The neighbourhoodmanagers, enforcement officers and engagement and education officers regularly attend public meetings and events. Raj Mistry is our Executive Director of Environment and City Management. Sarah has been in local government for thirty years with a depth of experience across all service areas. Visible links Download Redbridge London Borough Council - Wikipedia Apply to Teaching Teaching jobs now hiring in Redbridge on, the worlds largest job site. 226.00 Inspection Fee - This is as follows under the New Roads & Street Works & Traffic Management Act code . Since 1964 political control of the council has been held by the following parties: "Council Tax and Business Rates Billing Authorities", "Local Plan Responses within and outside London", London Borough of Redbridge Constitution, 26 June 2017, p. 14,, J. O'Shea (18.05.06 - 20.07.16) & C. Cummins, This page was last edited on 29 October 2022, at 12:53. confidential information some or all of which may be legally privileged Council structure. For complaints or compliments, please go to Complaints or Compliments. WhatDoTheyKnow also publishes and archives requests and responses, building a massive archive of information. Planning and Building Control. [3]@RedbridgeLive His efforts have led to him being recognised in the New Years Honours list 2019 when he was made a Commander of the British Empire. She provides strategic and corporate legal advice to RBK. Adults and Health. NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email. Director of Children's Services: Ann Graham. Raj began his career in local government in Westminster in 1994 until 2004 when he left to join Lambeth Council where he spent 16 years covering the Environment and Street Scene . We will inform youif this is View as HTML, 75K He holds a Masters Degree in Developing Professional Practice (incorporating change management) and is a Masters level qualified Executive Coach and Mentor. Councillors are responsible for making decisions on behalf of the community about: Redbridge is divided into 22 wards with 3 elected councillorsfor 19 wards and2 councillors for3 wards, making 63 councillors in total. As a member of the Kingston Strategic Partnership as well as the Governing Body of Kingston CCG she uses her influence and leadership to develop and strengthen joint working to improve health and prosperity for people who live, work and study in the borough. Redbridge is divided into 22 wards with 3 elected councillors for 19 wards and 2 councillors for 3 wards, making 63 councillors in total. She has a wealth of senior executive level experience, having previously held the Chief Executive position at Newham Council and before that she was the Strategic Director for Resources in Brent Council and Chief Operating Officer in Waltham Forest. She is a qualified executive coach and mediator. Please notify the author immediately by replying to this Ian is the joint Director of Childrens Services for the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames and the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. Contact Us - Redbridge eforms Regeneration Enterprise and Skills. Email: If you require a response about a specific case or council service, please click on the Contact Us link at the bottom of this page. Cost of living support; Council Tax; Education; Housing; Parking; Planning and building; Rubbish and recycling; Adult Social Care (MyLife) . Yours faithfully. Deputy Chief Executive Directorate. material ui multi select checkbox; michael gardner obituary; can i use lighter fluid in a tiki torch; coast community tuggerah; prince edward county surplus land. the councils Children's Services Department. Redbridge Awarded over 320,000 to fund clean air initiatives. Donate and support our work. email. 2. The chief executive - Havering London Borough Council It is a local education authority and is also responsible for council housing, social services, libraries, waste collection and disposal, traffic, and most roads and environmental health. Director of Culture, Strategy and Engagement: Jess Crowe. If you are not the intended recipient, an The Redbridge senior management team are: Directors nominate a senior officer in their management team to represent them at management team meetings if they are not able to attend. The current local authority was first elected in 1964, a year before formally coming into its powers and prior to the creation of the London Borough of Redbridge on 1 April 1965. If you require these services please call using the relevant contact details: Customer services: 020 8554 5000. Housing 020 8708 4002 - open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4.45pm. Essex, telephone 0208 708 2331, e-mail [3][Redbridge Borough Council request email] who will As an outer London borough council it has been an education authority since 1965. A social worker by profession, Sharon has a keen interest in empowerment of individuals and communities. As part of this role, Ian worked as one of the Department for Educations improvement advisers, supporting two local authorities to improve the quality of their childrens services to achieve good Ofsted ratings. Final year thesis work was carried out in . viruses and all reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure that no have been agreed and implemented, revised charts will be produced. Please try again later, sorry for any inconvenience. Jeremy DeSouza, Director of Adult Social Care and Public Health. You should use the form below for complaints which involve a breach of the Code of Conduct for Members who are acting in their official capacity as Members. viruses are present. Director of Adults, Health and Communities: Beverley Tarka. 1. mailto:[Redbridge Borough Council request email] The council was created by the London Government Act 1963 and replaced four local authorities: Ilford Borough Council and Wanstead and Woodford Borough Council, with parts from Chigwell Urban District Council and Dagenham Borough Council. Save time, go online: [5] Council corporate management team | Croydon Council More exposure on the job role. redbridge council management structure - Tin in a Bin and Redbridge Council working together to feed more children during the Easter holidays. A principal council, an upper tier local authority, a body responsible for highways, a london borough, a local council in London, an education authority, a council with district-level functions and a council with district-level functions in England. Job Search - Redbridge Note that feedback relates only to this page and it's content. Executive Director of Housing and Sustainable Development. We willcarry outan assessment 4. The team is made up of the Chief Executive and four corporate directors who lead the departments: Resources, Strategy, People and Place. Lynton House, 255-259 High Road, Ilford, Essex IG1 1NY, Facebook: [8], Save time, go online: [9] These documents are updated on 1 April each year. Elaine Jackson (LGA interim) Corporate Director Resources. Councillors are your local elected representatives. I'm Mahalia, I currently work as a Program Assistant at the German Council on Foreign Relations. Search for locations by name or enter a postcode to centre the map on a particular address. Mary Byrne - Head of Serivce Community Health & Adult Social - LinkedIn Jackie Riviere Open data : Senior staff salaries and structure | Merton Council Subscribe to Our Streets eNewsletter to learn about what events we will be attending. Corporate Director: Ann Sutcliffe, email address; Health, Adults and Community Katherine Kerswell. Prior to joining Achieving for Children, Ian worked in childrens services in a number of local authorities in London. Telephone: 01708 432201. contact the Information Officer within 20 working days of the date of this 2023concerningIR - organisational structure charts, We are dealing with yourrequestunder theFreedom of Information Act might not provide that informationto you. Your donations keep this site and others like it running. Chief executive. Redbridge replaced Ilford Borough Council and Wanstead and Woodford Borough Council entirely, and replaced Chigwell Urban District Council in Hainault and Dagenham Borough Council in the Hog Hill area. She is also responsible for ensuring the Council has effective corporate services and a sustainable Medium Term Financial strategy. CPD course at Thurrock Council Leadership and Management - Manager's Development Programme Pass (22 Mar 2012) 2012 - 2012. From 2015/16 the salaries are included in the structure charts. The team is made up of the Chief Executive and four corporate directors who lead the departments: Resources, Strategy, People and Place. Jermaine Agyapong Director of Environment and Resident Experience: Barry Francis. Sutton Children's Services is part of Sutton Council's People Directorate. WhatDoTheyKnow also publishes and archives requests and responses, building a massive archive of information. Antony Madden. Lauren joined RBK from Kent County Council where she was the Head of Legal and Deputy Monitoring Officer for over three years. Dear Redbridge Borough Council, Please provide the organisational structure charts (including names, job title and contact details) for the Children's and Adult's Social care directorates covering the following job titles: Director, Assistant Director, Heads of Service and Service Manager. restructuring exercise of all our departments. Wycliffe House Regeneration, growth, major projects, strategic planning, strategic transport planning, innovation and asset management, planning consents and approvals, building control, all property - schools, commercial, housing policy and strategy, liaison with LSVT and homelessness. mySociety Deputy Chief Executive: Shazia Hussain. Organisation structure; Organisation structure . Thanks in advance for your help, it is greatly appreciated. Our structure - Sutton Council London Borough of Redbridge You can also feedback about the entire site. Download The Leader is the Chair of the Cabinet, a group of elected councillors who make most of the decisions about what we do.. The officer parts of Cabinet reports are signed off by the management team. Yours faithfully, He started his career as a teacher and has also led alternative education and creative learning provision in libraries, museums, art galleries and theatres. The Leader is the Chair of the Cabinet, a group of elected councillors who make most of the decisions about what we do. Information request Organisation structure - Wandsworth Borough Council all of the information you have requested. Contact us if you think it should be reopened. Redbridge Council - YouTube positive results - setting the Council's management arrangements and practices to ensure effective and efficient . Council departments and management | Merton Council Our senior management roles have changed since these documents were published. It is intended Redbridge Borough Council, Download a zip file of all correspondence, Closure of Redbridge Foyer Outcomes for residents and SP funding, Social Work Hierarchy Children's and adults, Planning Infrastructure (CIL, S106) structure. They are responsible for local services, such as planning, schools, social services, roads, and refuse collection. Senior officers at Tower Hamlets Council Chief Executive. It is one of London's most emerging Boroughs, located in the north-east of the capital with a growing, diverse and . Redbridge Council | Ilford - Facebook As of 6 May 2022, Redbridge Council comprises 55 Labour Party members, 5 Conservative Party members and three seats are vacant. use, disclose, copy, print or disseminate the information contained within Decisions are normally reached by discussion and consensus, taking into account the professional views of the heads of department. Housing. This email has been scanned for all Redbridge - Meet the team - Redbridge London Borough Council Management and development of a range of services within Adult Social Care this included CQC registered provision.Staff compliment of 200.Lead officer for transformation across Adult and Social Care and management . This arrangement lasted until 1986 when Redbridge London Borough Council gained responsibility for some services that had been provided by the Greater London Council, such as waste disposal. Map - Redbridge Donate and support our work. We are currently experiencing issues with booking a bulky waste collection. Redbridge is a vibrant and dynamic place to live, work and learn. and/or subject to the provisions of privacy legislation. They represent the five key functional areas of the council. Critical to Sarah's role is her leadership of the Councils overall Transformation programme. We couldnt load the mail server logs for this message. Organisational structure - London Borough of Richmond upon Thames The management team takes responsibility for all of the council's activitiesunder the supportof the Council Members, making sure that services are delivered in accordance with policies and in the best interests of residents. The principles behind these . advanced search. Adult Social Care and Public Health. Redbridge - Contact us - Redbridge London Borough Council Please notify the author immediately by replying to this You can also feedback about the entire site. The request was refused by Redbridge Borough Council. Rubbish and recycling. Make a complaint - Redbridge eforms - Redbridge London Borough Council You need to select what you would like to complain about before you are able to fill out further details. Module 1 - The Coaching Manager (01/02/2012) . Vision Redbridge Culture & Leisure Ltd is one of the UK's largest culture and leisure trusts with a turnover of 21m . The Chief Executive of Camden Council is Jenny Rowlands. Council departments - Hillingdon Council Second Tier Management Chart Department: Community and Housing Contact Number: 0208 545 4836 Team: Director of Public Health-Merton Housing Reports to: Director of Community & Housing Grade: NHSVSM-Very Senior Manager Team: Public Health Team Position Type: Permanent Salary Bracket: 120,000 - 125,999 Post Holder: Dagmar Zeuner SK9 5AF All information about redbridge council management structure Coating Solutions - March 2021 Up-to-date Coating information only on Head of Service Community Health & Adult Social Care C & L Cluster London Borough of Redbridge London, England, United Kingdom . Are you the owner of any commercial copyright on this page? She is currently the lead for the Councils sustainable environmental strategy, leads environmental services, culture, heritage, leisure, green spaces, highways, adult education and works closely with partners within the community and voluntary sector. In May 2018, Sutton Children's Services underwent a service transformation which focused on increasing our early help offer to families, introducing locality teams and implementing our new model of restorative practice. Redbridge Council has been awarded 323,774 to help reduce air pollution to make the boroughs air cleaner and healthier for local people. The Council's management structure | Royal Borough of Kensington and The team also deals with major or difficult operational issues, particularly where more than one department is involved. Redbridge Council launches ThisHasToStop campaign to challenge sexist behaviour. [4] Find out more on our recent prosecution against three Redbridge restaurants. is a registered charity in England and Wales (1076346) or attachments. [1][Redbridge Borough Council request email] Lewisham Council - Our directorates and structure Redbridge Council - Overview, News & Competitors | Sharons career in public sector spans over 30 years, in a variety of social care, health, and housing settings in both operational and strategic leadership roles. 4. Inspectors were impressed by the quality of the work delivered by his service and the learning culture which was developed over time, resulting in sustainable improvement and consistently good outcomes for children, young people and their families. SLT is also responsible for the forward-looking . Also reporting to the Chief Executive are: The qualification's structure provides students with the flexibility to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills depending upon their designated career pathway within the hair industry. arrange an internal review of your case. A site to help anyone submit a Freedom of Information request. 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