Thor noya sa peine dans l'alcool et les Loki who came back to New York after Thanos died, tries to prove to the Avengers he has changed. This story is ongoing and will be updated frequently.Updated tags! With the device in hand, what would be more logical of him than use it to rejoin his timeline and his brother? He's also used his telekinesis in battle, using this power to fling knives without using his hands. Destruction? It's still being posted but the author claims its finished a& is doing regular updates so far (of 93 chapters!!!!!!! Loki loved his nephew. As a trickster and a master manipulator, hypnosis is one of those powers that most comes in handy for a character like Loki. (Yandere Gods!Record of Ragnarok x reader) Blessed with a curse. Sie brauchen Hilfe.Jeden Donnerstag ein neues Kapitel. Given that Loki is so well practiced in the area of magic, hes immune to most magical abilities. Can you withstand the stupidity of two teenager L O K I X R E A D E R You were a simple Asgardian girl who worked as a maid. Thors violence in the beginning of the film makes him appear villainous, complete with a careless attitude toward the lives of others, believing himself to be inherently glorious and all-mighty. That is, until she falls into the worst case of wrong place at the wrong time possible and is snatched away. In order to gain the affection he feels is owed to him, Loki attempts to become what he believes Odin wants to see in a son and in a king, adopting the same recklessness that Thor often displays. She can do pretty much anything, which is why Fury hired her to take care of the Avengers. So these are Avengers preferences I'll always take requests for a subject or if you want to see more Marvel heroes just comment! Einem Putti, in Asgard besser bekannt als Schneegeist. Loki is desperate to escape from Asgard, Odin and his past. But changing time is never as easy as it seems. When he chooses to, Loki can play puppet master and bring inanimate objects to life. Even if its not always seen, this is referenced in the movies, especially when Thor notes that Loki turned into a snake just to bite him when they were children. Instead of draining his energy and absorbing his powers as she usually does, Rogue discovers that her powers actually have no effect on Loki whatsoever. His blossoming relationship with Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) slowly begins to teach him how to be a good man, as well as how to be a good leader. For the first time shown in the film, Loki behaves immaturely. In a dystopian society, single people are considered second-rate citizensthey have no right to a fulfilling life if alone. Nowhere in the MCU is this contrast shown more clearly than in the brothers first appearance. Mercenary: a person who will do any job for money no Thor and Loki head to the supermarket together, but run into some obstacles on the way. Loki va qu va d dnh c v nh ang pht bo nh mnh. Or was it you and your best friend, Tom? Its a power that truly separates him from Thor. Pero Muchas veces no valoramos este milagro, y desperdiciamos nuestra vida con adicciones, cometiendo crimenes, incluyo ayudando a criminales a quedar impunes de sus actos Pero todo eso cambiara, mi legado sera el cambio definitivo en la humanidad. Please consider turning it on! While its not one of Lokis most well known or celebrated powers, the ability to give powers to others is something that he has gotten frequent use out of over time. You get off on being forced into pleasure, and he takes note of that as wellHence begins your clandestine dance with Loki, who is all too keen to claim you as his and show you all the forbidden pleasures he has to offer. Loki loved his nephew. gives him what he's always wanted. For years you had been Thors no-strings-attached lover. One-shots incuding harry potter, doctor who, marvel, and anything else! How is she supposed to help Loki? Mature. But no amount of SHIELD training can prepare her for living with the Aven Just small drabbles with you and Loki, drabbles are in the same timeline Maggie LeCroix is trapped in a horrible relationship that is destroying her life. ___Or: where Thor dies at the Stateman instead of Loki, but his death will not go unavenged. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). But when an unplanned pregnancy cracks their foundation, Thor and Loki must reevaluate their love, lives, and what they want from each other. In this fanfic, you and your sister have to find a way to save the gods while also mastering your own, new, powers. Pouring out a kaleidoscope of sparkles that dazzles the eye of everyone who sees. While Kingpin has used money and resources to create powerful foot soldiers and assistants, Loki uses his mastery of magic to imbue people with powers. He even stole his own brothers move in 2011 with his introduction in Thor. (Y/N) Barton is a former SHIELD agent with the power to heal herself. Maybe the most forgotten power of Lokis is that hes actually quite skilled with technology in addition to simply being one of the most powerful magic users in the Marvel Universe. He hardly remembered setting it up. This is one very visual power that hasnt really made it into the movies, surprisingly enough. She is the poetry archivist for Fireweed: Poetry of Oregon and has written five published short stories. But he is vaguely aware that he is looking for something to change tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (2486), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (738), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (795), James "Bucky" Barnes/Loki/Original Female Character(s), Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character(s), Loki (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), WTF | Winter Temporary Fandom Kombat 2023, Never Have I Ever Cut Off My Nose Just to Spite My Face, Canon Divergence - Thor: Love and Thunder (2022), They Don't Teach This Stuff At Asgardia Magic School, gratuitous jokes about thanos' helicopter, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, since loki is too young to do like. Even though later depictions of Loki claim that his villainous streak runs deep, his introduction in Thor shows him as jealous but harmless in the beginning. I've always wanted to do one of these but never really started until wellnow. Read some time ago and cant find. Hes also returned to life as a woman before. Finally, stories regarding Asgard will not revolve around old-time talk. Each of them hopes for the best from the other, but they are so ideologically different on so many levels that it's hard for them to relate to one another. Loki not only rejects his Frost Giant heritage, but wants to see its destruction in order to prove himself as a true son of Odin. However, your kinky dance with him is not the only concern you have. Yes, he was strong and held in himself magical energy in great quantities, but Eddard could not feel what he had been looking for. MCU Avengers | Fanfiction Poetry Romance Loki Wife Lover Variant Thor Oc Marvel. Loki has come into conflict with virtually every hero in the Marvel Universe over time, from the Avengers to the Fantastic Four to the X-Men and everything in between. A newfound anger makes its way into his heart, surrounding it with an impenetrable wall of ice. He had fucked up. "The sun will shine on us again,". Thor hadn't taken into account that even a mage without magic, might have other talents. Oh, Sylvie said, in a tone Loki did not like at all. Thor has been suffering from leukemia since infancy and Loki just so happens (or so he believed) to be the perfect HLA match to donate blood and stem cells to keep him alive. He even castedone force field to protect Asgard as a whole at one point. Marvel Comics. What happens when the diamonds have no light though? Team Seven winds up temporarily trapped in the MCU. The MCUs most mischievous villain recently got his own spin-off series this year. A baby human girl is sacrificed by her parents in order to please the gods, due to a gift she was given by birth. 3. Loki and Tout se passe aprs Avengers Endgame. One shots and imagines featuring you and everyone's favorite Trickster! By forcing him to marry Loki. Dr Strange (New). I think this fic might be close to what you are looking for. But when she gets a promotion, leading to meeting the God of Mischief himself, everything turns upside down. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Loki & Thor - Works | Archive of Our Own Story takes place afterAge of ultron but before civil war. Throg, as it was called, was one of the most bizarre things to ever happen to Thor in the comics, and therefore one of the most memorable. Her eyes darted around, and she started breathing faster. Thor Real Name Thor Odinson Alias (es) Mighty Thor Thunder Prince of Asgard Prince of Thunder God of Disastar Heir to the Throne of Asgard Son of Odin Odinborn Little Princess Crazy Homeless Person Dumbass Donald Blake Donny Wild Card Point Break The Demigod Tourist The Big Dude with a Hammer Witless Oaf The Future King of Asgard God Telekinesis Fans did get a brief glimpse of Loki's telekinesis in the MCU, when he learned of Frigga's death, and in his grief, he trashed his cell using only his mind. Due to the catastrophe of their two, and only, meetings the Princes are kept apart until their wedding day. The human opened her eyes and saw she was covered with furs and next to a fire. 2, | Hanyou no Yashahime | Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon (Anime), Loki (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Thor (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Eric Northman/Original Female Character(s), Hr | Hodr | Hod (Norse Religion & Lore). A new variant is picked up by the TVA. At one point in the comics, when he is drawn into a conflict with the heroes as he usually is, Loki is grabbed by Rogue. Thor relies much more on raw strength, whereas Loki is more of a thinker, and has to evaluate and assess every situation in order to see how he can gain the upper hand. When Thor gets the news of his imminent nuptials, centuries later, he takes off to other realms, drinking and fucking his way through the last year of his freedom, dreading a life spent at the side of such a loathsome, irritating, snarking creature. It is one of my all time favorite fan fiction and would totally recommend it. What can a mere human do when caught between superheroes, gods and a deviant government? He is fearsome, unconquered, and getting bored of life as it is. Spider-Man and Loki never got to meet in the MCU, so this fic by "softlyblue . This fall contrasts nicely with Thor's character arc. Supposedly a god, even. It had turned bloody so suddenly and without warning that he wasnt sure how he was going to explain it. being unusual or out of the ordinary; not familiar, or unlike what is expected. +15 more. In which Loki takes up the life of vagabond and rover, although his heart belongs with Asgard and Thor. As in HATE! A young Loki feels neglected as Thor starts training and like his big brother doesn't care about him anymore. You had not intended it. While the tired Avengers celebrated with a nice kabob, Loki breaks free from his prison transport, without harming anyone. When he can see no alternative, he agrees to become a slave to Thor and have his magic bound to end the war on Jtunheim and keep his people from being annihilated. Somehow theres also the sudden development that hes having incestuous hookups with his gorgeous cousin Thor and ohsomeones spying on them and manipulating them like puppets and it turns out its the literal end of the fucking world. Loki can use transfiguration to make objects useless and turn them into virtually anything. Soon to be mated to a creature of land. Usually, this means statues or suits of armor that can come alive to aid him as cheap and effective muscle in a fight. Thor must decide what to do when they find him. Thor becomes one of them again after Jane leaves him, and is sent to a hotel where he must find a partner within the allotted timeframe. The human looked up to see a giant sitting on a chair. An isekai, amnesia, trauma, and healing adventure, tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Loki (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s). Knowing that he could use the Hulks intense power to his advantage, Loki hypnotized him and sent him on an uncontrollable rampage. Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement, Avengers Fanfic/Fanworks Search Community. A WIP based in a marvel alternate universe where Loki has taken over asgard and since then has conquered the other realms and other planets as well. You were pissed and drunk on wine and loneliness. "Stars fading but I linger on, dear,Still craving your kiss.I'm longing to linger til dawn, dear.Just saying this, Sweet dreams till sunbeams find youSweet dreams that leave all worries behind youBut in your dreams whatever they beDream a little dream of me.". It starts with a dead brother, his broken body sprawled on a spaceship's floor, miles and miles away from a home that no longer exists. His back was killing him, his hair was a mess, and he had drooled all over the book he had been reading. Why Loki and Thor's Contrasting Character Arcs Are Integral to 'Thor', 'Thor: Love and Thunder' Set Images Reveal Romance in the Air for Thor and Jane. I dont own marvel or the picture. Loki wrde Thor heiraten, dafr erhielt Jotunheim die Urne zurck. The Voygn Gift Chapter 1: Prologue Part 1, a thor fanfic | FanFiction WARNING: First time writing so bear with me please! A series of vignettes about Harry's life with the Avengers while getting to know his new parents. Steve and tony finds out and pulls a rescue. In fact, Lokis hypnosis is even responsible for the founding of the Avengers in the first place. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. After going through a nasty break up, the last thing Thor expected was to run into the love of his life. Thor found himself unable to move on for Harry Potter wants a new start and as the newly titled Master of Death, he thinks he deserves it. He will be stronger this time, ruthless and unforgiving. When she sees a breaking news report about the Avengers saving New York, Clint Barton finds a special place in her heart. I'm posting this in two parts, and I'll post a link to all of my Loki bookmarks at the end of part two. Loki X Thor X Oc Fanfiction Stories - Quotev There's no denying that. Three stories that are mostly from an OC pov but heavily feature Loki in all three, really well written with true to self characters. His Dream. These are one-shots, meaning each chapter stands on its own. "You are safe, little one." Honestly. Or at least, that could be Lokis excuse. Loki walked into Odin's room and greeted him. He can do betterno, he will do better. Until she is captured by Hydra and made into the Assassin. The stain on his soul was growing, and he was aching for your touch, for the way your pupils dilated when you looked at him, to know that he was still good. This book has a lot of mature content and I will work on After the destruction caused by Loki leaves his diary behind. The words latching on to you. You tried to breathe but your lungs were filling with the thick darkness. Thor/Loki. It does not go well, but she tries to stand her ground. CHECK THE PROLOGUE FOR A SMALL NOTE!!!) avengersfanfic. ", "Jotunheim. "W-where am I? In other cases, someone might be so pure hearted and good that they would never be angry enough to turn against their friends or fellow heroes. He makes Loki his official brother as Loki is 17years old. I've bookmarked most of my favorite Loki stories: Here are some of my favorite Loki-centric stories. Includes pseudo-incest, fluff, smut, abuse, violence, blood, homosexual relationship and all the other good shit that you need in your lif As we all know, our beloved Loki did something mischievous during his stays in Midgard and after being caught doing so, he was being put to house arrest as a punishment Long story short, The Avengers had been given one of those days where heroes are free to chill and do whatever they wanted to do. how to check recipient account number in xoom; twilight wedding packages manchester It's just You're a trickster. Hawkeye Asgard has been at war with Vanaheim for the past season. Please consider turning it on! Cassandria was Loki's secret fiance until they were found out. Loki can create machines and tech to use to his advantage in situations when his magical abilities simply dont seem to do the trick. Whrend neuerlicher Friedensverhandlungen mit Jotunheim, enthllt Odin die Existenz eines dritten, bislang unbekannten Sohnes von Laufey. Immer mit dem Gedanken im Hinterkopf, das Jener der bleibt zwar fort ist, aber seine Varianten nur darauf wartet sich diese Welt zu eigen zu machen. Or the one where Loki meets his match and falls head over heels (and is embarrassed about it). Quicksilver During that, Thor and Loki realize that they were falling for each other Tony and Steve hate each other. You did your best to take it in stride, adjusting to the palace life from your previous one of quiet seclusion. According to Thor, she was supposed to help Loki the same way she had helped him. No matter what applications magic can have, the use of it almost always ends in a fight, as these characters are constantly drawn into conflict. Some familiar dialogue is used in different ways. Waking up in an underground cell, she meets her captor, none other than Loki on his campaign to rule earth. From aliens to robots, theyve survived everything. Loki has often used this on screen in the MCU, as shape-shifting is one of the most important powers Loki possesses in the comics. It is obvious in this scene that young Thor revels in the attention given to him by his father, while Loki silently wishes for more. He thought you to be another air-headed, golddigger until you proved him wrong. Thor takes people at face value and deals with things in a direct manner. 10 Things You Never Knew about Thor and Loki's Relationship - TVOvermind That the Princess of Vanaheim be wedded to one of the Aesir Princes to settle their differences. Just don't take this too seriously I guess. ~-~-~ A voice said. In which Thor helps his "brother" in his first heat. And to make wedding plans.Your betrothed, Loki, thinks otherwise. Lu : OOC nh, truyn ny l BG nh, khng am u, cng kh l ngt. Everyday they try new things to get each other annoyed, some being successful and some ending horribly. After the timelines have broken free, Loki decides that all he wants is to join Thor in New Asgard. Post-Avengers 1. It's a funny moments/sceneriios between Peter Parker, Y/n and other avengers .. just light little cutie funny wholesome moments. This is an all-but forgotten talent of Lokis, but one that hes used to his advantage many times. Loki Ofasgard hates everyone and everything. As her Fate seals before her, Princess Astrid tries to make sense of her new future as she finds there is one but too many obstacles on her path orchestrated by the Fates. Thor and Ylva travel to Earth to stop Loki from hurting anymore people and bring him back to Asgard to stand trail for his crimes. However, he can also manipulate objects in another, much more useful way. This work could have adult content. It's a self-rec, but I've been working on a genfic series (the SHIELD Codex) which might amuse. And it makes it hard for people to trust you," One of his hands trailed to my ear, pulling a strand of hair out from in front of my face. These are mostly gen with a few het and slash stories. Also open to taking requests! Thor is born as an omega. Elena doesn't believe she can even help herself. I am Gryla. A familiar one, who fits in far better than Loki ever did. He hates school, because it requires him to socialise with other human beings. He nearly scoffed. 1. Sacrificed at birth. Finally being able to leave all that behind and opening a new chapter with their family, they must face their greatest challenge yet. "You're not a monster, Loki. The two little Princes loathe each other at first sight and the evening goes to Hel because of their childish antics, not mature enough yet to understand all that is at stake and rely on the future, fruitful joining of the pair. Thor x loki loki - Tm kim truyn Thor x loki loki - Trang 1 "How can one kid cause this much trouble? As she grows older, the more she realizes the inferiority between humanity and the gods, along wit One shots and imagines featuring you and everyone's favorite Trickster! He hates home because it means facing his abusive adoptive father, Odin. They must enter into a romantic relationship within a strict timeframe of 45 days or be transformed into an animal of their choice. Though he is inherently mischievous (his practical joke, of sorts, ruins Thors coronation), Loki can easily recognize when a joke has gone too far and is usually willing to help get everyone out of a dangerous situation without casualties. When Thor foolishly leads his brother and friends into Jotunheim, it is established that the touch from a Frost Giant causes ice burns on the skin of an Asgardian. I believe I have this glorious purpose and I thought that purpose was to be King but I am not sure anymore., Loki, God of Mischief, Prince of Asgard, I think we may all have a glorious purpose, but it is completely okay to not know what it is just yet. Loki gets sick and his sorcery goes haywire, causing magical mishaps including shifting Thor's form. While dealing with the destruction of the Time Stone, Loki struggles to justify himself, his relationship, and his plans for Midgard to Thor. Thanos is coming, and the stakes have never been higher - can the Avengers get the band back together in time to defeat the Mad Titan and save rock and roll? Thor is looking after him. This is one of the powers that Loki is most known for, especially in the movies. as you know kamui is realitys cheat code, here let me expand the Chitauri Invasion for you, and shrink the time between Avengers: Assemble and Thanoss arrival, Not Canon Compliant with Movie: Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting. Loki serves his punishment with the Avengers Awesome Frigga (Marvel) Frigga puts a magical lock on Loki's powers Maggie LeCroix is trapped in a horrible relationship that is destroying her life. When Loki needs fighters on his side or just needs to cause a distraction, this power proves to be extremely useful. godlike tony stark fanfiction In the mean time, he Just a bunch of Marvel based preferences and oneshots! We must eliminate Alpha." He was warm with fever and from the faint smell Loki had been sick in. Cant be to hard. Contains mostly thorki one shots. Youre jealous., Loki narrowed his eyes at her. Though Loki spent all his life believing that he was a son of Odin (Anthony Hopkins) and a prince of Asgard, the very first scene involving the brothers as children showcases Odins true feelings toward the boys: While they are both dear to him, only one will be king. He doesn't need any help. That was the boy's name, and though Thor didn't know what he would do with it, he was proud to have it nonetheless. He acknowledges that this is what he wantsbut not all he wants. Until now, it would have been safe to assume that Moira's was, at best, aggressively indifferent or ambivalently spiteful. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (5953), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (859), I'll Come By Sea To Meet You At The Shore, Through Love And War And A Thousand Heartaches, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, How Many Times Must I Tell Everyone That I Take Requests?! Iron Man Unstable - Loki, Thor & Hela fanfiction - Beb - Wattpad Only pairing present is Thor/ Jane. While the films protagonist is Thor, Lokis presence is an important part of Thors journey and vice versa. thor. 15 Things Loki Can Do (That Thor Can't) - ScreenRant And Loki is fine too. Since the day his nephew Thor was born, Loki decided he would protect him at all cost. Loki X Reader X Thor Fanfiction Stories - Mainly Loki & Thor as Vikings cheifsons come across a strange woman from a different time. Amazing cover courtesy of @.Shadowfax224!
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