Use online sites to confirm or expose potential hoaxes. WebTheodore is seeking access to classified information that he does not need to know to perform his job duties. How many potential insiders threat indicators does this employee display. the wine conventions I have attended. Retrieve classified documents promptly from printers. Ask the caller, "What's your full name and phone number?". More than 65% of the business for the French wine industry consists of purchases from Damage to national security It is permissible to release unclassified information to the public prior to being cleared. 0000009864 00000 n P2P (Peer-to-Peer) software can do the following except: Allow attackers physical access to network assets. Which of the following practices reduces the chance of becoming a target by adversaries seeking insider information? growth of small firms, expanding the services sector, and investing more in *SpillageWhat should you do when you are working on an unclassified system and receive an email with a classified attachment? Create separate user accounts with strong individual passwords. **Physical SecurityWithin a secure area, you see an individual who you do not know and is not wearing a visible badge. *Social EngineeringWhat action should you take with an e-mail from a friend containing a compressed Uniform Resource Locator (URL)?-Investigate the links actual destination using the preview feature. Classified information is that which a government or agency deems sensitive enough to national security that access to it must be controlled and restricted. *Malicious CodeWhat are some examples of malicious code? She supports this conclusion with five key points, which she labels Bargaining Power of Insiders are given a level of trust and have authorized access to Government information systems. Which of the following is a god practice to protect classified information? *Sensitive Compartmented InformationWhich must be approved and signed by a cognizant Original Classification Authority (OCA)? 322 0 obj <>stream At the beginning of the year, Bryers Incorporated reports inventory of $8,000. *Sensitive Compartmented InformationWhat should the owner of this printed SCI do differently? replies, I have met members of the management team from the South Winery at a couple of Sensitive information may be stored on any password-protected system. What must you ensure if you work involves the use of different types of smart card security tokens? **Mobile DevicesWhat should you do when going through an airport security checkpoint with a Government-issued mobile device? Dr. Baker reports that the sessions addressed Ms. Jones's depression, which poses no national security risk. *Website UseHow can you protect yourself from internet hoaxes? During the year, the company purchases additional inventory for$23,000. WebClassified Information can only be accessed by individuals with All of the above Which of the following definitions is true about disclosure of confidential information? 0000002497 00000 n startxref Hostility or anger toward the United States and its policies. Which of the following is an example of near field communication (NFC)?-A smartphone that transmits credit card payment information when held in proximity to a credit card reader. Darryl is managing a project that requires access to classified information. -Put the CD in the trash DoD employees are prohibited from using a DoD CAC in card-reader-enabled public devices. *Mobile DevicesWhat can help to protect the data on your personal mobile device? 1312.23 Access to classified information. Digitally signed emails are more secure. Coworker making consistent statements indicative of hostility or anger toward the United States and its policies. What type of activity or behavior should be reported as a potential insider threat? Only use you agency trusted websites. 0000005630 00000 n In setting up your personal social networking service account, what email address should you use? data. What is required for an individual to access classified data? **Insider ThreatWhat do insiders with authorized access to information or information systems pose? Maria received an assignment to support a project that requires access to classified information. Which is true for protecting classified data? Which of the following individuals can access classified data? **Website UseWhile you are registering for a conference, you arrive at the website Which of the following is the best description of two-factor authentication? Darryl is managing a project that requires access to classified information. WebWhich of the following individuals can access classified data? He has the appropriate clearance and a signed, approved non-disclosure agreement. industry. **Use of GFEWhat is a critical consideration on using cloud-based file sharing and storage applications on your Government-furnished equipment (GFE)? WebStore classified data appropriately in a GSA-approved vault/container. Senior government personnel, military or civilian. **Classified DataHow should you protect a printed classified document when it is not in use? Refer the reporter to your organization's public affair office. **Classified DataWhich of the following is true of telework? Data classification helps organizations answer important questions about their data that inform how they mitigate risk and manage data governance policies. 0000002934 00000 n What must you ensure before transmitting Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or Protected Health Information (PHI) via e-mail? *SpillageWhich of the following is a good practice to prevent spillage? Web*Classified Data Which of the following individuals can access classified data?-Darryl is managing a project that requires access to classified information. *TravelWhat security risk does a public Wi-Fi connection pose? What information posted publicly on your personal social networking profile represents a security risk? The French wine industry is consolidating and consists of only 4 wineries today compared to 10 wineries five years ago. An example is when an individual with access to classified information shares that vital information with a journalist who then releases it. What is a best practice to protect data on your mobile computing device? Which of the following individuals can access classified data 2022? He has the appropriate clearance and a signed, approved, non-disclosure agreement. The additional sales revenue and expenses from the advertising program are projected to increase by 101010 percent each year. Restaurants typically make purchases in bulk, buying four to five cases of In order to access this information, these individuals must have security clearance from the appropriate government agency. Identification, encryption, digital signature. I believe that the South Winery could succeed at following both a cost leadership and a differentiation strategy if its operations were separated WebClassified information that should be unclassified and is downgraded. Try to observe the direction taken and any other useful information and immediately make a report to your security point of contact. A colleague has won 10 high-performance awards, can be playful and charming, is not currently in a relationship, and is occasionally aggressive in trying to access sensitive information. Connect to the Government Virtual Private Network (VPN). true traveling overseas mobile phone cyber awareness. *Insider ThreatWhich type of behavior should you report as a potential insider threat? P2P (Peer-to-Peer) software can do the following except: Allow attackers physical access to network assets. Calculate the advertising program's net present value, assuming an after-tax hurdle rate of 101010 percent. Regardless of state, data classified as confidential must remain confidential. **Identity ManagementWhich of the following is the nest description of two-factor authentication? WebPotential Impact on Organizations and Individuals . \text { Production site } & \text { France } & \text { France } & \text { France } & \text { France } *Sensitive Compartmented InformationWhat must the dissemination of information regarding intelligence sources, methods, or activities follow? When is the safest time to post details of your vacation activities on your social networking website? All of the above. Appropriate clearance; signed and approved non-disclosure agreement; and need-to-know. *SpillageWhich of the following actions is appropriate after finding classified information on the internet? **Identity managementWhich of the following is an example of two-factor authentication? internet. What should you do? Use your own facility access badge or key code. *Sensitive Compartmented InformationWhat should the participants in this conversation involving SCI do differently? *SpillageWhich of the following actions is appropriate after finding classified information on the Internet? Something you possess like a CAC, and a Pin or Password. **Home Computer SecurityWhat should you consider when using a wireless keyboard with your home computer? The cover sheet should be removed prior to placing the document in the files. You receive a call from someone from the help desk who needs your assistance with a problem on your computer. Which type of information could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to national security if disclosed without authorization? What should you do? WebWhich of the following individuals can access classified data? *SpillageWhat should you do if a reporter asks you about potentially classified information on the web? WebThere are a number of individuals who can access classified data. 290 33 In which situation below are you permitted to use your PKI token? Which of the following individuals can access classified data? An example is when an individual with access to classified information shares that vital information with a journalist who then releases it. How can you guard yourself against Identity theft? *Insider Threat Which type of behavior should you report as a potential insider threat? Data classification is the process of analyzing structured or unstructured data and organizing it into categories based on file type, contents, and other metadata. Label all files, removable media, and subject headers with appropriate classification markings. CUI may be stored on any password-protected system. WebClassified information may be made available to a person only when the possessor of the information establishes that the person has a valid need to know and the access is essential to the accomplishment of official government duties. Which of the following is a security best practice when using social networking sites? *Classified Data Which of the following individuals can access classified data? true-statement. A person who does not have the required clearance or assess caveats comes into possession of SCI in any manner. A man you do not know is trying to look at your Government-issued phone and has asked to use it. Where would you direct him to obtain benchmarking data to help him with his assessment? He has the appropriate clearance and a signed, approved, non-disclosure agreement. You receive an email from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) demanding immediate payment of back taxes of which you were not aware. **Classified DataWhich type of information could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to national security if disclosed without authorization? Need-to-know. Clearance eligibility at the appropriate level. FoundingdateGenericcompetitivestrategyMajorcustomermarket(morethan80%concentration)ProductionsiteSouthWinery1750? Structured data are usually human readable and can be indexed. Appropriate clearance, a signed and approved non-disclosure agreement, and need-to-know. The proposed recipient is eligible to receive classified information only after he/she has been granted a security clearance by the EOP Security Officer. Data format data can be either structured or unstructured. WebThis information can come in the form of, but is not limited to, podcasts, print articles, internet-based articles, books, journals, speeches, television broadcasts, blogs, and postings. Clearance eligibility at the appropriate level. A user writes down details from a report stored on a classified system 0000004057 00000 n A colleague often makes others uneasy with her persistent efforts to obtain information about classified project where she has no need-to-know, is vocal about her husband overspending on credit cards, and complains about anxiety and exhaustion. What action should you take? WebClassified information may be made available to a person only when the possessor of the information establishes that the person has a valid need to know and the access is essential to the accomplishment of official government duties. Web(a) No person may be given access to classified information or material originated by, in the custody, or under the control of the Department, unless the person - (1) Has been determined to be eligible for access in accordance with sections 3.1-3.3 of Executive Order 12968; (2) Has a demonstrated need-to-know; and (3) Has signed an approved nondisclosure WebAccess is only permitted to individuals after determining they have a need to know. Label all files, removable media, and subject headers with appropriate classification markings. "I'll pass " Which of the following individuals can access classified data? No. When may you be subject to criminal, disciplinary, and/or administrative action due to online misconduct? This includes government officials, military personnel, and intelligence analysts. Which of the following terms refers to someone who harms national security through authorized access to information system? Identify and disclose it with local Configuration/Change Management Control and Property Management authorities, Cyber Awareness Challenge 2022 (Malicious Cod, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management. What actions should you take when printing classified material within a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF)? 1.1.1. Web*Classified Data Which of the following individuals can access classified data?-Darryl is managing a project that requires access to classified information. review. 0000007852 00000 n a unidentifiable email requiring you to use a special link to verify log in information. Structured data are usually human readable and can be indexed. . Allegience's tax rate is 404040 percent. He has the appropriate clearance and a signed approved non-disclosure agreement. *Spillage.What should you do if a reporter asks you about potentially classified information on the web? What are some examples of removable media? JKO Department of Defense (DoD) Cyber Awareness Challenge 2022, JKO DOJ Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Training for Federal Employees, JKO DoD Performance Management and Appraisal Program (DPMAP) . What are some actions you can take to try to protect your identity? *Classified DataWhich of the following individuals can access classified data?-Darryl is managing a project that requires access to classified information. How can you protect yourself from internet hoaxes? **TravelWhich of the following is a concern when using your Government-issued laptop in public? Directives issued by the Director of National Intelligence. Need-to-know is a determination that an individual requires access to specific classified information in the performance of (or assist in the performance of) lawful and authorized government functions and duties. Users must adhere to the rules of behavior defined in applicable Systems Security Plans, DOL and agency guidance. Darryl is managing a project that requires access to classified information. Need-to-know is a determination that an individual requires access to specific classified information in the performance of (or assist in the performance of) lawful and authorized government functions and duties. No, you should only allow mobile code to run from your organization or your organization's trusted sites. Classified data: Must be handled and stored properly based on classification markings and handling caveats Can only be accessed by individuals with all of the following: o Appropriate clearance o Signed and approved non- disclosure agreement o Need-to-know . Ensure proper labeling by appropriately marking all classified material and, when required, sensitive material. Your cousin posted a link to an article with an incendiary headline on social media. WebTheodore is seeking access to classified information that he does not need to know to perform his job duties. An individual can be granted access to classified information provided the following criteria are satisfied? 0000006207 00000 n Which of the following is an appropriate use of Government e-mail? WebDOL internal policy specifies the following security policies for the protection of PII and other sensitive data: It is the responsibility of the individual user to protect data to which they have access. *Use of GFEWhich of the following represents an ethical use of your Government-furnished equipment (GFE)? 0000005321 00000 n internet-quiz. Under which circumstances is permitted to share an unclassified draft document with a non-DoD professional discussion group? *Malicious CodeAfter visiting a website on your Government device, a popup appears on your screen. What effect will this action have on Jarden's 2018 net income? @870zpVxh%X'pxI[r{+i#F1F3020d`_ if>}xp20Nj9: bL WebThings required to access classified information: Signed SF 312. A random sample of surgical procedures was selected each month for 30 consecutive months, and the number of procedures with postoperative complications was recorded. Classified Information can only be accessed by individuals with -All of the above Classified Information is -Assigned a classification level by a supervisor A coworker has left an unknown CD on your desk. WebClassified Information can only be accessed by individuals with All of the above Which of the following definitions is true about disclosure of confidential information? WebWhich of the following is NOT a criterion used to grant an individual access to classified data? False Which of the following is NOT sensitive information? *SpillageWhich of the following may help to prevent spillage? *Insider ThreatWhich of the following practices may reduce your appeal as a target for adversaries seeking to exploit your insider status? Who can be permitted access to classified data? human capital and research. process is scarce in France. WebDOL internal policy specifies the following security policies for the protection of PII and other sensitive data: It is the responsibility of the individual user to protect data to which they have access. VanDriesen tells her that he is a wine connoisseur himself and often makes purchases Your cousin posted a link to an article with an incendiary headline on social media. A program that segregates various types of classified information into distinct compartments for added protection and dissemination or distribution control. Which of the following is true of protecting classified data? Which of the following individuals can access classified data? What type of activity or behavior should be reported as a potential insider threat? WebWhich of the following is NOT a criterion used to grant an individual access to classified data? result is that the South Winerys profit margin gets squeezed from both sides. VanDriesen Which of the following individuals can access classified data? She notes that Spillage can be either inadvertent or intentional. Coworker making consistent statements indicative of hostility or anger toward the United States and its policies. *Mobile DevicesWhat can help to protect data on your personal mobile device?-Secure it to the same level as Government-issued systems. What type of activity or behavior should be reported as a potential insider threat?
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