In 2010 I was granted 30% for my IBS. In his six months overseas, I received about three letters that together totaled less than a page. I was released within three weeks after the incident. R. at 1457-58. If you are a veteran and have been struggling with sleep problems, you may wonder if a VA sleep study is the right solution. As of this date (2/8/2011) I am still awaiting. I know what you my fellow comrades are going through. Knowing where to start . He stopped eating and the clothes that used to fit him hung loosely off his emaciated frame. The statement in support of a claim for sleep apnea. Westley Thomas / USMC / Vietnam Veteran 1966-1968. So I want to impart some of what I did- hopefully it would someone case here and There have been some very helpful information provided, You can get a free lawyer through your local legion rep.Mine va rep. is in our courthouse but your American legion can help you. They have a Duty to Assist. It was my Teams SOP to only give 30 day windows-regardless of what category of evidence we were requestingthen the claim can be denied on the basis of failure-to-prosecute. Its unfortunate that most of you have gone thru the HELL of VA. From 1986 thru 2007 I kept my claim of sinusits alive by new material evidence, appeals, de novo reviews and anything else I could think of. Hello fellow vets, First time posting and I had been denied by the VA since 2006 for reason the sleep apnea is not service connected. Attorney. I have been trying for 41 years to get what is owed to me, as well as the rest of my brothers who served there country, during those dreadful years. VQLANS HEADQUARTERS. Before asking a buddy to write on your behalf, be sure to think through the information you need them to provide to maximize the accuracy and effectiveness of their response. (DO NOT OPEN IN MAIL ROOM) ANYONE OUT THERE KNOW HOW I COULD GET ON FOX? Send a letter and be short, concise in what the problem is and why you need help. I have sinutits, had surgery where they reamed out my nasal canal with a high speed reamer, I looke like Michael Jackson, no shit! It can turn an active person into someone who's afraid to leave the house. The problem though is that RVSRs at the VA dont interpret this properly, and frankly, neither do the courts. Well, I wish I had seen this before I sent in my application. ), I just got to see and had to go to the Veterans Hospital for my (C&P Evaulation for PTSD), the VA Doctor told me, that I had PTSD, and I would be receiving a rating letter from the Veterans Adm. within a short while, this was last Nov. 2010. Sample letter for sleep apnea - disability benefits questionnaire. He saw XXXXXX MD (pulmonologist) and had a sleep study on September 30, 2011. I am also trying to put a VA Claim together for COPD. I was unable to exercise and gains wait over 200 plus with a 69 inches height. Cir. Westley Thomas / USMC / Vietnam Veteran 1966-1968. A nexus letter is a letter simply states that your sleep apnea is as likely as not to have been caused by your service-connected PTSD, or another service-connected condition. App. More and more research is being done about it, and much news is being written about t. My doctor told me this levetiracetam was for anxiety when quoting it in my record for 5 years as seizure medication. Ask for your military medical record if you do not have any copies of ir (i hope you do) and go to the nearest VA place to submit the claim. Depending on the evidence and contentions of record in a particular case, lay evidence can be competent and sufficient to establish a diagnosis and medical etiology of a condition. Justice and fairness is all we want. The thought of the VA letting vets die before they decide a claim makes me want to punch whoever is in charge. Any ideas. He started my process for me and also got back my VA benefits. I have asked my VSO to file a letter of disagreement along with a second letter from my immunologist stating that I was not born with this disease but rather developed it in while in the military. If you need some help to win, service connect, and get your VA claim rated at the appropriate level under the law, join VA Claims Insider Elite now. Va claims insider llc does not assist . I hope that i dont offend you when i say your are God sent. I have been a student since and when my symptoms are bad my grades show it. We need a relief and a quicker and fasyter process to getting what we deserve a fair chance in dealing with our claims and grant an approval with evidence when poresented. You need to obtain a Medical Nexus Letter to help you win and service connect your VA disability claim. Then start the NOD. To date I have not had a bit of contact from anyone. I was married to XXXXX, a Navy veteran, in September 1994. Winston-Salem, NC 27155 He adored his niece and loved taking her fishing. If you were EVER in prison as a result to your mental illness after you served, use those records including any release conditions- must see psych or be violate, must take medication be violated, those conditions.. of The VA. Research: http://www.VA The most common type of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea . In any regards youre providing a great service. OSA is a common denial veterans receive when Episodes where you do not breath when you are asleep. Have the doctor do a letter stating that and submit it and based on your new evidence, which they ignored the evidence completely the last time, you should be successful. it was hoorible and I still have a large pocket of mucuos in my sinus cavity, I am having a sleep study done, could this condition be from being stuck in the head witk a M-113 Drivers hatch without a CVC on? I suffer from MST/PTSD, and medical issues. The daughter of a Vietnam War veteran, Paige has had a lifelong respect for our nations veterans, inspiring her commitment to advocating for veterans worldwide. We know the pain of feeling stuck, frustrated, and alone, and we want to make this process as easy and painless as possible for you. I filed again with another advocate that someone at the VA told me about. This is why its so important for veterans to obtain DBQs and Medical Nexus Letters. After his left ankle surgery in 1996, he was unable to regularly exercise and he gradually gains weight. Finally received their ruling two weeks ago. It requires several key components, This is where the spousal letter comes into play. The fruit typically ranges from 8 to 10 ounces and is smooth with no blemishes or cracks. He filed paperwork and has a 0% rating for two things but they denied 8 others. Buddy letters can bridge gaps in a veterans service records, corroborate events, injuries, illnesses, and stressors, or illustrate the extent to which the veterans disabilities interfere with his life and work. (Quote from Forrest Gump). While each VA buddy statement will be slightly different, here is a VA buddy letter example to consider. I was honorably discharged in November 1983, and as of January 1, 2013 (exactly 30 years to the day), the VA still claims that my cancer was NOT SERVICE CONNECTED!!! So we when went to QTC, and I already faxed his evidence that I gathered including the reckless driving speeding tickets, my documented proof of me trying to contact the base before he deployed, I wanted him to talk to somebody. Listen to this blog by pressing the "Play" button below! I cant stress it enough do it as soon as possible, I have sleep apnea and i use a seep apnea machine every night for over a year now,and i applied for disability for sleep disorder and i was denied,i have recently reapplied for it,do you think that i will receive it now .Mary, I Serve ten year in the military I was diagnose with sleep anea but they say it not service Competent lay evidence means any evidence not requiring that the proponent have specialized education, training, or experience. I tried not to worry and hoped things would return to normal once he returned home, but they only got worse. I am also going through the compensation process for my issues related to service. To whom it may concern. . His tone was very matter of fact. Everytime I deal with a VA shrink all they care to ask me about is my past. Thats all I got to say about that! I served from 1968-70, my initial complaints which were backed by the Veterans Doctors, & my own Specialists for the following Diseases, they are as follows: PTSD, Agent Orange, Hepatitis B, after (41 yrs. Hi worked as a computer faculty in before some time, now i want to salary compensation from That computer institute, in previous i took salary through cash. Before we deployed, John was always cracking jokes and writing his wife. I served on the Enterprise and wanted to know what where some of her findings about the ship. Contacting us does . So if one is going to write one - make sure that every contention/symptom is covered. need a VA layer to represent me in a denial of disability claim 2012 ?/ help please Joseph.A.G. In 2005 I filed for disability and was turned down. My original application is only a few months running to date. where do you live? I am having difficulty finding the wordage to use. E-Mail: [emailprotected] Now, through researching and this awesome website I have learned I need a letter from my doc to tie in my service connected conditions to SA. The code on your DD Form 214 might be alerting your potential employers Youll be glad you did. Carrie, I hear you. i had 0s all the way down the list on mobility. Brian isalso the CEOofMilitary Disability Made Easy, which is the worlds largest free searchable database for all things related to DoD disability and VA disability claims and has served more than 4,600,000 military members and veterans since its founding in 2013. On, "date if possible" I was with, "the veteran" while we were stationed on I have a compressed vertebra due to streptomycin given to me from TB Im hoping and praying that we as veteran want have to hurry up and wait too and so long just to get denied over and over. Mr. Ben Tell them about your vet affliations. I had gone to the coaches and to no avail, they stated that the C&P evaluator has precedence over anyother info. He had the biggest, warmest heart and lived for his family. I do not want something for nothing. Any help would be appreciated. Currently 90% sc and had to retire early do to my sc disabilities. A current co-workers statement in support of a claim describing the severity of your current PTSD symptoms IS lay evidence. What a waste of time. Veterans Quality of Life Access Network Inc. I have reviewed the BVA cases of which many indicate apnea granted secondary to rhinitis, sinusits, or asthma. It turns out the doctord never annotated my medical records. Have you already filed an appeal? 163. there are Disabilities SC and CR that are not evaluated yet I have a similar claim for PTSD and unemployability and have been denied even after the PTSD rules have been changed. I am in the process of obtaining evidence for an appeal that I submitted. The value accorded to other types oflayevidencedepends on such factors as. Rather than trusting the VA to their own lack of duediligence I took action and wrote a thorough summary. To that end, I usually try to have the latest copy of my records that I can get, just to use as a reference while writing my statement. You guys have senators in the states we dont have any here to support us locally or in congress, we live on an island. I have rad this whole article by mistake whille searching info for a fellow veteran. I can literally read the VAs denial letter now: The veterans active duty service treatment records do not contain any medical evidence or subject complaints of the disability or condition., Heres the deal veterans: You can prove your VA disability claim and overturn previous denials of service connection using something called lay evidence.. Go to the website at This one head surgeon here in California stated I compressed my vertebra falling down a flight of stairs when I stepped off one stair, I was lucky to spot this when I pulled my Clinical reports. the military just release me and did not try to give me help with my situation. I am in need of assistance. my illness started when i would get upset, having aniexty attacks, sweating, shaking, because of going into battle dress of encountering missiles firing over my ship. We provide nexus letters that are: personalized to each veteran. since several compensation claims were filed,to cover assignments, ranging from , two years (24 months) in South Korea DMZ line next day after the 24th INF Division pushed the NK, back up north. By the time you have the results of your illnesses they should be in the step where they are asking for your documents to support your request. Presently I have obtained all the evidence I need to submit my claim. Would appreciate any advice you can give. A long, rambling letter just obscures why you are writing. A credible Medical Nexus Opinion from a private provider IN ADDITION to any lay evidence provided in support of your VA claim. It sickens me knowing what this country took from me and how terrible they treat the soldier after they screw him or her up. May 17, 2018. According to the VA C & P experts, I was never there, if I was then Im making too big of a deal of it and deserve no compensation because it wasnt a designated Combat Zone. Contact those organizations also on your behalf. The book includes a sample nexus letter from Dr. Finnerty for sleep apnea secondary to PTSD with extensive research citations. By escalating a claim to Congressional, it ensures that management is tracking the claim and VA must respond in a reasonable time frameusually 7-12 days. I was illegally turned into DMV by VA and have not had a license for one year and like you say, they could care less. Its FREE to get started, so click Go Elite Now below to complete our 3-step intake process. or try calling, Donald W. Priem, Jr. Vietnam Veterans: Is Your Medical Condition on the Agent Orange Presumptive List? So, the form was not filed. Then in the spouses own words, talk about the change noticed in the veteran. Learn why a VA Nexus Letter for PTSD can make the difference between winning and losing your VA Compensation claim. I am now 100% and also the Post Service Officer with The American Legion Post 147 of Jasper Indiana. Hear from fellow Veterans just like you, with many of our Veteran Success Managers having gone through our programs. I first filed back in 2008 and due to being homeless I missed one of the required appointments. If you are considered service-connected, you will receive a VA disability rating for Sleep Apnea 0%, 30%, 50%, or 100%. I served on active duty in the Navy aboard an aircraft carrier from November 1979 to November 1983. We are gathering our resolve in order to attempt to file for his ptsd, which is awful. I am 87 years and my principal, among others, malady is CS F rhinorrhoea which means that the brain containing sack was punctured in a fall and the fluid continues to flow every minute every day. Dear Veteran, Heres the brutal truth about VA disability claims: According to our data, 8/10 (80%) of veterans reading this message right now are underrated by the VA. Walker v. Shinseki, 708 F.3d 1331 (Fed. 2. [font=&]My name is XXXXX. This means you do NOT currently have the VA disability rating and compensation YOU deserve, and you could be missing out on thousands of dollars of tax-free compensation and benefits each month. The only shrink that did ask about it was the one that did my C&P but he was required to. Then the appeal process then more years. I hereby certify that the information I have given is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. No payment until after dead. It took me over a year. I am trying to assist him with collecting additional evidence for his disability claim and this is very helpful. Housedbound cases (Aid & Attendance) are the worst. Sleep disruption caused by obstructive sleep apnea can be exacerbated by chronic pain, medications, anxiety, and increasing weight. They screwed up the address again. They awarded me compensation at 10%. I also explain how to use lay evidence to service connect your VA disability claim, even if youve already filed or been denied. And immediately I noticed he began to snore very loudly. The author can use VA form 21-4138 but it is not required. 1. Decision Date: 07/15/15 Archive Date: 07/21/15 However, why do Vets mostly from that time, have to endure this? I have been seeing my private physician for many years and have been approved for several service connected disability but all of a sudden I need to go to one of their doctors. Va for sleep apnea in the main symptoms have forged their disability to promote one. Edit your sample va nexus letter for sleep apnea online. Cir. E-Mail: [emailprotected]. Someone must bleed the words, Not me, I am probably in the chicken coop . Honestly, they are just "saying" it. I have been searching for that sample letter and am having a difficult time finding it. Want to see a real VA lay statement example? These personal statements can be from your spouse, friend, pastor, co-worker, boss, adult child, a fellow service member, or any other credible witness (18 years of age or older). Do you have any advice for me. The y gave me a few asprin or what ever and said go back to your unit. and apply it to my case. We all work for our payxchecks but work for our veteran especially. Afterwards Click on C & P Exam on the 100 percent disability rating: $3,621.95 per month. Maybe you can help me out. Hope its over soon . Why? 02. The VA claims it never was reported prior to my being released. 2 if you are unable to find your form here you may want to visit. 0 percent rating for asymptomatic sleep apnea with "documented sleep disorder breathing.". When we request some types of evidence, claimants get 60 days to respond-other types of evidence we only give 30 days. See 38 U.S.C.A. Anyone with any knowledge about breathing issues knows that these conditions overlap to some degree But the sleep specialist at Lackland tells me that none of my medical issues contributed to my sleep apnea so my question is.. ( short of going to a private doctor) how do I prove that my sleep apnea is secondary to my allergic rhinitis/sinusitis, and lung conditions. All forms provided by US Legal Forms, the nations leading legal forms publisher. CALL US TO GET STARTED (800) 800-3332. . Nexus Letters are essential for any condition on a VA Disability Claim that is not automatically considered service-connected. We quickly ordered them to stop, but they didnt listen. I filed immediately a (nasty) letter of disagreement and an appeal . Have the doctor do a test for everything you are complaining about. He never drank much, but he loved to eat. When I finally found some stability I tried giving it a second shot. When there is an approximate balance of positive and negative evidence regarding any issue material to the determination of a matter, the Secretary shall give the benefit of the doubt to the claimant. Later, I completed a tour in Thailand, then another tour in South Vietnam. Additionally, watering daily with s, This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our. Mulching and Watering I have done all of the work and an attorney would never have done what I have done. If the evidence was there before it came final, and I can prove this, I should be allowed to still go back and claim was is owed to me. NEVER GIVE UP!! This is very depressing:-(. Contact your Senator in Wash., DC. They said they needed more info from my regional office in Reno and that they had not investiagted my claim enough. Consideringevidencefor combat-related disabilities, see, A non-combat Veterans statements, Click to Read, Evaluating service treatement records, see, The accuracy or clarity of the individuals memory, Usinglayevidenceto support a claim, Click to Read. At the appointment, the VAs ENT (ear, nose and throat) examiner told me the VA had conceded service-connection for the sinusitis before even beginning his exam. I am a combat veteran of WW2 and VA related for years. Some are slam dunks and I can generate the claimants award within 30 minutes of reviewing the folder; for othersamateur night, you can tell. Is designed for loss, and was not hold to be. For me Im a Lifetime member of the DAV and a member of the American Legion. If youre stuck, frustrated, underrated, and currently rated between 0%-90%, VA Claims Insider Elite is for you! VA Buddy Letter Example. Go talk to your senator/congress person. Have you found yourself waking up to your wife, telling you to roll over because of your incessant snoring? The threshold consideration is competence: the author of a buddy letter must be competent to discuss the subject matter discussed in the letter. The VA would then followup via telecom. If your issue on service in Vietnam has not been resolved as of this date-let me give you a bit of advice/help. Thanks in advanced. if they provide any salary compensation letter. I applied for service-connected disability for asthma. A Buddy Letter written by someone you served with who can shed some light on how your shoulder separation occurred on active duty IS lay evidence. Went through my interview in which they failed to have my c-files on hand. No va claim will get approved without this link. Never about Iraq and my whole Army experience. I will sincerely appreciate it. The person should contact either a VSO or a Veterans Law attorney if they were denied ASAP because there time limit on appeal for these cases up to the Board or the US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. the doctors have me on cyclobenzaprine for muscle spas. So just be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the Lord. For example, consider a veteran who is seeking VA disability benefits for sleep apnea. of Veterans Affairs' feet to the fire. Okay, what does all this mean for your VA claim? For some unknown reason, they were given a 15 day period to reply with a decision and id approved, a rating. I am an OIF vet too and I was until recently working as a VSR (claims processor) in Pension. U>S Army 1971-74. (development). I need to talk about it and she needs to hear it. Heres the brutal truth about VA disability claims: non-combat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, You Deserve It: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Veteran Benefits Youve Earned, 9 Secrets Strategies for Winning Your VA Disability Claim, Is consistent with the circumstances, conditions, or hardships of combat or FPOW internment, and. After that, I packed a bag and moved into my parents house until John agreed to get help. my claim is going on almost 2 years with a congressman backing me an nothing has happen. VA court Sleep apnea now a rated disability Roswell Daily. A veterans own statement, covering in sufficient detail a condition that is within his/her ability to describe, such as his/her own symptoms, may to that extent constitutecredible and competent lay evidence. This is very common in a VA Sleep Apnea claim - this condition may begin with an event today, but not develop into full-on Obstructive Sleep Apnea for years, or decades. A Medical Nexus Letter from a private provider can help you prove the Nexus, which is that logical link to an in-service injury or event that led to your current disability or condition. App. I did the DeNovo and was turned down. I am a retired Army veteran wh0 retired in 1986. This information is especially important if your service treatment records lack sufficient medical evidence of any in-service disability or condition. If accepted into our ELITE membership program, youll get free up-front access and permission to use $13,119 worth of proprietary VA claim resources, including access to our network of independent medical professionals for medical examinations, disability evaluations, and credible Medical Nexus Letters, which could help you get a HIGHER VA rating in LESS time. Finally in 2007 service connection for sinusitis was granted. We know the pain of feeling stuck, frustrated, and alone, and we want to make this process as easy and painless as possible for you. One thing I found is my doctors never did Blood sugar tests on me in-service, My diabetes was diagnosed post discharge by the VA, but since I have diabetic family members, they said Non-service connected. RIGHT and SHINE VETERANS CALLED YOUR REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATORS PASSED A VETERAN LAW HIRED AT LEAST ONE AT ANY VETERAN MEDICAL CENTER A COSMETIC DENTISTRY DENTIST THAT KNOWS HOW TO PUT IN G4 IMPLANTSPLUS TELL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATORS SHOULD PASSED A VETERAN LAW IF VETERAN NEED A PROCEDURE DONE THE MEDICAL PROVIDER SHOULD GET PAID FIRST PLUS SPREAD THE WORD.SEMPER FI. Then medical records and personnel records sent to me from St Louis and VA were totaly incomplete. It can also play a crucial role in firmly establishing service connection as well. Find another form here. It took me seven and half year, to get a approval for my left eye, and a increase to 60%. From hang-nail to blindness, the veteran is very much out of luck. So you tell Me what is a man to do to get the right benfits or the right records. Hi, my name is Chris Narcoman, over at the Veterans Law Blog, and if you watch today's video, I bet you have a lot of questions about getting a sleep apnea disability claim, listen, veterans ask me more questions . It should clearly describe how he or she knows the veteran and for the length of time. I prepared a chronological list with details about the conditions I intended to file for sort of like you have here. All Rights Reserved. Buddy letters can therefore play an extremely valuable role in winning VA disability cases. How they come to this conclusion is beyond me, because as far as I know I didnt know you could joint the military as a cancer patient. He began drinking heavily7 or 8 beers a night before he turned to liquor. To add insult to injury, remember that in pension many claimants are elderly and it will take them time to track down the needed documentation. I filed a claim about a year ago for a primary immune deficiency called CVID which first manifest during my service. It can turn a productive worker into a problem employee. and i have to take 2 sleeping pills every night just to get some sleep with all the pain i am in. can anyone give me some points of what should i do next. I waited until I had enough medical evidence. (1) a current diagnosis; He is author of the guideVoc Rehab Survival Guide for Veterans and chief editor of Our Veterans are well versed in all VA claims, and have plenty of experience with sleep apnea claim! My name is Vincent Collins I was in South Da Nang Vietnam Province in1970 at the time Agent Orange was administered I aquired hepatitis as well as high blood pressure during that time. Click on the above link to get a copy of that letter. Spousal Letter Supporting Sleep Apnea. 2013). Appreciate the site, and and ideas you have on this subject. VA Regional Office Should I apply for Sleep Apnea on its own or is this way good enough? Overview of appeals process Tip Sample appeals letter. The spousal letter should have a flow to it. 3 posts Sample Sleep Apnea Nexus Letter needed.. Dear Veteran, Heres the brutal truth about VA disability claims: According to our data, 8/10 (80%) of veterans reading this message right now are underrated by the VA. We also connect veterans with independent medical professionals in our referral network for medical examinations, disability evaluations, and credible independent medical opinions and nexus statements (medical nexus letters) for a wide range of disability conditions. Apparently there were no orders cut so the VA says I need to give proof of each operation while in Cambodia and Vietnam border crossings. Estimate your 2023 VA Rating & Compensation for FREE! *A medically untrained individual is not usuallycompetentto offer a medical opinion regarding the etiology of disorders and such an opinion is generally assigned little probative weight. It helped me after 34 years of being in denial, misunderstood, missinformed and receiving the run around with no help. 3. I have been on medication since 2012 (after my deployment OEF). Now think about this.. I havent worked since and have difficulty sleeping amongst other things. So that is my story. I received no complaints from doing that. The doctor indicated that it was likely that the Veteran first developed sleep apnea around 1970. I can write my own letter,but that sample guide is an excellent tool. Not every VA claim needs a nexus letter because in some cases, the link to service is undeniable. appreciate you, . Here is another cramp I live with, where mustard on the cramping muscle, dont work. Post Apr 17, 2011 #1 2011-04-17T05:25. When we returned home, John hardly kept in touch. Its FREE to get started, so click Go Elite Now below to complete our 3-step intake process. Youll learn about the word game that is used preventing you from winning your claim.
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