That's an INTJ through and through. He doesnt want to cheat his way to the top, rather he wants to earn success through merit and perseverance. He not only manages to take down many villains on his own with the limited powers of his quirk, but he also continues fighting well past his limits in order to protect his students. My Hero Academia holds a special place in my heart as the first anime I ever watched and the one that converted me to being a fan of all things Funimation. Now, I know many people think that it's completely unreliable, and that's their right, but this is merely for fun, much like the other tests I have done previously. Highly observant, he can notice any unique detail and make it seem thrilling. Shes also very practical; saving money so she can afford necessities and sleeping so she doesnt waste oxygen. Whether its the boisterous Bakugou, the introverted Izuku, or the shady Shigaraki, well get down to what really drives their heroic ambitions and devious delights. You were worried for a second. My Hero Academia has been an ongoing top-rated show since 2016. As the Defender, Yaoyorozu is an incredible leader, very calm and level-headed. As the typical Consul she is, her overly selfless nature can get her in trouble. ENFP is an acronym that stands for Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. What MHA character are you based on your Personality type?- part one: Analysts INTJ- You are Shoto Todoroki! Denki Kaminari, Hero name Chargebolt, is a good representation of the ENTP personality type. After her loss during the U.A. Azula (Avater: The Last Airbender) Azula is the fire princess. This ESTJ, like many others, values structure and organization; as such, it is only natural for him to be so rule-abiding. MHA characters with your personality type ESFJ - YouTube Our lovable main character, you are an innovative thinker. High School 1.1 U.A. academy. What scares each MBTI type? I guess that means its time to talk about Bakugou. ENFP Personality: Characteristics & Cognitive Functions - Verywell Mind Like All For One, such people are natural leaders; always in control of the situation even if it seems like they're lying low. Shigaraki is one of the more troubled characters in the series due to the traumas he endured as a child, so while he is an INFP (typically known for their aversion to violence and troublemaking), he is a corrupted INFP. Shinso also shows great powers of deduction, quietly mapping out the motives and triggers of his teammates in order to get them to speak. Say what you will about the guy, but the dudes a natural born leader. Endeavour is an unbelievably ambitious Hero, an excellent representation of ESTJ, but slightly unhealthy. Unlike All Might, however, Endeavor sees only the goal and the dedication it takes to reach it. Break a leg, everyone!! This page lists all the characters appearing throughout the My Hero Academia manga, anime and My Hero Academia: Vigilantes manga . All rights reserved. There is not a single scene withinMy Hero Academiainvolving the young hero that is devoid of him trying to help or do his best for others. I never would have pegged Shinso as a INTP but it makes sense. While Tamaki may seem rather shy and gloomy at times,it is common for INFP's to come across as aloof and sensitive to others. So with great excitement we present them to you (in GIF form). He is the symbol of peace, and as a true ENFJ, hes the most reliable Hero in the MHA Universe. Denki Kaminari is one of the most underestimated yet lovable characters in the series. Ever since its manga release in 2015, My Hero Academia has introduced us to a vibrant cast of characters. As the Commander of the MBTI, Bakugo is incredibly energetic, which also suits his explosive powers. Eijirou Kirishima, also known as Red Riot, is a good representation of the ESFP MBTI. The MBTI type of Naruto Uzumaki (image via Studio Pierrot) Naruto is an ENFP, which means that he is inquisitive but airheaded, spontaneous, impulsive, energetic and rather idealistic. Furthermore, hes also one of the number one students at the U.A. Always ready to explore and experience something new; helpful, flexible, realistic; seeks to create a personal environment that is both beautiful and practical. Another ENTP on the list but widely different from Kaminari is Himiko Toga. Tommy: ESFP - The Entertainer. He uses his powers of manipulation and coercion to fight against evil rather than reinforce it. To find someone in particular, use the search. Froppy has always been an honor student and possesses an analytical mind. That job is usually left to the Sensing-Perceiving types. However, as Momo is an anime character, well have to let that go! Whether its the boisterous Bakugou, the introverted Izuku, or the shady Shigaraki, well get down to what really drives their heroic ambitions and devious delights. Enthusiastic and compassionate, she helps Eri (an INFP) to heal from the trauma shes experienced, simply by playing with her, talking to her, and letting her be a kid again. Book characters with the ISTJ Myers-Briggs type include: Nesta Archeron ( A Court of Thorns and Roses ), Linus Baker ( The House in the Cerulean Sea ), Libby Rhodes ( The Atlas Six ), Helene Aquilla ( An Ember in the Ashes ), Xuan Ji, Mu Qing ( Heaven Official's Blessing ), Tan ( The Priory of the Orange Tree ), Tsukuru Tazaki ( Colorless . We should always start with the basics to develop the depth of learning. I use writing as an avenue--an excuse to explore aspects of life and the world that I wouldn't normally be able to. Even if youre doing the same thing repetitively, the amount of experience you can accumulate here out in the field cant even be compared to what you get at school. Enji Todoroki. While it may seem like an innately powerful quirk, what hides behind it is a studious and unstoppable work ethic. Ill take those fluffy, newly-hatched chicksand whip them into shape my way. Nemuri Kamaya. Much like All Might (another ENFJ from My Hero Academia), Togata wants to be a symbol of hope for the country he lives in. Lets take some time to dive into the inner workings of some of My Hero Academias greatest heroes, hopefuls, villains, and analyze the key characteristics guiding their philosophies through the Myers-Briggs personality test. INFPs dont often show up as superheroes in the film world. In such page, we additionally have number of images out there. Shes quickly able to read peoples emotions and sense their comfort levels; making jokes or putting people at ease in awkward situations. Just like most ENTJs, her love for power is evident. However, Tamaki Amajiki is a perfect example of an INFP superhero. As the true Entertainer he is, aesthetics matter a lot to him. While he can be a bit of a troll, nobody can deny that his intellect is advanced. Now, whether hes going to make it as a hero or villain is still up for debate. Beyond the heroes, My Hero Academia has introduced the fandom to the new antagonist, Overhaul, and his plot to destroy a world where quirks run rampant. All-Might has the charisma, drive, and vision of the healthy ENFJ. Unlike an STJ type, Aizawa prefers to only share the most relevant information with his students and then step back and let them handle lifes challenges. 39+ Harry Potter MBTI Types (Full Overview) | OptimistMinds Shigaraki is one of the more troubled characters in the series due to the traumas he endured as a child, so while he is an INFP (typically known for their aversion to violence and troublemaking), he is a corrupted INFP. My Hero Academia: 5 Anime Characters That Could Defeat All For One (& 5 Who Wouldn't Stand A Chance), My Hero Academia: 10 Things About Suneater That Make No Sense, My Hero Academia: 5 Characters Who Will Make It To The End (& 5 Who Probably Won't Survive), My Hero Academia: 5 Reasons Why Mirio Should Get His Quirk Back (& 5 Why He's Fine The Way He Is), My Hero Academia: 5 Ways Bakugo Has Changed From Episode 1 To Now (& 5 Ways He Stayed The Same), 5 Power Systems Better Than My Hero Academia's Quirks (& 5 That Are Worse), REVIEW: Frank Miller Presents Ancient Enemies: The Djinni #1 Crafts a Compelling Origin Story, REVIEW: DC's Shazam! Hes constantly pushing himself to exceed his limits, which has considerably affected his health and body. I cant walk down a straight path unlike you. Ever wondered if youre more of an All-Might or a Froppy? The 10 Commandments: Moses [ENFJ 1w2] - Funky MBTI To ease your anxious soul, Im here to tell you that ESFJs usually fall more on the Big-Bird-hugging-children side of, Read More A Look at the ESFJ LeaderContinue, i have the exact same personality as two of my favorite charter: denki and monoma (dont judge me). Kyoukas description and typing are written by Mara from One of her biggest fears is of not being of use when she is needed. You cant be strong by yourself. As Shigaraki might put it, heroes use violence just like villains do, the only difference is they have crowds cheering for their violence. A great example of this takes place during the invasion of U. Im here to help. Kyouka Jiro. The Woman Queen: Nanisca [ENTJ 1w9] - Funky MBTI His ability to take in his environment and use it to his advantage is astounding and one of the things that ESxPs tend to excel at. Nemuri enjoys toying with people and getting reactions out of them; something that many tertiary Fe users (ExTPs) admit to, but her motives are usually good. His every move is well-calculated and properly planned out, and he is even willing to take daring decisions for his aim. Although Shigaraki is a great problem solver, he tends to get dissatisfied quickly, harshly scratching his neck and harming those around him. The current number one Hero in the Universe of My Hero Academia, Enji Todoroki, is an ESTJ. Tamaki even goes so far as to compare the radiant and joyful Mirio to the sun itself. Like most ESFPs, she has a strong sense of ethics and will put her life on the line to do what she feels is right. His hero name "Lemillion" is a testament to his dedication and goal to save a million people all with a big smile on his face; all of which brings out the best characteristics of an ESFJ. In typical ISTJ fashion, he also seems traditional in many situations, pointing out that Midnights costume isnt appropriate for a high school tournament. They are interested in inclusivity and tolerance of others but are very exclusive with regards to who they allow into their innermost circle. Because of his analytical mind, hes able to formulate a strategy for Class 1-B to get the upper hand in the Obstacle race at the Sports Festival. Todoroki is an unhealthy version of an ESTJ, but as the manga (or TV series) progresses we get to see him get in touch with his introverted feeling side and consider his actions and choices more carefully. Overhaul is almost always seen as calm, cool and collected. Endeavor strives for perfectionism, not just for himself but for his children as well, specifically Shoto. Kai Chisaki, the leader of Shie Hassaikai, is an INTJ, also known as the Architect. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. The most powerful aspect of Eraserhead is his personality. Examples: Cersei Lannister, Mother of Psycho, Joan Crawford of Mommie Dearest ISFJ An enemy to themselves as well as others, the ISFJ villain isn't as rare as they seem, yet their method of staying out of the spotlight can have them overlooked and they are hardly ever the main antagonist. I love those characters. Required fields are marked *. Its crucial for Aoyama to find his place at UA high, and to become the hero he always dreamed of being. Midoriyas kindness, visionary focus, and strategic way of thinking are great examples of a healthy INFJ in superhero form. There's no one more representative of such a dynamic personality than the explosive Bakugo. As Aizawa may put it, hes the kind of hero that does well in front of a camera. She knows that they are students of UAthe most prestigious hero academy there isand as such, they are responsible for upholding those ideals. Of course, sometimes this anger is unleashed in defense of one of her friends. Read more: 10 Strongest My Hero Academia Characters Ranked Izuku Midoriya "Deku": INFJ (Polite & Selfless) Izuku Midoriya, the anime protagonist, is an INTJ, also known as the Advocate. MBTI Type: ENTJ. I am a freelance writer and an amateur human being. A.. 16 Personalities Compatibility Chart (A Complete Guide) He possesses an evil and warped personality, which is the exact opposite of how Izuku Midoriya is. Hes incredibly passionate and principled regarding his duties as a Hero. Related: Myers-Briggs Personality Types Of Avatar The Last Airbender Characters. With its lovable set of characters and lessons taught through interesting plot lines, it was legendary. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. His quick thinking saved many peoples lives during his first appearance in the anime with Endeavor. Todoroki walks into the building, with both he and Mezo needing to recover, and immediately send out his teammate before freezing the entire building faux-villains, bomb, and all. He is very good at keeping his ideals with a goal . This is a very confident and pragmatic character. Unlike the other villains in MHA, "Stain" has some righteous goals, but he's warped them and corrupted himself in order to achieve them. Eraser-Head. Kyoka is not quick to let others in, preferring to keep her interests and ideas private. This article contains affiliate links to books on Amazon. Related:My Hero Academia: 10 Things About Suneater That Make No Sense. Shes highly observant and surprisingly intelligent, but that side of her is often overlooked because of her flashy, provocative manner of dressing and behaving. Related: The Best Anime On Hulu Right Now. Always eager to help; friendly, outgoing, reliable, conscientious, practical; seeks to be helpful and please others. People with an ENFP personality are often described as enthusiastic, charismatic, charming, energetic, and independent. Although he cant quite completely control his powers yet, Deku still manages to find ways to fight his enemies. Todoroki is extremely swift at responding to immediate crises whereas an INTJ would resembleLelouch vi Britannia (Code Geass)more, working in the background to create intricate strategies and long-term plans. The Myers-Briggs Types of the My Hero Academia Characters MBTI Of My Hero Academia Characters - CBR All Might always strives to do what is best for others even at the cost of sacrificing himself; a key characteristic of a protagonist personality which we see clearly demonstrated in his final battle against One for All. Midnight possesses all the charm and enthusiasm that ESTPs are famous for. Toshinori may have become the greatest hero that ever existed, but behind that and beyond it, he is an empathetic individual striving to do good. His curious mind allows him to quickly come up with solutions to his problems. Which My Hero Academia Character Are You Based On Your Astrology Type? Staff 1.2 U.A. In spite of her appearance, Kyoka can be rather sensitive to the opinions of others, which is hinted at by the harsh ways that she reacts to certain things people say (like getting mocked for not having a girly room). Im curious what made you lean more towards ESTP over ENTJ for Bakugo? Anime/Fandom characters react to each other| Kenny Mccormick| Part 1| Gacha Club|. The Consul of the MBTI and the My Hero Academia Universe is none other than Ochaco Uraraka. INFP- Emo Much like the emo musical genre, INFPs are very in touch with their own feelings. The number one Heros personality can drastically change when he reverts back to his true form, making him look reserved and introverted. Since her childhood, she has taken the time to perfect her craft. Dedicated and responsible, Tokoyami will do whatever it takes to live up to the title of hero. However, as dependable as Uraraka is, she tends to overdo it frequently. More importantly, such classification allows you to easily find other individuals you share personality features - including fictional characters! You need a plan in order to achieve your goal. Kai Chisaki. Hes incredibly passionate and worked extremely hard to make his permeation quirk useable. Related:My Hero Academia: 5 Characters Who Will Make It To The End (& 5 Who Probably Won't Survive). While typing these characters we have come to discover that there is a character to represent each Myers Briggs type.
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