"Absolutely not. Stacy Andreacchio is 55 years old and was born on 05/18/1967.Stacy Andreacchio lives in Lauderdale, MS; previous city include Meridian MS. Stacy also answers to Stacy R Andreacchio, Stacy Thompson, S R Andreacchio, Rea Andreacchio and Rae Todd Andreacchio, and perhaps a couple of other names.We know that Stacy is married at this point. Christian Andreacchio's Death: Suicide or Murder? Who Killed Christian These GSR collection kits would be submitted to the crime lab the following day. "I asked aloud again 'Christian? Early Evening:Three calls are placed from Christian's phone. The undisputed material facts show that the information Defendant is alleged to have shared is truthful information, public records, concerning a matter of public significance. None of these calls are answered. Andreacchio family sues Meridian's chief administrative officer After Justin agrees and starts to get ready to leave his home, Christian calls him back and informs him that someone else would be picking him up, another friend of Christian's named Dylan.Dylan arrives to pick Christian up around 8:00 am the following day, February 26, 2014, before the pair make the long drive back to Meridian, Mississippi. Suicide or Murder: Was Christian Andreacchio's Death Self-Inflicted or Was He Killed by a Friend? No indictments returned in Andreacchio case, Family files wrongful death lawsuit in unsolved Meridian case, "Culpable": 5 Indications That Christian Andreacchio Might Not Have Died By Suicide, Christian Andreacchio death: Mississippi attorney general can't be ordered to take cases, What Happened to Christian Andreacchio? He secured a substitute and arranged for a friend to pick him up on shore in St. Rose, La., on the morning of Feb. 26. In fact, Todd grew up 200 yards from where they currently live. Once the sky turns dark, everyone moves outside. "Did your son, Dylan, shoot Christian?" Jett said she did shoot the gun. Events from that point on can be described as bizarre at best and suspicious at worst. In 2014, the Andreacchio family suffered a tragic loss, the death of 21-year-old Christian Andreacchio. I really was.". A friend who was generous and willing to give away a prized possession just because his friend needed it."" To learn more about Christian's case, listen to the Culpable podcast, which is dedicated to sharing Christian's story. Whitley and Dylan would be arrested in January 2017 and put on trial in May of 2017. Dylan and Christian arrive at Christian's apartment, Christian asks Dylan to run a few errands, Three calls are placed from Christian's phone, Murder or Suicide? Dylan later adds in police reports that during the drive, he and Christian discuss issues that Christian was having with Whitley at the time and the reason why Christian was leaving work for the day. I coached Christian in soccer. "At this point, there has been further investigation by multiple agencies that have determined it to be a suicide," says Lauderdale County District Attorney Kassie Coleman, who was not part of the case at the time of the death. Troubling clues in the death of Christian Andreacchio, Christian Andreacchio's mother claims son warned her to 'come looking' before his death: podcast, Crime Watch Daily investigates mysterious death of Christian Andreacchio. PDF OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY - TownNews In February 2014, Christian asked his father, Todd Andreacchio, about taking out a life insurance policy. The conversation lasts nearly 4 minutes. The Andreacchiocase has received national attention, due in part to a popular podcast,Culpable,which included information gathered from the Andreacchio family, friends, law enforcement and private investigators. In January of 2017, warrants are issued for Whitley Goodman and Dylan Swearingen for the murder of Christian Andreacchio. His death was "prematurely" ruled a. Demand DOJ investigate corruption involved in Christian Andreacchio's MERIDIAN, Miss. My family and I have fought with local and state law enforcement agencies over the past 5-1/2 years trying to get a fair and thorough investigation conducted and the people involved in his death prosecuted. View Richard Andreacchio results including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. Appeal for DOJ to investigate crime and corruption within City of Meridian Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph.. Clear skies. (WTOK) - Rae Andreacchio addressed the Meridian City Council Tuesday with a request regarding the death of her son Christian Andreacchio . Todd Andreacchio Self - Christian's Father Jonathan Arden Self - Forensic Pathologist (as Dr. Jonathan Arden) Kiera Bergman Self (archive footage) Braydee Bragg Self - Kiera's Sister Chris Bragg Self - Kiera's Father Kiersten Bragg Self - Kiera's Mother Kassie Coleman Self - Disttrict Attorney, 10th Circuit Court Taylor Dial Was Christian Andreacchio's Death a Murder or Suicide? - People We hold, as a matter of law, that Plaintiffs cannot prevail on their claims. Christians friend Dylan Swearingen called the Meridian police, but investigators who arrived to assess the scene reported were interrupted by an order from then-police chief James Lee to stop investigating and rule the death a suicide. Christian and Dylan arrive back at Christian's apartment at approximately 11:30 am. Christian was employed with Magnolia Marine in Vicksburg.He was a loyal and loving brother to his brothers and sister and a treasured son to his parents. This lawsuit reportedly accuses McAlister of "intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligence and invasion of privacy", for allegedly sharing Christian's autopsy photos. He then went upstairs to look for Christian, whom he found in the bathroom, his body slumped over the bloody bathtub. Why was the gun, a .45 Kimber semi-automatic 1911 pistol, found in an uncocked position with a live round in the chamber if it had been fired? Todd and . This case is labeled an election contest, but it is not one. Obituary | Joseph Richard Andreacchio | Robert Barham Family Funeral Home These particles are consistent with particles present in gunshot residue". Suspicious Death: Christian Andreacchio | Meridian, MS - Uncovered Meridian City Council wants DOJ to get involved, $47 million lawsuit filed against Christian Andreacchio family, podcast media outlets, City council votes 'yes' for DOJ investigation into Andreacchio case, Meridian resident seeks DOJ involvement in death investigation, New reward offered in Christian Andreacchio case, Local group gives 75 pairs of new shoes to those in need, Local non-profit gives to children in need, Meridian CAO denies allegations in response to Andreacchio family lawsuit, Andreacchio family sues Meridian's chief administrative officer, Meridian City Council to request federal investigation into Christian Andreacchio case, $100,000 reward announced in Christian Andreacchio case, Lauderdale County grand jury returns no indictments in Andreacchio case, Judges can't order attorney general to take cases, '48 Hours' looks into death of Meridian man, True crime podcast 'Culpable' looks at death of Mississippi man, Apartment 801 Part I | The Christian Andreacchio Case, Apartment 801 Part II | The Christian Andreaccio Case, The death of Christian Andreacchio | What is the Truth? He now works as assistant police chief in Durant. Christian Andreacchio, son of Todd and Rae Andreacchio ("Plaintiffs"), died in Meridian, Mississippi. MERIDIAN A misstep by the Meridian Police Department the day 21-year-old Christian Andreacchio died set the tone for the criminal investigation that has stretched into three years. LOW HIGH. Between 3:44 pm and 3:54 pm, Christian's phone is used to call Matt Miller 6 separate times. I yelled Whitley, Christian is dead we have to call 911 and she screamed and ran upstairs and began holding him. Goodman said that because she had taken Xanax the night before, she slept through the gunshot that killed Christian and did not wake up until Swearingen came home. In early May of 2019, Jett Miller and Whitley Goodman filed a $47 million lawsuit against the Andreacchio family, the family's private investigator, and the 'Culpable' podcast. Meridian CAO denies allegations in response to Andreacchio family Attempts to reach Swearingen were not successful. ", Early Evening:Christian's phone is used to call matt. Meridian mystery: Was death a suicide or murder? After Christian and Whitley begin arguing shortly after their arrival, the trio watches a movie before Christian asks Dylan to run go to a local bank to withdraw all of the money out of his account and pick up some lunch for the group. McAlister later denies those allegations within days. But it didn't take long before she caused a lot . When told of the discovery, prosecutor Kassie Coleman said she was willing to reconvene a grand jury to present the new information. His reasons for these extreme efforts are unknown to the Andreacchios, but they now must endure daily the knowledge that the graphic evidence of their most private and personal grief has simply become Ritchie McAllisters (sic) public water cooler, the lawsuit states. Meridian's chief administrative officer has filed a response denying several allegations in a civil lawsuit brought by the parents of 21-year-old Christian Andreacchio, a Meridian man whose. In reporting the story, Peter Van Sant and "48 Hours" discovered a key investigative report in the case was not presented to the grand jury in 2017. And now, "48 Hours" has learned, the case involving Christian Andreacchio's death may not be over. The second is giving my ATM card to my trusty Christian was a family-centered, hardworking, loyal, ambitious, and generous young man who would do anything to make you smile or laugh, even on your darkest days. After the situation with Christian and Goodman calmed down, Swearingen said he told them he was leaving to get food and asked if they wanted anything. Rae and Todd Andreacchio also filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Frankie Wagner, a resident of Hattiesburg. The rule of thumb is you treat any crime scene as a homicide until you can prove otherwise.. 1328 Carl Harper Rd, Meridian. Lee, when reached by Mississippi Today, said he couldnt recall the case and therefore couldnt comment. Ill put it this way: Christian would never, ever, ever have killed himself because he loved life too much. Christian Andreacchio was found dead in the upstairs of his apartment in Meridian, Mississippi on February 26, 2014. Whitley and Dylan ,both, belong to prison for life. . ", After reading the poem, Goodman, whom the Andreacchio family says has not answered key questions about her involvement in Christian's death, said, "I was so confused whenever I started being blamed. In episode 2, Dennis travels to Meridian to attend the annual Wishing Night that the Andreacchio family holds for Christian every year on his birthday. He was not able to retrieve it because he didnt have Christians PIN number. Where Is Dylan Swearingen Now? 'Culpable' Investigates His - Romper According to the timeline prepared by the attorney for theAndreacchio family: Swearingen told the police that when he and Christian arrived at the apartment that morning, Goodman and Christian immediately began arguing. I mean, me and him always made joking comments like, If something ever happens to me, I didnt do it, she said, laughing. Prior to that, she was a reporter for the Clarion-Ledger covering education and state government. Christian Andreacchio was just 21 years old when police say his live-in girlfriend Whitley Goodman and his friend Dylan Swearingen on Feb. 26, 2014 found him in the bathroom of his apartment in. She was a news producer at MassLive in Springfield, Mass., after graduating from Louisiana State Universitys Manship School of Mass Communications with a masters degree in communications. POS. Dylan had Christian's card at this time, so this places Dylan at the Chick-Fil-A at this time.
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