1 of 5. This map service provides display, identification, and analysis tools for determining current boundary information for Forest Service managers, GIS Specialists, and others. 17 The Forest Service manages 193million acres (780,000km2) of land. The Forest Service oversees 155 national forests, 20 grasslands, and one tall-grass prairie. Make a lasting impact on the world and unlock rewarding opportunities for professional growth and career advancement. connected to the .gov website. They establish a regular and recurring presence on a vast amount of public lands, roads, and recreation sites. Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy: The 1995 Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy and the subsequent 2001 Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy act as the foundation of the National Fire Plan. Fire and Aviation/Residues Project Leader, Asst. The goal of the State and Private Forestry program is to assist with financial and technical assistance to private landowners, state agencies, tribes, and community resource managers. The Forest Service employs individuals from diverse social and academic backgrounds into a full range of career fields and positions. Phone: 907-743-9451 We do that through our comprehensive wildland fire management programs, including grants and technical assistance. Fire, Av &Air, Director - Safety, Fire and Aviation Management, Regional Fixed-Wing Operations Specialist, Regional Fixed-wing Operations Specialist, Director; Fire, Fuels & Aviation Management, Aviation Operations Division Division Manager, East Zone Aviation Officer (Virtual: Ashville NC). Ely, MN 55731 The goal of the cooperative fire program is to protect people, property, and resources while encouraging an integrated, well balanced fire management program in each state. LockA locked padlock connected to the .gov website. Owyhee Bldg. on official, secure websites. Find Celebrating Wildflower events, wildflower viewing areas, and wildflower photographs by Forest Service Region using the map or links below. The Forest Stewardship Program works through state forestry agencies tolink local foresters and natural resourceprofessionals with owners, to hear their goals, walk their property, and plan for the future. Urban Connections: Connecting major metropolitan areas to their National Forests. Key themes . Fax: Unavailable, 1249 South Vinnell Way, Suite 200 J. Envtl. ( United States. United States government. McCall, ID 83638 1400 Independence Ave., SW United States. Phone: 678-320-3000 Learn English and Attend College in the U.S. The regions are broad geographic areas, usually including several states, encompassing 155 National Forests and 20 National Grasslands. Forest Service. Date of last refresh: Feb 27, 2023. metadata map service The Knutson-Vandenberg Act (K-V) of June 9, 1930 (16 U.S.C. Southern Region RNA Coordinator and RNA Liaisons Regional RNA Coordinator/Liaison Jason Stevens jasonstevens@fs.fed.us 414-297-3649 Southern Research Station RNA Liaison Stephanie Laseter slaseter@fs.fed.us 828-200-6352 International Institute of Tropical Forestry (IITF) Research Station RNA Liaison Grizelle Gonzlez ggonzalez@fs.fed.us Lancaster, CA 93536-2459 TTY: 707-562-9240, 333 SW First Avenue Research focuses on informing policy and land management decisions and includes addressing invasive insects, degraded river ecosystems, or sustainable ways to harvest forest products. Sidney Yates Building The Forest Service achieved widespread awareness during the 1960s, as it became the setting for the long running classic TV show Lassie, with storylines focusing on Lassie's adventures with various forest rangers. Contact the National Office; Inside the FS; Forest & Grassland Offices. Activity Knutson-Vandenberg. 91190; the Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act, P.L. All field agents are required to travel a great deal and usually maintain a case load of ten to fifteen ongoing criminal investigations at one time. When you're signed in and start a job search, we'll look for jobs that match your profile. Broomfield, CO 80021 Fire and Aviation Management Missoula, MT 59808 Chicago ( / ko / ( listen) shih-KAH-goh, locally also / ko / shih-KAW-goh; [6] Miami-Illinois: Shikaakwa; Ojibwe: Zhigaagong) is the most populous city in the U.S. state of Illinois and the third most populous in the United States after New York City and Los Angeles. A wildfire, forest fire, bushfire, wildland fire or rural fire is an unplanned, uncontrolled and unpredictable fire in an area of combustible vegetation. Courtesy photo by Matt Heraifman, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation. Criminal investigators occasionally conduct internal and civil claim investigations. Sidney Yates Building / Mailstop 1107 Hood from Lolo Pass Rd., Mt. The mission of the National Forest System is to protect and manage the forest lands so they best demonstrate the sustainable multiple-use management concept, using an ecological approach, to meet the diverse needs of people. Our watershed program provides technical and financial assistance to states and communities, provides education and training, manages threats to forest health, and works in partnership at the local level to protect and enhance watersheds on state and private forest lands. Historic technical reports from the Forest Service (and other Federal agencies) are available in the, This page was last edited on 6 February 2023, at 14:07. Phone: 208-387-5512 Join the Forest Service men and women who serve to protect our national forests, communities, and natural resources. Print directly to a printer or to mimic a booklet, print to a pdf and then print the pdf using booklet or multiple page options. The Forest Reserve Act of 1891 authorized withdrawing land from the public domain as forest reserves managed by the Department of the Interior. When a community applies for FEMA funding such as Public Assistance, Hazard Mitigation Assistance or Preparedness Grants potential impacts to the environment and cultural resources must be considered. Davis, CA 95618 ) or https:// means you've safely Fax: 414-944-3963, 626 E. Wisconsin Ave., Suite 500 [19], During the 2019-2020 bushfires in Australia, the US Forest Services sent a contingent of firefighters. Major themes in research at the Experimental Forests and Ranges includes: 170 Followers 11 Following. [11], The Forest Service organization includes ranger districts, national forests, regions, research stations and research work units and the Northeastern Area Office for State and Private Forestry. The 12 forests in Montana were the Beaverhead, Bitterroot, Blackfoot, Cabinet, Custer, Deerlodge, Flathead, Gallatin, Helena, Kootenai, Lewis and Clark, and Lolo. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: program.intake@usda.gov. Connecticut. Every ten years, each state and the District of Columbia create plans that provide a snapshot of current forest conditions and outline priorities and strategies. An official website of the United States government. Most on-the-ground activities occur on ranger districts, including trail construction and maintenance, operation of campgrounds, oversight of a wide variety of special use permitted activities, and management of vegetation and wildlife habitat.[6]. Priority goals include promoting the sustainable use of woody biomass, improving efficiency in forest products manufacturing and wood utilization through innovative forest products. Although a large volume of timber is logged every year, not all National Forests are entirely forested. Field Office Representative: Connie Carpenter, https://www.fs.usda.gov/main/r9/about-region/offices. [1] In 1937, it was estimated that Region 1 had 6 percent of all forest areas in the United States and 16 percent of all national [2] 95-307. The United States Forest Service is an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture that administers the nation's 154 national forests and 20 national grasslands, which encompass 193 . Broader terms: Forest management; Pacific States; Narrower term: Forest management -- Pacific S Your interests and experiences can help with just about any aspect of the agency. Each level has responsibility for a variety of functions.[13]. @ForestServiceNW Pacific Northwest Region of the Forest Service has some of the most breathtakingly beautiful areas on Earth ranging from grasslands to lush forests & beaches. Milwaukee, WI 53202 Residents who were affected by the severe storms and flooding can visit the centers to update FEMA applications and learn about other disaster assistance which may be available. A collaborative partnership used aGreat Lakes Restoration Initiative(GLRI) grant to restore more than 600 acres of riparian forest, improving water quality and forest resilience along Minnesotas waterways. Fax: 404-347-2836, 1200 Ashwood Pkwy, Ste 230 The Urban and Community Forestry Program provides support to states, cities, and nonprofit groups, so they can plant, protect, maintain, and utilize wood from community trees. Before his appointment as chief, Moore served as Regional Forester in the Pacific Southwest Region in California from 2007 to 2021, where he had responsibility for 18 national forests, covering one-fifth of the state on 20 million acres of land. San Juan, Puerto Rico 00926-1115 [PDF] Jackson Research Projects. We provide forest health monitoring information, promote integrated pest management, and provide technical and financial assistance to prevent, suppress, and control pest outbreaks. Learn about environmental requirements Fort Collins, CO 80526-1891 In February 2009, the Government Accountability Office evaluated whether the Forest Service should be moved from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of the Interior, which already includes the National Park Service, the Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Bureau of Land Management, managing some 438million acres (1,770,000km2) of public land. Contact Forest Service Regional Offices Locate a Forest or Grassland Main Address: 1400 Independence Ave., SW Washington , DC 20250-1111 Email: webmaster@fs.fed.us Toll Free: 1-800-832-1355 Government branch: Executive Department Sub-Office/Agency/Bureau Parent Agency U.S. Department of Agriculture Top Furthermore, areas designated as wilderness by acts of Congress, prohibit logging, mining, road and building construction and land leases for purposes of farming and or livestock grazing. Many of our employees started their Forest Service careers as temporary (or seasonal) employees. San Dimas, CA 91773 Charles River Esplanade. Phone: 406-329-3511 Phone: 208-634-0365 Official websites use .gov A .gov These map services are available here, on The Forest Firefly is indigenous to the Forest Haven. The Forest Service manages 193 million acres (780,000 km 2) of land. The agency's ecosystem approach to management integrates ecological, economic, and social factors to maintain and enhance the quality of the environment to meet current and future needs. Families and individuals own the largest portion of forests in the region. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock Michigan (/ m n / ) is a state in the Great Lakes region of the upper Midwestern United States. Also of note was that it was not until 1976 that the Federal Land Policy and Management Act became the national policy for retaining public land for federal ownership. LockA locked padlock The policy on road building within the National Forests is another controversial issue: In 1999, President Clinton ordered a temporary moratorium on new road construction in the National Forests to "assess their ecological, economic, and social values and to evaluate long-term options for their management. Ogden, UT 84405 [1] [2] Depending on the type of vegetation present, a wildfire may be more specifically identified as a bushfire ( in Australia ), desert fire, grass fire, hill fire, peat fire, prairie fire . Here's how you know. Basic Premise of the National Fire Plan: Investing now in an optimal firefighting force, hazardous fuels reduction, and overall community protection will provide for immediate protection and future cost savings. Phone: 303-275-5750 Minnesota riparian project improves water quality. 907-586-8806, https://www.fs.usda.gov/about-agency/contact-us/regional-offices. Today, Forest Service researchers work in a range of biological, physical, and social science fields to promote sustainable management of United States' diverse forests and rangelands. Phone: 202-205-1483 Fax: 208-387-5735, 3833 S Development Ave United States. LockA locked padlock Region 6 encompasses national forests and grasslands in Oregon and Washington. This app includes information on recreational activities and sites, trail permit information, alerts, maps, news, events, directions or Inauguration of the President of the United States. For additional information about the duties of this position, please . The average daily temperatures range between -30C (-22F) and 30C (86F) with a yearly average of 10C (50F). Forest Service: Weak Contracting Practices Increase Vulnerability to Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (Chapter Report, 05/06/98, GAO/RCED-98-88). This is a pilot program that the Region is initiating with the hopes of it becoming permanent in two years. Bid now on Invaluable: US FOREST SERVICE SIGN EXPERIMENTAL AREA BOUNDARY from Millers Auction Co. on February 1, 0123 6:00 PM CST. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.. FEMA Region 9 office, located in Oakland, CA, partners with federal emergency management for 150 Tribal Nations and the following states/territories. McClellan, CA 95652 [5] Major divisions of the agency include the Chief's Office, National Forest System, State and Private Forestry, Business Operations, and Research and Development. 1997, Conrad, David E., Forest Service. Phone: 218-365-7565 The Land We Cared for A History of the Forest Service's Eastern Region. The program also promotes sustainable land management overseas and brings important technologies and innovations back to the United States. SACRAMENTO, Calif. A Disaster Recovery Center is open at Point Arena City Hall where residents who were affected by the severe storms and flooding can update FEMA applications and learn about other disaster assistance which may be available. LockA locked padlock The data is used to produce maps and conduct resource planning, analysis and management. The USDA Forest Service is the leading federal agency in natural resource conservation. These positions will be permanent appointment with . Boise, ID 83709 Phone: 505-842-3460 Each encompasses a broad geographic area and is headed by a regional forester who reports directly to the Chief. Our Forest Health Protection work ensures the long-term health and sustainability of forests and trees through support to the states and the regions national forests and other federal lands. Washington D.C. 20024, 3833 S Development Ave MS 200 Suite 1100 The Regional Forester's boss is the Chief Forester who is in charge of the entire Forest Service. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock (Amended 0002) Forest Service Job Corps Outreach and Admissions and Career Transition Services (OA/CTS) for the Dallas Region supporting Job Corps Civilian Conservation Centers located in the States of Arkansas, Colorado, Montana, South Dakota, and Utah. In 1881, the office was expanded into the newly formed Division of Forestry. In the 2019 family comedy movie Playing With Fire, John Cena plays a U.S. Forest Service firefighter who (along with his crew) watches over a group of rambunctious children while searching for their parents after rescuing them from a fire in the wilderness during a family vacation. Phone: 707-562-8737 Temperature. The Forest Service also manages Grey Towers National Historic Site in Milford, Pennsylvania, the home and estate of its first Chief, Gifford Pinchot. With a population of nearly 10.12 million and an area of nearly 97,000 sq mi (250,000 km 2 ), Michigan is the 10th-largest state by population, the 11th-largest by area, and the largest by area east of the Mississippi River . Hear Forest Service scientists talk about a proposed project on . Congressional AffairsCasey De Shong510-627-7785Casey.Deshong@fema.dhs.gov, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction ProgramAnne Rosinski510-627-7172Anne.Rosinski@fema.dhs.gov, Exercise OfficerGeoffrey Krueger510-520-3546geoffrey.krueger@fema.dhs.gov, News Desk (Public Affairs)510-627-7006fema-r9newsdesk@fema.dhs.gov, Technological HazardsJohanna JohnsonJohanna.Johnson@fema.dhs.gov, Tribal Affairs LiaisonPamela Joe202-341-2821pamela.joe@fema.dhs.gov, Christopher Poehlmann(510) 627-7285Christopher.Poehlmann@fema.dhs.gov, Crystal Harjo202-431-5906Crystal.Harjo@fema.dhs.gov, Vincent Martinez202-679-8117Vincent.Martinez@fema.dhs.gov.
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