The PDF will include all information unique to this page. The Northeastern University Marketing Association (NUMA) is a dedicated student group that wants to satisfy the interest of those students who wish to incorporate marketing into their lives and future careers. One dozen award-winning media industry guest speakers deliver lectures on the vital topics reshaping the entertainment landscape. (4 Hours). Focuses on active skill building and tool development in a practice-oriented approach that is quickly and directly applicable to students future careers. Offers students an advanced-level experiential learning opportunity working directly with a faculty mentor on an academic marketing research project. Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, Embedded Systems, Quality-of-Service for Multimedia Networking, Computer Networks Management and Design. Boston, MA 02115 Provides an overview of the role of marketing in business and society. Program Structure: 55 credits, two concentrations plus a paid corporate residency of up to 12 months. (3 Hours). Designed to prepare communication professionals who appreciate the need for responsible advocacy when responding to crises. Attribute(s): NUpath Ethical Reasoning, NUpath Formal/Quant Reasoning, NUpath Writing Intensive. Focuses on the entire sales effort. Students work with a variety of materials, contemporary and historical, theoretical and empirical, fiction and nonfiction. Associate Teaching Professor and Vice Chair for Undergraduate Education, Electrical and Computer Engineering. (4 Hours). (4 Hours). COMM2650. Theories of Conflict and Negotiation. Focuses on developing student skill in analyzing the customer and business environment and using that analysis to build an effective marketing strategy. Students are expected to apply statistical concepts and have the opportunity to use SPSS, Python, and/or R for analyzing marketing data sets. Popular Communication. Free Speech: Law and Practice. The DRS was developed by the Northeastern University Library as a tool for University faculty and staff to protect the valuable information and data that has been created as part of the University's research . 617.373.2000 (4 Hours). Investigates how companies can create customer value through artificial intelligence. Offers students an opportunity to study landmark cases and trials, critically test their reasoning, present talks on the fundamental principles of the rule of law, and deliver accusations and defenses in some of the landmark cases of the international criminal tribunals. (4 Hours). Attribute(s): NUpath Formal/Quant Reasoning, COMM1131. Examines the role of marketing and business in societys central contemporary problems as well as the way marketing can take a positive and influential role in the efforts to address these problems. MKTG4504. Ernest Rollins | Media Coordinator. This practice-oriented course focuses on active skill building and tool development that is quickly and directly applicable to students future careers. 310 Renaissance Park, Introduces those aspects of marketing that are unique to international business within the framework of traditional functional areas of marketing. Offers students an opportunity to learn how platforms change the way firms and consumers transact; identify customer groups whose affiliation with the platform is most valuable; understand the dynamics and limitations of platform-based network effects; design competitive platform-based marketing strategies; and develop plans for turning products and services into sustainable customer-centric platforms. (4 Hours). Studies one of the key techniques of the fascist movements of the 20th century, rhetoric, in all of its facets: from propaganda leaflets, organized rallies, and prepared speeches, to objects of visual and multimodal rhetoric. Internship in Communication. (4 Hours). (4 Hours). Focuses on in-depth project in which a student conducts research or produces a product related to the students major field. New methods of data collection and analysis have the potential to revolutionize the way that businesses are organized and run. Also covers issues of cultural competence in the workplace so that students can become more informed about how approaches to business and work relationships differ across cultures. Minimum of 3-5 years of professional experience in communications, marketing, or journalism. Requires students to analyze cases and address both pragmatic and ethical factors related to these cases. Communication Criticism. Protect The Pack Placing Our Experts In Premier Media Outlets. MKTG4993. Offers students an opportunity to better understand our society and enhance an ethical mind-set, while highlighting the ways marketers can contribute to societal well-being. Offers students an opportunity to understand and engage with online community and how this relates to topics such as human behavior, identity, and communication online. Offers students an opportunity to learn how to distinguish between an incident and a crisis; to analyze communication practices and methods applied during a crisis; to apply social scientific theory to explain how and why a crisis occurred; and to draw upon theory to develop effective crisis communication plans. COMM3320. Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. Interpersonal Communication. Prerequisite(s): (ENGL 1111 with a minimum grade of C or ENGW1111 with a minimum grade of C or ENGL 1102 with a minimum grade of C or ENGW1102 with a minimum grade of C ); (COMM1210 with a minimum grade of D- or COMM1225 with a minimum grade of D- or COMM1231 with a minimum grade of D- or COMM1255 with a minimum grade of D- or COMM 1310 with a minimum grade of D- or COMM1331 with a minimum grade of D- or COMM1412 with a minimum grade of D- ), COMM3414. Surveys core concepts, histories, and controversies in the design, use, and critical study of communication technologies that both shape and are shaped by social relationships and social institutions (such as work, education, religion, and the family). MKTG6234. Cases highlight the research process, mobile qualitative methods, and practical decision-making skills. (4 Hours). Introduces how to measure, analyze, and evaluate the profit impact of marketing actions (MAP) by bringing together marketing, strategy, and finance. (4 Hours). The combined major between business administration and communication studies provides students with a robust overview of business and communication studies. Public Relations Principles. MKTG6222. Opens New Window. Offers students an opportunity to obtain skills to design and evaluate campaigns through the completion of their own campaign projects and to learn about visual and verbal arguments and the unique ethical and other considerations of health campaigns. Introduces students to the College of Arts, Media and Design. Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. Provides an overview of the major qualitative and quantitative marketing research methodologies available to marketing managers. Group Communication. Principles of Organizational Communication. Provides an overview of the new-product-development process, with an emphasis on customer involvement in this process. MKTG6200. (4 Hours). Surveys the field of communication studies. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 15,747 (fall 2021), its setting is urban, and the campus size is 73 acres. Encourages students to share and translate their findings for relevant academic and professional communities. Provides detailed insights on such topics as new-product strategy, idea generation, idea selection and evaluation, concept development and testing, product development and testing, and market testing. Customer Value and the Enterprise. Marketing Research. Advance Northeastern University's goal of giving 100% of students a global . Social Movement Communication. #Black Twitter and Black Digital Culture. (1-4 Hours). Focuses on identifying and acquiring relevant data to address different marketing challenges, conducting relevant quantitative analyses, and communicating obtained insights across the organization to make better marketing decisions. (4 Hours). Studies companies from startups to large multinationals across a variety of industries. myNortheastern Opens New Window, Privacy Policy Easy, breezy, risky:Lay investors fail to diversify because correlated assets feel more fluent and less riskyCornil, Y., Hardisty, D. J., Yakov BartOrganizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes2019, Market-Oriented Culture and Customer Feedback ProcessesMorgan, N.A., Bruce Clark, Vorhies, D.Edward Elgar Publishing2019, The impact of customer engagement behaviors and majority/minority information on the use of online reviewsPaul Fombelle, Baker, T.L., Voorhees, C., Hall, K., Runnalls, B.Edward Elgar Publishing2019, Putting Words in Their Mouths: Examination of Pre-written ContentBeck, J.M., Paul Fombelle, Voorhees, C., Lemon, K.N.Marketing Science Institute2019, Dame Anita Roddick: Transforming Personal Values and Strengths to Build an EmpireFelicia LasskGo-To-Market Strategies For Women Entrepreneurs: Creating and Exploring Success2019, Is Best Answer Really The Best Answer? Prerequisite(s): MKTG6200 with a minimum grade of C- or MKTG 6208 with a minimum grade of C- or MKTG6318 with a minimum grade of C-, MKTG6214. Presents the principles, history, and methods of public relations; processes of influencing public opinion; responsibilities of the public relations practitioner; and analyses of public relations programs. After a nationwide search, Northeastern Illinois University has named Christopher Childers as its new Executive Director of Marketing and Communications. (3 Hours). COMM3530. (4 Hours). Environmental Issues, Communication, and Media. The concentration in marketing encourages students to examine marketing as a driver of business growth, while considering the ethical and sustainable practices that are necessary for business and societal benefit. estimated this salary based on data from 3 employees, users and past and present job ads. Other topics include group dynamics, family, learning, personality, and emotions and their impact on the business world. Sports Broadcasting. Health Communication. Communication and Storytelling. May be repeated without limit. A marketing plan project is used to enable students to apply their understanding about the marketing process. Offers special topics in marketing. Introduces the process of planning, preparing, producing, and evaluating audio production styles and techniques. Offers advanced training in video production techniques, emphasizing remote location shooting. Prerequisite(s): COMM1101 with a minimum grade of D-, COMM4993. Introduces voice-over acting techniques for TV commercials, radio, multimedia, and various styles of presentation for both audio and video projects. Attribute(s): NUpath Difference/Diversity, NUpath Societies/Institutions, COMM2304. COMM2525. Offers students an opportunity to obtain an in-depth understanding of the brand-building process amid radical changes in todays marketing communications platforms. COMM1120. Further information about the Independent Studies Program can be obtained from concentration coordinators. Maria Elena Villar, PhD Chair 617.373.5517 The Department of Communication Studies is committed to providing students with both the communication skills and the understanding of the communication process required to thrive in a complex and changing society. Designed to assist students in developing advanced public speaking and presentational skills for professional and leadership positions. Digital Marketing. Designed to help students both construct and critique risk-communication techniques in the context of contemporary social issues (e.g., texting and driving, pollution, terrorism). Offers students an opportunity to obtain skills to design and evaluate campaigns through the completion of their own campaign projects and to learn about visual and verbal arguments and the unique ethical and other considerations of health campaigns. Offers students the opportunity to demonstrate competency in communication skills such as oral reporting, conducting research in communication, and writing. (4 Hours). Driving Marketing Performance: Measure, Analyze, Profit. Designed to prepare communication professionals who appreciate the need for responsible advocacy when responding to crises. Focuses on the Internet and the World Wide Web. Also studies the impact of mass communication on the outcome of elections. 2022-23 College of Professional Studies Undergraduate PDF, College of Professional Studies Undergraduate, Arts Administration and Cultural Entrepreneurship (AACE), Cardiopulmonary and Exercise Science (EXSC), Civil and Environmental Engineering (CIVE), Co-op/Experiential Education in Arts, Media, and Design (EEAM), Co-op/Experiential Education in Business (EEBA), Co-op/Experiential Education in Science (EESC), Co-op/Experiential Education in Social Sciences and Humanities (EESH), Commerce and Economic Development - CPS (CED), Communication Studies - CPS Specialty (CMMN), Computer Engineering Technology - CPS (CET), Counseling and Applied Educational Psychology (CAEP), Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology (EEMB), Electrical and Computer Engineering (EECE), Electrical Engineering Technology - CPS (EET), English as a Second Language - CPS Specialty (ESLG), General Engineering Technology - CPS (GET), Geographic Information Systems - CPS (GIS), Health Science - Interdisciplinary (HLTH), Interdisciplinary Studies - Office of the Provost (INPR), Interdisciplinary Studies in Arts, Media, and Design (INAM), Interdisciplinary Studies in Science (INSC), Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities (INSH), Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS), Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MEIE), Mechanical Engineering Technology - CPS (MET), Political Science - CPS Specialty (PLSC), Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (SLPA), Strategic Intelligence and Analysis - CPS (SIA), Study Abroad - Social Sciences and Humanities (ABRH), Womens, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WMNS), 360 Huntington Ave., Boston, Massachusetts 02115. (3 Hours). Swipe on Tinder or make the first move on Bumble. COMM2750. Explores communication theories and concepts as they relate to the interpersonal study of sex, sexuality, and romance. Although the focus is on Internet marketing strategy, phenomena such as television home shopping and database marketing are also explored. (4 Hours). Offers a special topics course in communication studies. Emphasizes the differences and similarities between writing content for streaming vs. broadcasting. Stresses the benefits and complexities of cultural diversity in global, local, and organizational contexts. Persuasion and Rhetoric. Through case studies and class discussions, offers students an opportunity to confront real-life ethical dilemmas and learn to apply ethical frameworks to evaluate and resolve them. (4 Hours). Attribute(s): NUpath Interpreting Culture, COMM1225. (4 Hours). Offers an in-depth look at how persuasive health campaigns are designed and executed. Focuses on communication within the context of close relationships. COMM2555 and GAME 2555 are cross-listed. Offers students an opportunity to work in teams to produce and direct television using remote video equipment. Legal Argumentation, Advocacy, and Citizenship. Topics covered include compositing, matte painting, multiplane animation, explosions, smoke, three-dimensional lighting, particle emitters, chroma keying, motion graphics, video tracking, and more. estimated this salary based on data from 3 employees, users and past and present job ads. Covers topics such as problem definition, research design, sampling, attitude measurement, survey design, data collection, and data analysis. COMM2100. Graduate Research Practicum in Marketing. 360 Huntington Ave., Boston, Massachusetts 02115 Lead Faculty. Discusses how campaigns are intentionally designed to influence awareness, knowledge gain, and attitude/behavior change. COMM2510. Communication Studies at Northeastern. Course topics cover a range of theoretical and practical issues, including diversity in organizational settings and the social construction of identity. Applies network theories, data collection methods, and visual-analytic analyses to map, measure, understand, and influence a wide range of online and offline social phenomena, including friendships and romantic relationships, professional networks, social media, social influence and marketing, diffusion and viral media, recommender systems, and collective action. Northeastern University Marketing Intern in the United States makes about $20.11 per hour. Attribute(s): NUpath Difference/Diversity, NUpath Ethical Reasoning. Also examines contemporary issues in marketing that can affect organizational success. Begins with an understanding of why and how firms, institutions, and organizations purchase products and services and the importance of the multifunctional buying center. | Examines the changing and complex definition of family, and explores family interaction from a variety of theoretical perspectives. Sports, Media, and Communication. Finally, introduces and analyzes the role of prosocial marketing, how marketing can influence peoples behavior for advancing a socially desirable change. Introduces the substantive and procedural aspects of marketing strategy and customer markets. Attribute(s): NUpath Capstone Experience, COMM4625. | Argumentation Theory. The Associate Director of Marketing and Communications works closely with other units in the Chancellor's Office and throughout the university, such as External Affairs and Enrollment Management . COMM2700. Rhetoric of Fascism. Examines theories, models, and strategies related to crisis communication and establishes ethical principles regarding what, how, and when essential elements must be employed for effective and ethical crisis communication. Offers an advanced-level experiential learning opportunity for students considering an academic career in marketing. In the digital domain, our faculty seek to answer questions such as how digital products, social media, and online environments impact purchase, consumption, and product innovation; how consumers and firms respond to new digital technologies, digital communications and digital business models; how marketing actions affect online consumer behavior and lift company performance; and what drives marketing effectiveness and customer engagement. COMM3310. Marketing Management. Communication Studies - CPS (CMN) < Northeastern University Communication Studies - CPS (CMN) CMN 1100. (4 Hours). Examines the producers role in story conceptualization, budget planning, preproduction, and marketing. Offers students an opportunity to learn to use computational tools to gather and analyze network data, derive data-supported insights, and develop effective network interventions. Uses lectures, case discussions, team and individual exercises, and a project on creating a value-driven AI strategy to offer students an opportunity to begin to develop intuition behind modern AI technologies. Materials covered range from the philosophy of freedom to historical legal cases about free speech and the press to political correctness and the repression of dissent. The Associate Director of Marketing and Communications leads Education Innovation's (EI) Marketing and Communications Team and is responsible for creating, deploying, tracking and measuring EI's data-driven marketing strategy. Digital Editing for TV. Focuses on developing student skills in putting together a marketing plan based on a thorough understanding of the market. Offers students an opportunity to visit the key sites of human rights and ethical reasoning and to learn how minorities continue to fight for justice and recognition (Heidelberg), how human rights violations of states against individuals are fought in court and through diplomacy (Strasbourg), and how the Geneva Conventions are continuously challenged through actions in war and rhetoric at home (Geneva). Trademarks & Licensing Samantha Harasen 206-543-0773. Ourmission is to provide students with the knowledge, networks, and experiences they need to succeed in the dynamic, fast-paced economy of the Communication Century. At Northeastern University's College of Engineering, multidisciplinary and experiential learning options expand your window of knowledge, fuel innovation, and enable you to create an educational journey that meets your goals. Focuses on several methods for critically researching visuals and applies these methods to examine and discuss several kinds of visuals, including photography, film/television, advertisements, arts, and urban spaces. Offers students an opportunity to explore systems that summarize marketing productivity and suggest steps for performance improvement in marketing strategy and tactics. This role is integral in the launch of programs for all assigned colleges. (4 Hours). Boston, MA. Family relationships are some of the most important and influential relationships in which people are involved. Explores consumer-based perspectives to highlight potential biases and discrimination arising in the platform economy, and considers various approaches for establishing fair and appropriate regulations and policies to mitigate such issues. Offers students an opportunity to practice real interviewing both as an interviewee and an interviewer. MKTG2301. Covers both the business and the technical aspects of being a voice talent. Explores both theories of conflict and potential strategies for more effectively managing conflict in a variety of contexts, that is, interpersonal relationships, organizational settings, and broader societal contexts. Does not count as credit for business majors. (4 Hours). COMM3750. Marketing and Society. Contact. Discusses how to formulate and evaluate your own theory-based hypotheses on the influence of media in American democracy. It. Rachel Mamone | Communications Specialist. Offers an opportunity to conduct introductory-level research or creative endeavors under faculty supervision. Through a series of discussions, screenings, homework, and in-class exercises, offers students an opportunity to obtain skills in the basics of directing creative and technical talent and the skills needed to produce successful television studio productions. As hip-hop turns 50, Murray Forman reconsiders the meaning of OG, MLB voice and CAMD alum Don Orsillo on the communication classes and Red Sox co-op that started his sports broadcasting career, Some surprises and room for improvement in this year's Golden Globe nominations, says Communication Studies professor, Speaker Cory Doctorow discusses Ticketmaster, Taylor Swift, and Big Tech's hold on all of us, Theoretical Analysis of State-Wide Opioid Campaign. Exercises skills of project management, teamwork, and client relationship management. Marketing and Communications Additional Information Northeastern University is an equal opportunity employer, seeking to recruit and support a broadly diverse community of faculty and staff. (4 Hours). About the Opportunity. (4 Hours). Learn how to manage the integrity of a brand across all marketing activities and communication channels. Sport and Spectacle. Requires each team to develop a formal business plan that includes a market analysis, a budget, and a marketing plan. COMM1101. The dark side is a metaphor used to describe areas of interpersonal and relational communication that are underexplored or lying in the shadows; destructive or dysfunctional; and/or poorly understood or often misinterpreted. Examines the key drivers and building blocks of digital business transformations underlying the best marketing practices of the platform economy and discusses how companies can successfully take advantage of emerging multisided platforms and market-driven network externalities. Covers a proven selling process and presents compelling solutions to customers. Media Relations Victor Balta 206-543-2580. Engages the question and practice of what it means to develop and maintain a successful online community. COMM2501. Offers students an opportunity to uncover and develop their vocal range as narrator, announcer, character, and spokesperson with effectiveness and emotional authenticity. Sex, Relationships, and Communication. Rapidly emerging new digital ecosystems, platforms, products, and services have been fundamentally transforming business practices and market landscapes in almost every industry. Office of the Dean. Data Storytelling, Visualization, and Communication. COMM2912. MKTG6226. Course content may vary from term to term. Offers students an opportunity to learn how to implement such approaches in practice. COMM2551. Northeastern's signature experience-powered learning model has been at the heart of the university for more than a century. MKTG4120. For general inquiries, please contact our main office: 716 Columbus Avenue Suite 598 Boston, MA 02120 617.373.5718 City and Community Engagement For general inquiries regarding partnerships, events, and volunteer opportunities: 617.373.7666 email Communications For inquiries regarding media, public relations, news, and policies: Consultation Skills. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. Covers fundamentals such as audience, speech objectives and structure, and effective delivery.
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