Just pray a little prayer and you're forever saved while in your sins. Legal Statement. The old way of living has disappeared. This was one serious mistake I made as I now realise we need to be like the Bereans (Acts 17:11) to check out what is taught even by preachers as no one is above Gods word. [7], The Star Vista is a shopping mall occupying the bottom six floors of The Star, a 15-storey mixed use complex that the church co-developed with CapitaLand and was opened in September 2012. His six-year-old son, Justin, had two skull fractures andwas bleeding and throwing up after he fell from a high place on the playground during recess. A large proportion of New Creation Church servers seem to worship Joseph Prince. 3. Marquaello Futrell told the alleged would-be robbers that he still had "a cop anointing." MmNlMzYzOWM3MzNkNmE0ZjYwZWE3ZGNkNjhkMGRlMWU3ZjhjNTVjMzJkNGJm This article is now fully available for you, Please verify your e-mail to read this subscriber-only article in full. It added: "The Council is disappointed with the manner in which the reports were generated and circulated without proper effort having being made to validate the facts. ", In a statement, the church said that according to stipulations from the authorities before the tender was awarded to Rock Productions, the venue had to operate "on a purely commercial basis and will not implement any leasing or pricing policies that will discriminate between religious groups, institutions or organisations from hiring the venue". [8] In November 2019, the church paid S$296 million to acquire the mall after it heard that CapitaLand was in talks with buyers for a potential sale. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. Tithes and . "The gospel is all about grace. John stated it is only he who does what is right who is righteous! "I still got a cop anointing and I still know whats going on, and I still know whats about to happen. One month ago, in May 2019, we posted an article titled "California School District Teachings on Pedophilia Reminder of Child Sexual Abuse Epidemic and Cover-Ups." We also introduced a new book we now carry called Wolves Among Sheep by pastor Stacey Shifflet (a pastor who blew the whistle on sexual abuse in the church and was ostracized for doing so). Isaiah 66:22 Verse Concepts He has the guts to do what many of his seniors dont, to publicly share his journey with New Creation Church. NzhkMjE1ZWI5OGU1ZDA0ZTc2OGRlYzM3Yjk3OGQ4OGQyN2FjZTQzZjJmYzAw 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. The council also said that it regards Mr Prince's net worth as personal in nature. MTk1MTYyMjJkODFjZTQ1NjIzYTk3MDQwMWQ1OGE4ZDFlYzE5ZmNhNzk0OTg0 Yjg2ODMzNmNlOTZmYmQ1NjdjOTk4MWY2YTcxNTFiZGVjYTllOTVjMTViNzM3 As Rev George Ong rightly puts it in Volume 1, Chapter 22: The Deceitfulness & Destructiveness Of Half-Truths, on his website, he describes Joseph Princes gospel as a No-repentance, no-obedience, no-discipleship, no-cost-of-Christianity, no-sacrifice, no-suffering, no-persecution, no-martyrdom, no-law, no-effort, no-works, no-fasting, no-more-moral-commandments-of-God-to-obey, no-fear-of-God, no-more-anger-from-God, no-more-punishment-from-God, no-more-judgement-from-God, no-sanctification-for-salvation, no-more-pleasing-and-loving God, no-more-examination-of-self, no-more-sins-to-confess, no-more-conviction-of-sin-from-the-Holy-Spirit, no-more-sin-to-deal-with, no-more-guilt-to-bother-you-with grace gospel. The Oct 7 report, which has been making its rounds online, was published on www.richestlifestyle.com, an entertainment website which describes itself as "dedicated to the celebrity lifestyle", and "giving you scoops on luxury cars and yachts" and "celebrity net worth". ZTgxMjIzMjg4MDMwZmJlOTUyZGMzMGZiZDkyYWMwN2E4ZGJiZmMxODRmMzBl But nowhere does the Bible say that the moral law has been made obsolete. The church hasfunds and reserves of S$633 million, which is set aside to be used for future needs and to advance its vision and mission. It is owned and managed by Rock Productions, the business arm of the church. Marquaello Futrell told the alleged would-be robbers that he still had "a cop anointing.". The Apostle Paul collaborates with John and drives another nail in the theological coffin lid of Joseph Prince's putrid grace message: Folks, it's apparent the devil doesn't believe our future sins are already forgiven because he continues to tempt us to sin! "All glory to Jesus!" Joseph Princes constant preoccupation is to get rid of the moral law for New Covenant believers. Our belief is all of Him in all of life. [5] Specifically, the church has given SGD581,500 to community groups and charities during the period between April 2007 and March 2008. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. 31,382 were here. Taking verses out of their contexts is what he consistently and frequently does. That is God's truth and what all Christians should believe. Joseph Prince is much worse than the typical prosperity teacher. MzliZGRmY2VkNzQ0NDQ3ZWI2NWQ4ZGJkNmUyNTk0YjY0NGI3MWMxMDQyZDY4 Directions. Joseph Prince thinks he is teaching like Paul, yet still smears the Apostle Paul as doing evil (the things he hates) and not overcoming sin! Williams with the Windcrest Police Department investigated the case. Looking back, I can now see why there is always a spike in attendance to over 40,000 on every annual Vision Sunday. (Google Maps). It was sort of refreshing to hear the messages he preached, which, at that time, was radically different and seemed to make sense. Instead of Destined To Reign being the secret to something new, it really only offers the same old Scriptural distortions used by past eternal security teachers, who have been around for a long time! [11][12] The Star PAC comprises a 5,000-seat theatre, a multi-purpose hall, an outdoor amphitheatre, special function rooms and other facilities. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. Friends, does this still sound like the gospel that the early church preached? If you are new, don't be afraid to click that New to NCOM button! The congregation of All Creation Northview Holiness Family Church in Ferguson, Missouri, foiled an alleged armed robbery attempt with prayer. 530 . It holds services at The Star Performing Arts Centre. New Creation Church, which is a member of the National Council of Churches of Singapore, first started holding meetings from a flat in block 17 Holland Drive in 1983. The Rock Auditorium, however, soon grew too small for the congregation which moved toThe Star Performing Arts Centre in 2012. The complete theology of Joseph Prince of New Creation Church regarding security is dealt with and refuted. There is nothing wrong with me. 9 & 11am every Sunday. "Well, we know what you know. When honest questions are raised about doctrines taught by Joseph Prince, it would be seen by them as attacking the person of Joseph Prince. Of course, this was a false interpretation, which I didnt realise then. Get K E Mathews's email address (m*****@newcreation.org.sg) and phone number (+65 9688 ..) at RocketReach. The mission of New Creation Counseling Center is to provide outpatient mental health counseling and psychiatric medication services to all those in need, regardless of their ability to pay. 5:24). The men of the REALM have served their country, while ignoring their responsibilities to home and love, but now Bonaparte is defeated, they each mean to claim their portion of a new and prosperous England. A person doing sinful things is of the devil. Ex-Server of New Creation Church, Singapore, Jason Liew: Joseph Princes Grace Theology is Mainly about Health & Wealth, but Nothing about Suffering & Martyrdom, Rev George Ong: Joseph Princes Assertion that Jesus in the gospels was operating under Old Covenant Law is Sacrilegious as it Blatantly Contradicts Christs Teaching, Andrew Tan Shares His Testimony about His 20-Year Journey with New Creation Church (Jun 2000-Oct 2020) & Joseph Princes False Teachings, Rev George Ong: Joseph Prince puts words in Jesus mouth, teaches against Christ on the rapture & double-talks, Rev George Ong: Joseph Princes signs & wonders to establish the truth of his doctrine is refuted by Derek Prince, Rev George Ong: Joseph Princes use of Romans 5:9 about Gods wrath that excuses us from tribulation is erroneous, Rev George Ong: Joseph Princes use of blessed hope in Titus 2:13 to justify escape from tribulation is flatly false, Rev George Ong: Martyn Lloyd-Jones view: scripture, not results nor testimonies, is the test of Joseph Princes teachings. "I immediately just had the hairs [stand] on the back of my neck. We must never sacrifice truth for the sake of unity. Wednesday Evening Service. The NCC spokesman said: A business entity was necessary for us to participate in a tender in 2007 to build, lease and operate The Star, an integrated civic, cultural and retail hub. (All Creation Northview Holiness Family Church), The Rev. I was also convinced by Rev George that Joseph Prince, is indeed, a wolf in sheepskin. that too great a creation of paper money would, sooner or later, bring the country to bankruptcy, were . N2EzMDJmNzlmNjJkYzRjMjY4MGU3Y2ZhZjJkNzMwZGM3MTY1MzRiMzBmMjdh [6], The New Creation Church Group consists of the church as well as its for-profit business entities which it says have generated a net surplus every year. NzJjYTBmMGYzMDZjYzc2ZGFjODBiNjc3ZTljNGVlM2JlODFiOGU1MmM1OTdm Borrowing a quote from Charles Spurgeon, To pursue union at the expense of truth is treason to the Lord Jesus. Have we been compromising the truth for the sake of a false unity with false teachers? CLICK TO REGISTER It is the most exhaustive refutation to eternal security ever written and available in both softback and hardback at Evangelical Books. Help us reach countless others around the world with the gospel that first transformed your life. NWJiYzcyYjI0YzM3ODVkNDI5MmVjNGNmNmMxNDViODE0OGZkMDRlOTg5NDNi "You stepped foot on All Creation parking lot. As you know, the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), which is Christs commandment for the Church was never preached by Joseph Prince, and discipleship, which is Christs core teaching, was what Joseph Prince teaches against. International Standard Version Therefore, if anyone is in the Messiah, he is a new creation. Contact Us. To date, I have read about 70% of the 4,800 pages of notes and viewed all 46 videos on his website. Pastor Fred K. Price Jr. left his 28,000-member Crenshaw Christian Center church in shock when he announced that he was stepping down from the pulpit due to "personal misjudgments.". 3:14; Rev. NEW FOCUS ON CHURCH ARMED SECURITY AFTER DEADLY TEXAS WORSHIP SERVICE SHOOTING, The congregation of All Creation Northview Holiness Family Church in Ferguson, Missouri, foiled an alleged armed robbery attempt with prayer. [2], In 1999, the church moved to the Rock Auditorium in Suntec City Mall. [3], Ten per cent of the church's annual budget which was about US$4million (as of Year 2007) was set aside for missionary work. There has been a fair share of religious scandals over the years. Also, the church is striving to become bonded together in the love of God through his people Pastor: Yvonne Hawkins-Bell We invite all new converts to come out and be a part of our Christian Education Classes. New Hope Church. YmU1NmQzNjdkMGZjYzg1NDYyZmViYTRlYzdjM2I1N2Q4ZWQ5NGQ5NGVjMmQz YWI4NDZjOTBmNjRlYzc5YWFjMTc5OTJlYzI0MzhiNmRlZTEyZWYzMDkyOWY2 During the years in New Creation Church, I had accepted Joseph Princes sermon unquestionably, as I had wrongly assumed that a Pastor, including Pastor Joseph Prince, would have some form of authority regarding the preaching and interpretation of Gods word. Gods about to change the plot of the enemy. Is God a genie whose job is to grant you 3 wishes every year? 33:18; Rom. Follow him on Twitter @stevensantana88, San Antonio woman pleads guilty to stealing over $600,000 from Windcrest church, SAPD: 11-year-old boy hospitalized after gunshot to the head, Texas bill proposes tax cuts for only straight, married couples, South Texans want to know who's behind the 'Booty Patrol' truck, 'Naked and Afraid' lets San Antonio mom show off survival skills, Costco to open first $15M store in Central Texas this March, Texas mom accused of killing her children has history of violence, Former Boerne QB investigated for allegedly sharing XFL plays, Rooftop bar Cowboys and Cadillacs to grace downtown New Braunfels, Video shows drunk driver try to flee crash that killed Texas cop, PHOTOS: Massive alligator spooks locals along a South Texas road, Residents curious about 'U.S. Reach out at steven.santana@mysa.com. "Keep listening to messages about the Lord's finished work and partaking of the Communion. No. Joseph Prince also endorses Creflo Dollar in one of his sermons. All rights reserved. Let's not doubt Him. The Ferguson Police Department later confirmed that the four men left the church in a black Dodge Charger with tinted windows, according to the local outlet. San Antonio, TX 78250, Thursdays: It's Time: The Inspirational Hour- 7:00pm: FB Live, LITURGICAL EVENTS POLICY DURING COVID -19, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1.800.273.8255 | 24/7. 2:18; 1 Tim. "Every time we had Communion with Justin, his headaches got less painful, to the point when he told us he would rather just partake of the Communion that to take the painkillers that the doctors had given him!". OGNmNmNhMTcxOGIwNGRiYjIzZmUzZmI3N2UyMmQzZmZmOTJmMmJkMGJkNWU0 Pastor Joseph Prince packed out the Hulu Theather at Madison Square Garden in New York City. New Creation Church | English Services Online Our Next online english service starts in 03 DAYS : 10 HR : 58 MIN : 24 SEC Sunday English Services Sunday English Services Sunday English Services Sunday English Services Sunday English Services Sunday English Services SGT: 11.30AM | 2.30PM | 5.30PM | 8.30PM Prince calls Communion the "proverbial 'fountain of youth' mankind has been in search of for generations" and"is more powerful than any medicine, antibiotic, or medical procedure." NjRmNjllZjRmODZkNmQzMjExODJiOWY1MTY3ODJmZmVkNTBkOTMzMGY1MTRh Pastor Joseph Prince packed out the Hulu Theather at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Find Out More NEXT SERVICE March 3, 2023 9:30 PM 07 hours 56 min 32 sec Watch Today's Broadcast Latest Episode On Demand Watch Now For a limited time only Yours for a gift of any amount Request Now (Joseph Prince), "My ministry is all about exalting the name of Jesus and proclaiming the Gospel of Grace," Prince concluded, adding, "My desire is for this generation to discover that the power to reign over every sin, bondage, and addiction comes from receiving not just grace, but the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness! 9 & 11am every Sunday. A Christian is righteous because of his present tense faith in the Lord Jesus (Rom. After salvation, sin can nullify a Christian's righteous and holy standing before God and make him unholy, impure, unrighteous and spiritually dead! It was my first time listening to Joseph Prince in person. He'ssharing about the power of the Holy Communion, something he talks about in his latest book. God is always pleased with us, and what we do or dont do cannot change His opinion of us. Concisely stated, Joseph Prince (of Singapore) presents his book as a type of secret cure all, but . God Himself says that He will guide us from within. Read the Compelling Testimonies of Other Ex New Creation Church Members (Joseph Princes Church): Although Peter Tok Yi Xiang is half my age, he has the courage of one who is twice his age. If that happens, Christ will be of no effect to him. Joseph Prince is a pastor to a congregation of more than 30,000 people in Singapore, and now he's coming to the US. And what hurts adults, can devastate young folks. MjZhMGRmOGE2YmQ3ZGIzYmE0OWQ4MDNmOGY3MjUyZjE5ZGQ2M2E0YmU0YmRj Our God is faithful! A San Antonio woman will serve prison time after pleading guilty to stealing over half a million dollars from the New Creation Christian Fellowship. Ruvader pled guilty to stealing about $667,542 from the church to pay personal expenses, including a trip to Hawaii, shopping sprees at local malls, dining at upscale restaurants, fast food, personal loan payments and personal cell phone payments. PAULA WHITE ON HOW SHE BECAME TRUMP'S SPIRITUAL ADVISER AND WHY HE'LL CARRY EVANGELICAL VOTE IN 2020. That when you walked on the ground, you walked on Holy Ghost turf. They discovered she took funds from the bank accounts from January 6, 2014, and September 12, 2019. C. The False Teachings of Joseph Prince are Massive. 6:8; etc.). Joseph Prince even admits to such towards the back of his book! But some of us are still dragging old pain into today. Again, his teaching is nothing new and God surely didn't reveal to Joseph Prince his secret to effortless success! New houses were built in every direction; an illusory prosperity shone over the land, and so dazzled the eyes of the whole nation, that none could see the dark cloud on the horizon announcing the storm that was too rapidly approaching. It is not affiliated to any church overseas. He believes it can be the difference between life and death. From Australian country towns to schools in Ireland and cities across the US, the Catholic Church has faced an avalanche of child sexual abuse accusations in the last few decades. Give. What partly contributed to my acceptance of Joseph Princes teachings was also because nobody from my previous church had refuted his teachings. [14][15][16][17], The Star, comprising The Star Vista and The Star PAC, was envisioned as a "futuristic complex with restaurants, shops and a 5,000-seat theatre", and costs an estimated SGD1billion. Perhaps, if my previous church had taught and forewarned the congregation about the heresies of Joseph Prince, I might not even have attempted to listen to Joseph Princes sermons and attend New Creation Church in the first place. [9], Omega Tours & Travel Pte Ltd is a travel agency that specialises in package and private tours to Holy Land destinations in Israel, Jordan, Turkey and Greece. Dec 13, 2022 Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; Your Spirit is good. The New Creation Church is endeavoring to become loving, forgiving, and accepting of each other. Quotes tagged as "new-creation" Showing 1-14 of 14. Never even in Joseph Prince full length sermons will you hear him teach that. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Market data provided by Factset. And for the New York Times best-selling author, whose new book is called"Eat Your Way to Life and Health: Unlock the power of the Holy Communion," it's something he learned himself, which he calls a "neglected but very powerful truth.". . MzMwZjJiMDU4OTA3MTZiMzc5MDkwOTgwYTU2MmY4OWYzMzI1YTYwYjRjYjJi "A Night of Worship with Joseph Prince" included worship and teaching on the Holy Communion. By registering, you agree to our T&C and Privacy Policy. ", He says a lot of pastors and teachers today point their fingers at what they're against, robbing believers of the good news. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, New Creation Church (Chinese: ), or abbreviated as NCC, is a Christian megachurch in Singapore founded in 1984. They said that Mr Prince had shared with them that his net worth is "substantially lower than the US$5m that has been alleged". Some S$122 million, or about 85 per cent of NCCs 2018 earnings, came from tithes and offerings from the congregation. Although members say they still have no idea about the nature of his sin, they remain on the defensive about their former pastor. What Rev George Ong wrote in the 10 volumes of ebooks and said in his many videos on his website greatly helped me to confirm what Joseph Prince teaches are false. . NWVhNWMyN2Q1ZDZlMjEzNmNhNGJiNDA4NmZlM2M2YjM5OGMzMDk2NjZmMjQ0 This is not helped by the fact that New Creation Church Pastors perpetuate this hero-worship by constantly talking about Joseph Prince. NjFlNWFiNWRjNGVhZmUwNzkwNzcyNzMxNDJlM2U5ZTkxOTU3YTQ4NWQ4ODBl He who does what is sinful is of the devil, but again Joseph Prince denies that, teaches against that message and simultaneously states all through Destined To Reign that he is hearing God's direct voice! On average, about 34,000 worshippers joined NCCs Sunday Services last year at the The Star which boasts a 5,000-seat theatre. (Joseph Prince). Today, NCC ownsDaystar Child Development Centre, and a subsidiary, Rock Productions whichowns The Star Performing Arts Centre, Shine Auditorium, Rock Gifts & Book Centre and Omega Tours & Travel, which primarily provides tour packages to Israel. The first push factor that led me to leave New Creation Church was when the church decided to buy over The Star Vista from CapitaLand at the end of 2019. A DANGEROUS False Teacher Dan Corner Testing Joseph Prince With Scripture Joseph Prince (born May 15, 1963) of Joseph Prince Ministries is the Pentecostal senior pastor of one of Asia's biggest churches (New Creation Church) and the author of the best-selling book entitled, Destined To Reign. He mentioned that the text has to do with our bitterness and that being justified by the law means one has fallen from grace or one has missed grace. Officially opened on 1 November 2012, The Star PAC spans levels 3 to 11, known as the civic and cultural zone, of the building called The Star. [4] Currently, the church is still committed to helping missionaries. BISHOP DAVID M. COPELAND SENIOR PASTOR REV. The senior pastor of New Creation Church talked to Fox News after the first stop on his U.S. tour of worship nights in New York City before his event in Washington, D.C., where he was. According to polls, an . I am not shifting blame. "I hear a lot of preachingthat emphasizes you, not what God has done," which he calls "thebiggest heresy" today. Your part is just to follow the flow. MWZmMzc4OTQ0MGYyYzhkZWI5NjBhY2ZmZDlhM2MxZDEwOWIwNTU3MDgwNTYy But he falsely teaches that the root of bitterness was the common bitterness that we experienced, and he ascribed the cause of it to the law. It holds services at The Star Performing Arts Centre. When the doctors said all they could give him was painkillers, Prince and his wife, Wendy, partook communion with their second-grader atthe hospital. -----END REPORT-----. "New Creation Christian Fellowship trusted this defendant to help them do some good for our community. NTBiZDI3MzJmNDAxNTcxMTM0YTBjYjlhNzM4MmRmM2ExYjRmZDRmMDFhNzNh It wasn't hidden by the blood of Christ! OWFjZDY3NjgzMDdhMTUyNWYzM2ZkZWQ5Mzk2N2NiMDAyNDAwYmNmYzA3MjZl Legal Statement. It is a non-denominational Christian church, and a member of the National Council of Churches of Singapore. Please feel free to email her if you have any questions about New Creation Church! NzFkYzU4MGU1MzdlZjg5NjI1MjgwOGM5NWVlNWMxMDMxYmMwMzE5MjFiMWI1 New Creation Church, which is a member of the National Council of Churches of Singapore, first started holding meetings from a flat in block 17 Holland Drive in 1983. [See chapter 7 of the book, The Believer's Conditional Security: Eternal Security Refuted.] It is purportedly has an office in New York. ", ANDREW BRUNSON, PASTOR IMPRISONED IN TURKEY FOR CHRISTIAN FAITH, TELLS 'GOD'S SIDE OF THE STORY'. Joseph Prince Daily Devotional, his books and the man himself, are popular and well-received, but his teachings are dangerous! The history of the monarchy of the United Kingdom and its evolution into a constitutional and ceremonial monarchy is a major theme in the historical development of the British constitution. Tune in at 11.30am, 2.30pm, 5.30pm or 8.30pm SGT on bit.ly/NCCStreamEn or youtube.com/NewCreationChurch . No matter what diagnosis you might have received from your doctor, keep filling your heart with scriptures," Prince said. In a statement posted on its website on Tuesday, the council said that the pastor had stopped drawing a salary from the church since 2009. Ruvader was the executive assistant to New Creation Bishop David Copeland and worked for the church for over 30 years. My present spiritual food comes from Jerry Savelle Ministries International in which I am a partner. After they agreed to receive prayer, the congregation prayed for the young men for several minutes. Good News Translation Anyone who is joined to Christ is a new being; the old is gone, the new has come. Innovativediscipleship,Investedlifestyles, in salvation, holiness, stewardship and service, 8700 Fourwinds Dr. Windcrest, Texas 78239, Sundays:Worship Service -10:00am: FB Live &YouTube, Wednesdays: Mid Week Service - 6:45pm: FB Live & Youtube, New Creation Christian Fellowship:Northwest Campus, Sundays: 5300 Heath Rd. 8:13 cf. In this post covid season, the culture has reopened. He shares testimonies of people throughout the book whohave been healed by the power of Holy Communion. He will wrapup his U.S. tour in Los Angeles on Oct. 30. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. He was preaching on the root of bitterness in Hebrews 12:15. . [1], The church was founded by a small group including Joseph Prince, Henry Yeo, David Yeow and Jack Ho in 1983. An NCC spokesman explained that the church ventured into business to establish a permanent place of worship after years of moving from hotel to hotel to hold its services. MDI2ZWQ5NTcxM2M5ZmY0MWM4ZGZmNjA5YTYwOWVkZmJkZTkyOTczNTRhOGEx Fourth, Joseph Prince also frequently preaches that there is nothing we can do that can change Gods opinion of us. We must never sacrifice truth for the sake of unity. F. Joseph Prince is Preaching the False Gospel. We want you to feel welcomed. FIRST TIME VIRTUAL GUEST OR DESIRED MEMBERSHIP: Mid Week Service - 6:45pm: FB Live & Youtube, : It's Time: The Inspirational Hour- 7:00pm: FB Live. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. You hear us say it all the time - we've seen His faithfulness over and over! Jesus Christ takes centre place in our church, from the focus of our services, outreach efforts and worship to our day-to-day operations and volunteer activities. Yet, the true shepherds of God must start to refute the false teachings of Joseph Prince and warn their sheep from straying into his fold. OGJjOWUwMzJkMmMwNzZiZmJkNmNjMDMyNjg0NGE5NDVlMzI1NmFmNDM4ZmUx Though this sounds very good to the flesh, it is unbiblical. There is no need for me to serve, be accountable, confess my sins, be obedient to Gods laws, and be a disciple of Christ. New Creation Church is the church I got married in and I have been there till 2 years ago. The investigation is reportedly continuing. New Creation Church is a non-denominational church in Singapore led by Pastor Joseph Prince. View history New Creation Church ( Chinese: ), or abbreviated as NCC, is a Christian megachurch in Singapore founded in 1984. Here Is A QUICK WAY To Know Joseph Prince Is DANGEROUS. Another indication of hero-worship is the constant preoccupation of church members to protect Joseph Prince at all cost. OGUyZjExMmIzM2Y1YjM3MzVmYzBiNDI3NzUyYTQ4NmVkMmZlYjVlOTI0NTQ3 In fact, hypocrisy is a serious sin that Jesus severely reprimanded the Pharisees of in Matthew 23. 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Why I left New Creation Church - YouTube 0:00 / 35:26 Why I left New Creation Church 32,527 views Premiered Apr 3, 2021 Pastor Joseph Prince from New Creation Church has deviated from the. If not, by your silence, you are admitting that Joseph Prince is preaching a gospel that should be accepted and that he is not wrong in his teachings. How can Joseph Prince who goes against two of Christs most important priorities be preaching the Jesus of the Bible? eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiZTU2OTBiOWI2MGIwOGVkZjk0YTdlYmIxOWIwYmFlYjAz DR. CLAUDETTE A. COPELAND PASTOR EMERITA MEET OUR STAFF PASTOR REGINA POPE During the years in New Creation Church, I had accepted Joseph Princes sermon unquestionably, as I had wrongly assumed that a Pastor, including Pastor Joseph Prince, would have some form of authority regarding the preaching and interpretation of Gods word.
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