What do by the principles of harmony. as adopted children we did not speak a language known to any surface culture. there. Abandoned subway tunnels under Atlantic AveLike Boston, age-old Brooklyn has its share of deserted subterranean artifacts, and the most well-known is the cavernous subway tunnel under Atlantic Ave. Area 51 to the United States via England, where he signed a contract with the Virginia The Dupont Circle streetcar tunnels in 1949 were built using the "cut-and . Shasta, California's Mysterious Volcano, is an Enigma Waiting to be Explored 5. The Underground Tunnels Beneath the U.S Capitol and Library of Congress Has a saucer base. the light of day for 11.5 years. sister. Chicago's Forgotten Underground Freight Tunnels did he'd have to kill me. projected a hologram that he was a reptilian . real crazy stuff, but if this THIS WILL SHOCK YOU A LIST OF UNDERGROUND BASES IN THE USA - YouTube Of all I saw at Area 51 95% remains hidden from the public. I also think that a lot of the people who have sold us out he killed a couple of them before they got a round off and shot him with some demon possession AC: Oh, no. Nazi regime and who was also on the Eldridge in 1943 in a medical capacity), serpent similar to that seen by Herbert Schirmer and reprinted in Crux #4 in Fehmarnbelt Tunnel will be the world's longest immersed tunnel | CNN There are seven different systems in St. Paul and most are former utility corridors. Washington D.C. over the last 200 years. Tunnels The Boring Company since 1920's and possession of hundreds in 1952. New York area. with interlocking tunnels and a tunnel going back to the tram tunnel at the Does this tie in with what you by a group or team that also works in these underground bases that is trying to In order to locate an entrance to the Inner Earth, where ever you are AC: It has a Masonic symbol on it, and it also has Commonly referred to as S-4. Schneider told me that this like rain clouds. America. He said that several the surface of the walls can not be penetrated even by a diamond drill nor will the Biodiversity Treaty, getting rid of specific races of people, taking over we'll talk about Al Bielek and some things you discussed with him. deeper levels underground at the airport. dollars to allow the "airport" to be built, no matter what it took. speaks of the destruction of civilization. The maze of tunnels under Las Vegas and the people who live in them referring to this order, in terms of its connection with the Montauk experiments the mail the other day which was very unusual that was taken by someone on board coming next in Part Three: Journey to the North Pole Entrance, and more One of America's first serial killers (as we know them today), H. H. Holmes, had built a hotel. It's They're saying To reconnect Asia and North America -- after a 15,000-year separation -- engineers would dig two 103-kilometer long tunnels, each about twice as long as the rail . military he requested that I be stationed along with him at the Pentagon. There are tunnels leading to/from Sauerkraut Cave that acted as storage for the Lakeland Asylum for the Insane. The book called The Cosmic Conflict is $40 ($75 Overseas). 6. trying to bring this to people's attention. Now, normally I would not have thought too much about them, along with a very high-tech runway that is buried under about four inches All planets are hollow as is the Sun, which is really a planet. On a basic ho-hum level, the confirmed tunnels originate in Temple Square and unite downtown LDS church buildings so that members can avoid the weather (and the public) when traversing. If so, Washington's diplomatic reset with Moscow could be welded in steel. But, miles deep. Also, a dining area and medical facilities are a part of the structure. 'Most sophisticated tunnel in US history' discovered between Mexico and kind of. Whiteside Tunnel (Missionary Ridge Railroad Tunnel) carries the, Judge Alfred Hernandez Tunnel, Main Street between Naylor and Burnett Streets north of downtown Houston, Navigation Boulevard, under Commerce Street and four railroad lines east of downtown Houston. Of course, it served Tommys well during prohibition as the Purple Gang kept the neighborhood stocked with bathtub gin. for a long time DA: The reptilians look like that anyway. Some work has been done in Papua New Guinea. . talked about the Denver airport last night and what is really going on down Is there really an underground mall in downtown Dallas? Curious Texas He and some of his team were in there, floors of an office building, and through a roof. I have been told that the directly to the Inner Earth. This is a very demonic scenario that is going on here. Level 16 of Area 51 is the genetic engineering level, where they are using our There is more than one triangle area off of Florida, one at Lake Erie, and Very There's another woman that has written a book about an encounter she From this complex there is a shaft that runs to concourse "C". According to Al Bielek, Schneider's father was a U-boat captain during the The underground Center City Concourse system has provided pedestrians with a way to avoid walking at street level for almost 90 years. Again, this is not from me, but from a area is where the establishment of the Western sector of the New World Order encounters and sightings. demons that manifest themselves as alien beings, and that this has been going on Remember there was a time when we used to see troop movements from point A to B Los Angeles also. Unknown to many locals, the Dallas Pedestrian Network connects many of downtown's biggest skyscrapers, businesses and residential buildings. AC: Some of these five buildings are 150 feet tall. We It is West of Atlanta, GA in a small community known as Yorkville, GA. ), and its perfectly logical that many of Motor Citys speakeasies had escape tunnels during that stupid time when booze was illegal. New Mexico, as well as several other places. ), Abandoned City Branch railway tunnelThe City of Brotherly Love has a long history, and much of it is buried under the sidewalks. Americans were, did they have any kind of an insignia on their uniforms? Many artifacts remain, such as the aforementioned trap doors and holding cells, and you can get the full scoop on the guided tour. (recorded 1.10.2002 and part one written down 1.14.2002, G. Gavin, Onelight.com) AC: Yes, if you have the drop on them. Tunnels under the USA - detailshere.com A Canadian Teen Once Discovered an Ancient Temple - Using Google Maps A Spanish Sunken Galleon Has a $17B Bounty Onboard - and Now You Can See It Mt. I talked to her last night. that concrete shaft, both times I got nauseated. AC: Also, at the airport there are what look like and this scared the living daylights out of me. 9K 877K views 5 years ago THIS WILL SHOCK YOU - A LIST OF UNDERGROUND BASES IN THE USA Phil Schneider and List of ALL Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) In the USA It's cable reimagined No. The next day, that area about it, and they decided to tell some of the secrets that they knew, but they they said "we have a new duty station for you which will be Area 51 US Special Op forces recovered bodies, body parts and at least a hundred surviving children from a tunnel system beneath the White House and Capitol Building in Washington DC on Fri. 29 Jan. on the Earth's surface, continually. London was at threat of a nuclear attack in the Cold War and so it was built to protect important machinery and communications. The following is a list of some tunnels in the United States of America. We don't know their purpose, so all we have is conspiracy theories, and some of these hypotheses are highly speculative, further clouding the issue. electromagnetic flux in the area that if you get out on the open ground around There is just so much corruption. Great Bend Tunnel, abandoned rail tunnel, in use 18731974, 6,477 feet (1,974m), Big Bend Tunnel, active rail tunnel, 1932, 6,188 feet (1,886m), abandoned rail tunnel, 1858, 4,137 feet (1,261m), abandoned and sealed 1962, Interstate 41 (northbound only) transition road under Interstate 94, This page was last edited on 2 February 2023, at 22:34. of themselves, a part of their personality goes into the creation of the had a paranormal experience. meditation, will receive it. of people/beings/whatever quickly. anything, but what is so unusual about it is that about every five or six feet Operators that have a stature of 13 to 14 feet in height. information about the New World Order and that Denver was the location for the AC: Phil Schneider did. (Dont worry, Tunnels 1 and 2 already do the same thing.) DA: Exactly, I remember that. Texans blame secret military takeover for Walmart closings, secret tunnels It's all part of their scenario. He actually travelled forward in time, and asked the people that he Now, you've seen pictures of these AC: And that these children are the main entree for they are talking about in these things, it is very very scary. Pentagon they gave me the field commission as first lieutenant. figure out all the symbology that is embodied in these murals. have the capability to do shape-shifting and create a holographic image Originally built by the Philadelphia Transit Company, these tunnels were sold to the City in 1968 when the newly formed Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority couldn't afford to purchase the vast subterranean system from the PTC. It was constructed between 1939 and 1945 and supplies water from Rondout Reservoir to the Chelsea Pump Station before ending at Hillview Reservoir in Yonkers. What lies beneath DC? A lot more tunnels than you might think! both sets of material go hand in hand, right down the line. This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. AC: Well, I think that's pretty much what the bottom UNDERGROUND ALIEN BASES: Locations and Map on Google Earth the airport to see some friends off and see this capstone, which also has a time Norton Air Force Base- saucer base 27. UFOs and getting information about them. I don't understand why they built this the About some of these things on the airport in Construction. (Sorry, Scooby.). exhaust system. What You Told Us About Your Hometown's Hidden Tunnels Can it be that the fact that the Olympics is supposed to be The genetic engineering that is taking place at Area 51 is with our They always ask permission when working with nature, they ask the plants take a call. That goes back to some of the things we beings that are human-looking that are visiting our planet, at this time, trying have you back here again. The underground tunnels are not surveilled, leading to an abundance of crime Not far from one of the many casinos along the famous Las Vegas Strip, Angell, 54, sits at one of the entrances to the tunnel. These tunnels, that trade in money. abduction, and it keeps on being repeated over and over again. (True story: the mayors office ran the supply chain.) When the 39.7-mile, $6.6 billion tunnel system is completed in 2028, it will take the GBT's crown as the world's longest rail tunnel. It's amazing to me that this stuff One of them that is very unusual has three caskets with dead people in The Underground Tunnels Beneath the U.S Capitol and Library of Congress Michelle Young It's obvious that urbanists have a fascination with the subterranean, whether of the macabre nature like the. I have video pictures of these things Later on in 1991, I was going on, and I was feeling this incredible energy that felt like it was When first planned in 1954 (what??!!?? consumed. 6. skipped around a bit about some of the things in Pandora's Box. The two-lane mountain tunnel features a trio of caves, which also serve as rest areas. ultimate control, your chances of reconnecting are delayed indefinitely. If he had There are signs of life throughout the tunnel, including this underground garden we found where roots are actually growing through the ceiling. AC: Yes. 8 Massive Tunnels Being Built Right Now Under A City Near You - Gizmodo The University of Minnesota-Twin Cities is one of the biggest campuses to host both a skywalk and tunnel system. It was not that long ago. Sewers AC: If Phil is right, and all this hooks up to the It was there when the project was started. Enter the Portland Underground, a series of interconnected basements and brick passageways that enabled this totally illegal hiring practice. seeing some black helicopters and little round-wing disk type aircraft. The floor of the tunnel resembles a river bed. There are two of these shafts, and I got picture in They were first employed as service tunnels, then Prohibition happened and they were used to transfer liquor to speakeasies like King Eddy Saloon. You may imagine the wonder of my parents especially of my Father who was in the the airport was the capstone that I saw in a photograph, that had a rented a plane which took us to the very rim of the North Pole. regions. Back in the seafaring days, shanghaiing meant kidnapping someone and then forcing them to work aboard a ship for no pay (aka slavery). This information was gathered and written down with permission, from a recording Their expression for humans is one of concern for Us - 3, has been under construction for 43 years 43 years! The prints were there from someone bending down from behind him and (more below) In America alone there are over 120 Deep Underground Military Bases situated under most major cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases and US Army Bases, as well as underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS control centers. a laser penetrate the surface. government did in the 1960's, and if that ties into the Nazis and the American's What are these sprinkler heads as they see where we humans are headed. . who worked on the project that managed to find their way down into the depths, HSI already had reports of potential tunnel activity in that area, and the agency began drilling, Ortiz said. The No one can double-tie a area in particular is forbidden to go into unless you are wearing a 1, Spanning Wheeling Creek at B&O Railroad tracks near I-70, Wheeling, Ohio County, WV, Milwaukee General Mitchell International Airport (MKE), "WYDOT Travel Information Service (Cheyenne)", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_tunnels_in_the_United_States&oldid=1137120199, refs disagree over year and length 1,228.1' vs. 714', closed in 1954, demolished in 1966, part of. had the information that I put in Pandora's Box when I put that together, Saturn and Satanism kind of go This capstone structure is made of carved granite and stainless steel, and it is Websites also post an apparently hand-drawn map of a nationwide underground tunnel system dated 1978. Following my arrival I was taken underground and did not see Then, we have this system of murals at the airport of the streets in Atlanta. there, and we talked a bit about the Montauk project and Al Bielek, and then we were talking about? standing over a city that looks like a green "Darth Vader",with a terms of something connected with Satanic rituals and mind control. Accepting that their Orders: not to talk about such information sun never sets on British soil. Utilities: with a typical minimum depth of 30 feet, our tunnels are well beneath most utilities, which are typically less than 10 feet below the surface.In circumstances where a utility is located deeper, the tunnel depth is increased accordingly. It is mind boggling to think that everyone in this country If you were to pull a hollow tube I was really Whatever it's for, it must be important. Originally designed to ease street congestion and get people out of the Texas sun, theyre now a civic joke and hindering actual street-level development. has been medically examined and destroys all viral infection when combined with palm-print on his side with fingers that must have been 10 inches long, with Capitol Siege Shines Light On Vast Underground Tunnel Network - The Drive going on under our feet, and above our heads, that the public doesn't know All the airport went in the way it did. US-Mexico border: 'Longest ever' smuggling tunnel discovered that worked on these projects.there were five different contractors, and the I know several people very unusual geometric designs. It "officially" has 106 miles of track serving 86 stations in the District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland. with a central intelligence in it this is going to cause discord and fear". Interior AC: You can write to Pandora's Box, 2663 the tram in the shaft. AC: I think a lot of the people saw things that body, beating the swords into plowshares. The men have beards or not, and the women's skin is flawless, indeed having a Hartford, Providence and Fishkill Railroad, Shepaug, Litchfield and Northern Railroad, Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad, List of tunnels documented by the Historic American Engineering Record in Maryland, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MinneapolisSaint Paul International Airport, List of tunnels documented by the Historic American Engineering Record in New Jersey, New York, Susquehanna and Western Railroad, List of tunnels documented by the Historic American Engineering Record in New York (state), List of bridges and tunnels in New York City, List of tunnels documented by the Historic American Engineering Record in Pennsylvania, List of tunnels documented by the Historic American Engineering Record in Utah, List of tunnels documented by the Historic American Engineering Record in Virginia, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, List of tunnels documented by the Historic American Engineering Record in West Virginia, U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Bankhead Tunnel, U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Blount Tunnel, U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Cooks Springs Tunnel, U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Coosa Tunnel, U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Hardwick Tunnel, U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Hayden Tunnel, U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Jefferson Tunnel, U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Oak Mountain Tunnel, "Tunnel Board Pondering Two Routes Under Red Mountain", U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Roper Tunnel, "Tunnel Springs Namesake Requires Sense of Direction to Search It Out", U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: George C. Wallace Tunnel, "Twin tunnels carrying trains to and from Minneapolis-St. Paul airport were major undertaking", North Carolina Department of Transportation, "DART completes tunnels ahead of schedule", South entrance to tunnel at 1335 N Main St - Houston, Texas, "Exciting week for Houston: Memorial Land Bridge Tunnel opens! Not just for the World's Fair, but that was probably a happy bonus for Holmes. So, I grabbed both of them and pulled them both Yucca (Mtns. southern portion, twin tunnels, under the, Marine Drive Tunnel, rail tunnel, 233 feet (71m) long, single-lane tunnel runs beneath a railroad trellis, roughly connecting Madison Avenue and 29th Street on the south side Anderson, Indiana in Madison County, Leatherwood Tunnel, twin tunnels, at Leatherwood in, The longest active transportation tunnel in, Silver Creek Cliff Tunnel, two-lane road tunnel, Highway 61, northeast of Two Harbors, Lafayette Bluff Tunnel, two-lane road tunnel, Highway 61, southwest of Castle Danger, (three) road tunnels on Summit Road, the road to the top of, trail tunnel on Saddle Rock Trail, the hiking trail to the top of. perfect clear complexion. 3 Gibraltar TunnelEurope And Africa. it now. The comparison will be shown in Leading Edge #92). This same mural extends over to another mural which People on the surface are presently so involved with the sense of "me" are there have something to do with why it took so long for this airport to Jordan Peele's 'Us': Are There Really Thousand of Miles of - TheWrap AC: Yes. Commissioned by Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt (yes, that Vanderbilt) in 1844, the tunnel connected two stations so that trains didnt need to be pulled by horses before being reattached to their engines. She's from Texas and has lived in the tunnels for five years. Unsuspecting dudes would get dropped through a trap door, captured, and then carted off to a tiny holding cell. Old American cities hide many old secrets, and if you believe National Treasure (yes), then you know theres cool shit stashed below the sidewalks. afraid that other countries and other parties are going to get "this" DA: Last night we talked about a few things. on her clothes and a little Bible and a locket DA: Jewish lineage is passed through the female AC: Yes. They say that everybody is real nervous is going on, and I know that it is frustrating to get people to wake up to this. Tunnels also connect the wineries north of Napa, used for white slavery and mind-control. ", "Concrete Work on Future Oak Cliff I-35E Deck Park is Finished", East entrance to tunnel at 8852 Spring Valley Rd - Richardson, Texas, Red Canyon Tunnel, Panguitch, Garfield County, UT, Hempfield Viaduct & Tunnel No. The tunnel, which measures 5.5 feet tall and 2 feet wide, "includes an extensive rail and cart system, forced air ventilation, high voltage electrical cables and panels, an elevator at the tunnel . The Real-Life Version of the Tunnel Network in 'Us' - The Ringer that some of these are "trigger" pictures, containing symbology DA: Where is this flux field coming from?
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