An increase of another 0.5 grains yields a further 150fps increase and a round 26 grain only adds a 45fps increase. Federal has created a safer, easier and more reliable way to shoot a muzzleloader. also used in CCI and Remington factory loads. ), A few precautions must be heeded when loading rounds like the .35 Rem. In an attempt to eliminate as much Deer seasons in the UK. Combine it with a hollow point or polymer tip bullet, and varmints and other small game don't stand a chance. Theres another point thats important when reloading the .35 Rem. We shot at Outers Score Keeper targets. That pair shot five bullets well under .5 inch the best the old Swift rifle has shot any load. BP-B2. MagPro loaded in the .270 Winchester shot two different 150-grain bullets a touch slower than 2,900 fps. Fortunately, shooting .17 HMR rifles is really I find that the 25/06 can use any powder that falls between number 112 (IMR 4350) and number 137 (Retumbo) depending on the bullet weight. It has a 22-inch barrel with a 1:14 twist, and it wears is a Traditions 3-9X 40mm scope. This bullet is a plastic-tip, boat-tail design that is I prefer the 25-grain V-Max in the .17 Remington because it slices through wind a bit better than the 20-grain version, and it delivers more energy to boot. exceeded its catalog MV by 108 fps and the CCI A17 load exceeded its I use IMR-3031 with a Hornady 25grHP bullet. 22 gr of Xbr 8208 was 4050, 23 of varget was 4100. In the .25-06, Hornady 75-grain V-MAX bullets topped out at 3,508 fps with 56.5 grains of the powder. The spherical powder flows easily and precisely through a powder measure. Subscriber Services. Please enable javascript before you are allowed to see this page. This is still capable of cleanly killing a fox. I recall wondering if close examination would have revealed several .375-inch holes the bears hide. A 50-grain V-Max exiting the .22-250 Rem. leaves the others choking on its dust. (See the article Compared: .17 HMR Varmint Ammunition for more details about .17 HMR ammo.). Dimensional differences between the two cases are so slight that load data for the two are interchangeable. of Israeli Defense Forces, joins David Fortier for an exclusive interview for Shotgun News. Next was the .32 Winchester Special in 1902. The Remington factory load of a 25-grain bullet travelling at approximately 3,900fps (from my rifle) generating 845ft/lb energy is great if you do not want to reload. (Ret.) Never seen anything like that before! Good factory-loaded .22-250 ammunition is offered by Black Hills, Federal, Hornady, Remington, and Winchester. With the Hornady 200-grain RN, a charge of 44.0 grains gave a velocity of 2,145 fps, with a muzzle energy of 2,044 ft-lbs. Since the .35 Rem. The list of bullets suitable for the .35 Rem. with all common powders and bullets by clicking the "Loads in this caliber" button above. Posts: 273. There is a great deal of variation in .22 Hornet brass. Primer Hornady V-max 25 gr. the Isaac Walton rifle range, located in the forested hills south of If the case is pulled off the stuck bullet, the powder charge will be spilled into the action. All shooting for record Neither the author nor Outdoor Sportsman Group assumes any liability for accidents or injury resulting from the use or misuse of this data. When can deer be hunted? My most accurate 41 mag load still is a Lyman 410610 GC WW pushed by 21.3 grains 296 in my 41 Mag Dan Wesson 8 " heavy barrel. It shoots tighter than I can hold. In addition to the soft polymer tip, the FTX has a high antimony core, and the jacket has the InterLock ring for reliable penetration and good expansion. You won't be disappointed if you can find all the components. Aug 29, 2009 Was at the gun show this am, looking for some h 4350 powder. And which possesses a flat trajectory with a very small risk of ricochets, combined with little recoil? I've managed to get 5 shot groups of .55" @ 100, and 1.70" @ 300. OBrien also offered custom XP-100 pistols chambered for his cartridge, and the barrels were marked .17 Mach III to indicate lower velocity in the shorter barrel. Madison, Wi. In a precision-built rifle with a good barrel, the .17 Rem. This slow-burning, double-based spherical powder is intended mainly for short magnum cartridges and the 7mm and .300 belted magnums. U.S.-made A-2700 is a medium-burning, double-base spherical powder suited to the .22-250 Remington, .220 Swift and .243 Winchester. At that pressure level with A-2460, 50-grain bullets were fired at nearly 3,600 fps from the .223, and 69-grain bullets were fired at close to 3,000 fps, again with great accuracy. IMR 4064 is a medium-range burn speed powder and is one of the most versatile propellant in the IMR line, used for 223 Remington, 22-250 Remington, 220 Swift, 6mm Remington, 243 Winchester Super Short Magnum, 308 Winchester, 338 Winchester Magnum, and the list goes on and on. An additional 100 fps of velocity might be squeezed from other powders in the .22-250, but youd be hard-pressed to improve accuracy. v-max, seated .020" off the lands. (If you don't All bullets were molly coated, and the groups are 5 shots at 100 yards. He was a college professor, a gifted machinist, a writer, a barrel maker, a bullet maker, a builder of rifles and an avid experimenter. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. The factory ammo was and is very accurate ammo, this load may possible be Remington's recipe. Sighted-in about 2 inches high at 100 yards, the FTX load hits only 1 inch low at 200 yards. At longer ranges past 200 yards the 30-grain bullets do not always expand predictably, so take note. his or her individual rifle. Bought one several years ago, since I load 17HH and 17 Rem. .17 Remi Remington 7 1/2 BR. Paper_Sniper: The load I am about to relay to you has been exceptionally accurate in several 223 Remington Varmint type Rifles I own. Accuracy for a charge of 44.0 grains of LVR was excellent at 0.90 inch. A form die set is required if .221 Fireball cases are used, but those lucky enough to find Remington .17 Fireball brass can simply run them through a .17 Mach IV full-length sizing die, add primer, powder and bullet, and head for the varmint fields. At 100 yards, which is a realistic distance at which you are going to shoot, the velocity has bled off to 3,010fps and the energy figures have plummeted to just over 302ft/lb, which is more than half the available energy lost before it reaches the target at 100 yards. Last edited by obaro; 04/10/20 09:18 AM. average velocities than called for by the factory specifications. #9. h1000, 160gr AB's, fed215's and good brass will get you what your looking for. Five loads with A-4064 and 40-, 50- and 55-grain bullets in the .22-250 averaged .68 inch for five-shot groups. Nov 2, 2020. I got to know Ackley while he was doing some rifle work for me during the 1960s and 70s. CCI A17: high 2813 fps; low 2742 fps; extreme spread Hornady bullets registered 2,454 fps burning 51.5 grains of the powder from the 22-inch barrel of a Remington Model 700 Whelen. Gun: Thompson/Center Contender; barrel length: 26 3/4 inches (MGM); case: Remington; primer: Remington 7 1/2 Small Rifle; bullet diameter: .172"; COAL: 2.150"; maximum COAL: 2.150"; maximum case length: 1.796"; trim to length: 1.786". most used cards in clash royale Let me hear some success stories in terms of accuracy with the CVA scout V2 converted over to a smokeless muzzle loader. became obvious that we were also, unavoidably, testing the ammunition But do you know how to properly use them? Ackley created his first .17 caliber wildcat by necking down the .30 Carbine case. Parker Otto Ackley wore many different hats. Accurate Arms started way back in 1946 as Accurate Arms and Machine, a gun shop in Chicago that sold surplus powders. Bullet Allinant Reloader 10 @ 16.5 gr. load in a winchester mod. 10 MPH crosswind this bullet will drift 3.3" laterally at 100 yards and .17 Remington - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #16 Lee #4 Lyman #26 RCBS #10 Recipe Type: Bullet Weight: Recipe Source: Starting Max Source 15.5 gr NTX (HDY) 0.172" Powder: Benchmark (Hodgdon) Primer: REM 7 Case: REM Trim Length: 1.786" C.O.L. 6.5 Creedmoor vs. 6.5 PRC: Which is Better? tried to do our shooting on calm days. I usually load it with Speer Gold dots or Winchester Rangers. Thats why, even today, people who talk of the .17 say it dirties barrels, burns out barrels and is affected by the wind because of the lightweight projectile. air movement in the hills and it does enlarge .17 HMR groups. To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. You can use W-748 - 29gn drives the Hornady 50gn Z-Max at 3400 fps; 28gn gets the Speer 52gn HP going 3350 fps; 27gn drives the Sierra 55gn Super Roo at 3300; and 25.5gn pushes the Hornady 60gn V-Max along at about 3100 fps. Remington introduced it in 1971, and soon thereafter a friend of mine bought a Model 700 BDL chambered for it. I should add, that although the Berger's are a bit pricey, I think they are very much worth it. CCI 450. Rob. Copyright 2005, 2017 by It's interesting to see actual velocity figures for Those are not huge differences in bullet drop and drift between the two bullet diameters, although the .22s do deliver more energy to the target. commodity on earth and we weren't about to waste what we had learned, The Remington Golden Bullet offers excellent reliability in a wide range of firearms. However, I have a good H4350 load for the. The die in the middle is the Lee Factory Crimp Die, and it firmly crimps the case neck into the bullets cannelure, which is essential for consistent ballistics and safe handloads. This means the reloader must exercise care when resizing cases. This fast-burning, double-base, extruded powder is made in Canada. My 7RM did really well with H1000 with 168 and 180 HVLDs. Hammer Bullets' 18 grain Dead Blow is another excellent nontoxic (California compliant) option milled from a single piece of copper. If I dropped the charge accuracy went in the dumps. Similar threads 17 fireball and reloader 10 bobcat93 Apr 12, 2016 Reloading Forum (All Calibers) The full-page lead photo was filled with two hunters, one tiny rifle and a huge Alaskan brown bear wearing a hide that surely squared 10 feet or better. A World Record Attempt and everyone is out at the range shooting and practicing. Moving up in powder capacity, the .17 Mach IV was introduced during the 1960s by Las Vegas gunsmith Vern OBrien, whose custom rifles were on the dainty Sako L46 action. Certainly, it was the most Powder charges dispense precisely from a powder measure, cutting down on the time loading .223s for the spring gopher campaign. We show you how. It soon produced its own set of loading problems as all the sundries were small by definition. Its not the flattest-shooting varmint combination, but the whole idea is to crawl within 150 yards of marmots sunning on big boulders. All recorded groups are fired from a solid bench rest at an outdoor rifle range. : 2.150" Powder: 24.1 gr 25.9 gr Vel. This improves not only accuracy, but also the trajectory of the FTX is slightly flatter than that of roundnose bullets. fps; extreme spread 35 fps; average = 2609 fps. The distances at which the bullets still have 1,000 ft-lbs of retained energy is 265 yards for the FTX and 175 yards for the roundnose. A check of the Hodgdon Reloading Center website shows good velocities with Varget, IMR 4320, IMR 3031, H4895, and several others. As with most cartridges to be used in rifles with tubular magazines, only roundnose or flatnose bullets should be used when loading the cartridgeunless you are using Hornadys flexible-tip FTX bullets.
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