Watchlist. The game takes place over 30 days that you can occupy with different activities. All rights reserved. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. En el depsito de la escuela por la noche, desde el da 15. All day long, at Miyukis mini-game: +2 homework points per dish washed, Available in candy shop or from Suzuka (20), Available in candy shops or from Suzuka (50), Allow to replay sex scene in memory mode (after finishing game), Have to sex with a girl to unlock her panties, Watch it on TV at midnight using Nightwalker skill to unlock, Give per gachaman after giving each gachapon (12 in total), Evening at the Candy shop map when you bought gachapon, In the school depot at Night, from day 15, Ask girl whose service is unlocked to kiss you, Ask girl whose cosplay event is unlocked to switch clothes, Get 2000Y pocket money instead of the regular 500 or 1000Y, Up by 10 points the stamina and libido max value gauge, Trigger: Morning if sleep with her last night. 1st Event of Yui's lewdness bar (>100 pts), 2nd Event of Yui's lewdness bar (=200 pts), 1st Event of Yui's service bar (>100 pts), 2nd Event of Yui's service bar (=200 pts), 1st Event of Yui's perversion bar (>100 pts), 2nd Event of Yui's perversion bar (=200 pts), 1st Event of Rio's lewdness bar (>100 pts), 2nd Event of Rio's lewdness bar (=200 pts), 1st Event of Rio's service bar (>100 pts), 2nd Event of Rio's service bar (=200 pts), 1st Event of Rio's perversion bar (>100 pts), 2nd Event of Rio's perversion bar (=200 pts), 1st Event of Miyuki's lewdness bar (>100 pts), 2nd Event of Miyuki's lewdness bar (=200 pts), 1st Event of Miyuki's service bar (>100 pts), 2nd Event of Miyuki's service bar (=200 pts), 1st Event of Miyuki's perversion bar (>100 pts), 2nd Event of Miyuki's perversion bar (=200 pts), help i installed the summer memories plus patch from the kagura website, but i am unable to see the uncensored parts of the game. WebFind out in Summer Memories! 4 Summer Memories Walkthrough Beach Lady. WebFind out in Summer Memories! WebSteam Community::Summer Memories Content posted in this community may contain Nudity or Sexual Content By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. Ive had them maxed on each girl and nothing still until day 9 and until day 15. am I not playing the game right? Appears after the exit to the beach (day 21). You can find him after 1 or 2 days at night (park), then he will be back next days in the morning or afternoon, The card girl will arrive, then when the dark haired kid turns, click repeatedly on his picture, Fight the card girl, and when she turns, click repeatedly on her picture. Required fields are marked *. Endings Guide 1) Ending Rios memory: Have carried out the 5 events with Rio (Clear) then choose Rio on the 30th day. By the Gameplay PDF Guide of Summer Memories Plus, you can experience all the Ending Scenes, Mature scenes, and unlock all the Puzzles, Quests of this game. The vertical bar is the noise bar. The next day, use the computer but you will not receive any more pictures, leave the house, go to the candy shop and talk with the sales assistant. Summer Memories+ Character Spotlight. How to Prevent Carpal Tunnel (Chicken Race), Phantom Brigade Simple Save Game Editing Guide, Sons Of The Forest How to Build a Base on Water, OCTOPATH TRAVELER II Hikari 60k+ Damage, 1hp, 1shot 1vs1 Challenge Setup. Before we start, make sure you have installed the game on Steam before beginning. srgato350.. tienes que pescar en el rio por la maana y medio dia .. igual con los insectos de rareza 1 o 2 del 2 a 4 es la playa.. Como corcho consigo un insecto de rareza 1 en el juego, tipo todos los insectos que consigo son de rareza 2 para arriba y tipo, me falta eso para "hablar sobre economia" con la chica del bosque. THERE IS NO EVENT. You don't even need strange video to unlock skills. Force the Foursome ending, Ask girl whose service is unlocked to show her panty, Ask girl whose service is unlocked to show her butt, Ask girl whose service is unlocked to show her bra, Ask girl whose service is unlocked to show her breast, Ask girl whose service is unlocked to rub your dck after a girl show you her panty/ss/bra/breasts, Ask girl whose service is unlock for a quick sex Blwjob, Ask girl whose penetration is unlock for a quick sex doggy style, Allow to give a second present to a girl the same day, During Yuis mini-game, each good answer : +4, During Yuis mini-game, each good answer : +8, During Miyukis mini-game, each dish washed : +5, During Miyukis mini-game, each dish washed : +6, Each insect jelly catches 2 insects in total, Each insect jelly catches 3 insects in total, All items (except those whose effect indicates it) offer +2 affection to Rio, Yui or Miyuki when offered. Bonus 1-5) Finales "Subheroinas memorias", Pregntale a la chica cuyo servicio est desbloqueado que te bese, Pregntale a la chica cuyo evento de cosplay est desbloqueado que se cambie de ropa, Obtenga un dinero de bolsillo de 2000Y en lugar de los 500 o 1000Y normales, Aumento de 10 puntos en el indicador de valor mximo de resistencia y libido, Trigger: En la maana si duerme con ella anoche, junto al evento del to sooliento (sala de estar), junto al evento 2 del to sooliento (dormitorio). By the Gameplay PDF Guide of Summer Memories Plus, you can experience all the Ending Scenes, Mature scenes, and unlock all the Puzzles, Quests of this game. A roadmap is provided in the stages below. If you made 20 contributions to the Offering Box there will be a big red button in the Living Room. Also, doesnt matter if you have sex with Miyuki, If she find you to have sex with her daughters = Game Over. Cada 20 sucede un evento debes leer la guia en el evento de cada personaje, despues de eso puedes subir al siguiente. Show the boy with the fuse the Menko you are going to play and then a mini-game starts. Kilroy's Guide to Summer Memories v2.03 with DLC. Summer Memories Guide (Expansion DLC update). Continue until you win. If you think we have used your content without permission, Please go to the Abuse Page to contact us and we will be taking it seriously. i apparently just did. Summer Memories Walkthrough Mountain Researcher. After that, sleep with either Rio or Yui. One day Miyuki will talk about your pants accident. > Talk to her to learn that shes looking for all five parts of an underwater treasure. The sex scene will start. 2022 -2022. If you want to avoid spoilers, this guide is NOT for you. : Go to the shop, click on the machines right of the shopkeep, collect the 12 figures > go outside of the shop in the evening and click on the stuff on the head of the guy, give him the gachi and take the tape > (requires the nightwalker skill) Stay up (dont sleep) go to the living room, click on tv and watch the tape, : Buy bait (shop), go to the beach, click on the arrow to the left, then on the stream and fish until you catch the video > (requires the nightwalker skill) Stay up (dont sleep) go to the living room, click on tv and watch the tape, : Make enough noise with one of the sisters, until the other sister discovers it, : Make enough noise with the two sisters, until Aunt discovers it, : You have to buy the skills when you wake up, Post daily on twitter until you receive the picture from the shop keeper with the teddy bear, Go to the shop and click on the teddy bear, Post daily on twitter until you receive a message from the shop keeper, Wait until the conversations about Treasure in the sea, Start fishing on the beach for a level 4 Fish, When you managed to catch the fish, talk to the beach lady to start the mini games, After the discussion about track and field go to the school, Talk to the PE teacher and train until you unlock all the scenes, Once the conversation about the lady climbing trees in the mountain appears, go to the mountain and talk to the mountain researcher, Fight with the kids on the park 4 times, but try to do it the same day, Locate and fight with the dark haired kid 4 days in a row. Comedy, Educational. You can find him after 1 or 2 days at night (park), then he will be back next days in the morning or afternoon Dormir con una nia disminuye su vigilancia en 5. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. The next day talk to her again and restart the mini-game by kissing her to start the sex scene. Having unlocked the Threesome skill, once unlocked, the end is automatic. Miyuki ya te limpia la polla durante el mini evento del bao *, Desbloqueo: Servicio + Habilidad paja rusa desbloqueada, Desbloqueo: Servicio + Habilidad de quitar sujetador desbloqueada, Si la habilidad de bao se desbloquea y una nia orina: escena de bao sexual, [Botn de desafo] Mini juego de Miyuki: Lavado de platos (+5 memoria), - [Botn de desafo] Mini juego de Yui: Matemticas (+5 memoria), - [Botn de desafo] Ro: Informe de animales (+5 memoria), Despus del da 10: Hable con Kagame (profesora de deporte). WebSummer Memories Walkthrough Card Girl Fight with the kids on the park 4 times, but try to do it the same day Locate and fight with the dark haired kid 4 days in a row. WebSummer Memories All Endings. 2 Summer Memories Walkthrough Unlock. You can find him after 1 or 2 days at night (park), then he will be back next days in Do an activity and moves on to the next days time of day, Start sex with a girl with whose service is unlocked. If you get their Satisfaction to 100 or higher you will receive a gift. This game contains 40 trophies, including a platinum trophy. Before we start, make sure you have installed the game on Steam before beginning. After your first play through you are asked if you want to load your clear data. That menko fight against Akari didnt go at all like that. Having unlocked the Foursome skill, once unlocked, the end is automatic. You guys here said that a event will trigger if I get 100 on task and then the 20 affection cap will be removed. Jan. With the release of Summer Memories+ Expansion DLC by Dojin Otome nearing, were going to take a look at some of the characters from the game! Each moment has its own events. Gems, Boosts, exclusive youtubers pets and moreRead More Clicking Champions Codes Roblox October 2022, Wellcome to our Adventure Escape or AE Mysteries Puzzle Pack Walkthrough, Guide Tips & Tricks. The drop for rare items when fishing seems to have been increased. The order of priority of the contents described in the picture diary is as follows: Day 1, 7, 14, 21, 28 & 30 are date events. Posted on September 3, 2022 September 3, 2022 By saadtariq Summer Memories Plus is an 18+ game designed for players who enjoy playing games with mature content. Endings Guide 1) Ending Rios memory: Have carried out the 5 events with Rio (Clear) then choose Rio on the 30th day. A sex scene is triggered instead of "Talk" when the affection is at its maximum (100). The higher the bar rises, the more noise the character makes, which increases the level of vigilance of the people around. Esta barra se restablece a 0 cada noche y los puntos se convierten en puntos especiales (SP) para comprar habilidades. 100), this character will enter the room = Game Over. 3 Summer Memories Walkthrough Shop Keeper. Before we start, make sure you have installed the game on Steam before beginning. How to Prevent Carpal Tunnel (Chicken Race), Phantom Brigade Simple Save Game Editing Guide, Sons Of The Forest How to Build a Base on Water, OCTOPATH TRAVELER II Hikari 60k+ Damage, 1hp, 1shot 1vs1 Challenge Setup, Sub-heroine sex (Before Summer Memories+). 1.2 Rui or Rion. Summer Memories Walkthrough Mountain Researcher. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Summer Memories. The estimated time to earn all trophies is roughly 31 hours. On this menu, Switch to Desktop mode and follow the instructions in your browser of choice here: La barra vertical es la barra de ruido. By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. WebWelcome to MetaGame's Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories PS4/PSVR Trophy Guide and Walkthrough! All rights reserved. The adventures of best friends Jason and Ronnie as Jason looks back on his summer. please tell me full guide i want to unlock all memory. 1.1 Yui. Repeat (difficulty increases) 5 times for the sex scene to start. Posted on January 5, 2021 by Kagura Games. Unlocked the Threesome skill, this end is automatic. Except for that, everything was cleared thanks to your writing. WebWelcome to the trophy guide for Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories. If the vigilance level rises to the maximum (max. There are 3 chapters to beat and we will help you with allRead More Krystopia Novas Journey Walkthrough & Solution Chapters 1 2 & 3, All the valid Ragdoll Simulator 2 Codes in one updated list Roblox Game by Emote Redeem these promo codes and get some freeRead More Ragdoll Simulator 2 Codes Roblox October 2022. The game is about It is summertime, and its been years since you last visited your aunt and cousins in the countryside. There are 93 different illustrations. Summer Memories Plus Game Walkthrough PDF Download Alternate_Download_Link If the above link is not working, try this alternative download The player starts with 3 points and earns 1 after each family outing (Sunday). Each day is divided into 4 moments: Morning, afternoon, evening, night. WebSummer Memories All Endings. The game is about It is summertime, and its been years since you last visited your aunt and cousins in the countryside. It is only visible to you. i offered 20 times to the box, and something happen. Aparece un icono de bomba junto a un personaje cuyo nivel de vigilancia es superior a 70. > Succeed in the running mini-game 3 times in a row by breaking the record Kagami requires (40, 25, 15) to face her. GoogleDrive Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. Start her mini-game (training) and successively beat his/her records. Have carried out the 5 events with Rio (Clear) then choose Rio on the 30th day. Eerie disturbances have been popping up after a recent earthquake, shaking up WebSummer Memories Guide Uploaded by Ashen Xifils Copyright: All Rights Reserved Flag for inappropriate content of 27 Action points (AP) The pencil pot at the top of the screen represents the number of actions the player can perform before moving on to the next moment. Fight with the kids on the park 4 times, but try to do it the same First, fight her with the boy (to bond with him click on him). Cuanto ms se eleva la barra, ms ruido hace el personaje, lo que aumenta el nivel de vigilancia de las personas a su alrededor. The player can manually move to the next moment by clicking on the time indicator or by running out of stamina. Streaming. Also, lock the end for the end Threesome Memory. Summer Memories Walkthrough Card Girl Fight with the kids on the park 4 times, but try to do it the same day Locate and fight with the dark haired kid 4 days in a row. Once the conversation about the lady climbing trees in the mountain appears, go to the mountain and talk to the mountain researcher; Sell 1 fish and beetle per level; Summer Memories Walkthrough Card Girl. The pencil pot at the top of the screen represents the number of actions the player can perform before moving on to the next moment. All rights reserved. Summer Memories Walkthrough Card Girl Fight with the kids on the park 4 times, but try to do it the same day Locate and fight with the dark haired kid 4 days in a row. Appears day 10. Don't warn me again for Summer Memories View Page Cancel Your preferences are configured to warn you when images may be sensitive. 2 points can also be purchased as skill for 100 points each. Get a Menko and go talk to the teenage band in the square. Your email address will not be published. By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. Welcome to Summer Memories Walkthrough & Guide, where we will provide you all the choices and secrets to reach the highest affection levels to unlock all the scenes in the game, You can raise affection with all the girls by giving them gifts or by hanging out with them, but the main charaters require some actions when the affection gets stuck at 20%, 40%, 60% or also 80%, Go to her room until you can click on the green pencil icon to do maths with her. The higher the bar rises, the more noise the character makes, which increases the level of vigilance of the people around. para la compra, Dado por gachaman despus de dar todos los gachas(12 en total), Tarde en el mapa de tienda de dulces cuando compraste un gachapon. Posted on January 5, 2021 by Kagura Games. If you sleep with a girl whose other 3 bars are at 200 points, she will wake you up with a pipe. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), Keep your progress on heroines, skills, and status, Carry over the progress gained on the main heroines (Yui, Rio, and Miyuki), Carry over the main heroines' erotic statuses (Lewdness, Service, and Perversion), Carry over the progress gained on the sub heroines (Akari, Kagami, Mizuki, Suzuka, and Shizuku), Carry over the main character's stats (Highest Stamina, Lust, and Money). Once you can have sex with Rio and Yui, the goal is to maximize each others Vigilance. Am I doing something wrong? When your affections and homeworks bars are max., during the afternoon a kitchen event will occur. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Restart the mini-game to beat all your opponents until you beat the boy in the fuse and then it will disappear. When Miyukis affection is high (>40), if you ask her to sleep with together the evening another choice of dialogue may appear: she will ask you if you want her to clean you. At a moment, a girl will show up at the square as a Menko pro player. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All content cited is derived from their respective sources. Check the Offertory Box section. Summer Memories Walkthrough Card Girl Fight with the kids on the park 4 times, but try to do it the same day Locate and fight with the dark haired kid 4 days in a row. Right click while the house and you get to the entrace; go through the door. WebSummer Memories Walkthrough Card Girl Fight with the kids on the park 4 times, but try to do it the same day Locate and fight with the dark haired kid 4 days in a row. WebSummer Memories Walkthrough Card Girl: Fight with the kids in the park 4 times, but try to do it the same day Locate and fight with the dark-haired kid for 4 days. The player can manually move to the next moment by clicking on the time indicator or by running out of stamina. Don't warn me again for Summer Memories View Page Cancel Your preferences are configured to warn you when images may be sensitive. Complete guide to Summer Memories by Dojin Otome. Or create your own and share your tips with the community. Is this a bug or what? Have carried out the 5 events with Rio (Clear) then choose Rio on the 30th day. Watchlist. Have carried out the 5 events with Yui (Clear) then choose Yui on the 30th day. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Todos los domingos (7, 14, 21 y 28 da) la familia organiza una excursin. Complete guide to Summer Memories by Dojin Otome. Permitir tener relaciones sexuales con chicas que se baan para cuya accin lasciva est desbloqueada.. Permite caminar por la casa a medianoche. You can find him after 1 or 2 days at night (park), then he will be back next days in the morning or afternoon, The card girl will arrive, then when the dark haired kid turns, click repeatedly on his picture, Fight the card girl, and when she turns, click repeatedly on her picture, Clicking Champions Codes Roblox October 2022, AE Mysteries Puzzle Pack Walkthrough & Solution, Krystopia Novas Journey Walkthrough & Solution Chapters 1 2 & 3, Ragdoll Simulator 2 Codes Roblox October 2022. At 100 points, the girl offers you an object. *To trigger Miyukis event 1, you must sleep at least once with her (to see the Miyuki and Husband sex scene). I've had to go back to past saves because I haven't figured this issue out. y tuve que descargar un parche y cuando lo instale y inicie el juego me salieron todos los eventos de golpe. BE CAREFUL to the vigilance of the uncle who can still do Game Over. (Lmite: 1 artculo / da / chica), Se puede comprar en la tienda de dulces (100 ), Se puede comprar en la tienda de dulces (60 ), Todo el da, en el mini-juego de Yui: +2 puntos por respuesta correcta, Se puede comprar en una tienda de dulces (150 ). The guide is update with the DLC: Summer Memories +, This guide uses the English uncensored patch: Below you will find a list of all trophies for Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories. 2) Ending Yuis [] The post Summer Memories All Endings appeared first on . Comedy, Educational. If you have sex with her, she gives you 1000Y instead. Steam Community :: Guide :: Gua Summer Memories + DLC EN ESPAOL Content posted in this community may contain Nudity or Sexual Content By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. The Threesome and Foursome aspect of the game were the most unclear portions for me. You can find him after 1 or 2 days at night (park), then he will be back next days in the morning or afternoon I figured it out when looking up a late-night issue. 3 Summer Memories Walkthrough Shop Keeper. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All content cited is derived from their respective sources. Nothing happens. WebSteam Community :: Guide :: Gua Summer Memories Content posted in this community may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. WebSummer Memories+ - Expansion DLC $9.99 $9.99 Add all DLC to Cart Latest Release Buy Pixel Town: Akanemachi Mystery Welcome to the small, quaint town of Akanemachi. (Limit: 1 item/day/girl), All day long, in Yuiis mini-game: +2 homework points per correct answer. The guide is updated with the DLC: Summer Memories + The player starts with 3 points and earns 1 after each family outing (Sunday). This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Every Sunday (7th, 14th, 21st and 28th day) the family organizes an outing. Kilroy's Guide to Summer Memories v2.03 with DLC. Hello. Satisfaction is limited to the current session. Satisfaction increases by as many points as the amount of lust points spent during sex (see lust) and is reset once sex is over. When Miyukis affection is high (>40), if you ask her to sleep with together the evening another choice of dialogue may appear: she will ask you if you want her to clean you. >> The memory drawn in the journal is the activity that generated the most memory point during the day. Every Sunday (7th, 14th, 21st and 28th day) the family organizes an outing. Unlock : Sex position + Standing back skill unlocked, Miyuki already clean your dck during the toilet mini-event*, Unlock : Service + Off with your bra skill unlocked, If Toilet skill unlocked and a girl pees: Sex toilet scene, After day 10: Talk to Kagame (Sport Teacher), Lie down on the transate (Lust max +Nb women present x AP remaining), When a girl takes a shower, the player can masturbate in her underwear, Stop all the gauges (stamina, lust, H status), Unlock handjob position during sex time with girls whose service is unlocked, Unlock blwjob position during sex time with girls whose service is unlocked, Unlock titjob position during sex time with girls whose service is unlocked, Unlock breastfeeding handjob position during sex time with girls whose service is unlocked, Unlock missionary position during sex time with girls whose penetration is unlocked, Unlock doggy style position during sex time with girls whose penetration is unlocked, Unlock cowgirl position during sex time with girls whose penetration is unlocked, Unlock sleeping back position during sex time with girls whose penetration is unlocked, Unlock sitting position during sex time with girls whose lewd action is unlocked, Unlock piledriver position during sex time with girls whose lewd action is unlocked, Unlock standing back position during sex time with girls whose lewd action is unlocked, Unlock six-nine position during sex time with girls whose lewd action is unlocked.
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