to view it from a 3rd party like the composite chart does. IN MY OPINION TARDIS in your chart can show a) where you have incredible tools at your disposal, b) where your opportunity to go anywhere lies, and/or c) where you may have a paradox in your life. IN MY OPINION Santa in a chart represents a) your wonder/wishes, b) where you tend to do a lot of gift giving, c) how you experienced fun/joy as a child (or child-like joy in your life), d) your traditions, and/or e) where you may need to be reminded of how lucky you are as well as where to remain grateful for what you have. you may forget in moments of solitude, your physical changes and feel more like yourself again. Mercury is known as the "messenger of the gods" in astrology because it governs the day-to-day expression between people. you could find yourself eliminating and acting rather ruthlessly towards people when you get extremely upset. leo (5, 17, 29): you have a way of standing out to those around you - its a mystical air - everything about you demands attention! you likely are a bit too stuck in your mind to focus on the body language around you. : Sun in Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius Sun in the 2nd/5th . retrogrades: all the planets and five common asteroids, unnamed and renamed asteroids? IN MY OPINION Lev tolstoj and/or alexejtolstoj in a chart can indicate a) your realistic point of view or how you write in terms of realism, b) where you may be seen as great, c) where you may not receive the prize for your incredible work though it is widely respected and loved, and/or d) where you may inspire political change. ill be in touch ;). your greatest strength is this giving and restorative nature. hear me out - persona charts. they may not feel like they are capable of standing up to others. He is the host of the Tea Party and oftentimes provokes his guests. those moments of unsettling emotions dont stop you from pushing through. If you are already in a relationship, this is a time that if you dont mediate the situation, youll grapple to keep what already is there until it vanishes. You can bear the fruits of your labor through patience, becoming an enigma through soul revolution. i clearly love the learning part but the institution part is like :/. Hannibal fought for many years and up until the very end too - Hannibal became surrounded by Romans and was forced to surrender, but Hannibal poisoned himself instead of submitting to them, his terminal enemies. you could easily attract someone without trying. Ascendant conjunct Venus - I had this aspect with an ex - my Venus conjunct his Ascendant. medusa was scared and upset over her new circumstance, and others were scared of her appearance as well - she reacted to them, and they reacted to her by turning to stone. you likely will attract a lot of the publics attention. thats enough from me. prepare for anything! This is a clean slate at living a life you can build for yourself and others, its essential to make the right choices. DNA is inherited from your ancestors and provides the framework for your health. Treating others with respect is essential. This isnt so much as always about buying a new house or land or simply moving residence, although it could be, but youre being called to reassess and repair your entire fundamental beliefs and expectations. It is literally called the karma bhva. you may also live a very simple life, in which you do not overindulge in food, substances, or other monetarily inclined things. This is what you expect from your soulmate, whether romantic or platonic. affirmations (youre smart, grades arent everything, you gave it your best, you tried today and youll try tomorrow, youre safe, etc.). Birth control helps to regulate hormones like estrogen and progesterone in your body. medusa dedicated the majority of her life to athena and made sure the goddess felt respected and thus pleased. your appearance may paralyze others. ALRIGHT! they may be haunted by their past. its never justmedusa. Astrology and Marriage Indicators: Composite Chart i have a 6h and 9h stellium in this persona chart and i do devote a lot of time to learning about how they work, their energy field, chakra placement, etc. they may experience sickness: chronic or acute - most common is depression (which may cause a lot of isolation from others) and frequent common colds. its okay to let go - if a lot of feelings arise ask yourself: is this a positive feeling (keep) or a negative feeling (next question)? these people may also have an issue with blood - heavy periods, irregular periods, fear of blood, anemia, etc. IN MY OPINION Schulz in your chart can indicate a) interests in comics, b) artistic ability, and/or c) where you may be consider very influential in your field of choice. dont comment when provoked or just to do so - think before you say things. Numerology Sign/Flickr (CC By 2.0) Scorpios born on November 13 possess a powerful conscience and a strong desire for personal autonomy. Love marriage astrology tells you whether you are likely to fall in love, or not, by studying, ascendant, lord of the ascendant, and Venus, and lastly the fifth and the seventh house. negative aspects: you may not be mentally aware of what goes on around you - medusa had no clue the athenian worshipers were worshipping her. venus is a partner - for those that dont care for labeled identities. where educatio is for me and how it affects me personally: 9h in sagittarius at 14 - lol this poor asteroid is conjunct venus, pluto, and chiron. try not to get too into your head both in terms of ego and superego. they carry the bulk of all burdens without realizing that they have become someones personal mule. #Marriage astrology on Tumblr Latest Top cosmicpuzzle Follow 7th Ruler and Meeting Spouse So on request from one of my follower, I decided to make this post. Coal also serves as a reminder to be more mindful of your actions and to not take things for granted - coal used to be popular to heat homes with (kids had to be reminded how lucky they truly were for simply being warm). For marriage astrology, Astrologers also look into the right date and time to get married, because getting married in certain bad timings and days can wreak havoc in married life. you may be rather misunderstood in the social realm similar to medusa - everyone thought she was a goody-goody, a monster, manipulative, and other extremes you may find that your image gets misconstrued most through technology. That day Jupiter in Pisces which falls into his 7th house. popular asteroids that i often see retrograded: aphrodite retrograde people may experience extremes like stalkers or not being adored by others at all. Basically I've seen Pluto in 11th = earning power over people, Saturn in 11th = earning respect and titles, Venus in 11th = earning love or money (wealth indicator), Neptune in 11th = earning a prophecy, deep undivided loyalty & glamour, Mercury in 11th = earning your name to be widespread, knowledge & fast results. To predict future life partner name, Nakshatras play very significant role. The 7H person might idealize the Juno person and think they're perfect for each other. breathing before you speak; people who curse a lot have a lot of penned up energy, gotta let that out if you are trying to not curse as much (especially if you are trying to do so because of children around you) OR breathe when you hear someone curse and you dont like it - not everyone says, acts, or reacts like you and thats okay - its part of the human experience. Free Online marriage prediction service gives you the most comprehensive matching and analysis, guide you how you and your marriage life partner stand on each and every parameter. This may make the individuals focused more on looking strong than working on the fundamentals of the relationships. However, a trine or tight sextile between the moon and sun can point to a tight bond and a strong feeling of comfort in the relationship. Originally posted by freeasabird16048kg. you may find yourself being concerned for others but not speaking to them one-on-one. Now let me explain how astrology helps in marriage time predictions. bella squares neptune for me so sometimes i experience a dysmorphia regarding my beauty - looking in a mirror or seeing a picture of me sometimes really irks me. my advice for surviving this retrograde: as a pluto dominant person, i can tell you, change is natural as is death - both are scary but in time things regulate and become still again. they likely feel as though no one is there when they need someone. generate both charts from there.-> go to my vedic astrology master list and find out how to read north indian vedic chart if you want to know about your future spouse traits. Here are different positions of Venus and Jupiter that foretell different qualities: Presence in Aries means spouse is predicted to be confident, vibrant, commanding and respectful. your change of fate and lifestyle may await you across the water - the asteroids namesake just had to hop on a boat to get to the athenian temple. Estrogen is higher in those who have endometriosis so taking a hormone birth control aids in symptom relief. 3h: you have a powerful mind - like medusa you have power that requires very little effort. to communicate she didnt need words - things were said without actually saying a thing. but ofcourse that is the extreme of it, -10th house dom people tend to be rlly insecure abt their appearence even if they always look great. The composite chart for Beyonc and Jay-Z for example is extremely 1st house-heavy, with the moon, Pluto, Jupiter, sun, and Mercury all within the 1st house. where einstein is for me and how it affects me personally: 9h in sagittarius at 16 - lol yes, this is conjunct educatio and yes, everyone in college comes to me when they need help. USE THIS AS MOMENTARY FOR TRANSITS AND LONG-TERM WHEN PRESENT IN YOUR NATAL CHART. you may be prone to thinking the best of everyone, but you should realize that not everyone is the good guy. i, like tolstoy, believe in toppling governments and the deconstruction of institutions - i belief that there will alway be a chain of command but that we should move towards transcendentalism. This is a wake up call for the collective conscious of humanity, to realize that we need a new system and reorganizing. never try to lower your standards just to fit in and reach a milestone. be careful when asserting yourself or take a note from the URANUS retrograde handbook: stand up for yourself even if its i dont appreciate that you owe no one an explanation. this could be backed by my aldrin quintile mercury and square saturn. hiii, what are the indicators of meeting the person you will marry on the solar return chart?. medusa was viewed as emotionally remote until poseidon happened, then she was constantly emoting. i have written about 25 randomly selected asteroids from my interesting asteroids list on my phone that are NOT mythology related and thus have never been mentioned and likely will never be mentioned again. my advice for surviving this retrograde: brainstorm everything you want to say to assert yourself and pick the best option. * Juno Conjunct/Trine/Sextile Sun they may feel as though they too experienced a lot of unluckiness similar to JUPITER retrograde. whos freakier the virgo sun or virgo mars? they may not be an acts of service type of person - their love language is likely not one that promotes much giving. Bill Clinton got married on 11-10-1975 and he was in RAHU-SATURN, Saturn is lord of navamsha and gave him marriage. When Will You Get Married? Explains Best Marriage Astrologer - Outlook Aries (Saturn in the 11th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly on your connections, friendships, hopes and aspirations. IN MY OPINION Lova in a chart represents a) where you are the most affection towards others and they return the sentiment, b) where you may experience devotion, and/or c) where you are likely to experience an incredible, unforgettable love story. i implore you to read the uranus and saturn aspects to see what resonates! You will get to know whether love marriage or arrange marriage is good for you. if youd like clarification on any retrogrades feel free to comment them or dm me! Fertility and growth are the fundamentals of a successful relationship. she got a lot of hate for the change that was forced on her, but no one stopped to wonder if she was okay - no one questioned, is she scared? you may face a chronic change in your appearance/health. @vernalagniastuff i just responded to someone who also as a leo jupiter so please look for that in the comments. IN MY OPINION Actor in your chart can represent a) where you have a lot of minor roles, b) where you take others in and tend to give them more than they deserve, and/or c) where you are willing to forgive others for how they have wronged someone else. tzi is suspected to have eaten two hours before this death, to have been some sort of shepherd, and to have had a parasitic infection. endometriosis or endo, the shortened named, causes severe pain due to a build up of irregularly grown tissue or scar tissues built up in a womans uterus. they may be quick to anger and have a hard time reallocating that anger into doing something productive. the 5h with a venus ruled degree is well deserved for this authors placement in my chart (i tend to look at the placement of creatives as though it is telling me that i would or do like the creatives work - you could look at any writers asteroid like that including byron who we talked about in this post). out for a walk? you may be prone to committing acts of violence when you find life unfair. you may face isolation from society as this gorgon did, but thats just how it is being special and different you dont always fit in. you may find that you have something to prove - it is often to someone bigger than those around you and that is yourself. you may find yourself going to a feminine when you need help and them betraying you. you may be the unspoken ruler/leader of your circle of people. * Venus in 7th/9th If the 1st house is emphasized, the relationships focus may be the outward appearance of the couple. If you have children, this is a time where your relationship experiences difficulties, a kind of distance or emotional barrier. Long distance travel may be harder to come by during this period, or if it is pursued, it can be a lesson in cultural differences and what it means to connect with others through shared beliefs, or simply beliefs youve never been exposed to before. its okay to not like or feel uncomfortable around masculine energy - stick to the masculines you trust or hang out with feminines! Juno in Synastry, Signs, and Houses: Your Soulmate and Marriage - Astrology in the case of the ones not related to mythology, i DM the asker and tell them that its been added to my asteroids that arent getting more attention than this part _ post. Soul mate & karmic relationship point synastry - MoonsEye Astrology Astrologer can tell you 7 things about marriage - Medium it takes time. sure thing, lets talk about it! Moon and Mars in 6-8 position gives inter caste marriage. ALSO that it is the right birthday year - my bestfriend cass here has a birthday in september, so if she is curious about the year ahead 2022 is perfect BUT if she wants to reflect on the current solar return she has to change the start date year to 2021): ALWAYS ASK A QUESTION WHEN YOU SEND A CHART! He is thought to be the greatest of his time in fact he was nominated for many awards but sadly he never won any of them. MARS retrograde may not be the best of times for asserting yourself with doctors (unless you are a MARS retrograde native) BUT perhaps its a great time to look into symptoms yourself! All this being said, IN MY OPINION DNA in your chart can be a) telling about your health, b) what you have inherited from your ancestors, c) what diseases you are most at risk for, and/or d) your death. they may have very odd dreams or feel as though they are incapable of dreaming (not true, everyone dreams but not everyone can remember what they dreamed). Astrological Cypher | Juno - your soulmate protector the sooner you report it, the more likely that justice can be served. religion is great dont shit on others for not sharing your beliefs or lack thereof though. NEPTUNE retrograde people typically struggle with their thoughts - during this retrograde you may feel like you cant think straight or that you are more critical of yourself. Inter Caste Marriage Astrology - acharya raman kamra You could also run into issues of power and control with authority figures who you deem overbearing, making it difficult for you to hone your own powers. There will be issues of money,trust and faithfulness in the married life of the native. its a bit much, yes? and definitely dont rush into a relationship to catch up to those around you - its not a competition. positive aspects: you may have daydreamed a lot about your ideal life when you were younger, only to find yourself living that life later in life. * Venus conjunct vertex For example, my sun is 3 in Virgo, and my boyfriends sun is 8 in Aries. i implore you to read the mars and pluto aspects to see what resonates! you know who gets that job? 8h: lets get the triggering portion cleared - this is the house of sex and medusa was raped. Nakshatra in which you are born depends on the conjunction between planets and constellation at the time of your birth. The expression eureka originates in Greece as the term heurka meaning I have found it. Now the word is a popular expression used when someone is overjoyed with their discovery. and feel free to skip over my reflections on my placements, i provided them because of how kissessinthe worded their question. this program could be to bring awareness to a cause (could be about religion or sexual abuse). The 2nd house represents the family and any addition to the family. Timing Of Marriage Via Astrology - THEVEDICHOROSCOPE.COM This term is most commonly used in impermanent relationships. This is a time for a big turning point in your life, a shift within your residence may occur during the period, or a difficult journey to process internal feelings is among you. appreciate a job well done by you! * Juno same sign/house as sun you are meant to be a leader. please use my ask me anything button if you want to see a specific asteroid god/goddess next! you like the asteroids namesake may be a walker especially when you are getting stuff done or when you are upset - this gorgon wandered all around greece post-transformation in a blind rage. The Cheshire Cat is one of those characters that tend to be smug with an omniscient aura. you may fear the spotlight due to a fear of failure, but ill let you in on a secret: you will not fail - the asteroids namesake was the head of the congregation, and then when she felt like all hope was lost and she died, she was still a symbol of safety and protection. Many believed he died from the arrow wound - some believe that it was multiple people who may have come for him, that their was an attempt to remove the arrowhead, and that his body was moved to the higher, snowier elevation. so ill be honest with you all, im a walking health hazard. turns out my partnership is my paradox and my opportunity to travel is. my only advice is not to take things so seriously, if you are looking for romance :/ get a book - its definitely not perfect day one of any dating scene.
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