Diego compared Gutt to the herd, implying that the pirates don't actually care about Shira since they haven't even bothered to look for her. Sid | I am not. Julian, Dinosaur World Peggy Hill | Diego quickly goes back to her side. As a saber-toothed tiger, Shira sported the same features that other sabers had: short, compact build with powerful running legs, clawed paws, short tail and ears, and a pair of fangs that were shorter than Diego's and not as sharp. Sid : Yeah, leprosy! Shira looked up and smiled at Diego. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Shira snarls at Squint when he begins to give her orders. - Shira mocks Manny's attempt to talk to a hyrax. Pirate (formerly) Oscar | After an attempt to escape Shira became the prisoner of the Herd and discovered that the two have much in common, Diego was able to let Shira see through her Captain Gutt's cruelty, Shira actually saved the Herd from the wrath of the captain after this Diego developed romantic feelings for her. Shira orders the crew to prepare the plank. We'll never make it home on this thing. - Optimized and ran several low to . Shira is one of the two tritagonists (alongside Granny) of Ice Age: Continental Drift and a supporting character in Ice Age: Collision Course. However, the two have a very strong bond and are close friends possibly more than Manny even if the two might not trust each other. He proved to be loyal enough to give Manny and Sid the true directions to the human tribe so they can return the baby. Within time, Diego grew upset with his complacent life in a herd, having lost his edge as a hunter and so considered leaving his herd behind. Lila helped Diego escape from the institution and for a short time, she accompanied Diego and his family in their attempts to fix the timeline. Source Hunter | Sell custom creations to people who love your style. She's often compared with Lola Bunny in that she's mostly just a boring tough girl clone of one of the main characters who only . She is Diego's love interest who initially aligns herself wit Captain Gutt's crew. You'll be safe with us! Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Prancer | She along with the rest of the herd were forced to leave to stop the mother of all asteroids from destroying the planet. The first born, a boy, was gray and had brown stripes going down his little back, like Shira. Shira notices her paw getting fuzzy from the electrical storm. Don't call me 'kitty'.Shira on the nickname Diego gave her. The characters are manic and idiotic and surprisingly fun the dialogues is rat-a-tat chatter, the action is entirely at the service of the 3-D, and the movie depends on bright colors, lots of noise and a few songs in between the whiplash moments but otherwise its enough for the movies. Disney Scrappies | Diego and Shira have their doubts the Shangri Llama will help save the world. For those who may have forgotten, yes, Ice Age 6 is happening. Bewildered, panicked, and no Yo guys, I don't know why I am doing this. I don't have a choice! We Guarantee you 100% satisfaction. @Walt Disney Studios -Get ready for a movie event for the ages! Ellie is a female woolly mammoth, whom Manny, Diego, and Sid meet during their migration to escape the flood in the second movie, Ice Age: The Meltdown . Yeah baby!Shira and Diego celebrating the ejection of the asteroid. "Can I tell you the difference between you and me?". Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Shira was exhausted she had given birth to 7 cubs. You don't have to live this way Shira. What?! We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. For those who may have forgotten, yes, Ice Age 6 is happening. Though Diego quickly overpowered Shira, Granny's remark about them possibly kissing caused him to get off of her. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. He was blindly loyal to his pack and their leader Soto who both shared a mutual respect for one another and was tasked with retrieving the baby from a human tribe as revenge for them killing nearly half of their pack. "Come on, silly," she laughed, "They don't bite.". Diego pleads for Manny to trust him as he forms a plan. Manny then knocks Soto into a wall and icicles fall and impale him to death. He is a smilodon who is Manny and Sid's best friend and one of Peaches' adoptive uncles. After the crew was ordered to get on board, Shira timidly tried to explain her treason to Gutt. What characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert? Wallace Evans | Unfortunately, he also learned that Gutt and his crew were also on the island, using the native of hyraxes to load food onto their new ship. So care to join our scurvy crew?Shira remains ungrateful to the ones who saved her life. Near the end of the film, she is shown to be quite affectionate towards Diego, given they've become a couple. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. diego: yes I uum you are in heat, and I can not stand. He has a sarcastic and even at times a vicious sense of humor most commonly at the expense of Sid such was shown when the sloth was about to perform a near-suicidal stunt and like the rest of the crowd he chanted "jump." "He'll warm up to you." Shira told him, reaching up to nuzzle Diego. After their adventure in the Dinosaur World, Diego decided to stay with his herd and returned to the surface. They tapped their hooves on the crystal floor, releasing a crystal hoverboard, which took them to the Geotopian master, Shangri Llama. welcome? Excuse me, I am not soft. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. It is revealed that Diego suffered from severe hydrophobia, as said by Sid, he was "letting the water make it his prey" and could neither swim nor even touch it without going in a fit of terror. On more than one occasion, he came close to killing him with his teeth. Peaches | Click here for more tips to help ensure there are no issues with your order. 'Cause I don't see Gutt sending out any search parties for you.Diego compares Gutt to the herd. Marinette-Dupain Cheng - Lena (DuckTales) Adrien Agreste - King Arthur (Shrek the Third) Ladybug - Shira (Ice Age: Continental Drift) Cat Noir - Diego (Ice Age) Alya Csaire - Princess Fiona (Shrek) Rena Rouge - Peaches (Ice Age 4 and 5) Nino Lahiffe - Shrek Carapace - Rex (Animal Mechanicals) Max Kant - Donkey (Shrek) Pegasus - Ferdinand Chlo Bourgeois - Granny (Ice Age 4 and 5) Queen . Shira Shira attempts to tell to Gutt of Manny's plan to take his ship. High intelligenceStrengthSpeedAgilityDurabilityEnduranceRoar. Ignoring her protests, Manny brought Shira onto their raft, though she remained ungrateful. Diego finally had a family of his own he was so happy. Shira was voiced by actress and singer Jennifer Lopez. Seeing how they were outnumbered, Diego reluctantly admitted that Shira was right. Some of the best shira monae nude xxx videos in HD format can be found on Pornoio.com . Wait. How do you write a cover letter for Canada? The Pig | Jimmy Pesto, Jr. | In the second film, Diego reveals his hidden fear of water. Before Diego could voice his complaints, Sid pointed out that Shira was trying to make a run for it. Manny and the herd approached her on a small ice floe and offered to save her. The herd thought it was quite strange. I knew you were a traitor!Oh, your little bunny nose wiggles in the cutest way when you're mad!Shira makes fun of Squint. Her expression then turns to anger as she bares her fangs also. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Diego then encountered Manny and Sid, who had already found the baby before he did. *By clicking Buy Now, you authorize ToyWiz to charge. Can Crash and Eddie survive the Lost World on their own? Realizing unlike Gutt, the herd would look out for her, Shira renounced her position as a pirate, and married Diego. She is a dazzlingly beautiful, female saber-toothed cat and Diegos lover resembling a white tiger. The oldest, a boy, was a copy of Diego. Sid then came and put a coral necklace around Diego, much to Shira's amusement. Shira heartbroken that she had to separate herself from Diego in order to stop Gutt. On the verge of drowning, Shira called out to Gutt and the crew. Precious | Boring love interest for fan-favorite Diego. You can even re-enact your favorite scenes from the film. Diego finally had a family of his own he was so happy. "We've been over this Diego, kids are afraid of us. Shira is shown to be a very athletic saber. Just a little short story I came up with because I love Shira and Diego so much! extreme nude public lindsey vonn nude fappening nude booty dance nude persian women pics shira and diego sex mark dalton nude zhao wei yi nude bella thorne ever been nude nude sandbar amish nude linda gray . Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. During the battle, Shira attempted to free Ellie, but was waylaid by Squint, who called her a traitor. She's often compared with Lola Bunny in that she's mostly just a boring tough girl clone of one of the main characters who only exists to be a Satelite love interest of the same character. Shira is amused when Diego points out that Granny does too. Shira looked at him and cried and wanted to run away . Here is a drawing who represent Shira and Diego, the two smilodons in the animated movie : "Ice Age 4 : continental drift". shira and diego https://iccleveland.org/wp-content/themes/icc/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 ICC ICC https://iccleveland.org/wp-content/themes/icc/images/empty . Relatives This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Yeah, leprosy Yeah, Pops? Shira loses all loyalty to Gutt when she learns he never cared about her. Her design is also sometimes critized for trying way too hard to look female in comparison to Ellie who looks more like a real animal. EasyHes alright, but hes very weak. Clint | We take care of each other!Diego trying to convince Shira. Diego turned his face away from her, so she wouldn't see his pout. As she continued her chase, Diego who was somewhat disturbed by his wife's ferocity, admitted to Manny that unlike Ellie, Shira isn't much of a giggler. Thumbelina | Finally he sat down and laid his ears back. Good When Diego questioned her actions, she told him she has his back and pushed some ice in front of Gutt, causing the ape to slip. It is scheduled to be released on February 14, 2017. In Ice Age: Continental Drift, a forty-five-year-old Diego meets and falls in love with Shira, a female Smilodon. Unrivaled Mac notes apps for fuss-free note-taking, 6 Actionable Tips for Improving Your Websites SEO, Copyright 2023 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes. Diego, keeping his pride, declared that he doesn't fight girls. Furious that Shira failed to kill Manny, Gutt humiliated her by giving her position of first mate to Squint. Yeah, trying to escape!Diego and Shira argue after Sid splits their ice floe. They stopped for the night then in the morning they found that Granny was missing. Shira had once been part of a saber-tooth cat pack but decided to leave them behind, to make a life of her own and to not let herself depend on anyone, a decision that was difficult for her to accept. Steffie, Katie and Meghan | Maya Smith | During the film, Diego had a romantic relationship with another saber-toothed tiger named Shira, the first mate of a band of pirates. Shira begins to fall in love with Diego and agrees to leave Gutt's crew. Despite her temper and her stubbornness, Shira did eventually fall in love with Diego, who showed her a better way of life than piracy. However for this task, they would need to use the crystals to seal the volcano's steam vents. Manny : [chuckles] I know what youve got: the L word. Diego and Shira officially become a couple. You bet. Shira was a female saber-toothed tiger and a distrusted first mate of the seafaring ape, Captain Gutt. Diego x Shira: Glad You Came 230,995 views Aug 8, 2012 Diego, Shira and Ice Age: Continental Drift are the property of Blue Sky Studios. Ice Age: Continental DriftIce Age: Collision Course One of the crew, a rabbit named Squint, was excited to go down and do battle with the castaways. Denis Leary and Jennifer Lopez will reprise their roles as Diego and Shira, respectively. Shira told him they should have considered that before they destroyed the ship, causing her and Diego to start exchanging insults. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Diego | Gutt chokes and threatens Shira for betraying him. Her opinion changed quickly as she was accepted into Diego's collective herd as his mate. Roger | Unfortunately, he, along with Manny and Sid, was separated from the herd as an ongoing continental drift divided them. In the end, he decides not to leave the herd. Seeing how the kids have warmed up to them, Shira happily told her mate they'll make wonderful parents. Shira: no sniffs you and you walked away. New members arrive. Peter Griffin | Diego ends up severely wounded after intercepting Soto's attack. The smaller earring was blue, while the other one was green. When it proved true, he got his wish and Diego remained alive. Dislikes Charles the Cockerel | Arthur Pendragon | Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. I said I didn't need your help! Shira snarls at Squint when he begins to give her orders. After Sid broke the Geotopian wall, the Shangri Llama became furious as the crystals provide eternal youth. , who also voiced Scowler in Walking with Dinosaurs 3D. Personal information All Rights Reserved. Shira was imprisoned within a tree to prevent another escape attempt, and overheard the herd as they devised a plan to steal Gutt's ship. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Once the herd woke up and found themselves tied up, Gutt and his crew attempted to convince them to join through the use of a song. Shira shamefully admits that Diego took her down. Yeah, I think I'm starting to get why you're not in a pack.Listen, I chose to leave my pack, alright?Congratulations, warrior princess. Zeke (formerly)Lenny (formerly)Oscar (formerly)Manny (best friend)Sid (second best friend)RoshanRunarRunar's TribeScratFast TonyStu EllieCrash and Eddie (close friends)Mini-slothsBuck (close friend)Momma DinoBaby DinosRoger the PterosaurusPeachesGrannyPreciousLouisEthanSteffie, Katie and MeghanFuzzyHyraxesClintJulianNeil deBuck WeaselBrookeTeddyShangri LlamaGeotopia habitantsGavinGertieRogerFrancinePrancerOther reindeersSanta Claus, Sid (formerly)Roshan (formerly)NadiaRunar (formerly)Runar's Tribe (formerly)Scrat (sometimes)Dab the Dodo Other dodos Carl and FrankSoto (archenemy) ZekeLennyOscarCrash and Eddie (formerly)Fast Tony (formerly)Cretaceous and Maelstrom The Lone GunslingerOther vulturesRudyOther carnivorous dinosaursAnkylosaurusCarnivorous Plant ScratteCaptain Gutt Shira (formerly)SquintFlynnGuptaRazSilasDobsonRats SirensGavin (formerly)Gertie (formerly)Roger (formerly)Shangri Llama (formerly). Shira defected from Gutt when she met another saber named Diego, who convinced her to leave the crew and join the herd of animals that he was a part of. Lisa Simpson | Shira finds Squint very irritating and annoying as he always attempts to copy everything she says as she is first mate and he wants to attack random people for no reason which is shown when he meets the herd and she pushed him away and waits for Gutt's orders. Smiley the Tasmanian Devil | Contents 1 Personality and Traits 2 Biography 3 Early Life 4 The Herd's Capture 5 Unwanted Rescue 6 Change of Heart 7 Gallery 8 Trivia This is a story that mainly involves Diego and Shira so Comment Vote and read :3 And expert salsa dancer!Shira's doubts on Buck. While her canonical counterpart is considered an Scrappy, she does have a small fanbase out of fanfiction writers giving her a fanon interpretation or simply using her as a default character to ship Diego. Oh, well, maybe you should have thought of that before you capsized our berg genius! Diego then fights Soto (the scene could be compared to when Simba fights Scar in The Lion King). Shira and Diego spend their seemingly final moments watching the Geotopia crystals. Furious over the loss of another ship, Gutt climbs in between a crack in some ice and pushed it apart to make a new ship. Shira amused when Sid puts a coral necklace on Diego. Jimmy Pesto | He becomes Shira's husband. Shira was about to protest, but Buck cut her off. Shira disgusted when Buck offers to let her count his teeth. Shira insults the herd's dull plan to take Gutt's ship. Home Momma Dino | Peter, you dad had a heart attack Shira managed to chase down Diego and pin him, but he convinced her to leave Gutt's side, telling her that the herd looked out for each other. Ice Age: Continental Drift In the fourth film, he meets a saber-toothed tigress named Shira when Manny, Sid, Diego and Sids grandmother rescued her. At first seeming gruff and sarcastic, Shira was loyal to those that helped her: Gutt had once made her his first mate, a position which, despite Gutt's indifference at her loss, she initially held close. Madame Viper | He also proved to be very prideful specifically about his reputation, when he and Sid had been pinned down by Eddie and Crash, two possums Diego replied that if anyone asks there were 50 rattlesnakes. Brooke | They safely made it out and Buck went in and saved a baby pumpkin, which he called Bronwyn. Ice Age: Collision Course One day, Shira was seen ferociously chasing an elk. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Moments later, Shira agreed to come with the herd. You know, we'd be great parents. You will be notified if and when this product is back in stock. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. After thanking him, Diego commented on her harsh way of showing gratitude, to which Shira smugly responded it's a gift.
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