Discuss your wedding date with a fiance! Currently this mod does not conflict with any other interaction mod. Why not battle it out with friends to see who can hold the best note! While this in-game change is small it makes a world of difference in being able to access social media interactions quickly and not have to worry about having the correct device on hand. There is a new "Give Unsolicited Advice" interaction, and sentiments should now have better support. You'll start off in the bottom and clean the office, but you can slowly work your way up with two different career tracks to pick from. Programs Used: The Sims 4 Mod Constructor V4 Python XML Tuning Welcome to KiaraSims4Mods! - If you love my mods, buy me a coffee or Non-Binary: No use of he or she throughout this mod. Note that these interactions are available ONLY with Sims that your Sim knows well (friends, family, and lovers), because it wouldnt make sense for a complete stranger to care that much about your promotion etc. No judgment here.) Dans beaucoup de mods, on a de nouvelles interactions sociales pour nos Sims : les messages envoyer via Slice of Life, les interactions lies la clbrit dans Road To Fame, les actions spcifiques de nouveaux traits de caractre She was always a sucker for holidays, no matter how small. The sim who receives the news will be granted a happy moodlet (+1, for 8 hours).Demotion and worse. ), Do not edit my content. This sounds amazing and I wish I had a laptop with Sim 4 but sadly I only have an Xbox , I need this. Add a page title MOD CONFLICTS AND ETCThis mod does NOT tune or overwrite any original game code / files / resources, just adds stuff, so it should NOT cause errors or conflicts.If you are experiencing any errors or issues, please let me know. ) Tell about New Partner (happy moodlet for listener if close friend or family) Ask if Sim Is a Supernatural Being (will give a notification telling the results. A Sim mourning a death may now reminisce about the departed with friends and family. Especially the "Confess Love for Best Friend" - I never knew I needed it til now, but this is exactly the interaction I was missing most in game! It's a unique career that adds a lot of flexibility to the Sims world and lets you either be on camera or be the one pulling the strings from behind the scenes. Start your game and ensure that script mods are enabled. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. SimCityGirls on Tumblr Wow. Of course, it wouldnt be a party if we werent 4/20 friendly so bring some bud too! Adding interactions that can positively or negatively affecting relationships. Your sim will then have new social interactions available to talk about their journey as a soon-to-be Mother. Start your game and ensure that script mods are enabled. (If you dont have Get to Work, you wont have this interaction. So before I head out for work, here it is! Checking out a mod that adds social interactions for your game and makes them better! It's one of the major reasons why I don't like many of the "game-changing" mods out there, particularly Slice of Life (although there's actually a ton of stuff I don't like about Slice of Life, bad moodlets are not exactly the biggest issue there). The inverse is also true; Sims can "Make Enemy Even Angrier" if, as the name implies, their enemy is angry (this might kill them, be careful with it. I think my favorite interaction is one that I want people to find by surprise, so I'll spoiler it: Once the Grim Reaper reaps a soul, you can talk to him and "Ask about Death". Enhances gameplay to allow a realistic outlook on conversations. Youll be able to use Residential Lots to hold the event. This Mod Adds URBAN SOCIAL INTERACTIONS (The Sims 4 mods) Updated: May 10, 2022, 3:13 p.m. Oh, I already use a couple of your mods: less condescending reputation loss and stop whining. It is the fourth major title in The Sims series and was originally announced on May 6, 2013, and was released in North America on September 2, 2014 for Microsoft Windows. Urban Social Mod (USM) - Now Free To Public - MUVASIMMER For all the solo Muvateers, I can understand the annoyance of today. However, since the first version of this mod is merely complete, it is now available free to the public. They can also Insult Parenting if their parent has failed them. That way, if you guys want to build UP, you can extend it and make it into a strip club brothel? 1 follower Sims 4 Teen . Download at Simfileshare or CurseForge. Enhances gameplay to allow a realistic outlook on conversations. Place the files into a folder titled Urban Social Mod in your MODS folder. CLICK HERE RIGHT NOW to start earning your benefits and your unique member badge in the comments section! New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. Press & Features; Contact; BLOG. All Posts; The Sims 4; The Sims 4 Mods . I've written the code into the interactions, but the game is not picking it up. Theres almost ALWAYS a fight & a contest to see who has the best footwork. It's been seven years since the fourth installment of the Sims games first came out, and Simmers haven't been idle while waiting for the next paid DLC.. Related: Sims 4: 10 Features That Are Still Missing From custom content like fan-made stuff packs to full-fledged mods . Related: The Sims 4: Every Scenario Released So Far, And How To Play Them. More pending! ALL THINGS DEATHNew interactions, and one moodletNear death experience. 0. Also as time has changed, buffs may differ. Delete your localthumbcache.package within your Sims 4 folder. This Mod Adds URBAN SOCIAL INTERACTIONS (The Sims 4 mods) which is when a famous Sim with a bad parent can mock them, essentially saying "you treated me like shit when I was in your care, but now I'm famous -- who's laughing now?" Everybody knows how much the hood loves a good cookout! Required Pack: City Living, Get Famous and Get Together. Check It Out. There's an interaction for that. Urban Social Interaction Mod: VERSION 2:2 - Pinterest I'm back with another video for. Place the files into a folder titled Urban Social Mod in your MODS folder. NEW SIMS 4 MOD FOR REALISTIC ROMANCES. With "Contextual Social Interactions", you get new interactions, which Sims are allowed to perform autonomously ("can" does not mean "systematically will", autonomy is controlled by traits, emotions, and other things). PREGNANCY TALK!New interactionsPregnant Sims can now discuss name ideas, and complain about hormonal changes. MuvaSimmer | Creating an Urban Social Interaction Mod for The Sims 4 One of my favorites, however, is being able to congratulate your friends if they win a fight! Why not battle it out with friends to see who can hold the best note! Interaes Sociais Contextuais (traduzido) - Mundo Sims Official Gameplay. It'll be version 1.0 whenever I figure that out, but other than that, the mod functions as it should (hopefully) and is still immersive despite that. Your sims will have the chance to mentor young sims (or be mentored by sims) for 6 hours. Lumpinou's mods are great for this: Woohoo Wellness & Pregnancy Overhaul, specifically the cheating and faithfulness module is probably the main thing you're looking for. This mod adds Urban Social Interactions to The Sims 4Subscribe to my Second Channel https://bit.ly/2KG2BAj BECOME A CHANNEL MEMBER!!! If anyone wants to extend this build, the fake motel in the back would be a cool extension. Occasional Symptons In addition to a few new social interactions, your sims will also experience occasional mood swings, nausea & so much more! Storytelling Socials is an expansive mod that adds over 50 interactions to the game (with more planned in the future), complete with immersive moodlets, occasional skill gains, and, at times, hyperspecific context. There's an interaction for that. ABOUT. top of page. Royal Family Beginner. Valentines Day just isnt particularly my favorite holiday either so dont feel alone. This mod is going to allow you to randomly generate your sim's skills, career, enemies and friends, bonus traits and more. Thank you! It's a creative mod that allows you more options when dealing with teen Sims. Its something, right? With Contextual Social Interactions, you get new interactions, which Sims are allowed to perform autonomously (can does not mean systematically will, autonomy is controlled by traits, emotions, and other things). Your email address will not be published. click here for Extreme Violence Meaningful Stories My other favorite is probably "Confess Love for Best Friend". I wanted to make my mod blend in with the game as smoothly as possible. Seth. A Sim brushes with Death (this happens when a Sim dies but the Reaper does not take them, because of pleas from other Sims) now can tell about near death experience to their friends and family. There are also interactions for the victims, such as calling the police and defending themselves. http://bit.ly/2Onp7Nd#TheSims4 #Sims4 #Thesims4mods #realisticmodsthesims4 #Sims #TS4 #ts4cc Follow ItsmeTroiTwitter https://twitter.com/itsmeTroi Instagram https://www.instagram.com/itsmetroi/ Discord https://discordapp.com/invite/itsmetroi Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/itsmetroi How to install mods for The Sims 4 https://youtu.be/YeDTI516_hk How to download mods for The Sims 4 https://youtu.be/muGPSPhJQ2Q Where to download mods for The Sims 4 https://youtu.be/3YVDeVYWLLg Sims 4 Mod Tutorial https://bit.ly/3bG7Icm Download https://bit.ly/3e77wTY Music Credit --------------------------------------------------------- Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com/)\" Intro Song \"Written in the Stars\" - Asta Listen Here: https://tinyurl.com/y69ljzrlThe Sims 4 is a 2014 life simulation video game developed by the Redwood Shores studio of Maxis and published by Electronic Arts. I am happy to share my mods with the Simming Community. 104,265. Sims Traits. This moodlet, due to its strength, will overshadow their "Stranger Danger" moodlet, which is handy if they've got a date or party to attend. Besides, who doesnt love getting drunk & making an absolute fool of themselves singing Karaoke? Twice a year, gather with friends, find a few baddies, share some drinks & have the best time of your lives! Adds characteristics to each sim whether active or target. repost my content as your own (because its not). Aww, this has so many storytelling possibilities! 10+ NEW REALISTIC INTERACTIONS FOR THE SIMS 4 XUrbanSimsX 443K subscribers 25K views 2 years ago THE NEW DRAMA MOD BY SHE ADS IN SOME SPICE TO YOUR SIMS EVERYDAY LIFE! Currently this mod does not conflict with any other interaction mod. No matter what you want to see changed, a modder has probably done it, and here are some of the best social media mods available for the Sims 4. use my textures in your mesh without my permission (not yours), tag me in posts and use my #nxllxsimz tag. A Sim who recently witnessed a death may wish to discuss this traumatic event with others. Urban Social Interaction Mod: VERSION 2:2 | MuvaSimmer on Patreon LOL, Everyone should already know I am a BIG Cardi fan. Let me know what interactions you would like to see! I hope this helps! People like you are what makes this game for me honestly. The idea came to me a while ago but now that I have the full hang of creating social overrides now, there is a ton more to come! Also as time has changed, buffs may differ. Sounds SPICY, right? More. Today is actually the 10 year anniversary of my grandmothers passing. The Sims 4: Growing Together reworks the game's family dynamics Awesome work! This mod allows you to download a dating app on your phone and opens a new world of possibilities for your Sim to partake in. NARA 808. Aaliyah muvasimmer13: Urban Social Mod (USM) - Now Free To - Tumblr TIPS AND TRICKSIf you use Have Some Personality Please! by PolarBearSim (see here), chances of your Sim performing my contextual interactions autonomously goes up!! Before the clout or even Instagram, I used to see her at the strip club and that was BAE! WHY BAD CRITICISM ONLY?New interaction, and moodlet for the listenerIn the game, there is a mean option to criticize WooHoo technique, but there is no nice equivalent. You can also get highly violent and hurt a lot of Sims. The go-to source for comic and superhero movie fans. Delete your localthumbcache.package within your Sims 4 folder. Meet up with up to 20 of your friends, get farked up & dabble in the arts! This overhaul introduces changes in view distance, lighting settings, shadow settings, and overall performance boost for many aspects of the game. Contextual Social Interactions - Lumpinou's Sims 4 mods After learning how to make social interactions I decided to make something different. Thanks again for making the mod :). Finding love in the world of Sims just became a lot more fun with the introduction of the "SimDa" dating app by Little MsSam. convert to the sims 2 & 3 with my permission and crediting me. Be careful though because with this mode your Sims can also get drunk. IF shared (because I am sure some of you do), please use MY LINKS to do so. Rewards: Higher-level friendship unlocks more interactions that grant moodlets, along with trait-specific ones, such as "Give Loner a Pep Talk". Adding interactions that can positively or negatively affecting relationships. All credits go to the cc creators which also have their content free to download either on tumblr, simsdom or etc. Social Interaction Pack - Welcome to KiaraSims4Mods! Sims 4 Couple Poses. If you have absolutely no desire to rekindle your relationship with an ex, feel free to blame them for your failed relationship, which will have them shaking with fury. Jamie Pellikaan is a list writer based in Florida. convert to any platform without my permission, especially gta 5 (Im watching). Also, I finally got the hang of making events, so in the current update, you will see a few new events! Getting tired of hitting up the strip club or bar every night & want something new to do? Roast your friends! The only good outcome to this is if your Sim is a vampire, in which Death admits that he might never take their soul. Delete your localthumbcache.package within your Sims 4 folder. Plumfruit 2 is the second mod of this name, and the new and improved version, created by Arnie to completely overhaul the user-interface system of your Sims' smartphone, making it much more realistic and closer looking to our own devices. I even kept the game's confusion as to whether "about" should be capitalized or not! Meet up with up to 20 of your friends, get farked up & dabble in the arts! Start your game and ensure that script mods are enabled. | Patreon. Moreover, this adds the Simstagram story option to the computer as well as the phone. Required fields are marked *. Non-Binary : No use of he or she throughout this mod. Place the files into a folder titled Urban Social Mod in your MODS folder. ' ! I originally wanted to wait until tomorrow but Im a little too excited. Includes buffs for both the active sim and target sim for interactions. Bonding will be at the top of the list! Social media has become a constant presence in our lives, so it only makes sense that the dedicated modding community of The Sims 4 would have extended this reality into the Sims world. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Shared by: mothersimmer13: Downloads: 90357: Uploaded: April 2, 2021, 2:26 p.m. Time to pull out the grill & invite over the entire FAM! OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS ? 94 likes. Sim File Share - Filehosting for Simmers The mod will give you various interactions for crimes such as murders, robbery, serial killers, etc. ) Question identity of the babys father (suggestion from SleepyInk, thanks!) THIS MOD ADDS DOZENS OF NEW SOCIAL INTERACTIONS FOR THE SIMS 4! MEGA CONTEXTUAL INTERACTIONS MOD FOR THE SIMS 4 - YouTube So if you see your sim randomly bursts into tears, just know. New LINGO: NEW urban sim terminology (simlish-slang). This Mod Adds URBAN SOCIAL INTERACTIONS (The Sims 4 mods) itsmeTroi 239K subscribers Join Subscribe 1.9K 60K views 2 years ago #Sims #Sims4 #TheSims4 Hey, boo! Play Sims 4. Or Meaningful stories? Non-Binary : No use of he or she throughout this mod. GoldSimblr on Tumblr You will need both the City Living pack and the Get Famous pack for this mod to be compatible with your Sims 4 game. Sims who have the Promoted moodlet now have the ability to tell friends and family about it. More like this. Sims 4 Jobs. From your pictures, it looks like that shouldn't be an issue with this mod and that you made a conscious effort to incorporate it into the game as seamlessly as possible, and for that I'm grateful you took the time to think these things through. Gives a stressed moddlet to listener) Complain about Paparazzis (for celebrities level 3 and higher). And this is perfect because I just started a new game! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. On that same note, often the stories that play out in my game are fairly dark or morbid. Getting tired of hitting up the strip club or bar every night & want something new to do? This interaction also cannot fail! I had a Sim who was a Global Superstar who went to her mother's (who she despised) house and flaunted money in her face. While the game does allow for some features, such as Simstagram and updating your social media, it truly lacks the user interface that many players desire. Some of these, like the previous ones, can be done only with family and friends, others require only 30 friendship points in the bar (ie a little under a third of the bar of friendship being full) Announce graduation (gives happy moodlet to listener) Congratulate about graduation Announce university acceptance (suggestion by JinnJar, thanks!) (You don't need to save your progress; this is just for testing.) | Patreon Become a patron of MuvaSimmer today: Get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world's largest membership platform for artists and creators. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. , repost my content as your own (because its not). Not to disparage KS, as her mod is popular for a reason, but when playing Slice of Life it struck me just how unbalanced the whole thing is (there's a whole rant on it here). It's full of great ideas but it doesn't execute them well and, like you said, it's not very immersive, what with the typos, grammar mistakes, and the buff icons being in color. sims 4 social interactions menu wont show up - Answer HQ - Electronic Arts SONGS, BOOKS, AND OTHER MASTERPIECESNew interaction, and moodlet for the listenerA Sim who has recently painted a masterpiece, finished writing a book, or writing lyrics, will now be able to tell their close friends / family about their work and share their excitement and pride. MUSIC. Normally, youll see stragglers walking up randomly acting like theyre family just to get a plate. Whoa, this is brilliant! Published on July 18, 2021. De nouvelles interactions sociales pour vos Sims ! - Mod Sims 4 MuvaSimmer | Creating an Urban Social Interaction Mod for The Sims 4 Your sims will have the chance to mentor young sims (or be mentored by sims) for 6 hours. Includes buffs for both the active sim and target sim for interactions. And the good news wont affect Sims around them -A Sim gets abducted by aliens, and cant tell anyone! Also, I finally got the hang of making events, so in the current update, you will see a few new events! However, this interaction is risky; if it fails, don't be surprised if you see them sprinting toward the bathroom with stomach gurgles. One of the more useful ones is "Impress with Fame", which not only grants fame, it, if successful, will grant the target a +2 Flirty moodlet. Official Post from MuvaSimmer. Urban Detail: Having this mod gives you a chance to enjoy your sims socializing with other sims in other ways. Sims 4 Black Hair. Welcome to the KiaraSims4Mods Blog! Urban Social Interaction Mod: BETA VERSION - MUVASIMMER And in 2023, its graphics and visuals are old and outdated. I love how seamlessly these seem to fit in with the game itself. Take note that this mod does not allow teenage pregnancies in-game! Sims 4 Body Mods. Sim File Share - Filehosting for Simmers For the download and further resources, follow this link. Can't wait for more interactions! Now they will be able to post more frequently on their social media platforms and even add different apps you can download that will help you improve your Sims' skills. The idea came to me a while ago but now that I have the full hang of creating social overrides, there is a ton more to come! I want my Sims to be more impacted by what happens to other Sims when said others tell them about things, so that the direction Ill be taking with this! My latest creation, Professional Bridesmaid Career! BUFFS GALORE: Includes buffs for both the active sim and target sim for interactions. More To Come: Current Status: 20 Social Interactions & 50 randomized buffs & 4 traits. (note: since Male sims who get pregnant through alien abduction truly realize whats going on only on the 3rd trimester, thats when these pregnancy interactions become available for them). Are you a famous Sim level 3 and above with a terrible parent who you absolutely loathe? Similarly, there's a strong flirty moodlet that I noticed Sims having for a similar amount of time. BETTER SOCIAL INTERACTIONS (The Sims 4 Mods) itsmeTroi 235K subscribers Join Subscribe 943 Share 21K views 2 years ago #Sims #Sims4 #Thesims4mods Hey, boo! These Sims 4 mods flesh out the social media elements of the game, adding new features and functionality. Currently this mod does not conflict with any other interaction mod. Dont want to spoil any surprises so heres a peak at some of the buffs: The idea came to me a while ago but now that I have the full hang of creating social overrides, there is a ton more to come! Delete your localthumbcache.package within your Sims 4 folder. I hope everyone is having an awesome Valentines Day, filled with love, friendship and peace. If you are tired of the regular social media career, pugglerock's Media Influencer mod adds a whole new career branch for your Sim to work up the ladder. Awesome! Mods for realistic social interactions? : r/Sims4 - Reddit It allows you to look for something serious or casual and even allows you to go searching for one-night stands. There is no social interaction for that. There is a macabre version of this mod with 6 or 7 interactions that allows players to have abusive relationships, but I deemed it too dark to put out, especially on platforms like ModTheSims (where this mod is currently in queue). Urban Detail: Having this mod gives you a chance to enjoy your sims socializing with other sims in other ways. I've been playtesting it as I've been making it for the past four months or so. This will grant fame points to the creator, and a +2 inspired moodlet (8 hours) to whomever listens, as the Sims passion for his / her work is contagious! This mod, created by modder TwistedMexi, simply allows teens to employ themselves in the career branch before they hit the young adult stage. BETTER SOCIAL INTERACTIONS (The Sims 4 Mods) - YouTube 0. Sims 4 mod Interaes sociais contextuais Descompacte a pasta e coloque-a diretamente nos seus 'Mods'. You might be interested in my mod . Updated: April 2, 2021, 2:26 p.m. Baby Maker Trait Mod by Kialauna CLICK HERE. I was up bumpin all night and made this for my siggas, sitches and soessss! Los Sims 4 Mods. Every once in a while, I would run into a situation and think "I wish I could do this thing," and so I added the interaction to the list. Or perhaps make the top floors look like its connected to the fake motel. With Meaningful Stories, it was lasting for 2 days. Patreon | Social interaction, Interactive, Sims 4 expansions - Pinterest This mod adds URBAN SOCIAL INTERACTIONS (The Sims 4 mods) Time to add some Urban Social Interactions to your Sims 4 game with this mod 107,018 views 0 comments 94 itsmetroi Oct 4, 2020 1 min NEW SIMS 4 MOD FOR REALISTIC ROMANCES DOWNLOAD OPEN LOVE LIVE V1 104,167 views 0 comments 50 itsmetroi Sep 24, 2020 1 min ALL 50+ MODS IN MY SIMS 4 GAME How did you get started modding? I can't stand it when modded moodlets are so obviously modded and completely stand out from the game (this also goes hand in hand with poor grammar and other mistakes such as forgetting to add in the proper coding for sim names and gender). Check out some in game pictures below: This trait was requested and aside from a few songs, I dont know anything about this man. Youll be able to use Residential Lots to hold the event. . Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Ive given all of my traits a fresh update as well as two of my earlier careers. Dont want to spoil any surprises so heres a buff sneak peak: Ive seen some reports about issues with my traits following the update. Sims 4 Gameplay Mods 1. HOME. . Pay 1-3 Dollars a month or pay annually with a month free! I love this!! Have you already played through your mod? MUSIC. A free trait as my gift to you. EA's The Sims 4 has amassed a huge community of dedicated fans who just want to see the game be a better version of itself. Urban Social Interaction Mod: VERSION 2:2 | MuvaSimmer on Patreon I would literally not touch this monotonous cashgrab if it wasn't for wonderful mods that add actual depth and gameplay value to the game, something EA seem to have completely strayed from. Delete your localthumbcache.package within your Sims 4 folder. Includes positive & negative (potentially controversial) outlooks. Sims 4 Teen. NEW urban sim terminology (simlish-slang). Next: The Best Game Packs For The Sims 4, Ranked. Mods for Realistic Gameplay & Social Interaction. Press J to jump to the feed. Here Is A Quick Rundown Of Each Interaction: Complain About Lost Youth - Adult/Elder Sims can use this Friendly interaction . Sims 4 Realistic & Realism Mods (Download) 2023 - Gameizmo Accuse of Being a Gold Digger Download at Simfileshare or CurseForge, Announce Engagement Download at Simfileshare or CurseForge, Apologize For Cheating Download at Simfileshare or CurseForge, Ask About Relationship Status Download at Simfileshare or CurseForge, Ask For Permission to Propose Download at Simfileshare or CurseForge, Ask to Best Man Download at Simfileshare or CurseForge, Ask to Be Bridesmaid Download at Simfileshare or CurseForge, Brag about New Partner Download at Simfileshare or CurseForge, Can I Have Some Money?
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