For each order of protection that is issued by a superior court judge or commissioner, the order of protection shall by served by the sheriff or constable of the county where the defendant can be served. Examples of a requested Order of Protection would be filed against: Your current or former spouse Someone with whom you live or have lived Order of Protection - A court order that is issued to stop a person from committing domestic violence or from contacting other people protected by the order. 2. A specific domestic relationship between the Plaintiff and Defendant must me met in order to qualify for an Order of Protection. For information about the Lifetime No-Contact Injunction, see If the Judge grants your Petition for Order of Protection, the court will send the Order of Protection and a copy of the petition out for servicetoday, unless the court delays it. A protection order is valid if the issuing court had jurisdiction over the parties and the matter under the laws of the issuing state, a United States territory or an Indian tribe and the person against whom the order was issued had reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard. If the order is issued ex parte, the notice and opportunity to be heard shall be provided within the time required by the laws of the issuing state, a United States territory or an Indian tribe and within a reasonable time after the order was issued. Your relationship to the defendant must fit into one of these categories. 32 N. Stone Ave., 16th floor Tucson, Az. Orders of Protection are not valid until served on the defendant. practice of law. Whether or not the court issues an order of protection, the plaintiff's address and contact information shall be maintained in a separate document or automated database and is not subject to release or disclosure by the court or any form of public access except as ordered by the court. A civil court order issued to prevent continuing acts of family violence. Your spouse's parent, grandparent, brother, sister, child or grandchild. Any dangerous crime against a child under 15 years of age which includes: second degree murder; aggravated assault resulting in serious physical injury or involving the discharge, use or threatening use of a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument; sexual assault; molestation of a child; sexual conduct with a minor; commercial sexual exploitation of a minor; sexual exploitation of a minor; child abuse; kidnapping; sexual abuse or continuous sexual abuse of a child; taking a child for the purpose of prostitution; child prostitution; involving or using minors in drug offense. 4. When you arrive at theLaw Library ResourceCenter, you will be required to complete the necessary paperwork using a computerized Domestic Violence prompt system. If you are not using these forms right away, or IMPORTANT: Please contact the court to find out what procedures have been implemented for telephonic or video hearings in response to COVID-19. 13-3602. The agency with custody of the defendant shall make reasonable efforts to contact the victim and other specifically designated persons in the order of protection, if known to the custodial agency, who requested notification immediately on release of the arrested person from custody. For more information, click here to go to AZPOINT. 2. Site Map. Think before you print! This notification may be completed by a victim notification system, if available. Grant relief that is necessary for the protection of the alleged victim and other specifically designated persons and that is proper under the circumstances. the battery is warm at rest; Effective 01/01/2020, if the judge grants your petition for Order of Protection, the court will send the Order of Protection and a copy of the petition out for service TODAY, unless the court delays it. Also, the law may vary from state-to-state or county-to-county, so that some information in this website may not be correct for your situation. You will need your petition confirmation number to file your petition with a court. If the court issues an Order of Protection today, it will be sent out for service quickly. When using any type of device, be careful about allowing the device to save your passwords. If adding minor children, please provide their date of birth & social security numbers if known. This does not prohibit a court from issuing cross orders of protection. If service of an order cannot be completed within fifteen days after the agency or entity receives the order, the agency or entity that is attempting service shall notify the plaintiff and continue to attempt service. forms, and information for any lawful purpose. An order of protection shall not be granted: 1. The information that you save in the portal will stay here for 90 days, andyou can come back to it as often as necessary. Show unavailable courts. Trusted friend or family member may be willing to let you use their computers or devices. You must follow the instructions set forth in the Procedures. civil court orders prohibiting a specific person from making contact with you such as coming near your home, work site, school, or other locations as listed on the order. prohibit a defendant from contacting or coming into contact with you. Information for residents who have the privilege to serve on a Jury. Emergency Order of ProtectionIf the Court has closed for business, Emergency Orders of Protection are granted by a judge in writing verbally, or telephonically to protect a person who is in imminent danger of domestic violence. Information and resources for sexual anddomestic violence victims ishere. An advocate can help you make a safety plan and give you more information about how an Order of Protection works and how it will be served on the defendant. Your spouse's parent, grandparent, brother, sister, child or grandchild. S. A person who is arrested pursuant to subsection R of this section may be released from custody in accordance with the Arizona rules of criminal procedure or any other applicable statute. Arizona voters passed Proposition 207 in November, 2020. You may file with a justice of the peace court, a city court, or a superior court. The Law Library Resource Center's Protective Order offices provide resources to help individuals understand and navigate the process of obtaining protection orders to prevent domestic violence or harassment. Your AZPOINTinterviewis complete when itis "court ready" and you get a confirmation number. Listen to Court. It is not an order for temporary child custody for the purpose of preventing a parent from seeing children, unless the children are endangered. If your relationship does not fit into one of these categories, read about Injunctions against Harassment at the bottom of this page.The defendant is: AND(B). Hear what is happening in Pinal County Court and Hearing Rooms. Protective Orders. Spyware is a software program that can secretly collect personal information when youre online. An action has been commenced but a final judgment, decree or order has not been entered. A law enforcement officer is not liable for any act or omission in the good faith exercise of the officer's duties under this paragraph. While the order of protection is in effect, if a party was granted the use and exclusive possession of the parties' residence and subsequently moves out of the house, the party must file a notice in writing with the court within five days after moving out of the residence. A peace officer who acts in good faith reliance on a protection order is not civilly or criminally liable for enforcing the protection order pursuant to this section. Learn about the three types of Protective Orders: Find resources for local courts, police and victim's services offices, emergency shelters, crisis intervention and hotlines, and counseling services here. Restrain the defendant from contacting the plaintiff or other specifically designated persons and from coming near the residence, place of employment or school of the plaintiff or other specifically designated locations or persons on a showing that there is reasonable cause to believe that physical harm may otherwise result. How do you know whether spyware has been installed on your device? If you decide to go ahead with your petition for a protective order, you must file it with a court. Through an interview in AZPOINT, you can quickly and accurately fill out the forms that are needed to request an Order of Protection at an Arizona court. You must follow the instructions set forth in the Procedures. The person asking for the order ( plaintiff) must have a relationship (family, sexual, roommate, etc.) Ask the court about fee deferral or waiver if you cannot afford to pay a fee for service. The Victims' Rights Unit can also work with you in the development of a safety plan if needed.An Order of Protection is a legal restraint used to prohibit a person from committing an act of domestic violence or from contacting people protected by the order. . Site Map. This marks Edwards' second arrest within . If a modification is requested after a hearing has been held on the original Order of Protection, a hearing will be set and notice of the hearing must be given to the defendant. The court will give you information on how to arrange for service of the injunction. Request for Hearing, Dismiss Order, Cancel Hearing, or Continue Hearing, 01. In Arizona, an order of protection is a way to seek protection from someone with whom you have a domestic relationship now or previously. When you have provided the minimum required information to file a petition, you will be "court ready" and will receive a confirmation number and information about next steps. Please allow at least two hours to complete the process and be prepared to describe all incidents between yourself and person from whom you are seeking protection. The law enforcement agency will dispatch an officer to review your situation. Find My Court. Phoenix Municipal Court 300 West Washington Street (map)Monday thru Friday (except holidays) 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If the individual that requested the Protective Order would like the court to consider dismissing the Order, they must go to theProtective Order Center with a valid picture I.D. The AZPOINT portal is the perferred method of filing a Protective Order at an Arizona court. If the judge issues the Order of Protection, the court will send a copy of it and your petition to law enforcement (city police, county sheriff, or constable) for service on the defendant. This filing shall be completed in person, electronically or by fax. Jury Information . For more information about the eAccess portal please visit: While the Protective Order Petition may be completed on paper, you may be asked to recopy your information onto a multipart form or one that is specific to the courthouse where you file. An order expires two years after service on the defendant. (b) The issuing court failed to make specific findings supporting the entitlement of both parties to be granted a protection order. The purpose of a Protective Orderis to restrain a person from committing an act of harassment or domestic violence against another person or persons. Unless the party who requests the order files a written verified petition for an order. Search. You may apply for and receive an Order of Protection if you meet the following requirements: The defendant is: Your spouse or your former spouse. According to the sheriff's office's press release, Edwards was arrested on charges of "stalking" and "violation of an order of protection". Superior Court. You may apply for and receive an Order of Protection if you meet the following requirements: The defendant committed, or is about to commit, any of the following: Any dangerous crime against a child under 15 years of age (A.R.S. Go to to get started. You are encouraged to speak to a victim advocate before you file your petition. Only a Superior Court Judge can decide child custody or parenting time in a separate action.ONE DEFENDANT: A separate petition must be filed for each defendant. The agency or entity serving the order shall provide confirmation of service to the plaintiff as soon as practicable. At any time during this 90-day period, you may take the next step of filing your petition at an Arizona court. Your information will be saved in AZPOINT for up to 90 days. . An order of protection is a court order intended to prevent acts of domestic violence. If you have made changes to this page, please close this window immediately and save/submit your changes. AZPOINT, the Arizona Protective Order Initiation and Notification Tool, has been designed to help you fill out a petition for an Order of Protection. To improve performance and to prevent excessive high-volume use, we have implemented randomly generated . T. The remedies provided in this section for enforcement of the orders of the court are in addition to any other civil and criminal remedies available. including reliance on their contents. If you have moved out of a home you were given exclusive use under an Order of Protection, you must notify the court. F. For the purposes of determining the period of time under subsection E, paragraph 2 of this section, any time that the defendant has been incarcerated or out of this state shall not be counted. If the court denies the requested relief, it may schedule a further hearing within ten days, with reasonable notice to the defendant. An order that is entered by a justice court or municipal court after a hearing pursuant to this section may be appealed to the superior court as provided in title 22, chapter 2, article 4, section 22-425, subsection B and the superior court rules of civil appellate procedure without regard to an amount in controversy. For access to criminal and civil court documents in the Superior Court visit the eAccess portal . Relationship between you and the defendant. A copy of your petition and the order will be given to the Defendant and may be used in future judicial proceedings.SERVICE AND EFFECT: This protective order is valid for one year from the date it is served on the Defendant and is enforceable by law enforcement in any state or tribal nation in the United States. are using have been updated. Name of the plaintiff. Phone: (928) 771-3300. Order of Protection (forms) Title Title English Spanish Defendant's Guide Sheet for Protective Orders OP/IAH/IAWH - Acceptance of Service Declaration of Service Request for Hearing, Dismiss Order, Cancel Hearing, or Continue Hearing Notice of Hearing Prior to Issuance Of Notice of Hearing Supplement to Petition If the order was issued after notice and a hearing at which the defendant had an opportunity to participate, require the defendant to complete a domestic violence offender treatment program that is provided by a facility approved by the department of health services or a probation department or any other program deemed appropriate by the court. AZ 86001 Phone: 928-679-7120 Toll Free: 877-679-7120. Name, date of birth, and address of the person you are seeking protection from, Past or present court proceedings involving yourself and the person from whom you seek protection, Address and phone number of the person where the Protective Order can be served, If the Protective Order is not served within one year, it automatically expires. Things to Know About Protective Orders, 05. If the order of protection is provided to a law enforcement agency or a constable, service of an order of protection is as follows: 1. You must use the Notice regarding exclusive possession of shared residenceform. You are only allowed one hearing. If you file an action for maternity, paternity, annulment, legal separation, or dissolution against the Defendant, advise this court at once. *You may also use this portal if you're asking for protection on behalf of another person--either (1) a minor of whom you are the parent, guardian, or legal custodian or (2) an adult who is temporarily or permanently unable to request an order. Standby allows you or the Defendant to return once with a law enforcement officer to obtain necessary personal belongings from the residence. The court will decide whether you are eligible for a fee deferral or waiver.. For each order of protection that is issued by a municipal court, if the defendant can be served within that city or town, the order shall be served by the law enforcement agency of that city or town. provide you with legal recourse if the person served with a protective order violates the order. An Order of Protection is a court order that is issued to stop a person from committing domestic violence or from contacting other people protected by the order. Notice Regarding Exclusive Possession of a Shared Residence, 10. The files included within the Law Library Resource Center's website are copyrighted. Modify a Court Order for Parenting Time (Disagree) Post-Decree Temporary Orders. Stop an Income Withholding Order. If you do not remember your confirmation number, court staff can assist you. If appropriate, the officer will contact the court after hours to request the Court grant an Emergency Order of Protection. G. If a court issues an order of protection, the court may do any of the following: 1. This person can be a member of your immediate family, or s/he may be a current or former spouse. 2. A person may file a verified petition, as in civil actions, with a magistrate, justice of the peace or superior court judge for an order of protection for the purpose of restraining a person from committing an act included in domestic violence. If the person is a minor, the parent, legal guardian or person who has legal custody of the minor shall file the petition unless the court determines otherwise. The petition shall name the parent, guardian or custodian as the plaintiff and the minor is a specifically designated person for the purposes of subsection G of this section. Free parking is located on the south side of the court complex. Requested petitions are typically seen by a judge and ruled on the same day. For cases prior to 2016, please contact the court directly at 928-771-3300. The MTV personality, who was arrested on Feb. 10 on suspicion of harassment, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of a controlled substance and order of protection violation, is now being accused of stalking . If you do not appear at the hearing, your Order may be quashed (dismissed); therefore, you must notify the court of any change in your contact information to assure you are notified of any hearings.MODIFYING OR QUASHING (DISMISSING) THIS PROTECTIVE ORDER: Only a judge can modify or quash (dismiss) this protective order. An Order of Protection is a legal restraint used to prohibit a person from committing an act of domestic violence or from contacting people protected by the order. How a party is served in the Order of Protection process has changed. You are encouraged to speak to a victim advocate before you file your petition. Injunctions Against Harassment can be issued for individuals and workplaces. Until you file your petition at a court, you will be able to return here to update your information if necessary. Solicitud de celebrar una audiencia, desechar una orden, cancelar una audiencia o aplazar una audiencia, 12. Any of the following acts in which the defendant: You may request an Order of Protection at any of the Law Library Resource Centerlocations at the Superior Court, or go to one of the municipal courts or one of the justice courts. Information on how to obtain an Emergency Order of Protection . Emergency Orders of Protection are available from local law enforcement agencies. An Order of Protection is a court order that is issued to stop a person from committing domestic violence or from contacting other people protected by the order. forms, and information for any lawful purpose. If this occurs, the hearing will be set 5 to 10 days from the date of request and you will be notified by the Court. If the injunction is based on sexual violence, there is no fee for service. Only an attorney who is licensed in Arizona can give you legal advice. You can help this process by providing information on the most likely places where the defendant can be served. You can either call the the court for a remote hearing, or come into the court for your hearing. Press Done after you fill out the form. To request a hearing on an Order of Protection, the Defendant must go to one of the Law Library Resource Center locations to complete a Request for Hearing form. D. A fee shall not be charged for filing a petition under this section or for service of process. After a hearing with notice to the affected party, the court may enter an order requiring any party to pay the costs of the action, including reasonable attorney fees, if any. The information on this website is not legal advice. To find an attorney, contact: To complete the process of asking for an Order of Protection, you must file your petition with an Arizona court. The portal will also help you figure out whether you (the plaintiff) and the person from whom you are seeking protection (the defendant) have a qualifying relationship for an Order of Protection. A protection order includes any injunction or other order that is issued for the purpose of preventing violent or threatening acts or harassment against, contact or communication with or physical proximity to another person. NOTE: AZPOINT cannotbe used to fill out a petition for the new Lifetime No-Contact Injunction. 2. After you file your petition, you will have to speak to a judge. effective for 1-2 years from service date. Protective Orders served before 9/24/22 are in effect for one year from date of service. 3. Specific statement, including dates, of the domestic violence alleged. The superior court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to issue orders of protection in all cases if it appears from the petition that an action for maternity or paternity, annulment, legal separation or dissolution of marriage is pending between the parties. A municipal court or justice court shall not issue an order of protection if it appears from the petition that an action for maternity or paternity, annulment, legal separation or dissolution of marriage is pending between the parties. If you disobey this order, you will be subject to arrest and prosecution for the crime of interfering with judicial proceedings and any other crime you may have committed in disobeying this order. Once completed, you will meet with a judge to discuss your request. Court Interpretation and Translation Services, To have your hearing onsite, bring your confirmation number to any of our Superior Court. 2. 2 min read. Do you think a person causing harm to you has or had access to this device and may be monitoring you? REMEMBER - The ProtectiveOrder (either the Order of Protection, or the Injunction Against Harassment)is not valid until it has officially been served by police or a process server. H. The court shall not grant a mutual order of protection. You will be required to appear before a judge and explain why you want to dismiss the order. You may request a delay in service up to 72 hours from the time the Order of Protection is granted. Someone you were involved with in either a romantic or sexual relationship (requestor can be a minor). The agency closest to the defendants address will be assigned to serve the Order of Protection. Once the Order of Protection is obtained, you may mail or hand deliver it to the Victims' Rights Unit, which will arrange for service upon the juvenile (at no cost to the victim). Search for Case Pinal County. Call 911; explain that you have an Order of Protection and the defendant is approaching you. It is critical that you keep the Protective Order Centerinformed of any change in telephone or address. Not all requests for orders of protection or injunctions against harassment are granted and some may require a court hearing with the person you are seeking protection from before issuance. The portal will also help you figure out whether you (the plaintiff) and the person from whom you are seeking protection (the defendant) have a qualifying relationship for an Order of Protection. If the defendant has been served with the original Order of Protection but has not requested a hearing, you will be required to appear before a judge and explain why you want to modify the order. Utilize a check mark to point the choice wherever required. There is NO FEE to use AZPOINT. based on the relationship you have with the party you are seeking protection from. The supreme court shall register the order with the national crime information center. Interdicto de prohibicin de acoso en el trabajo (muestra), 11. The person you filed against can request a hearing anytime prior to the expiration of the Protective Order. If the court finds that the defendant is a credible threat to the physical safety of the plaintiff or other specifically designated persons, prohibit the defendant from possessing or purchasing a firearm for the duration of the order. If the court prohibits the defendant from possessing a firearm, the court shall also order the defendant to transfer any firearm owned or possessed by the defendant immediately after service of the order to the appropriate law enforcement agency for the duration of the order. Your information will be saved in this portal for up to 90 days. Order of protection; procedure; contents; arrest for violation; penalty; protection order from another jurisdiction; definition. The decision to schedule the execution of Aaron Gunches came six weeks after . Avoid choosing obvious words or numbers for your password. For more information, clickhereto go to AZPOINT. The court shall make reasonable efforts to provide the appropriate information to both parties on emergency and counseling services that are available in the local area. A judge can also order that the defendant surrender and/or not purchase firearms and ammunition. An Order of Protection (A.R.S. AZPOINT will help you figure out whether you and the person from whom you are seeking protection have a qualifying relationship for an Order of Protection. If the judge issues the Order of Protection, the court will send a copy of it and your petition to law enforcement (city police, county sheriff, or constable) .
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