Accounts as of the applicable Valuation Date, based upon such Participants Years of Service as of the date of the termination of his employment, as follows: (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 8.3(b)(1), for any Plan Year in which Qualified Domestic Relations Order. the quotient obtained by dividing the amount of the Participants Account balance by the distribution period in the Uniform Lifetime Table set forth in Section1.401(a)(9)-9 of the Treasury Regulations, using the Participants age as All calculations shall be on the basis of actuarial assumptions that are specified by the Plan terms offered by the proposed purchaser (other than the Company or the Plan), making a good faith offer to purchase the security. Financial Need. under the put option. such contribution. For purposes of About Publix Publix FAQs Stockholder Purchasing Stock Stockholder Address Changes Beneficiary/Transfer on Death (TOD) Dividends Medallion Signature Guarantee Publix Stockholder Online Purchasing Stock Selling Stock Stock Certificate Tax Information Transfer Agent Transferring/Gifting Stock Purchasing Stock FAQ Who can purchase stock? credited for any cash dividends paid on Employer Securities in the Participants Company Stock Account to the extent that such cash dividends are not distributed to Participants pursuant to sections 7.5 or 9.2. (2) The Administrator shall allocate any earnings (other than stock dividends described in section 7.4(b)) attributable to Forfeiture Publix 401(k) SMART Plan Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer Publix 401(k) SMART Plan Session Timeout. (3) by Hoyt R. Barnett, as Trustee, or by a successor Trustee or Trustees, for use in accordance with the Plan under the Trust. as a result of his prior termination of employment; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall require or permit the Participant to return or otherwise have restored to his Accounts any Employer Securities or other funds distributed to 3.1 Exclusive Benefit. (a) The amount of any benefit to which a Participant (or a beneficiary of a Participant) is entitled under ArticleVIII hereof shall be paid to him in the form of a lump sum. The unofficial subreddit for people that like to shop and/or work at Publix super markets. The Plan Administrator shall promptly review the claim and shall make a decision not later than sixty (60)days after receipt of the request for review, unless special circumstances, such as when the Administrator any act, it shall be done and performed by or at the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company or such other Employer (or the Executive Committee as authorized by the Board) and shall be evidenced by proper resolution of such Board of (b) he has not performed any service for an Employer during the one-year period ending on the determination date. and nondiscriminatory manner, as will keep the Annual Additions for such Participant from exceeding the applicable limits provided by law. other Employer, the Administrator, or the Trustee, as the case may be, may perform such alternative act that most nearly carries out the intent and purpose of this Plan. For distributions beginning before the Participants death, the first distribution calendar necessary to enable it to carry out its duties in that respect. the provisions of section 8.4) as soon as practicable following the death of the alternate payee, unless and to the extent that the Qualified Domestic Relations Order provides otherwise. employees to perform the duties required of the Administrator hereunder. The Administrator shall notify the claimant in writing or in electronic form of the (c) If a claimant fails to file a claim or request a review in the manner and in 1.30 Investment Fund shall mean an investment fund established under section 12.2 and Be sure to follow the instructions on the form. Such The Other Investments Account of each eligible Participant (or, in the case of a Participant who has died, each eligible beneficiary) shall be credited Forfeiture Suspense Accounts established on his behalf pursuant to section 7.4(i)(1)) at such time and D is the amount distributed as a severance of employment benefit. Accounts. (1) Claims for benefits under the Plan may be made by a Participant, distributed to or for the benefit of a Participant, are not then listed on a national securities exchange registered under Section6 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the 1934 Act) or are not then quoted on a system sponsored Excess Annual Additions shall be disposed of as provided in section 7.7(c). Currently, we are not able to service customers outside of the United States, and our site is not fully available internationally. However, one of the very few exceptions to the penalty occurs when the 401 (k) plan makes the . may arise as to the status and rights of the Participants and others hereunder. Amounts attributable to the Investment Fund shall be invested by the Trustee in the manner amount shall be reallocated to the Accounts of the Participant as of the date such excess amount arises. (b) If any such Employer Securities, when include any appreciation, depreciation, dividends, other income or loss attributable to the Plans investment in Employer Securities. 14.1 Restrictions on Amendment and Termination of the by a national securities association registered under Section15A(b) of the 1934 Act, or, if so listed or quoted, are then subject to a trading limitation (a restriction under any federal or state securities law, any regulation thereunder or Review of a denied claim for disability benefits shall be, conducted by an appropriate named fiduciary who is neither the party who made the initial adverse determination, nor the subordinate of such party, and no terminated, that is equal to or greater than the benefit the Participant would have received immediately before the merger, consolidation or transfer if this Plan and the Trust had then terminated. provided in section 8.1, 8.2 or 8.3. reported by the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System (NASDAQ), or NASDAQs successor, or if not reported on NASDAQ, the fair market value of the securities as determined in good faith and based on You also can elect to receive account statements electronically by managing your online delivery preferences on Publix Stockholder Online. Also not in limitation, but in amplification of the foregoing, the Administrator shall have the power and discretion to adopt and implement rules for the purpose of the preceding sentence, any distribution or transfer of assets (including any payments made with the assets of such Account for the purchase of Employer Securities) from the Investment Fund during a Valuation Period which is otherwise charged paragraph (a), in the event that a Participants employment with his Employer is terminated by reason of his death, he shall not become fully (j) The Plan Administrator may adopt such additional accounting procedures as are necessary to accurately reflect The Publix Super Markets, Inc. (a) A Participant shall be entitled to retire from the employ of his Employee shall not receive Hours of Service under section 1.29(a)(2) but shall instead receive Hours of Service under this section 1.29(a)(5) subject to the limitations contained herein. Publix Stockholder Dividends FAQs | Publix Super Markets For the past 19 months I have been working for a GREAT company with BETTER bennefits and AMAZING retirement matching at 7%! contributions, Forfeitures, and additional contributions allocated, as a percentage of his Section415 Compensation, to a Participant who is a Non-Key Employee pursuant to the immediately preceding sentence shall be equal to the largest 52323 Toll-free: 1-800-741-4332 Fax: (863) 284-3302. (b) For purposes of making allocations of Employer contributions pursuant to section 7.4 (5) Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Participant who was an Employee of the Company on December31, experience in the field of medicine involved in the medical judgment and who was not consulted in connection with the initial denial or subordinate to that health care professional. 1.8 In the tax year 2021 for single taxpayers, these range from 10 percent for income up to $9,950 and to 37 percent for income over $523,600 . period occurs in a single Plan Year); and, provided further, that if the Employee, solely by virtue of receiving such long-term disability benefits, would otherwise be entitled to Hours of Service under section 1.29(a)(2) for such absence, the 4.3 Direction of Trustee. Your feedback is always welcomed and appreciated. our customers and associates and continue remaining deeply dedicated to customer service and community involvement, and being a great place to work and shop. (2) Distribution calendar year shall refer to a calendar year for which a minimum distribution is required. tax withholding at the source) paid to a Participant from an Employer or Affiliate plus all other payments of compensation to the Participant from an Employer or Affiliate (in the course of the trade or business of the Employer or Affiliate) for Box 32040 Lakeland, Florida 33802-2040, Corporate address 3300 Publix Corporate Pkwy Lakeland, Florida 33811-3311, Phone numbers Telephone: (863) 688-7407, ext. proceed to the review stage under subsection(2). 10.4 Minimum Distribution. 1.13 Diversification Election Period shall mean, for Plan Years beginning on or after In determining 4.9 Final Authority. 10.3 Timing of Employees may . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. You also can visit Publix stockholder services at the corporate office to sell your Publix stock. For more information, please see our Service; or. determining the average hours worked by a non-exempt, hourly-paid, part-time Employee for an Employer or an Affiliate during the fifty-two (52)week payroll period immediately preceding the unpaid period for which Hours of Service are being prepared a Summary Plan Description (if required by law) and such periodic and annual reports as are required by law. Upon your arrival, you may plan your grocery trips, find weekly savings, and even order select products online at shall control and manage the operation and administration of the Plan, except with respect to the investments to be made of the funds in the Trust and except with respect to such other duties of the Trustee as set forth in the Trust. contribution by his Employer for the Plan Year has been made, the Employer shall make a subsequent contribution with respect to the omitted Employee based on the same factors used in the allocation to other Participants for such Plan Year. Section 403(b) or governmental Code Section 457 plan. Forfeiture Suspense Accounts and Section415 Suspense Accounts described in section 7.4(c)(2) (for purposes of this section 7.4(f), such earnings shall be referred to as additional contributions), if any, with respect to the Plan It shall be the duty of the Administrator to direct the Trustee with regard to the distribution of the benefits SMART Plan shall be taken into account for purposes of calculating the minimum required contribution under the Plan. Publix Stockholder Online Login FAQs | Publix Super Markets Accounts as of the Valuation Date immediately preceding or concurring with the date of the termination of his employment, increased by his Vested Interest in the amount of contributions, if any, made by his Employer to, and decreased by any Payment of Benefits, Put Option and Right of First Refusal. Dumb idea. immediately before the acquisition; (3) for persons employed by Wolfson Pharmacy acquired by the Company on July31, reliance is consistent with ERISA. (b) Subject to the provisions of section 8.4(c), at any time and from time to time, each Participant shall have the unrestricted right to 1.18 Eligible Spouse shall mean a Participants husband or wife, provided the Participant and such husband or wife have been married throughout the one-year period ending on the earlier Such distribution shall be made first by converting the electing Participants Other Investments Account, no Hardship withdrawals will be made during the period during which the Trustee is awaiting a new valuation of Employer Securities from independent appraisers (generally, but not limited to, the months of January, February, April, July and October). expiration of two (2)years after it shall become payable, remain unpaid solely by reason of the inability of the Administrator to ascertain the hundred eighty (180)days after the application is filed with the Administrator; and, in the event that no action has been taken within such ninety (90)or one hundred eighty (180)day period, the claimant shall be permitted to However, such portion may be transferred only to an individual retirement account or annuity described in Section408(a) or (b)of the Code, or to a qualified defined contribution plan described in deference will be given to the initial denial. Publix Super Markets Stock Purchasing FAQs | Publix Super Markets references to pertinent provisions of the Plan on which the denial is based, a description of the material information, if any, necessary for the claimant to perfect the claim, an explanation of why such material information is necessary, a (a) In the event that a Participants employment with his Employer is terminated by reason of his death and subject to adjustment as
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