It will push a 90-grain Fusion bullet to 500 yardswhich is probably the limit for . Shot from SAAMI-mandated 1-8 twist barrels, the 6.5s long, slender bullets seem to almost defy wind and gravity and allow this cartridge to deliver clean kills at distance. The 27 Nosler bests the .270 Winchester by about 400 fps with 150-grain bullets. I had to calculate this one out, as Weatherbys ballistics charts dont go past 500 yards. I know you won't find them in the US, but just wanted to mention them because it's fun. Hello Jim, Nosler Trophy Grade Long Range, 150-grain AccuBond Long Range at 2,930 fps. (-200) It would help one decide on if a cartilage was up to a specific task and if one would be willing to take the kick. So it ends up being a very fair comparison. +Nick Strother, he TOLD you right up front he was only including cartridges that can be found chambered in most any rifle. and .30 caliber bore . Backfire LLC owns and operates this website. Thanks Jim! Since I have shot my .270 Winchester primarily with the Hornady 150gr spire point and I know at 500 yards it drops close to 50 inches. Really enjoy your youtube channel. The 6.5300 Weatherby magnum, as its name suggests, is based on the 300 Weatherby mag and has a case capacity of 98 grains of water. For a moose and caribou combo hunt, it's certainly an easy choice..270 Winchester - Like the 30-06, this is a classic caliber that can take on any of North America's big game species. Based on the now almost-forgotten .284 Winchester, the 6.5-284 Norma was originally a wildcat cartridge and a very popular one, especially in bench-rest competitions., 338 Lapua with a 300 grain projectile (you can run 250s in the Lapua as well, but most run a 300). In any caliber the cartridge that attains the highest muzzle velocity wins the flat shooter award, so theres no sense arguing that the 6.5 Grendel might shoot as flat as the 27 Nosler. Perhaps you, dear reader, can provide the formula! It just murders your shoulder, ears, and pocketbook at the same time . What Is The Best Hunting Cartridge To 500 yds. Indeed, some deer also live in places where a 50-yard shot is much more likely than a 500-yard shot. A popular western big-game cartridge, the 7mm Magnum doubles as an excellent tool for long-range target shooting. Right now, shooters are obsessed with flat-shooting rifle cartridges. Well, theres really only one option in .22-caliber and thats the .224 Valkyrie. If you had to choose one cartridge to hunt with for the rest of your life, you could do a whole lot worse than the .30-06 Springfield. Recoil statistics are offered for reference. Take a look at the MPBR column and note how close they all are. He just never made it official. It propels a 17 Grain bullet at 2,550 feet per second. The new Federal Premium, 130-grain Terminal Ascent load with a muzzle velocity of 2825 fps shoots flat and the bullet is tough enough to handle up close impacts while still delivering good expansion at distance. Bullet B.C. I dont get it. Considered by many to be the optimum long-range, large-game cartridge, the .300 Winchester Magnum has proven itself worldwide. None of them will turn you into a trained sniper, but if youve put in the range time and have the skills to stretch it out, these 10 cartridges have the reach and the thump to put game on the ground from the next canyon over. Every rifle is different. Factory rifles and ammunition options are limited here, too, but based on the ballistic abilities of this cartridge, thats likely to change sooner rather than later. | With its rebated rim and 1/2-inch diameter at the base, it is essentially a longer version of the 6.5284 Norma; ballistically equivalent to the .264 Winchester Magnum. If it makes you feel better to hate the 6.5 Creedmoor, go ahead. Great work here. Shane Olson, nope, no sarcasm involved, simply pointing out a straight fact, which I stand by. It is about the easiest caliber to hit with at that range you can imagine. Weatherbys The caveat here is that fastest becomes a bit murky. Know your trajectory curve and nail the shot distance with a range finder and you can offset huge rates of drop. As much talk as there is about the .270 Winchesters ability to shoot flatly, it does not compare with these three flat-shooting options. That's why the three best rifles we have sorted have a 500-yard impact range below 40''. There's currently no better option for the AR-15 when the range extends much past 500 yards. Because it was used in the Civil War, the term "flattest" is not an exact description. Take another look. While at the High Bar Homestead with PSA, I was able to stretch their 6.5 Grendel out to 1,000 yards with Federal Premium 130 grain Bergers. (For anyone who gets worked up about the fact that the .30/06 isnt on this list, feel free to swap it with this one, as long as you dont mind the extra kick. Both are 338-378 Wby. The Government .45-70 can give you the perfect hunting experience as it is one of the top calibers used by hunters. Both are of course bolt-action rifle cartridges. Flattest Shooting Cartridges by Caliber Ron Spomer Outdoors 1.1M views 1 year ago Worst and Best Way to Sight a Rifle! Based on the 7.6239/220 Russian cartridge case, the Valkyrie changes the personality of the AR-15. bullet to offset wind deflection. Terry Cross. Kind regards. These are all under my extreme heading, because theyre all brutal on cost and recoil. Also, I used something called G1 B.C. However, the .220 Swift and the .22-250 have been used to take deer out to distances a lot of folks got no business shooting, for a long, long time. Most center-fire rifles that are legal for deer hunting can take a deer at 300 yards. Just curious have you ever looked at the 284 Winchester for flat shooting. Just hoping my bad experiences might inspire you to avoid some of your own. The actual rain is pretty old-school, not digital distances and whatnot, but it's cheap and the people who work there are great. We are not going to include here the esoteric military sniping rounds engineered for 1,000 yards, 2,000 yards, even 3,000 yards. But it's still a better distance choice than the .270 Winchester past 400 yards (a great caliber as well). Thanks again. In 2019, Nosler submitted the cartridge to the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Institute (SAAMI) for approval, and in 2020, you can expect to see Nosler and other ammunition manufacturers offering factory loaded ammunition and even rifles for it. At 500 yards, 5.56 will have roughly 339 ft-lbs of energy which drops to roughly 75 ft-lbs at 1,000 yards. Links or names greatly appreciated, Thanks! Excellent work!! 1. . Please, keep up the great work! Answer (1 of 5): Trajectory flatness is a function of muzzle velocity. Be aware that many of these bullets could have been target bullets. Obviously this list doesnt include every possible bullet/BC/MV combination, but it gives us a pretty good picture of the likely winners at three distances. Great info but my 7mm rem mag with Nosler 120 grain BT (.417bc) @ 3600fps has anything on this chart beat pretty soundly. I see there are some others like 300Win mag as well and thats a very popular cartage so it should be there as well I would think. Mag. Heck, I cant even find agreement on maximum muzzle velocities in handloading manuals from Speer, Hornady, Nosler, Berger, Swift, Hodgdon, Norma, Sierra, Barnes Furthermore, just because the manual lists those speeds does not mean your rifle will deliver them. It's not until you get farther out that BC starts making a big difference. ), Hornadys Precision Hunter 178-grain ELD-X at 2,600 fps is probably the best long-range option, but look also at the new 168-grain Berger Hybrid Hunter load from Federal, RELATED: 6.5 Creedmoor vs. .308 Winchester. Though that shot didn't take advantage of the 7mm Mag's flat trajectory, it convinced me of the cartridge's superior qualities. via the Davenport formula. Based on the old .404 Jeffery case, its the same length as the .30/06, which means it works in standard-length actions. UPS has officially stopped shipping guns? Awesome indoor range. You are using an out of date browser. However, I fully admit that that a flat shooting cartridge is not nearly as important as a cartridge which is resistant to wind deflection. Underwood Ammos 110-grain Lehigh Controlled Chaos bullet at 2800 fps is another great option. At a 100 yard zero sight in the 500 yard drop is 37. What I have come up with is the .270 Weatherby Magnum with a 135gr Sierra Matchking and 7828. Barrel length will change MV. bullets at faster speeds allows the projectile to get to the target sooner, minimizing the amount of time all three forces have to affect the bullets trajectory. At 150 yards the target is a 6 inch hole and the gong is behind it. Mag. cleric; Jan 28, 2023; Bolt Action Rifles ; Replies 13 Views 475. In your question about Flattest shooting caliber in a Lever Gun, Winchester 1894 shooting a .25-35 caliber bullet. With their Vanguard line you can do it for less than $900. Not many of us can afford the ammo, let alone the rifles and scopes that chamber it, in such calibers as 375 CheyTac, 408 CheyTac, or 416 Barrett. The 300 PRC in 225G exceeds this and the 338 Lapua Magnum by a noticeable difference. Since 1962, when the round was introduced in conjunction with the Remington 700, countless others have arrived at the same conclusion. Hornady Precision Hunter 143-grain ELDX at 2,960 fps. Appropriate hunting bullets may not reach these levels of B.C. Lets start by acknowledging we can minimize our search by ignoring all cartridges within each caliber that dont produce maximum velocity in that caliber. always means more wind deflection. My father has been shooting a 6.5300 wby we had made for him in the early 80s and it was only limited by bullet construction. Dear James On the other hand, wind speed and direction are inconsistent. Thats equal magnitude to 200fps less flatness! The newest addition to the Nosler line of proprietary cartridges is the 27 Nosler. This old timer remains a phenomenon, flat-shooting and effective. (Curiosity? Love it Jim ! Like the 26 Nosler, the 28 is based on the 404 Jeffery case and will remain supersonic out past 1,750 yards. The .204 will work quiet well at 500 yards with good shot placement. The .277 is an oddball bullet diameter, in that it doesnt fall into the much more common 6.5mm, 7mm, or .30-caliber categories. Wind also affects bullets differently, and a cartridges ability to overcome these three forces makes it better or worse for shooting flat and far. Mag. The non-bonded bullet should deliver good terminal performance up close and at distance. Of course, the .270 Win was developed in 1925 when 1000 yard shots were effectively unheard of. The 300 PRC will cruise above the speed of sound out to 1,650 yards. I would like to see a chart on down range energy. If there was ever a cult cartridge, the .280 Ackley Improved is it. The Chey-Tac M200 Intervention is the bolt-action rifle built to handle this round, and shooters have been documented firing a group of 3 shots within 16 inches at 2,321 yards. rating) driven more slowly. Great job. Thats comparing apples to apples with the others up above, using a 6 vitals zone. Its muzzle velocity is 1880 fps, and muzzle energy is 2355 ft. lbs. Now I have some facts for my creedmoor pal to chew on. I've been looking at the .257 weatherby that drops about 34" with a 100gr bullet at 500 yards and the .22-250 is another at around 36" with a 50gr bullet. With todays ammunition, its even better. Federal Premium, 130-grain Terminal Ascent, .308 Winchester will win no ballistic awards. Most of the calculators out there show larger drop rates then your table. . Developed form the military, Winchester . A benefit of that, you can fing .308 ammo off-the-shelf for any practical application. These rifles can hardly be considered to be flat shooting. However, I have a question to ask you. bullet twice that far. Also, youll find more ammo options for the .308 Winchester than any of the others. I ran the numbers with the 180 grain Ballistic tip at 3420 fps. When a bullet is fired, many forces are immediately working against it: gravity, wind, and atmospheric drag. So what if we shoot further than 300? The issue with the Nosler cartridges is barrel life. One argument for a flat-shooting cartridge is that it covers mistakes. If you are looking for the flattest shooting caliber to 500 yards, you should read anything else. I love that you have gone above and beyond here and I see tremendous value in this knowledge. Since this article originally went live, several excellent long-range big-game cartridges have it the market. Loaded with a 130-grain bullet, it will carry more than 1000 foot-pounds of energy out past 600 yards. Find out which ones made the cut. This should be recommended reading for all shooters learning to shoot long range shots. Mag. 10 Things We All Hate About flattest shooting caliber to 500 yards Yash June 15, 2021 57 views 3 minute read This is the one in the middle, the flattest shooting caliber to 500 yards. i've heard the .17 hmr are real flat shooting. Most of these are all-around cartridges intended for variety of CXP2 and CXP3 class game that offer an adequately flat trajectory for antelope hunting with appropriate loads (usually the lighter weight bullets . RELATED: 6.5 Creedmoor: The New King of Cartridges? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A highly accurate, easy to shoot rifle with a flat trajectory will make for confident hunting. Misjudging a 5mph crosswind as 8mph will make a 5.3 difference at 500yd with my favorite varmint load (BC0.400/MV3,400). If you like the idea of a six-five for going long, but hate the Creed and want something a bit different, the 6.5-284 Norma is the way to go. Its clear that flat shooting is directly proportional to overbore. You are cordially invited to any of our matches. Warm greetings from S.W. Muzzle velocity certainly makes a difference in how fast the bullet reaches the target, but it is by no means the only factor to consider. This is more a theory question than anything. I realize that you looked at several different loads for each cartridge to figure out which one was the flattest shooting. That, combined with their relatively small size, means that compared to cartridges of similar powder capacity, the 6.5s will almost always do more, in terms of external and terminal ballistics, with less recoil. Save big on firearms, accessories, tactical gear, clothing, and ammunition from now until March 29. I'm trying to find the best round from the muzzle to 500yds as far as trajectory. The vast offerings of ammo and rifles on the market today is why the 338 Winchester Magnum is probably one of the best elk cartridges a hunter can carry. No howitzers or tanks.). Best Ive been able to do is run ballistic charts on many combinations, knowing that muzzle velocity is of major importance and bullet B.C. Granted I do live in New England, and we dont have that many long shot opportunities here, but you would think someone would want to have there firearms chambered in such a flat shooting cartridge. While that incredibly fast 6.5-300 Wby. 1.5" high at 100, would be dead-on at 250, and only drop 30" at 550. again. Surely this is 42.9 just over a meter? Good video! Thanks But the 7mm Remington Magnum will remain supersonic out to 1,400 yards or a bit more, making a good choice for cross-canyon hunting. Feb 17, 2023.
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