",#(7),01444'9=82. Population overflown by the RWY13 RNP and RNAV arrival. The draft report will be available for review and comment for four weeks. Marcoola, Queensland 4564 While care has been taken to ensure that the information is accurate, it is provided for information purposes only and is based on data and modelling provided by third parties. The Sunshine Coast Airport journey to neutrality was inspired by Sunshine Coast Councils vision to be Australias most sustainable region. Start free trial Learn More Nearby Spots 2-3FT+ Rainbow Beach Premium 2-3FT Noosa North Shore Premium 2-3FT Noosa Bar 2-3FT. In addition to feedback on the Draft report, we are also interested in receiving feedback on how we can best engage with the Sunshine Coast community on the recommendations that progress through to design and further assessment. FlightAware provides accurate real-time, historical and predictive flight insights to all segments of the Think a game of AFL at the G, shop-til-you-drop on Chapel Street and unearthing the citys underground bars and restaurants ready to tantalise your taste buds, Melbourne is ready and waiting for you. PIR Draft Report Community Drop-in Session, Sunshine Coast Post Implementation Review - Draft Report (4.25 MB) (pdf), Sunshine Coast community workshop (15/10/2022) presentation (2.78 MB) (pdf), PIR Terms of Reference and Community Engagement Plan, Sunshine Coast Flight Paths PIR Terms of Reference Final - January 2021.pdf (951 KB) (pdf), Sunshine Coast Flight Path PIR Terms of Reference Addendum - May 2021.pdf (185 KB) (pdf), Sunshine Coast Flight Paths Community Engagement Plan Final - May 2021.pdf (1020 KB) (pdf), Noise modelling and Noise Abatement Procedures, Sunshine Coast PIR Webex Noise Modelling and NAPs Presentation - August 2021.pdf (2.88 MB) (pdf), Sunshine Coast Flight Paths PIR NAPs Fact Sheet - July 2021.pdf (276 KB) (pdf), Sunshine Coast Flight Paths PIR Noise Modelling Review - July 2021.pdf (2.94 MB) (pdf), Short-Term Noise Monitoring Site Feasibility Assessment - May 2021.pdf (2.35 MB) (pdf), Community Webex Meeting Questions and Answers - 5 August 2021 (updated 15 Nov 21).pdf (343 KB) (pdf), Presentation - Sunshine Coast CIS - 18-11-2021 (3.91 MB) (pdf). Why are there three noise monitors available for the PIR? For example, a person at an address falling within the 5-10 contour could expect five to 10 single aircraft noise events per day exceeding 70 decibels. Full-screen FlightAware TV maps for operators or FBOs. We encourage the community to subscribe to Engage Airservices project page for information and updates on the Sunshine Coast Airport Post Implementation Review (PIR). Direct. The distance between Chengdu and Sunshine Coast is 5,085 miles (8,183 kilometers). Community Suggested Alternatives Update, Community Suggested Alternatives - Update, Community Suggested Alternatives - submission period closed, Sunshine Coast Post Implementation Review - Draft Report (4.25 MB) (pdf), Sunshine Coast community workshop (15/10/2022) presentation (2.78 MB) (pdf), PIR Terms of Reference and Community Engagement Plan, Sunshine Coast Flight Paths PIR Terms of Reference Final - January 2021.pdf (951 KB) (pdf), Sunshine Coast Flight Path PIR Terms of Reference Addendum - May 2021.pdf (185 KB) (pdf), Sunshine Coast Flight Paths Community Engagement Plan Final - May 2021.pdf (1020 KB) (pdf), Noise modelling and Noise Abatement Procedures, Sunshine Coast PIR Webex Noise Modelling and NAPs Presentation - August 2021.pdf (2.88 MB) (pdf), Sunshine Coast Flight Paths PIR NAPs Fact Sheet - July 2021.pdf (276 KB) (pdf), Sunshine Coast Flight Paths PIR Noise Modelling Review - July 2021.pdf (2.94 MB) (pdf), Short-Term Noise Monitoring Site Feasibility Assessment - May 2021.pdf (2.35 MB) (pdf), Community Webex Meeting Questions and Answers - 5 August 2021 (updated 15 Nov 21).pdf (343 KB) (pdf), Presentation - Sunshine Coast CIS - 18-11-2021 (3.91 MB) (pdf). April 10, 2022. See route maps and schedules for flights to and from Sunshine Coast and airport reviews. Sunshine Coast Airport CEO Andrew Brodie said the finalisation of the airspace and flight paths was great news for the aviation industry. We received a total of 105 community suggested flight path alternatives and a total of 76 community suggested noise abatement procedure submissions. 2 0 obj Welcome to the Aircraft Noise Information Tool for Sunshine Coast Airport. <> For information on current aircraft movements and flight paths, historical runway utilisation or monthly complaint reports for the Sunshine Coast, visit the Airservices website here (external site). We'll help you find your ideal route. For more information on flight paths and aircraft operations, view our Fact Sheets here. Following community feedback, we have included both the minimum and average heights for departures, as heights for departures can vary depending on aircraft type. With the sale of EMS, Brel & Kjr still supply the noise monitoring equipment and systems used for the measurements. Sunshine Coast Airport Environmental Management Policy 2022, Sunshine Coast Airport Carbon Management Policy 2022, Terminal Direct. is responsible for airspace management and the design of flight paths. Dq,R7P0$v~f7C)NT"IrMI0`iD}D^ UW? <> We have received requests for additional time to review and provide feedback on the draft report. FBO Toolbox is the ultimate toolkit to sell more fuel and enhance your customer service. You should not rely on this information to make any decision, and, to the extent permitted by law, you exclude SCA from all liability (including negligence) for any use of, or reliance on, this information by you any other party. WncV w'*x \UT|J&&hxVPK+H 3:k9dq2vYM,&d lWv.HOzKj`,5D%l)mCE*X,vkkB8^Y,%wJ2N. $.' The challenge was embraced by the entire Airport team and the implementation of initiatives have touched all parts of the business from planning and built form, energy reduction initiatives, waste management and recycling, to working with our airline and commercial partners to reduce our carbon footprint. Runways can be used in both directions which results in four flows that are outlined in the illustration below. Please note that these times refer to the actual flight times, excluding the stopover time in between connecting flights, as this depends on your stopover airport as well as your date (s) of travel. This section gives an overview of the flight schedules and timetables of every airline with direct flights for this route. 486 members of your community are following this project, Sunshine Coast Airport Airspace Changes Runway 13/31 has finished this stage, Sunshine Coast Airport Airspace Changes Runway 13/31 is currently at this stage, this is an upcoming stage for Sunshine Coast Airport Airspace Changes Runway 13/31, On 22 August 2022, Airservices released the. These flight paths will change the way aircraft operate as they arrive and depart from Sunshine Coast Airport. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings and refresh the page. To find out more, read our privacy policy and cookie policy. Why do you have more INFORM activities than CONSULT, INVOLVE or COLLABORATE? View terms and conditions or visit the Fly Bonza app. You can read more about our journey toward carbon neutrality here, and view more statistics on how we have reduced our impact across the precinct in the graphic below. How often youre likely to hear aircraft noise louder than 70 decibels is shown on the How often? contour map. Contact us for any help on browser support. As Australias air navigation service provider,Airservices Australiais responsible for airspace management and the design of flight paths. endobj 16 0 obj Don't have an account? In the meantime, we wish you a happy holiday period and we look forward to discussing the draft PIR report with you early in the New Year. Tools used: Google Analytics. Learn more about our Privacy and Cookie policies. These flight paths will change the way aircraft operate as they arrive and depart from Sunshine Coast Airport. The new Sunshine Coast Airport runway means changes to flight paths, to achieve safe and efficient operations for the Airport. As Australias air navigation service provider,Airservices Australiahas provided the following flight path maps: West communities (Cooroy, Eumundi, Doonan, Weyba, Yandina Creek), North west communities (Cooroy, Federal, Traveston), Inner north communities (Doonan, Noosa, Castaways Beach, Peregian Beach), North east communities (Tinbeerwah, Tewantin, Noosa, Sunshine Beach), Inner south communities (Mudjimba, Pacific Paradise,Marcoola, Bli Bli, Mooloolaba, Buddina), South communities (Warana, Moffat Beach, Caloundra), Inner south communities (Mudjimba, Pacific Paradise, Marcoola, Bli Bli, Mooloolaba, Buddina), Terminal We have compiled a range of tools and resources to help our community better understand whats involved and what it means for, While the new runway and flight paths will, see fewer people experience aircraft noise, we recognise it will. Prices quoted are one way, per person, not including checked bags via the Fly Bonza app with Bonzas fee free payment option (POLi) and subject to availability. Their Desolation Sound Aerial Tour includes a 60-minute tour and 60 minutes of flight time. e.g. Locals tip: head straight from Adelaide Airport to Adelaide Central Market for breakfast or lunch you wont be disappointed. Sunshine Coast Council led the Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion Project and has delivered the new runway (Runway 13/31). A Sunshine Coast community meeting will follow the draft report release to enable detailed discussion of the PIR findings, outcomes and next steps. <> When winds are westerly, aircraft will use Runway 31, arriving over the ocean and taking off over land to the north-west. Airlines flying from Sydney to Sunshine Coast Airline-specific flight schedules from Sydney to Sunshine Coast In total there are 3 airlines operating nonstop flights from Sydney SYD to Sunshine Coast MCY. The Sunshine Coast Airport expansion project - including the proposed flight paths - have been the subject of extensive community engagement since the EIS process commenced in 2012, including two major public consultation and submission periods in 2014 and 2015 on the draft EIS and amendments to the draft EIS. |FeYDS>Zf5 Airservices Australia is inviting the Sunshine Coast community to comment on the Sunshine Coast Airport Flight Path Changes Post Implementation Review (PIR) Draft Report. (Sunshine Coast airport) or Brisbane from NZ, . 10 0 obj Flight time from TFU to MCY. Australia Airports Distance and Flight Time Chart: For your quick reference, . mean changes for some people in our community. This information generally applies to commercial jets and larger aircraft which are required to use the designated flight paths. We work hard to keep our advertising relevant and unobtrusive to create a great experience. to and from Sunshine Coast Airport. Gold Coast Airport is the easiest way to access the Gold Coast and the Northern Rivers of NSW with over 380 flights every week from destinations across Australia, New Zealand, Asia and beyond. %PDF-1.7 6 0 obj If you need more luggage, you can purchase an additional baggage allowance online prior to departure.
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