To know if the request has been processed, you may check the order status or update message from the pushes. VICTORIA, Seychelles, September 07, 2022--KuCoin, a leading global cryptocurrency trading platform, was selected as one of the top 5 global Futures Exchanges by CoinMarketCap, the world's most . DELETE /api/v1/cancel/transfer-out?applyId=5cd53be30c19fc3754b60928. Judge messages by topic. All requests and responses are application/json content type. Added adjustment result of risk limit level to subject: Modify the field marginBalance comment in interface, Added field holdBalance to subject:availableBalance.change in the topic of account balance /contractAccount/wallet. Orders may be execute either partially or fully. See more on advanced chart. The granularity (granularity parameter of K-line) represents the number of minutes, the available granularity scope is: 1,5,15,30,60,120,240,480,720,1440,10080. E.g. I still cannot find a Kucoin Perpetual Futures chart for Bitcoin on TradingView.. To prevent the TCP link being disconnected by the server, the client side needs to send ping messages to the server to keep alive the link. POST /api/v1/position/margin/auto-deposit-status, POST /api/v1/position/margin/deposit-margin, This interface can be used to obtain information about risk limit level of a specific contract, GET /api/v1/contracts/risk-limit/{symbol}, GET /api/v1/contracts/risk-limit/ADAUSDTM, This interface is for the adjustment of the risk limit level. This endpoint requires the "Trade" permission. 3. You are suggested to use UUID, Status:APPLYPROCESSINGPENDING_APPROVALAPPROVEDREJECTEDPENDING_CANCELCANCELSUCCESS, Transfer ID (Initiate to cancel the transfer-out request), Unique order id created by users to identify their orders, e.g. 1 lot of XBTUSDTM is 0.001 Bitcoin, while 1 lot of XBTUSDM is 1 USD. The sequence field exists in order book, trade history and snapshot messages by default and the Level 3 and Level 2 data works to ensure the full connection of the sequence. KuCoinFutures has currently launched more than 60 perpetual contract products, such as the USDT-margined, . With a circulating supply of 67 Million PERP, Perpetual Protocol is valued at a market cap of $61,987,772 . For other cases, please update the price and size. Sub-account name, create sub account name of API Key. Please stay tuned. {"side":"buy"}). ID is unique string to mark the request which is same as id property of ack. Subscribe this topic to get Level 2 order book data. UUID, Only allows numbers, characters, underline(_), and separator(-), Stop order type (stop limit or stop market), Mark to show whether the stop order is triggered, A mark to forcely hold the funds for an order, Unique order id created by users to identify their orders, Fixed fees(Deprecated field, no actual use of the value field), Trade type (trade, liquidation, ADL or settlement), Total number of the unexecuted buy orders, Total number of the unexecuted sell orders, Currency used to clear and settle the trades, Margin amount (min. Read Get Fills to learn more. For example, in a BTC-margined contract, one of the most popular inverse contracts, you must use Bitcoin as the underlying asset. Find the cryptocurrency you're shorting 4. If not, the order can only be one to reduce the position. This endpoint can be used to modify sub-account Futures APIs. Please ensure that you have sufficient funds in your KuCoin Futures Account, or the transfer will fail. IP whitelist(you may add up to 20 IPs. Deprecate ({topic}:privateChannel:{userId}) and userId in private messages after three months. We recommend using the time endpoint to query for the API server time if you believe there may be time skew between your server and the API server. On the top bar of the KuCoin homepage, select the derivatives drop-down and select Futures Pro. {"id": "1JpoPamgFM", "type": "message", "topic": "/market/ticker:KCS-BTC", "subject": "trade.ticker", "tunnelId": "bt1", "data": {}}, To close the tunnel, you could enter command below: Margin Trading: It refers to a trade mode in which users borrow a certain amount of digital tokens by pledging digital tokens in KuCoin to make a long (buy) / short . The system will pre-freeze the predicted fees (including the maintenance margin needed for the position, entry fees and fees to close positions) if you added the position, and will not pre-freeze fees if you reduced the position. Binance Futures' COIN-margined perpetual contracts are Bitcoin-margined, which means Bitcoin is used as the base currency. Users can now enjoy the synergies between the two markets, perpetual and quarterly. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. . The value will be returned in order detail. This is the Unix timestamp. {"id": "1Jpg30DEdU", "type": "openTunnel", "newTunnelId": "bt1", "response": true}, Add tunnelId in the command: KuCoin CEO Johny Lyu refutes all insolvency rumors that the exchange will pause withdrawals or had exposure to LUNA, 3AC.. If the interface call is successful, the system will return the code and data fields. Kucoin perpetual maker fee starts at 0.02% and the taker fee starts at 0.06%. The hack on Binance chain hardly did anything. The API key of version 1.0 will be still valid until May 1, 2021. This endpoint requires the Trade permission. KuCoin Futures will be launching USDT-Margined Chainlink (LINK) Perpetual Futures at 8:00:00 on September 24, 2020 (UTC), supporting 1-50x leverage. This is completely nuts and means you need to double your money every year to make any. Spot Derivatives Exchange Token Markets Leveraged ETFs But I doesnt work out that way. AUDIOUSDTPERP. Added topic in the private channel of websocket for notifications of futures orders: /contractMarket/tradeOrders:{symbol}. This endpoint can be used to create Futures APIs for sub-accounts. Get the API server time. KuCoin Futures charges a withdrawal fee amounting to 0.0005 BTC when you withdraw BTC. The close price shall be greater than the bankruptcy price. Price field is not required for market orders. You can trade via the KuCoin Futures official website: KuCoin Futures Lite , KuCoin Futures Pro Or via the KuCoin app: Download KuCoin APP Project Introduction: Modified API permission. KCS is the native token of KuCoin, which was launched back in 2017 as a profit-sharing token that allows traders to draw value from the exchange. GET /api/v1/level2/message/query?symbol=XBTUSDM&start=100&end=200. 1. As mentioned, KuCoin has some of the lowest trading fees, even among top exchanges. Dont feel sorry for me, thats about 1% of my net worth. GET /api/v1/transaction-history?offset=1&forward=true&maxCount=50. After that, use base64-encode to encrypt the result in step 1 again. Trade AR contract now The limit strategy of private endpoints will restrict account by userid. Please ensure that you have sufficient funds in your payAccount Account, or the transfer will fail. Discard all the message prior to that sequence, and then playback the change to snapshot. The data of the first page will be returned by default. There are two types of stop orders, down and up. Also, something that I dont totally grok yet is how volatility is not really your friend. 2. Both the id of the welcome message and the id of the error message are connectId. Currently, the BTC and ETH perpetual contracts thatKuCoinFutures has launched provide up to100xleverage, while delivery contracts support up to20xleverage. Kucoin Futures 8.6 UI/UX 9.0 Security 9.0 Fees 9.5 Coin Variety 6.5 Liquidity 9.2 Pros The Sequence Number is used to judge whether the messages pushed by Websocket is continuous. GET /api/v1/recentFills. Level 2 message pulling method: Take price as the key value and overwrite the local order quantity with the quantity in messages. Now accountEquity= unrealisedPNL + marginBalance; Client libraries can help you integrate with our API quickly. Once an order is placed, your funds will be put on hold for the duration of the order. Futures are like the crap tables in Vegas. You can check the error code for details. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This is completely nuts and means you need to . Messages with userId are private messages, messages without userId are common messages. This level returns only one aggregated size for each price (as if there was only one single order for that price). Synthetix Perps is a groundbreaking development for on-chain perps traders. The system will pre-freeze a predicted taker fee when you place an order.The liquidity field indicates if the fill was charged taker or maker fees. The KuCoin Futures API is divided into two parts: REST API and Websocket real time data stream. The cryptocurrency market is available worldwide 24 x 7 for trading with no market close or open times. Delivery contracts are one kind of cryptocurrency contract with a determined delivery date. If youve specified only the start time in your request, the system will return 200 pieces of data from the specified start time to the current time of the system; If only the end time is specified, the system will return 200 pieces of data closest to the end time; If neither the start time nor the end time is specified, the system will return the 200 pieces of data closest to the current time of the system. If the returned value is null, it means that the requested token has no memo. If your account balance is greater than 10 BTC, please provide the following information to [emailprotected] to apply for the market maker position. GET /api/v1/interest/query?symbol=.XBTINT&offset=1558079160000&forward=true&maxCount=10. If you are to transfer funds from another platform to KuCoin Futures and if the token to be transferred has memo(tag), you need to fill in the memo to ensure the transferred funds will be sent to the address you specified. match: when taker order executes with orders in the order book, the taker order status is match; done: the order is fully executed successfully; open: when the order enters into the order book; match: when the order has been executed; filled: when the order has been executed and its status was changed into DONE; canceled: when the order has been cancelled and its status was changed into DONE; update: when the order has been updated; autoAppendMarginStatusChange: auto-deposit-status change; 1. the value of the holding position exceeds the limit amount of the risk limit level; 2. insufficient balance to increase the margin. Unable to proceed the operation, there's no contra order in order book. Sandbox is the test environment, used for testing an API connection or web trading. A perpetual futures contract is an agreement to buy or sell the underlying asset at a predetermined price in the future. Subscribe this topic to get the realtime push of BBO changes. Register to Kucoin if you are a new user or login to your existing account. Contract Information: Click to view more details about new contract A new Terra On May 25th, 2022, Terra Classic users passed governance proposal 1623, which outlined the genesis of a new Terra chain. Notice: After registering in the sandbox environment, you will receive a nummber amount of fake funds (XBT) automatically released by the system in your account. Delivery contracts. Dear KuCoin Futures Users, KuCoin Futures has launched FLOKI(FLOKI), AR(Arweave) and CKB(Nervos Network) USDT-margined perpetual contracts, supporting 1-20x leverage. If the sequence of the newly pushed message does not line up to the sequence of the last message, you could pull through REST. Null means it will never expire, Settlement date. The returned results will provide field HasMore to show if there are more data. 5. When placing a stop order, the system will not pre-freeze the funds in your account. New field settleCurrency (currency used to clear and settle the trades) will be added to the response from GET /api/v1/openOrderStatistics. It also features an excellent interface for trading and multiple ways to earn money by futures, margin, and peer-to-peer trading. Rewards will be provided to users who inform us of the above. Your personal information will be kept confidential. Users listening to streaming market data are encouraged to use the order id and clientOid field to identify their received messages in the feed. GET /api/v1/orders?currentPage=1&pageSize=50. Rewards will be provided to users who inform us of the above. KuCoin Futures implements IEPR(Immediately Executable Price Range) rule, in which the price of a buy order cannot be higher than 1.05 * mark price, and the price of a sell order cannot be lower than 0.95 * mark price. The symbol must match a contract symbol, e.g. If closeOrder is set to TRUE, the system will close the position and the position size will become 0. GET /api/v1/contracts/{symbol}, The Level3 message format is completely revised, more comprehensive message fields will be provided. The Trading Channel. 2)If both "Iceberg" and "Hidden" are selected, your order will be filled as an iceberg Order by default. For Example, enter command below to open bt1 multiple tunnel : To cancel triggered stop orders, please use 'Limit Order Mass Cancelation'. The post-only flag ensures that the trader always pays the maker fee and provides liquidity to the order book. Your identity information/IP/phone number shows you're at a country/region that is restricted from this service. How to Check Positions and close Positions? The USDT-Margined contracts cover from the. While there is a strict access frequency control for REST API, we highly recommend that API users utilize Websocket to get the real-time data. withdrawHold.change The order will be filled at the price specified or better, depending on the market condition. If you need to get your recent traded order history with low latency, you may query this endpoint. Inverse contracts are a coin-margined contract. The price specified must be a multiple number of the contract tickSize, otherwise the system will report an error when you place the order. Users can continue to hold perpetual contract positions until they are closed or forced to liquidate due to insufficient margins. POST /api/v1/withdrawals. You can delete specific symbol using query parameters. Note that self trades belong to match as well. BTCPERP , 31 WyckoffAnalyst Pro Updated Feb 26 Expecting a swing fail between $23,350 and $23,525 and a continuation towards SPRING around $22,500. First, when making a futures trade, traders buy or sell contracts representing the value of a specific cryptocurrency. This is the default type if the field is left empty. Add channelType field: public(public channel, default), private(private channel), session(session channel) for Websocket. If the response is set as ture, the system would return the ack messages after the unsubscription succeed. New fields including a) settleCurrency (currency used to clear and settle the trades), and b) tradeTime (execution time in nanosecond) will be added to the response from the following interfaces: GET /api/v1/fills /contractMarket/level3:{symbol} will no longer support the contracts released after February 7, 2021 (UTC), please upgrade the interface to /contractMarket/level3v2:{symbol}. The whole documentation is divided into two parts: 1)REST API and 2) Websocket Feed. Settled funding fees. Cancel an order (including a stop order). The total supply of KCS was set at 200 million, and there is a planned buyback and.
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