10 Cities Near Edinburgh, Posted Dec 26 2017, 05:48. It also means that the bank can take the home back without having to go through the court system. Please see the attached response. The plaintiffs also claim Selene imposed policies with excessive amounts of coverage, and as a result mortgage borrowers had to pay more in premiums than they should have had to. Please DO NOT add attachments that contain your or other peoples personal information, if you dont want it to be visible to the public. With just over 500 employees and offices in 4 states, Selene collects payments from thousands of homeowners with distressed loans. This lawsuit represents the largest class action lawsuit ever filed in U.S. history, and it is on the verge of receiving a major breakthrough. Pleading a Cause of Action under Real Property Article 7-113 - The Petitioners' amended complaint adequately pleaded a private cause of action under Real Property Article 7-113. Edit selene finance third party authorization form. They refuse to give any information to their own Realtor, let alone mine. Please help us stay in our home. Find a professional foreclosure lawyer today and start fighting to save your home. Report this post. My salary will also raise to $142,000 in January (as we just had our annual review/merit raise notices). 9990 Richmond Avenue, Suite 400 South. I live in the residence with my four children. First they say they got the proofs then they say they didn't. Selene Finance -. But i have some good news that may just help us all out. See the top reviewed local fireplace services and installers in Dierdorf, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany on Houzz. Re: loan number 710-3112 Date: 8/20/2021 Please join me in posting your Selene Finance story. Selena Finance has a policy of holding all homeowners in custody until the courts have had time to rule. Request a free trial. Industry Financial Services Revenue $88.0M Employees 50 Founded in 2007 Headquarters Houston, TX Website seleneadvantage.com Organization Type Private Is This Your Company? Oh, and by the way if you hire a paralegal make sure they are not an attorney that has been disbarred. Not responding to your loan modification application within 30 days. Our mortgage was sold from Shellpoint to Selene Jan 2022 - we had just finished an approved modification from Shellpoint December 2021, but apparently it did not transfer to Selene and they refused to accept our payments. YOu list my sole income, but then list my and Haig's expenses. Houston. Selene took over my loan from Bank of America in March 2022. Selene informed us they had no idea how she got added to the actual loan and placed our mortgage under investigation in September 2022. It has an F rating with the Better Business Bureau. (The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.) Our lone was sold from Bank of America to Selene. real estate investing strategy that makes financial freedom Any advice that any of you have for me would be GREATLY appreciated!!! They would not discuss the repayment amount when I called. So it does not recognize me. After receiving documentation that they were my new loan providers, I immediately contacted Selene to resume my payments through them (as they advised in the notice). You did all of these dubious things behind our back and to keep us occupied with the promise of payoff that never came so you could sell the property to someone else. I apologize for the confusion. von | Jun 17, 2022 | ruby tuesday university blvd closed | | Jun 17, 2022 | ruby tuesday university blvd closed | Search Johnson County, KS foreclosures & foreclosed homes for sale, real estate, and MLS Listings. Then after managing and marketing their home and submitting multiple offers. I want answers! On the day that the letters were to be delivered, the mail carrier didnt even bother to pull in my driveway to deliver them to me or even notify me that they were there or I would have absolutely driven to town to pick them up. on Loan transferred after completing trial payments. bank of america loan modification problems, financial worksheet for loan modification, home affordable mofication program qualifications, lakeview loan servicing loan modification, Homebridge Financial Services loan modification, home bridge financial services loan modification, home loan investment bank loan modification, pacific union finance loan modification success. Loan transferred to Selene and they show me two months late when I am not. United States. What a joke I thought Bank of America was bad. I have been sending an additional 1000.00 a month to be applied as additional principal on my mortgage. They came up with every excuse you could think of as to why my loan modification packet was unacceptable. selene finance foreclosure listings. Cindy J Ziegler. Pretium, an investment management firm focused on real estate, mortgage finance and corporate credit with over $10 billion in assets under management, today announced that it has closed its previously announced acquisition of Selene Holdings LLC ("Selene") from funds managed by Oaktree Capital Management, L.P. and Ranieri Partners LLC. I then had a year long battle with them and finally lost my house on June 9th. for assistance with Selene Finance contact me at 310-564-6389 Brett@ishortsalenow.com ; www.ishortsalenow.com. I also noticed they do not send these accusations in writing, but call and talk to me or my ill father and in a disgustingly rude manner. Claim This Company Page Get Selene Finance reviews, rating, hours, phone number, directions and more. One of the mortgage companies attempted to foreclose in 2009, but it was delayed because they didn't have the original mortgage paperwork. The price of the house can reach up to 90% below market value. I called selene finance and changed my address with them so they could send the refund to the proper place. HQ. I felt like things were going to start looking up for my family, I felt like there was hope for the future, and then a Realtor came to my door and started offering me Cash for Keys on my home!! Loan transferred to Selene and they show me two months late when I am not. Currently we are waiting on a call back from Loss Mitigation Supervisor as she was 'not familiar with our case and not many notes were recorded over the last year'. Can I Sell My Home To Stop A Sheriff Sale? Selene Finance services residential mortgage loans. Useful Information for Selene Finance Customers Phone Numbers Support Phone 877-735-3637 Contact Phone 877-735-3637 Email Addresses Support Email CustomerService@SeleneFinance.com Locations HQ Address 9990 Richmond Ave Ste 400 Houston, TX 77042 Selene Finance Bills Are Paid In These Categories: General information about Selene Finance Company profile page for Selene Finance LP including stock price, company news, press releases, executives, board members, and contact information When Selene Finance makes a mistake in your mortgage loan, you need to know how to handle it the RIGHT way or you'll risk foreclosure and losing your home. After talking to a couple of realtors I realized I would have to rent it out because I was not moving back in just to move right back out again. Selene Finance - helping people stay in thier homes, Selene Finance - fraud / not helping but taking, Selene Finance - Loan was sold to selene finance and they do not acknowledge the escrow account. Selene is a Standard & Poor's, Moody's and Fitch rated Prime, Subprime and Special Servicer for Wall Street, Private Equity, REITs and GSEs. The down side is that we carry more of the expenses but for the most part they are really easy . They told me that was not an option. So type SIG/TARP look the up, contact them as soon as possible flood their office with emails and calls, and if you still have a copy of SELENES RIDICULOUS MODIFICATION make sure you get it to them. Due to the volume of complaints filed against this business, BBB only publishes the details for 30% of the total complaints filed. Selene Finance has an overall rating of 2.3 out of 5, based on over 52 reviews left anonymously by employees. In doing this I was able to access records to lenders that most people werent able to see, Ive been to law school but I dont want to be a lawyer but I also do have the pass experience of working for Wells Fargos foreclosure team and I do have access to their foreclosure manuals so speak. They are very non helpful and threatening. 27, September Term, 2020, Opinion by Booth, J. [fa icon="clock-o"] Sunday, November 3, 2013 A lender must deliver a note to the borrower stating that he or she has defaulted in meeting its obligations. You are allowed to negotiate with the bank and the Selenium Foreclosure Home Foreclosure team about your options and whether or not it is better to leave the home alone or save it. The addition of these businesses to our existing asset management and investment platform provides significant scale and . I have been residing at this property for almost 17 years now! This website has been many years in the making. I have a couple of really good asset managers that have been assigning me properties. Where are the supervisors? The minimum amount due must be paid within forty days. We are one of the few sub-servicers that has end-to-end servicing capabilities for both performing loans and non-performing loans. We have the money I just need a payoff. With over 500 employees, Selene Finance is a servicer. In the state of Nevada, you cannot use onerous actions or revolving liens to get out of a foreclosure. v. Selene Finance LP, et al., No. We never thought wed be where we are at this stage of our lives. Bank of America allowed this so we would not fall farther behind. Now I knew why they cancelled the Trustees sale last Dec. We originally requested on September 15th and it is now October 4th. Now I hire an attorney cant remember his name right now, but. This homeowner had experienced a laundry list of problems with his subprime mortgage; his mortgage had been transferred between several different banks and servicers since 2006. After numerous attempts to fix the issue with them, they told me that unless I started an automatic payment with . Selene Finance, LP et al RSS Track this Docket Docket Report This docket was last retrieved on July 13, 2021. Copyright 2023 The Stop Foreclosure Attorney | Powered by The Stop Foreclosure Attorney, Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance, Can You Keep A Mortgage In A Dead Persons Name. Plaintiff: SELENE FINANCE; Defendant Name: BLAUM STEVEN; Recording Date: 05-04-2015; Last Sale Amount: $273,500; Last Sale Date: 09-11-2006; Trustee Name: MILSTEAD AND ASSOCIATES LLC; . Document submission email: LoanResolution@SeleneFinance.com. I got home on August 16 after a long weekend and again my keys did not work, a door lock box had been put on the property. Don't forget to check your email often for new foreclosure alert emails. Going Through Probate and Avoiding Foreclosure On An Inherited House. Selene Finance LP, (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) It is foreclosure by lieu of foreclosure. Client Alert: Wheeling v. Selene Finance, LP. About Selene Finance Headquartered in Houston, Texas, Selene Financeis a residential mortgage company that handles all aspects of mortgage loan servicing, including receiving monthly mortgage payments and pursuing foreclosure against homeowners who fall behind. Rearrange and rotate pages, insert new and alter existing texts, add new objects, and take advantage of other helpful tools. Mortgage servicer Selene did not fully evaluate plaintiff's February 2017 . Hello everyone, and welcome to TheVictimsOfSeleneFinance.org website. They accepted February 2022 payment, but now refuse to accept payment unless its certified funds for the entire amount previously delinquent prior to modification. Dear Sir or Madam: in order to address Mr. ****'s concerns, we respectfully request he provide a valid Selene account number and/or the property address. $40,000 a year. Being detained during a foreclosure is the worst-case scenario that a Selenium Foreclosure Home Foreclosure faces. Fortunatly the AG in my state is helping to resolve this. So instead of paying late charges, I am shelling out $99 a month of fees I cannot afford. My nightmare began with Countrywide selling my personal information and all me credit damaged. I was told that they wanted to work with me. It was sold by Tutas Towne Realty 4 days later at $80,000. Why were we promised payoff so often and received nothing? Millions of people receive foreclosure alerts daily, don't miss out. It provides creative loan resolution strategies designed to preserve homeownership. I told them if I had 15k I would had done this already. I haven't had much experience in reality but I know that no one should be treated be such open disregard. They finally sent the check to the address of the house I sold. When given the opportunity to take down lenders as Selene, who feel that they are Untouchable because theyre smaller Out Of Reach and a lot of investors. Meanwhile, I hired an attorney because I honestly felt that the foreclosure process was not carried out in a legal manner or I would have been aware that this was all happening. No one bid on the house according to the title company but a couple of days later I received a call from a realtor again offering cash for keys. Employee (Former Employee) - Dallas, TX - October 15, 2022. Oh and upon reading so many stories, I noticed these people are getting away with this by not making promises over the phone or asking for late payments for not being late over the phone but not in writing. Selene Finance -. It was nice when the break-ins stopped and the person messing with the door locks was no longer active. Jurisdiction. Executive Resolution Team Headquarters: 9990 Richmond Avenue, Suite 400 South, Houston, Texas, 77042, United States. I did make one correction to this document that I sent in and am now attaching - on page two, under Cable/Satellite, I add the $55.00 I pay for Fios each month to our one streaming channel. Note: The mortgage is actually with Wilmington Savings Fund Society and Selene Finance is the services. Selene Author October 12, 2022 Blog 4 Ways Residential Real Estate Investors Can Benefit During High Interest Rates The low-interest rates residential real estate investors have taken advantage of over the past ten years suddenly came to a screeching halt in 2022. We went back and forth a couple of times but I feel the price is still to high. Popular Searches Selene Finance Selene Finance LLC Selene Finance LLP Disclaimer: These results should not be taken as a guarantee, as each case is unique. Yet this issue had hit our credit and I had to pay credit repair to fix ($99/mo). The Court of Appeals of Maryland has held that a protected resident need not be deprived of actual possession as a condition to suit against a loan servicer under the 2013 residential eviction amendments set forth in Maryland Code Real Property Article 7-113. There are common complaints against Selene Finance Foreclosures Process they include: A foreclosure in the county where the mortgage was originated.
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