**CASH ONLY**, Recreational Only Must be 21+ with valid government-issued photo ID. Normal dispensary operating hours are expected to resume on: Friday, June 17th (10am - 8pm) for our medical patients. And the only store I will take that road trip to. Travis is the man. MTgzYzE3NGZmYWFiNTYzYWEzNTY0NjYzOGU4ZTlhNDc2MTczMjA4NmQwMzRh Privacy Policy. There was still some material left on site and as they were moving it, putting it into dump trucks they found some hot spots, Petersen said. 1580 N. Stephenson Ave. Iron Mountain, MI 49801 906.774.3531 HOURS Sunday - Thursday: 9a to 8p Friday and Saturday: 9a to 9p Limited In-Store Shopping Now Available. Reviews. Thanks for voting us 'best cannabis shop'! The Ironwood location is now the fifth store opened by owner Joni Moore in the last year. **CASH ONLY**, Recreational Only Must be 21+ with valid government-issued photo ID. See their menu, reviews, deals, and photos. Find Marijuana Dispensaries, Brands, Delivery, Deals & Doctors Deliveries Brands Products Deals Strains The Fire Station Cannabis Co Marquette 4.2 (52) Marquette, Michigan Storefront Closed opens 9:00am Recreational License information In-store purchases only Curbside pickup 906-273-1211 Directions Very friendly and comfortable storeand the prices are pretty darn good in my eyes too.They have some pretty good specials from time to time as well.GO HERE if you are looking for the right place. Nzc2NGU4YjkyZGJjZDNiYTViZjUwYmVlMjI4NDI2ZWVkNjdmOTIzYWM3NDFi The fire was at Resolute Forest Products. Im giving thanks to the ever-powerful Northern Lights influence over the powers of gradual change for bringing The Firehouse to Harris!Nice staff, nice vibe, well-stocked buying/show room. Everything is going to be remodeled with some new portions to it, Wentworth said. The employees here are very welcoming and nice. Chief Peterson said the Menominee Police Department is handling the investigation. com 906-723-2222 The Fire Station Cannabis Co. Hannahville W 365 US Highway 2, Suite 200 Harris MI, 49845 *RECREATIONAL* - Must . Definitely made our visit enjoyable and ensured us coming back! Would you like to receive our daily news? She answered all of our questions and adjusted our order for us when we realized it was wrong. First Property plans to remodel the existing Stang building and build another that also could have other tenants. The product is very good with a wide selection. Im open minded on it if they want to tax it and make money on it. Make sure to come with questions for our staff! Camp Cannabis The Fire Station Upper Michigan Dispensary The Fire Station Cannabis Co. Presents Camp Cannabis 2023 ANNOUNCEMENT Thank you so much for your interest in our event! I rarely see anything over 3.5g. Thu, Oct 19, 5:00 PM. Linda. You will NOT be let down! When exiting the alleyway you will only be able to turn right. MENOMINEEThe Menominee City Council approved recreational-use marijuana store licenses for Rize/1st Properties and Fire Station Cannabis Co. Monday, along with medical marijuana store licenses for Agri-Med and Attitude Wellness/Lume. Menominee's current situation is a complete mess of lawsuits and arguing. The Fire Station dispensary proudly serves the entire Upper Peninsula of Michigan with the finest medical marijuana and recreational cannabis. MENOMINEE, MI (NBC 26) It has been two months since a fire in Menominee, Michigan destroyed a Resolute Forest Products paper mill, and officials are now providing an update on where the. ZTM2Y2IwMTg2M2RjNzg2ZWRkMmE1YzYzMjA3NzdhM2Y0NjMzNTQ2Njk5MjAz Michigan, Daggett Manistique, MI 49854. The Fire Station Cannabis Co - Hannahville West Upper Peninsula. Only half star off for a lot of hinting towards the "better" stuff, but can't give 4.5.Maybe a little shy on the flower selection, but really good stuff. Yolanda was my bud tender. The sites are selected because of the way the rubric is designed, he said, referring to the application rubric the City of Menominee used to screen companies. I appreciate all of the help from the people there! ZDU2YjUzYWE5ZjU2YjcwMzU5YWMxMzk5OTcyZTcwODU4NzQ1Mjc2ZWE3Zjk1 The Fire Station Cannabis Co. Y2ZhNjkyNDhjMzU0OWEyMDkzNTBhOTgwNTk4ZTViYjUzNDgxMzU1M2YyMzc1 I would not like to bring this process down and go back to the starting point.. It says four places were approved but I cant find any dates as to when they would be opening. *Menu displays as closed after 11:45 p.m. Thu-Sat, however we are open until 1 a.m. Stay tuned to our channels for announcements on future events. OGU4Njk0MDY2NWIwNGMzOWQ4NDk5NWFkOWJlOTdhMGNiYTY3ZjYzMzA5NDIx Everyone at The Fire Station was exceptionally kind and patient. -----BEGIN REPORT----- Fire at Resolute Forest Products in Menominee, Michigan, Oct. 7, 2022. About 200 people worked at the paper mill before the fire broke out. Everyone working is friendly and welcoming. Since opening in Negaunee Township, the business has grown to 78 total employees and recently opened their Downtown Marquette location with more to come in the future. The Hannahville team worked quickly to get the store ready for its grand opening this past Wednesday. The Fire Station is locally owned and operated. and last updated 2:55 PM, Oct 21, 2022 MENOMINEE, Mich. (NBC 26) The massive paper mill fire that burned for more than two weeks in Menominee, Michigan is finally out, about a day earlier. i was overwhelmed with choices of product and overall workings of the establishment. Cannot be combined with any other discounts. Petersen also spoke as to why it took so long for the fire to be extinguished. -Please be respectful of our neighbors and do not park in their lots. Getting all of our cannabis packed, said Moffett. Get 10% OFF Must show ID. Should you ever stay at Hannavegas I suggest you take a stop at the oasis in the parking lot and indulge for the evening. Since then, fire crews have had to go back a few times to respond to the scene. So as not to bog down this entire process and two years worth of work perhaps we should as Councilman Pohlmann pointed out, table this and bring it back up in JL/PL if we want to in the future amend that ordinance.. RELATED: Crews battling paper mill fire in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The Stephenson . All things consideredtheir competition being observedthis business is a win-win. If they could offer more amounts other then there 3.5 and there rarely 7.0g. Recreational customers must be 21+ with a valid government-issued photo ID (drivers license, state ID card, tribal ID card, military/veteran ID card, passport, or passport card) But the process might not be over. The selection and variety is outstanding. I think by approving what the selection committee did (in August) follows the long process, Pohlmann said. Your e-mail address will be used to confirm your account. You have permission to edit this article. (906) 723-2222 Sun-Wed: 9AM-10PM Thu-Sat: 9AM-1AM Shop Now Current Deals Conveniently located just 15 minutes from Escanaba! **CASH ONLY**, Recreational Only Must be 21+ with valid government-issued photo ID. Located on the grounds of the Island Resort and Casino in Harris, Mich., TFS Hannahville offers customers access to a number of year-round entertainment options. M2YyOTA0MDM0NTM1ZmIxODIzOGVlMmExODMzNDBjYzE2YzI0NDYzNTI2YWI2 Bill Wentworth, husband of 1st Property Holdings/Rize owner Julie Wentworth, said the sale price of the property zoned appropriate for marijuana retail was about double what it should have been.. -Walk-in customers can park in the dirt lot behind Northern Hydroponics if there is space. -Please be respectful of our neighbors and do not park in their lots. This meanscustomers have access to a number of year-round entertainment options. City of Menominee 2511 10th Street Menominee, MI. This means customers have access to a number of year-round entertainment options. Agri-Med, which applied for both adult-use recreational and medical marijuana store licenses, earned 47 points on each of its applications but the council granted Agri-Med only a medical-marijuana store license, based on the selection committees recommendations. Oct. 7, 2022 [PHOTOS] Fire at Resolute Forest Products in Menominee, Michigan Share Facebook. Thank u for the amazing experience brook! IMG_3786. Mayor Jean Stegeman encouraged Menominee City Council members to vote on the marijuana selection committees recommendations at Mondays council meeting. Next, you make a purchase selection. -----END REPORT-----. According to the Stephenson Fire Department, there is a fire at an industrial facility in Menominee. IMG_3782. -Walk-in customers can park in the dirt lot behind Northern Hydroponics if there is space. Both First Property retail applications lost two points for not paying all employees at least 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, according to city documents. Pohlmann suggested most of the complaints came after scores were announced. Our alleyway is reserved for those who have already placed a curbside pick up order. Was a great experience. I was greeted right away with a smile and was even told i can get a free joint for being a first time customer! MENOMINEE, MI (NBC 26) It has been two months since a fire in Menominee, Michigan destroyed a Resolute Forest Products paper mill, and officials are now providing an update on where the investigation stands. 18, 2021 at 10:51 AM PDT HANNAHVILLE, Mich. (WLUC) - An Upper Peninsula-based dispensary is now in. Shout out to the bud tenders Joe & Kelsey & also the security guard Walker! Helpful 3 Report. Area residents who turned out for an auction Sept. 28 designed to clear out inventory and equipment at Stang Sales and Service saw the potential for new tax dollars from a marijuana business. Announces Plans to Expand in Iron River, MI, Celebrating Two Years of Medical Marijuana Sales in Negaunee, MI. MDZhNDdiNGE0ZGE0MWMyNWZjY2U4NzNmMGQ5OTY5NDliYTlkOWU3MGI1NmNi Get 10% OFF Must show ID. Nice place! www.thefirestation. She was super pleasant and very welcoming.Two enthusiastic thumbs up!. It has 180 days to open, and it hopes to meet the deadline. It doesnt bother me, he said. Its still working on the design. MWE3MDU2ZmUyMTA0MmVlOGFlMTI1OTE3YWYzNzI0N2U4ZmRmOTE5OTUwMGQ3 See details to save More details. Definitely recommend but do some research. His is definitely worth it. The Fire Station Cannabis Co. (TFS) was named the fifth Best Cannabis Company to Work For (Dispensary) by the Best Companies Group and Cannabis Business, The Fire Station Cannabis Co. (TFS) achieved gold-level status in the Michigan Cannabis Regulatory Agencys (CRA) Social Equity All-Star program. Home Recreational Pot Shops Michigan Pot Shops Upper Peninsula Michigan Pot Shops The Fire . ZjFmNmVjODc3ZTQ5NzI1ZDVkNTMzYjQzZjE4Y2JjNTc4MGU5OGNmZTY3MTUw When in Rome do as the Romans do! ", "TFS is my favorite cannabis retailer - not just in the area - ever. are endless. We did a lot of work to the point of being chosen, but nobody has blueprints drawn that Im aware of. Head todutchie.com, log in, go to the Orders tab and click the blue View Status button. A Rize marijuana dispensary in Iron Mountain is shown above. Helpful Report. The departments that responded did an awesome job, said Mark Petersen, the Menominee Fire Chief. He is an outstanding and knowledgeable young man. You can check out our product selection in store or online by viewing theHannahville Product Menu. Thank you for forcing other MJ retailers to at least be realistic. Mandi took the time to educate and never rushed us. Enjoy a world-class selection and retail experience for recreational and medical cannabis products in Michigan. Was a long line of folks waiting to get in so left with allot of questions but was my own fault didn't want to keep people wanting. Rize and Fire Station were approved for rec licenses, Lume was approved for a med license. Hours open are perfect. NmNhZTQ4ZWYxMGIxNGFmNzgyM2E3MmVmNzhjNDE3OGRjMmZmOTgyMWQ4NjRk If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. We all voted on it. roots. OTFlNmY0ZDk5MjZiMDI0NDUzMjE5NTUwZmU1NmYwNTVhOWU1YzYyMTgyYmZh www.thefirestation. Indoor and outdoor hydroponics and soil gardening supplies, organic nutrients, pest control, and more. NGUyZTI1ZGI3NjJkYjVmYjU3ZThiY2Y2YjdhMzE0YWQ5MTQ1ZDU2ODdhNmQw Web View Website. it was wonderful!! Even on busy days they move smoothly and doesnt take too long. First Property Holdings, which has stores in Iron Mountain and Marquette, was attracted to Menominee because of its location as a border city with Wisconsin. Very professional and of-course friendly/happy atmosphere. YmYxNDQ4Nzc5Nzk2ZDEyZGFkMTMzMGMxZmIxNTA2ZTMyOWM1OTcyZmYyMTk0 Its [was] just a mountain of material there and everything there is densely packed so you can spray water on the outside of it and it doesnt get to the middle of it or the pile or that bale, so the fire continues to burn, Petersen said. Once opened, the Menominee location will be the largest retail store for the U.P.-owned cannabis retailer. Signup today! Like saving money? . www.thefirestation. The cannabis shop will add a new location in Hannahville located in Menominee. Also with great recommendations for whatever it is you may be in search of, they got you! I will definitely be coming back next time I'm in Michigan and would highly recommend! Cannot be combined with any other discounts. She made a product recommendation that worked out great. ), we had tons of questions! It sucks to want more weight but have I'd have to pay double the amount I would have to pay in order to get what I want. The Fire Station Hannahville is conveniently located near Escanaba in the south central Upper Peninsula, just a short drive from the Wisconsin border. IMG_3787. As the second medical marijuana facility and first licensed Upper Peninsula recreational retailer, were proud of our U.P. List Dispensary. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. ZTA5ODYwOTFiYjAwY2FjYzk3N2Y5MGE3ZmU2MDU3OWJjMTUxYTI4ZTRjNjk2 Resolute Forest products, theyre in the process of getting their paper mill up and operating. Otherwise, please use the metered downtown street parking or other legal parking options including the downtown parking lots. From the casino itself which plays host to comedy shows and concerts, to an award-winning golf course and full-service spa, the possibilities in this beautiful portion of the U.P. We have on our own corrected the shortcomings that we had and we completed the selection process. Know of a recreational marijuana dispensary we're missing? Prices are great and I will be back again in the future. Get 10% OFF Must show ID. Create a password that only you will remember. Menominee has been a perfect example of how NOT to handle your weed situation as a town. MjY5ZDMxY2M4ZDQ4NTBmNzc3MDE5N2NkZDBiMWVkZjRmOTdiM2E4YWQ1MTYz ZmQxNjVjZWVmZmQzZjM4YjNlOTEzOTRmYzk4NTVkOTQzMTVmYmI5OTJlOTIx Crews battled a fire at a facility used by Resolute Forest Products in Menominee, Michigan. BURNING PERMITS LINK:. The Fire Station Cannabis Co - Hannahville West Upper Peninsula. 700 Tappan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Tel: (734) 845-2172 | Email: info@greenplaneta2.org Open 11am - 9pm Everyday Green Planet - Dispensary Ann Arbor Marijuana Michigan state residents have been buying recreational cannabis since Sunday, December 1, 2019, so there should be a dispensary Iron Mountain, MI Marijuana Dispensaries near me - Recreational & Medical | Leafly Browse Leafly Strains CBD Stores Deals Learn Cannabis 101 Doctors Lab partners Download the Leafly App. We all had plenty of time to change it, Stegeman said. Click here to view current promotions. The new store shares commercial space with Ishpeming . NjMyYzVjMzVkMTU1MTFiMWJmZDcwNDJkMGRhNzg2ZGFkNGI5MThhMjdhOGVj Menominee-Ingallston Volunteer Fire Department Address of the Fire Department: 3544 N US 41 HWY NULL Menominee MENOMINEE COUNTY State of Michigan 49858 . c2lnbmF0dXJlIjoiNDA0MWE3MjdmYjUzMDNmYWZhOGNmYTE0YTJkYzhlMWFm The Fire Station Cannabis Co. The staff is kind and are very knowledgeable of their products. Its a sign of the times, said Chad Denowski of Wisconsin. Wed love to be open in 180 days, Wentworth said. ZjU1OTg1OWE3Y2IwNTRiZTI0MjRjM2I1NjUxYmNmODU1NDVkNWJiYzczMmUx September 23, 2021 MENOMINEE, MICH. | SEPTEMBER 23, 2021 - The Fire Station Cannabis Co. (TFS) has received local approval for a new retail location in Menominee, Mich. He made it more of a friendly atmosphere and overall a great experience. Your account has been registered, and you are now logged in. Thanks! We then started with a selection process. Your account has been registered, and you are now logged in. Submitting this form below will send a message to your email with a link to change your password. First Property Holdings also submitted an application for a retail store at 2110 10th Street, where BigBoy used to be, Wentworth said, but it would have required a special-use permit. You can look & smell before you buy flower. Menominee dispensaries in 49858 can be found in this marijuana dispensary directory along with our trusted list of medical and recreational legal weed dispensaries, THC and CBD suppliers, doctor recommendation and evaluation services, clinics and medical marijuana dispensaries in the City of Menominee in Menominee County, Michigan. After reaching out about a concern, they were so nice, and responded very fast, answering any and all questions I had. Thank you , This is a great place with great customer service. When exiting the alleyway you will only be able to turn right. IMG_3780. Recreational customers must be 21+ with a valid government-issued photo ID (drivers license, state ID card, tribal ID card, military/veteran ID card, passport, or passport card). I have one word for my entire experience there. Every time I come here, the flower selection seems to be getting better and better. Other customers were also informative and open about their situations it was just great. It can really add up with purchasing. Were now at point where in 180 days we could have eight operational marijuana establishments in town, Pohlmann said, including four retail stores, three growers and a processing center. She helped us pick exactly what we needed and was patient with all our questions. Your products, at the right dose lol have given me the opportunity to move better, feel better, and just livebetter. The whole staff was excellent! DNR firefighters share fire safety tips, create fuel breaks, conduct prescribed burns to improve wildlife habitat and respond to hundreds of wildfires . The Fire Station Cannabis Co Negaunee is a cannabis dispensary located in the Negaunee, Michigan area. The Fire Station's Negaunee location became the 1st licensed recreational marijuana facility in the UP in November 2019 and was approved for delivery services in March 2020 The Fire Station - Marquette is a recreational marijuana dispensary located in Marquette, MI. (Not saying the others dont, theyre awesome too, just mainly seen these ones when I would come in.). NDQxZDgzYTg1N2Q0MGY0ZTNkYzFkYzFlNDFkOTQxYzVjNDdkZWI0OTY2ZTk1 Its a great border crossing for all of those people who use marijuana.. Just recently tried this dispensary, an they're a great selection of products. Please note that we are only able to fit 2-3 vehicles in this space. Have questions in advance? Fire Station, which earned a perfect score of 50 points on its three applications, received approval for three licenses, but Lume/Attitude Wellness, which also received a perfect 50 on its applications, was approved for only a medical use marijuana store, not an adult-use retail store. The Fire Station Hannahville is located on the grounds of the Island Resort and Casino. Invalid password or account does not exist. How cool is that? TFS Named #5 Best Dispensary to Work for in the U.S. Not gonna lie, I was straight up shocked at how amazing the help was around there. Meet Valerie Juarez: NBC 26's reporter in the Northwoods! The product choices were numerous! I will be coming back for sure! Everyone there is insanely educated on the product, super helpful and patient. Great place, but the refer a friend didn't work, as the friend had a lot of points and I still have just the sign up points. ZmRjYzkxZDQzNjkzNmU3Yjk3YzUxODA1NWY5NjkwZTdiY2U5NjY1NTNlOGRi HANNAHVILLE, Mich. (WLUC) - An Upper Peninsula-based dispensary is now in Menominee county. Cannabis is now legal for any adult 21 years of age or older. Stegeman said the proper procedure for amending the ordinance would be in the Judicial & Legislative/Personnel & Labor (JL/PL) committee Plemel chairs. MjJjMjVhNzdhODU2OGM1NTk0YzA4N2UwMjhkYzEwZGIwZjVkY2JkMWM1Mzcx If someone was saying this wasnt perfect, I would say I would agree. Exploreour blogto learn more. Fire crews battled a fire at Resolute Forest Products in Menominee that broke out overnight, Oct. 6-7, 2022. MON-SAT 10-8pm; But whether six months will be adequate given the pandemic remains to be seen. If you forget it, you'll be able to recover it using your email address. All valid Medical Marihuana cardholders get 10% OFF Recreational products must show valid Medical Marihuana card & valid ID. Even Greenleaf's volunteer fire department traveled an hour and 15 minutes out of state to help . Cannot be combined with any other discounts. 45.7029713, -87.3373571 Telephone (906) 723-2222. Even though it was a busy day they got me in and out in a reasonable time. Thank you all. As a Retired Veteran, who never had cannabis products in my life and was blinded by the stigma, it took courage to walk in to this store for the first time, last year. The flower and pre rolls that I got were very good quality and fairly priced! Our budtender was very knowledgeable about all the products and helped us make our choices. Gretchen Whitmer declared a state of emergency for Menominee County a week later, on Thursday Oct. 13. Upper Peninsula Recreational Marijuana Provisioning Centers Here's our map of recreational cannabis provisioning centers in Michigan's Upper Peninsula including Marquette, Houghton, the Soo along with news, events & all the incredible outdoor fun! Browse contently. She was so knowledgeable of all the products, asked great discovery questions to really find out what i exactly i was looking for. Brook was so friendly and helpful. Iron Mountain, MI 1580 N Stephenson Ave, Iron Mountain, MI, United States Marquette, MI 1090 S Front St, Marquette, Marquette, MI, United States Gaylord, MI 1354 W Main St, Gaylord, MI, United States The customer service is amazing, theyre very knowledgeable about the quality of each product they have on shelf. I always recommend those who are new to the plant to go inside and just chat with the staff. 4. **CASH ONLY**, Recreational Only Must be 21+ with valid government-issued photo ID. Being it was like asking a 2 year old which candy they want in a candy store (talk about overwhelming! The Official Page for the Menomonie Fire Department, est. Please note that we are only able to fit 2-3 vehicles in this space. ZjU1ZWMxODNjZGY1NjUzNzA2YWYwYTdmYmZhYWI4MTVkNDhiMTZhZWUwZTE4 The Menominee Fire Department was formed in 1871, shortly after the great Chicago and Peshtigo Fires, for the sole purpose of saving lives and property from the damages of fire. When exiting the alleyway you will only be able to turn right. Deals. com 906-214-7857 The Fire Station Cannabis Co. Iron River 229 N 4th Ave. Suite B Iron River MI, 49935 *RECREATIONAL* -.
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