Mrs. Weasley called from the kitchen. He is frequently regarded as a gods protector by mortals as well. Percy Jackson The Heroes of Olympus Harry Potter | Ron Weasley Annabeth Chase Draco Malfoy . A friendly looking woman can bustling around the corner. Percy Jackson is set in Camp Half-Blood, while Harry Potter is set in the magical world of Hogwarts, where witches and wizards coexist. Percy had grown up with the knowledge that when his mother was six her parents had died in a plane crash leaving her in the care of her uncle Richard who died of cancer when she was in highschool. AU. Story is technically complete but I started editing literally years ago then never finished so the beginning's a little funky! The possibilities really are endless when it comes to Harry Potter and Percy Jackson crossovers, but there are a few particular combinations that fans seem to like the most. These crossovers tend to be between two or more fictional worlds that have already been established in their respective original universes. Lily told me to stop contacting her because she didn't want the evil man to find me. Ambos tienen una rivalidad que los meter en problemas y como castigo, ambos tienen que organizar un evento escolar. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Tom Riddle's heir. Percy, Jason, Frank, and Leo are all Griffindors, while Annabeth is Ravenclaw. In which the wizarding world With their combined strength and courage, Percy and Harry prove that anything is possible. #harry " ?" When the stakes are raised and the two are forced to fight each other in order to save the world, the two begin to blossom into a romantic relationship. ), tldr: percy jackson is a baddass and has 2 kids, dumbledore finds him and sends him to school (kinda), DISCLAIMERhate that bitch jk rowling, i don't suuport anything she says absolute fucking cunt - she doesn't profit off of this in any way. The term applies equally to stories in any medium that borrows those characters or settings. They all came towards the table. When she saw us, she stopped turned up the stairs and yelled, "Harry dear, your family is here!" Harry always believe in soulmates. There are unmentioned prophecies, understanding mysteries, and discovering entire worlds. What happens when they meet? It has been argued for a long time that Percy Jackson is more famous than Harry Potter. This Harry Potter and Percy Jackson fanfiction will transport you to a whole new world. Harry answered. Both authors are excellent writers because they have a unique and engaging style that draws readers in. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. His own twin brother doesn't remember him. Two cups soared through the air. Heroes Despite nobody knowing he was preparing them for an ultra war, which will unite the DemiGods and Wizard/Witches. He even went so far as to jump in front of the killing curse. I might change appearances a little though. When they were eight, Harry and Percy potter were separated. I understand that; however, I do not agree with everything you have to say. Story: Step into the magical world of Silver Screen, where fanfiction takes on a life of its own. He finds out about the other part of his family specifically the tyrannical g [1] New Beginnings: WARNING!! Everything belongs to J.K.Rowling and Rick Riordan. No one ever comes to Hogwarts as a first year being 17! Percy, on the other hand, is a hero in his own right for demonstrating his bravery and selflessness time and time again. He was hiding the truth from everyone. Percy gets dragged into yet another war of tyrants, and the protection of Percy has kept a secret for 10 years. This is a part of the trilogy. Being sent to England to learn more about the world behind the mist, he encounters a face he has missed for the last 10 years. On the other hand, Percy Jackson has a much more focused narrative and its characters have a strong sense of identity and purpose. Dumbledore told him that Harry was to be the chosen one and to always protect him. , . Ten years ago, a child of two worlds was born. She and James had a kid named Harry. margin: 0 .07em !important; These two half-blooded, magical teens take on immense odds almost daily, and have taken down immense foes at just 12 years old. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), Otherwise known as Top Harry Drabbles 2.0. The Hogwarts Quest (Percy Jackson/Harry Potter Crossover) is set to be a huge success among both film fans and those who grew up watching the Harry Potter series. 12 Best Harry Potter Percy Jackson Crossover Fanfictions 1. Harry asked us. Harry said as he got up and walked out the door. Except for one thing, Percy Jackson and Harry Potter have a lot in common. Your so lazy," Ginny scolded. Like Endless Wonders, everything in this collection is centered around Harry Potter characters. Harry just chuckled. Her oath is broken before and after Sirius Black is convicted of murder. "To answer your question, magic holds the house up." This is my son Percy and his girlfriend Annabeth." My mom didn't explain that. Percy/Harry slash. Percy Jackson's father is a Greek god and had left when he was born, and his mother died only moments after giving labor. (Heh, Rome, get it?) He even went so far as to jump in front of the killing curse. In addition to his bravery and dedication, his selflessness and bravery make him a legendary Gryffindor. Silver Screen 7. Whether it is taking his own life or standing up for what he believes, he is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in. "Wow gramps, you couldn't do any better?" Mom nodded, "I know that I had briefly explained it to you before but yes, I am your aunt. International: 61 + 3 6445 0945 This is my son Percy and his girlfriend Annabeth." Mom introduced us. The Golden Trio become suspicious of the new kid at Hogwarts. They make great stories in their own right that people can get excited about, allowing for fantastic new combinations of characters that bring something fresh to both series. #annabethchase He and Annabeth were taking a gap year before maybe going to New Rome for college. In another Universe Ananke wouldve been able to withhold looking, push aside her curiosity and let her daughters do the jobs they were born for. As a small ripple in the world of monsters, gods, and demigods transforms into a mighty typhoon, watch it grow. What happens when they meet? After finishing the Harry Potter series, the author has no plans to write any new books; there will be no more reading. Harry and Percy enter their third year together, and although Percy has been introduced to the world of gods, he has yet to meet the wizarding world. She realizes she is not only the most powerful demigod alive, but she is also the most powerful witch. , . A Harry Potter Percy Jackson crossover universe in which Nico di Angelo attends Hogwarts. Uncategorized. Chiron owes Albus Dumbledore - it's quite a dangerous position to be in, and he knows it. Lemons It is interesting how a simple letter from Harry Potter to Percy Jackson after his name got spit out of The Goblet of Fire can change the entire Wizarding World. Game of Thrones This is my first fanfiction, so don't judge too harshly, but constructive criticism is . Of course this is what she asks. Neither do I own anything, but rather the story. He, alongside the new friend (and crush) he made that summer, winds up pulled into and adapting to the world of gods and monsters both of them have apparently been born into. Every day, a child in Hogwarts is subjected to blatant child abuse. Percy Jackson was hiding. A Journey Of Epic Proportions: Experience Percy Jackson The Musical Live! I'm Sally. He is from my mothers side and so are you so I guess yes he is your cousin. Discover (and save!) Not only does Percy have the ability to control water, but he is also more skilled in combat. I'm Molly Weasley. Tags. For several years, there has been debate about whether Percy Jackson and Harry Potter are crossover characters. And if it's not too much trouble I'll have coffee please." Is It Easy to Be Taken Advantage of as a Business Owner? Will Harry Potter ever find a haven in the wizarding world? With all the humor, action, and suspense youre in for a laugh-out-loud good time. They both live with their muggle (and mortal) family, the Dursleys. They weren't sure yet, but they'd figure it out. How does the house stay up like this?" he said holding out his hand, clearly ignoring my comment. But what if they met? I heard three distance pops and three figures came into view. Or someone. Anything to ensure the death of Voldemort. The wizened old man closed the weathered book. Follow Clarisse, Harry, and Annabeth on their return to camp, and see what Luke is up to. Percy Jackson is a beloved character created by Rick Riordan in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. He is also the one who sets the gods boundaries, such as not allowing mortals to gain immortality. El destino tiene algo en contra de Harry Potter. Percy Jackson has a normal cousin. A difficult path is confronted with an icy sea tide that shifts against its shore. Harry Potter + Percy Jackson and the Olympians Crossover Follow/FavA Collision of Worlds By:marylou Percy and Sally are in London and decide to visit Sally's cousin. Summer was supposed to be safe, nice, and warm. Percy Jacksons story is even more special to me. Both are great stories and will continue to captivate readers for years to come. . So he did. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Two, in fact. The concept of the two characters being related adds an interesting dynamic to their story arcs and allows fans to explore the similarities and differences between the two characters. Naruto But apparently, she's also a demigod and a child of Poseidon? Peter Pan, on the other hand, would most likely be a Slytherin due to his opportunistic nature as well as his leadership qualities. Does this mean I do technically have a regular cousin? Percy is known for his wit, bravery, and strong sense of justice. Maybe getting a part-time job. And I guess you can call him normal. Magicians from Brooklyn House and the Magicians of Long Island Sound meet in Long Island Sound. " ?" National: (03) 6445 0945 #weasly. Patron of assassins and spies, the Deceiver, Queen of Magical Beasts, Fire Bringer and Healer of Broken Souls. Annabeth didn't look to surprised. His brother is the famous Harry Potter and every year he goes to hog warts. Sisters Creek 7325, Tasmania, Australia. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Join Percy Jackson and the gang as they journey to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for an adventure youll never forget. It's a little complicated. If you have come across any that you think should be added to our list, let us know so we can take a peek. Percy Jackson, on the other hand, is a demigod with potential due to her experience, whereas Harry Potter is a wizard with immense power who must learn it. He learns about his true identity and discovers the power of friendship and loyalty. When James, Albus, and Lily travel back to the Marauders' Time, they will find out. Ginny was making lights hang over the trees. Hadrian, son of Hecate, Hades and Persephone, shows his beautiful half-blood mate that he would is perfect for him, while going on a whirlwind adventure to find Zeus' master bolt. I said being the usual sassy person I am. They are both brave, resourceful, and compassionate young heroes who must overcome their insecurities and doubts if they are to achieve their full potential. All you got to do is wave your wand. Story: The Rumblings of War is an epic tale that follows the lives of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. Harry Potter Percy Jackson crossovers proffer new ideas for storylines that expand beyond the restrictions of their originals. Villains. Chronicles of Raven Necros and Harry Potter 9. On the other hand, Percy suggests, "Why not cause a little bit of trouble?". Annabeth and followed him, not having anything better to do. Tagari Publications #jamespotter With the help of their new friends, they must figure out whats going on before its too late. Harry is a nine-year-old Demi-God. Harry Potter decide empezar a escribir una gua despus de iniciar una relacin con Percy Jackson. The front door was open. Instead of meeting Chaos, Percy goes home to his mom and stepdad, Paul. Por consiguiente, los crditos van a Rick Riordan, JK Rowling, CS Lewis y Laura Gallego Garca.Recomiendo leerse los libros. On one hand, Harry Potter has a much more expansive universe and is filled with moments of magic and wonder. No obstante tratar de resumir cada historia que contenga el crossover.NO COPIES, ESTA HISTORIA NO HA SALIDO DE LA NADA Y SE HA HECHO CON ESFUERZO. So he did. The way he positions himself around her reminds me of the way I must look with Annabeth. Percy and Harry embark on quests that will change the world around them; Harry will attempt to slay a dark wizard, while Percy will seek to save the world from a powerful villain. It has become so popular that fan-made art, stories, and even fan conventions have been created in its honor. Harry Potters birthday is July 31st the same day as JK Rowling herself!, JK Rowling created Quidditch whilst in the pub following an argument with her boyfriend!, Gout-wort, grommel, flax weed, toadflax, fleawort, knotgrass and mugwort from the Harry Potter series are real plants!, Percy Jackson is said to be partly based on Rick Riordans own son Haley and that is why he is said to struggle with his ADHD/dyslexia!. "That explains it," she said. After I calmed down a bit I asked, "So you have another cousin? And we know that nothing bad ever happens when a family moves into a large house that looks like it's straight out of a horror movie. Action Fantasy Wizards Greek Gods Crossover Scarlett Potter. He gave birth to a child as a result of his sexual relations with his granddaughter, as well as a powerful one. Harry asked. Youve all heard of the boy who lived, Harry Potter Im sure. CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING & TRANSLATION TO ENGLISH. Despite his short fuse, he is an excellent hero. #hermione Will Percy ever find his true self again? But between fighting a war, robbing banks and governments, planning his wedding, searching an entire country for splinters of a dark soul, trying to convince his cousin to get a magical education, and reviving a dead pantheon, Percy's not too sure he's going home anytime soon. He might have agreed to this, but that doesn't mean he's planning on wasting his time in Britain. While both series have their merits, it is ultimately up to personal preference which one is better. Harry and Percy are twins, sons of Lily Evans and Poseidon. The way he positions himself around her reminds me of the way I must look with Annabeth. This story depicts his struggles of being a new father along with the intervention of Albus Dumbledore's recent discovery of Voldemort's Grandchild (cue Percy. Si deseas traducir o hacer una adaptacin, pide permiso primero. But he's got plenty of tricks up his sleeve. Demigod life put behind him, he moved to the United Kingdom to start a new life. I'll explain more about that later. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. In a fight between Percy Jackson and Harry Potter, it was Percy Jackson who emerged victorious. He is a nasty, spoiled pig. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Percy and Harry also have similar motivations to protect their homes and friends. Harry Potter, es curioso como en un mundo se le considera el salvador el chico que sobrevivi y termino con toda una era oscura. What if he was a wizard? Menu. Zeus is not only a powerful leader, but he is also an intelligent leader. She grabbed Ron by the ear and dragged him outside. DISCLAIMER: I do not own PJO or HP, they b What if Sally Jackson had a half-brother? I'm way to lazy to change any of the wrong info PJO x HP Percy Potter is the forgotten brother of the infamous, Harry Potter. #potter If youre looking for a light-hearted bit of fun, then Wizards and Demigods is the book for you. Fleeing her paranoid uncles, Raven Necros must use all her cunning and strength to outwit her enemies while also completing a quest that will bring honor to her father. Percy Jackson Harry Potter | Percy Jackson | Adventure Fantasy Hogwarts Magic Demigods Camp Half Blood Witches And Wizards Golden Era Aisling McKeon is the Daughter of Apollo. But he will pull every string and take every improbable path to make sure he succeeds. Story: Harry Potter and the Lightning Thief is an amazing fanfiction that takes the story we all know and love and turn it on its head. Because J.K. Rowling has created Harry Potter as an entire world, there is no limit to the extent to which she can creatively express herself. Story: When Wand and Sword Collide is an epic fanfiction crossover of the Harry Potter and Percy Jackson series. Story: Step into the magical world of Raven Necros, daughter of Hades, as she attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. #camphalf-blood Furthermore, when comparing authors, Rick Riordans books are frequently praised for their diversity and inclusiveness, whereas Rowlings books are lacking in this regard. When Harry and Diana Potter were born, one was born a child of the sea and magic while the other was born a child of magic. KSh0. Story: Whats better than one magical world? Despite their similar premises, the two franchises are not related in any way. As a result of his being a Parselmouth, Harry is left alone. How will Harry change the course of History. Harry piensa que Percy es un bully sin cerebro. Does all she can for the existence of Hadrian Perseus Potter. #voldemort Who will emerge victorious in the ultimate Harry Potter vs Percy Jackson death battle? A person got reincarnated. percy jackson and harry potter are cousins fanfictionkroatische konsulat stuttgart. "You must all be hungry. I laughed. We both shook our heads. Annabeth heard me and gave me a sympathetic look. Harry, after the events of the Chamber if Secrets, awakens his mothers less human blood. "Join me to the dark side and we shall rule eternally." Is there anything I can get you? Changes the course of this Universes Fate so utterly that she can no longer see its course. I have seen many weird things in my time. I heard three pairs of feet on the stairs and two red headed teens, one a boy, one a girl, walked into the room followed by a black haired boy with glasses. Mattheo shoved hi. But what happens is he meets a boy who can do Magic, Come join Harry and Percy on their adventure to find Peace and Love. Ron groaned and got up. When the door opens, his family doesn't recognize him anymore. My mom smiled. Wizards and Demigods 8. His plans were staying in his mom's apartment, taking Estelle to school and picking her up. Percy Jackson and Harry Potter collide in this action-packed tale that will have you coming back for more. Only a tiny bit of Percabeth is given at the start. One that isn't related to him through the Gods. When does Percy meet Chaos and get sent back to Earth to face his old family after like 20 years. He's been with his childhood. The only thing I own is the plot and idea. The series follows the life of Percy, a demigod, and his friends as they go on various quests to protect the world from evil forces. This leads to a friendship that crosses the borders of two very different worlds as Percy and Harry begin to realize the similarities between their lives. Saber el futuro con precisin antes de tiempo puede ser catastrfico. Fluff and Fans of both shows have been anticipating the cross-over for some time, and it finally appears to be coming. yall remember when I said voldy was good? Oh well, Percy didn't have much plans anyway. Harry Potter and the Olympians 5. A.K.A. Percy jackson is an AVENGER. They are constantly challenged by mythical creatures on their journey, and their fate is decided on their shoulders. Sally Jackson hadn't heard from her cousins for a while. Whether its a light-hearted bit of fun or an epic tale that follows these two heros lives, theres something here for everyone interested in reading about how these worlds come together.
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