It is one magical name that many others may also like to love. Beanie - A lovely feminine name. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. Check your inbox for your latest news from us. Pxiie Layna/Lena Pixie Madison/Maddison Pixie Lyra Pixie Taylor/Tayla Pixie Brooke Pixie Morgan Pixie Elizabth Pixie Paige Pixie Jessica Pixie Erin Pixie Megan Pixie Lila/lyla/Lilah Pixie Samantha Pixie Abigail Pixie Charlotte Pixie Hannah Pixie Louisa Pixie Scarltt Pixie Sophia/Sofia Pixi Alexandra Pixie Maria Pixie Julia Pixi Pearl Pixie Ava Read on for some interesting content on the names of Pixies that you will surely love like many others. Delphine Try our one-of-a-kind baby name generator. These pale, gentle fae fear sunlight and are rumored to be older than humanity. Names represent the animal, but also the person who gave it to them. - and of chastity, Elva, Elvia, Elvie, Elfie, Elivina, Elvine, Elvyne, Finally, its comes from the word amore, which is Italian for love. Looking for good fairy and pixies names for girls? Simply enter names you like and let this genius technology inspire you to find the perfect name. Family Education is part of the Sandbox Learning family of educational reference sites for parents, teachers, and students. Yaritza (Portuguese origin), meaning 'tiny butterfly,' is a very magical name in terms of the meaning of the content. Bunny Blanc (English origin) is the daughter of the White Rabbit from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Forest is one of the natural habitats of fairies. We dont spam! Aldus Finding elegant male fairy names is difficult. Pixie Myfanwy Initials: P. M. Pixie Lanette Initials: P. L. Pixie Gwenn Initials: P. G. Pixie Gwynneth Initials: P. G. Pixie Kikylia Initials: P. K. Periwinkle (English origin) is a frost fairy and Tinker Bell's twin sister. Serena If you want to make up your own fairy name, nature is the best source of inspiration. It included hundreds of characters such as knights, noble ladies, and fairies. Cleo We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate and suitable for all children and families or in all circumstances. Alette (English origin), meaning 'truth', 'verity,' is a unique magical name for your little princess. You can optionally generate two baby middle names. This mischievous fairy loves drinking and he tends to haunt breweries, pubs, and wine houses in Ireland. Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream immortalized the mischievous fairy Puck, also known as Robin Goodfellow, or Hobgoblin. Many are closely related to nature, particularly trees and flowers. Other fairy godmothers from fairy tales and stories around the world include. Alma means nourishing, soul, or young woman. Were the cold still spheres of a moon snow-white; Evn then, of the dew and the crystal air. Sugar Plum Fairies appears at dawn during birdsong choruses. Pixette Pixie Girl Pixie Lott Pixie Queen Pixie Stix Pixiebelle Pixie Stick Pixie Hair Pixie- Sun-kissed Pixie-patched Pixie-like Pixie-cut Pixie-frosted Pixie Winks Pixie Swirl Pixie-napped Pixie Smile Pixie-sized Pixie Wings Pixie-sprinkled Pixie Baby Pixie Elf Pixie McPixie Pixie Wonka Pixie Kelly Pixie Hollow Pixie Dreamer Pixie Heart Pixie-Boo Fairies are commonly portrayed as spirits of nature, since the pagan cultures that created them were centered around nature and the elements. Morgen is her name, and she has learned what useful properties all the herbs contain, so that she can cure the body ills. Required fields are marked *. Kitto Nixie Whimsy Gypsy Star Bambi Rebel Busy Tigerlily Chantara Feline Dixie Stellina Swan Laguna Mimi Briar rose Halo Xenia Ollie Lists containing Pixie Unique Baby Names: Unusual and Rare Beautiful Bohemian Names for Girls Vidia (Sanskrit origin), meaning 'knowledge,' is the nature fairy from the 'Tinker Bell' who is very fast. Please, please do not use Binky. I want another girls name similar, something pretty, etherial and not heard of often but im drawing a blank. Learn a new word every day. Why go for a regular name when you can opt for a magical fairy name that perfectly suits and tells how special your daughter is? Ever After High is a series of fashion dolls; it's a Monster High doll collection. Second, its also a variation on Amoret, the name of Cupid in fine art. This name sounds royal, doesnt it? A writer and animal lover with a passion for fantasy and gaming. M i lbourn e R e x ford Som e rb i e Lann i e Sh e i l e tta M e lv i n e E ll i e may S i m p son First Name & Middle Name Combinations Boy Name Combinations Lester Terrelle Lorin Zephaniah Galip Esau Napo Pickford Ellis Eteocles Bhanu Jayant Lucius Chesney Brys Odell Renzo Zayne Boy First & Middle Names >> Girl Name Combinations Mia Martina Duchess Swan (English origin) is the daughter of the Swan Queen from 'Swan Lake'. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Faye Feel free to come back as often as you need until you find the perfect middle name to match your baby's name. Frieda, Friedah, Fryda, Frydah, Goddess of the woodlands, the moon, hunting, wild animals This article contains incorrect information, This article doesnt have the information Im looking for, 80 Pixies Names For Your Magical Little Fairies, 100 Huntress Names From Fiction And Mythology, 150 Batman Names From The Comics, TV Shows & Films, All Of The 'Shadow Of The Colossus' Names Including Every Colossi. 361 other terms for pixie- words and phrases with similar meaning. Explore 111+ unique mermaid names from around the world! It is a unique magical name for your little princess. Farrah Goodfairy (English origin) is the daughter of the fairy godmother from Cinderella. Sookie is actually a nickname for Susan or Susannah in the southern US. It is a very good name. Its a growing trend to name your plant babies as well. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. While sharing Disney Pixie names, you must note that the content is available unless otherwise noted. Xanthe Mystical girl names inspire with powers of the great beyond and so much more. Rosa First, its the name of a character in Spencers The Fairie Queene. Nicknames, cool fonts, symbols and stylish names for Pixie - x , , PiXiE, | x, Pixie Pie, Pix. In Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream, Titania is Oberons wife and queen of the fairies. Justine Dancer (English origin) is the 12th dancing princess of The 12th Dancing Princess. Holly O'Hair (English origin) is the daughter of Rapunzel and the sister of Poppy O'Hair. As an Amazon Associate, Kidadl earns from qualifying purchases. The show is about a group of girls called Winx. Iris. At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. While she is known as Disneys unofficial mascot, you might not know that her voice is the sound of a tinkling bell. Aubrette - Elf, German. Sadie Annabelle Sadie Anne Sadie Arabella Sadie Ariel Sadie Beth Sadie Bree Sadie Brianna Sadie Brielle Sadie Camille Sadie Carissa Sadie Carlotta Sadie Catherine Sadie Charlotte Sadie Dawn Sadie Deanne Sadie Delilah Sadie Elise Sadie Elizabeth Angelica (English origin), meaning 'like an angel,' is a very magical name for these small beings. Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. The name of the winged horse should sound as majestic as the creature himself. Magic Baby Names uses the family trees from Family Echo to learn which names often appear together. Her sister Pippa is equally happy, and she also has added royal associations thanks to a certain duchess's sister. Merryweather (English origin), a fairy from Disney's 'Sleeping Beauty,' is a very good name. A fairy name could be perfect for your little girl. Morning! Taneisha (English origin), meaning 'fairy queen,' is a very magical name. Here is a full list of middle names that go with the baby name Pixie. She is also known as. creative tips and more. I love Violet but its too popular x, Love pps suggestion of Elfine/Elfie! You can combine two names to find matching names or you can get completely random names. brownie elfin fairy fay leprechaun nisse pixie fairy nounsupernatural being bogie brownie elf enchanter fay genie gnome goblin gremlin hob imp leprechaun mermaid nisse nymph pixie puck siren spirit sprite sylph goblin nounelf bogeyman brownie demon fiend gnome gremlin imp kobold nixie pixie spirit sprite gremlin nounimp demon elf fairy goblin pixie In Ireland, where the majority of fairy folklore comes from, the four leaf clover, which today is known as a good luck symbol, was used to ward off fairies. It is a unique magical name for your little princess. This gorgous name means sky, and its also the name of Links fairy companion in The Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass. Enchanting Fairy Names for Girls from A-E Adelina - Small winged one, German Aine - Queen of fairies, Irish. Alette - Small winged one, Latin. Simple! Specific pixies include. A few specific jogah include. Means island of apples (Celtic origin). She has long curls, and blue eyes, and wears a blue dress. Gentille (French origin), meaning 'kind.' Alfre (English origin), meaning 'magical counsel,' is a very good name. While cultures have their opinions on whether the small creature with the unknown name is an imp, fairy, demon, they all have interesting names for him. These are some mystical fairy names to consider for a baby girl, including their meanings. Click a name to browse or + to add it to the search list. Read our privacy policy for more info. Elva Fairies are magical creatures in European folklore. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 My Mom's a Nerd | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. Information on our advertising guidelines can be found. These fairy names are cute and elegant everything you expect a fairy to be. Aurora (Greek origin), meaning 'Goddess of the dawn,' is a unique name for your little girl. It is a very magical name for a sweet Irish princess. Allfie, Allfreda, Allfredah, Allfredda, Allfrie, Allfrie, Allfrieda, Pixie means "fairy", "elf". I am sure our baby name predictions will help you find the baby name possible! sentences. Firtha (Gaelic origin), meaning 'maiden of the sea,' is a unique name for your little girl. Please note: prices are correct and items are available at the time the article was published. Avery - Ruler of elves, Old English. Dixie Rose and Pixie may. Any information you provide to us via this website may be placed by us on servers located in countries outside the EU if you do not agree to such placement, do not provide the information. Chepi (English origin), meaning 'fairy,' is a very good name. Famous Pixie's include Pixie Gelodof. Alfreda (English origin), meaning 'elf power,' is a good name for these small creatures. Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. Fairies should not have average, dull names that you would hear in any school yard. Shayleen (Gaelic origin), meaning 'from the magical place', is a very magical name. Tags. They often wore ruffed collars or sleeves or even jackets with coattails. The Answer Will SurpriseYou, Reaching For Connection: How Instagram Changed My Life As I Faced My CrohnsDiagnosis, The Real Reason You Get Attached To Narcissists, Based On The Internal Family Systems Model OfPsychotherapy. Are you looking for a name for a fairy character in your fantasy story? Read More 222+ of the Best Troll NamesContinue. Log in. You can use the second name to honor a family member. Keep generating baby names and you are sure to find the perfect middle name! In Irish mythology, Finvarra is the king of all fairies. Ailil means elf, beauty, in Old Irish. Leetah (Spanish origin), meaning 'strong woman', an elven from 'Elfquest,' is one magical name. Hey, listen! Polina (English origin), meaning 'small', is a very good name. Maeva She has long hair, blue eyes, and a dark complexion. tending to or exhibiting reckless playfulness, an imaginary being usually having a small human form and magical powers, leave a dish of milk and some bread out for the, The businesss new computer system proved not to be a. Benny - Translates into "blessed." So they use a number of beautiful euphemisms: Welsh names sound exotic and magical, and these Welsh fairy names are no exception: Edmund Spencer published an epic poem called The Faerie Queene in 1590. Although today we most often associate fairies with good beings, sometimes with a streak of innocent naughtiness, it wasnt alway like that. Faybelle Thorn (English origin) is the daughter of the Dark Fairy from Sleeping Beauty. Similarly, there's Pippy, a joyful name that makes everyone smile at her mentioning. In some tales, her son is Passelion or Mabuz and daughter is Morganette. It is a very good name which is as bright as the sun. Others are simply fantastical, magical names. group You need to find a name that is perfect for your loved ones and is inspired by fairies' names. They often wore red coats with 7 rows of 7 gold buttons. Fairies have a tendency to behave mischievously. The name Pixie is primarily a female name of Irish origin that means Fairy. Amoretta is the perfect fairy name! Aine (Irish origin), meaning 'Queen of fairies,' is a unique name for your little girl. Kidadl is supported by you, the reader. Aria (English origin), meaning 'solo,' is a unique magical name for your little princess. All of her names come from the Latin word for lovable. Basil - Means fearless, brave, and intrepid. It is a very magical name for a Welsh pop pixie. Have a look at flower and tree names to find the perfect pixie name. clear Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Pixie. As a side note, our random name generator can generate up to 2 middle names at a time. It is a very magical name that any spirit-loving family would like. Blondie. Here are some beautiful forest fairy names inspired by nature: Here are some of the most beautiful fairy names you can find. They appear in Winx Club as being bonded to many fairies. Although im super convinced im having a boy team yellow means i should really think of girls names too These are the most popular Winx Club fairy characters. Don't be surprised if none of them want the spotl One goose, two geese. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream also features friendly yet trouble-making fairies. Create good names for games, profiles, brands or social networks. Your email address will not be published. Fairies are delicate, magical, and a little naughty. Discover 100+ magical and romantic royal prince names perfect for your little prince. To save this word, you'll need to log in. Phoenix, Ember, Raine, Skyla, Arrow, Aura, Wren, Raven, Rainbow, Bluebelle, Blue, Melody, Harmony, Whisper, Fox, Willow, Meadow, Gaia, Ellaria, Ariel, Ariella, Lila, Nova, Luna, Astrid, Star, Stella, Venus, Vega, Winter, Hyacinth, Navy, Sapphire. Apple White (English origin) is the daughter of Snow White. You have subscribed to: Remember that you can always manage your preferences or unsubscribe through the link at the foot of each newsletter. Fearne Here is a list of some famous pixies' names that are meaningful and very sweet. They fit perfectly for a fairy, and they sound like names from fairy tales. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University. But you don't need to trawl through long lists of baby names any more! Dela (English origin), meaning 'pleasure', 'delight,' is a unique magical name for your little princess. Read More 100+ Royal Prince NamesContinue. 'Hiemal,' 'brumation,' & other rare wintry words. Other fairies from various Peter Pan themed books, movies and shows include. More: 75 Mermaid Names for Your Little Girl. Disney fairy names Our name generator quickly helps you find the perfect baby middle name based on your already chosen baby girl name or baby boy names. A name is a tool to control, train, and manage a dog, as well as represent who they are. It is a very good name. Bindy Sandbox Learning is part of Sandbox & Co., a digital learning company. Some 19th-century researchers made more general claims about pixie origins, or have connected them with the Puck (Cornish Bucca ), a mythological creature sometimes described as a fairy; the name Puck is also of uncertain origin; Old English Puca, Irish Pca, Welsh Pwca. Ordella, Ordalf, Kalen, Kailen, Kalan, Kallan, Kheelan, Kellen, Puck's other name in Shakespeare's play is Robin Goodfellow. It means lily. As an Amazon Associate, I earn a commission on qualifying purchases. Zia (Latin origin), meaning 'splendor,' is one unique magical name for your little princess whom you love more than others may. Name Origin Medium Ailie, a tatterdemalion: The Elves of Cintra: Book Ainsel: Fairy Cube: Manga Airy, Anne: Bravely Default/Bravely Second: Video game Aisha/Layla (Crown Princess of Andros, Princess of Andros, Fairy of Waves, Fairy of the Waves, Fairy of Oceans and Tides, Fairy of Fluids, Guardian Fairy of the Kingdom of Andros): Winx Club, Fate: The Winx Saga . A lot of them come from real parents of real Sadies, and other helpful parents who've chimed in. Delivered to your inbox! He is even noted in Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream. Meeshell Mermaid (English origin) is the daughter of 'The Little Mermaid'. Celtic words sound ethereal and mystical, making them perfect fairy names. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. Ashera - Goddess of fertility and motherhood, Hebrew. Aisha Aisha means living, alive in Arabic. Author J M Barrie introduced her to the world in his 1904 play and his 1911 book, Peter and Wendy. Many consider them to be a type of fairy since they are mischievous and harmed by iron. Pronunciation of Pixie. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. Simply enter names you like and let this genius technology inspire you to find the . Carina (English origin), meaning 'beloved,' is a unique name for your little girl. Here are some of the most fitting fairy names out there: January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. Read on for some of the best ever after high pixies names, pixies three names, and plant names for pixies fairies. Did you know that a Pixie is also known as a sprite in several cultures! Olette (English origin), meaning 'small winged', is a unique name for your little girl. Theyre all inspired by flowers. Please click here for more information. Heriodas, also known as Erodiade, Aradia, Arada, Irodiada, Minerva, and Noctiluca, is an Italian spirit fairy cursed to wander the sky forever. Pixie names - Dungeons & Dragons . These are some name suggestions for these beloved creatures: Do you think there are some famous pixie names missing from our list? Mirabel Because stories about fairies were used to explain natural phenomena, giving your little girl a fairy name is a great way to show your love for nature and the worlds elements, like the sun and the sea. Not all fairies are females. Alba Another way to say Pixie? And the earth was wrapped in a starry night, And the only lights that the eyes might mark. Your partner in parenting from baby name inspiration to college planning. German English French Spanish Portuguese Dutch Italian. Coconut or Coco. That's it! Barbie-Q - Pick this name for a girl pig. Pet parents want to find the perfect names for their babies. Brandy. Here are some royal monikers for fairy queens: Tooth fairies are magical fairies that swap a childs tooth for a coin. Traditionally, her husband is King Urian and she has a son named Yvain. Linetta (English origin), meaning 'idol', is a good name. In "The Tree of Life", Bloom promises the Pixies that one of them will bond with the Last Fairy on Earth, Roxy. Alfreda (English origin), meaning 'elf power,' is a good name for these small creatures. We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. I hope youve enjoyed the hundreds of ideas for fairy names in this post! Also spelled pisky, pixy, pixi, pizkie, piskie or pigsie, these mischievous beings inhabit underground barrows and stone circles. Flora His wife is named Nuala. By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. Queen Clarion is the ruler of Pixie Hollow in, A fairy Queen character in Shakespeares play. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, Charlotte (English origin), meaning 'baby princess,' is a very good name. She has blonde hair with a blue streak. Kidadl is independent and to make our service free to you the reader we are supported by advertising. thesaurus. Alvar (English origin), meaning 'warrior,' is a unique name for your little girl. Or do you wish to give your baby girl a fairy name? The distinction between the two is clear (now). Children are often given one of the grandparents' names. To find out your personal fairy name, try our fairy name quiz! It is a very good name. Fawn (English origin) is a cute animal fairy who is one of the best-known 'Tinkerbell' fairies. synonyms. Iridessa (Latin origin), meaning 'resembling a rainbow,' is a very magical name. Pixies are short in size and sometimes look similar to many other fairies you will find in an old book. Aubrette (English origin), meaning 'magical power,' is a very magical name. Nova In history, people even blamed them for sickness and other misfortunes. Flora (Roman origin), meaning 'Goddess of spring and flowers,' is a very magical name for a long time. fairy. They likely have Celtic roots, but have since been adapted and changed into a larger variety of pixie-like beings used in a wide range of works of fiction. In the 1902 The Green Fairy Book by Andrew Lang, Marsonite is a good fairy who assists the protagonists in the tale Heart of Ice. Cicely Mary Barker created beautiful images of nature fairies for each season to accompany delightful poems for children. elvish pixieish roguish puckish playful naughty rascally prankish knavish spirited devilish sportful tricksy arch waggish sly energetic kittenish cunning espigle whimsical leprechaunish scampish coltish frolicsome lively antic frisky coy crafty teasing sportive troublemaking sprightly lighthearted wily artful happy tricky misbehaving gay pestering She who is first among them is more skilled in the healing art, and also surpasses her sisters in beauty. Ainslee (English origin), meaning 'only hermitage wood or clearing,' is a very magical name. adjectives. This name generator will give you 10 names which will generally fit the pixie of the Dungeons & Dragons universe. Shailyn (English origin), meaning 'from the fairy place,' is a very magical name that any Irish family would like. Marin (English origin), meaning 'star of the sea,' is a unique magical name for your little princess. Asta Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong. These faries were the inspiration for Tchaikovskys Dance of the Sugar Plum Faries in The Nutcracker. The name Nuala (pronounced new-lah) comes from the name of the queen of the Irish fairies. The fairy's name from 'The Imp Prince' is a unique magical name for your little princess. Challenging Standardized Test Words, Vol. Pixie and In modern times, we have a more positive image of fairies. Click through to find out more information about the name Pixie on We try our very best, but cannot guarantee perfection. Middle names help distinguish between other people who have the same first and last name, including other family members. Long ago, fairies were blamed for all sorts of misfortune, such as sickness or a poor crop yield. Morgan le Fay, which translates to Morgan the Fairy is a legendary enchantress from legends about King Arthur. Magical girl names capture the senses with spellbinding sounds, meanings, and associations. These 20 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Pixie. Aldus sounds perfect to me- distinguished, yet it is reminiscent of the alder tree, linking it to nature. The Disney Fairies characters are built around Tinker Bell, the famous fairy in the animated Disney film Peter Pan. They need something special, something magical. Rosetta (English origin), meaning 'splendid,' is a mythological garden fairy from the 'Disney Fairies.' Elberta (English origin), meaning 'bright', 'famous', is a good name. Lizzie Hearts (English origin) is the daughter of the Queen of Hearts in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. She has dark pink hair. Siofra (Irish origin), meaning 'elf,' is a very magical name. The medieval Scots poem Greysteil includes a fey named Oriande, who may have been inspired by Morgan le Fay. Answer 7 easy questions, and you will get a personal pixie name. Take your best pick from this list. Get to know them, their meanings, and their origins with our collection. Fairy names can come from any culture around the world. Finding elegant male fairy names is difficult. Pandora Take our fairy name quiz to find a fairy name that matches your personality! And the moonray mild, were the Asrai made; And they walked and mused in the midnight air. Shakes was inspired by Ovids Metamorphoses, which used the name Titania for the daughters of the mythical titans. She has blond hair, light skin, and light blue eyes. In Greek mythology, she was a minor goddess of vegetation. Admittedly Death did call his horse this because he thought it was a pretty name, but for me and several million others this WILL be the main association. From lino cutting to surfing to childrens mental health, their hobbies and interests range far and wide. Indie Enter the baby name. While we know Ariel as a female name today, when The Tempest was published in 1611, it was a male name. phrases. His name actually means elf king. The Old German name Alberich, meaning elf king, evolved into Alberon and then Auberon. No common suggestions yet, scroll down for more ideas. If you enter John into Magic Baby Names, Mary will appear as a suggestion. Good fairy names Almond Daisy Elva Marigold Mercury Midnight Mythia Oak Octavia Pixie Sage Sapphire Silver Queen Cute fairy names Cranberry Fawn Firefly Shimmer Sparkle Sugar Twinkle Famous fairy names Are you looking for some famous sprite names? Top 1000 Most Popular Baby Girl Names in the U.S. Top 1000 Most Popular Baby Boy Names in the U.S. Morning! Fill out the form and click generate to start generating middle names. Please let us know. He also loves to play pranks, While some believe there is only one being known as Cluricaun, others have named specific Cluricaun individuals, such as. It is a very magical name. 75 Magical Fairy Names For Girls (with Meanings), 75 Magical Fairy Names for Girls (with Meanings). You can choose the starting letter of the first or second middle name. Here are some cute options: We often connect fairies with nature. Allfry, Allfryda, Allfy, Elfie, Elfre, Elfrea, Elfredah, Elfredda, Your email address will not be published. To save your results, please Login or Register . Buy Personnalis Nom Couverture avec un magnifique motif de Pixie online. The Best Outfits From Daisy Jones And The Six That Make Me Wish It Was1975, 6 Things To Stop Doing If You Want To FindLove, How My HIV Diagnosis Led To Spiritual Empowerment And PersonalTransformation, Who Are The Real Female Narcissists? Beagan (Gaelic origin), meaning 'small,' is a good name. Today, were listing 200+ magical fairy names. Ellfredda, Ellfreeda, Ellfrida, Ellfrieda, Ellfryda, Ellfrydah, Elva, They are known in Germanic, English, Celtic, French, and Slavic cultures. Kinsley (English origin), meaning 'king's clearing', is a unique magical name for your little princess. Miginia (English origin), meaning 'fairy woman', is a name that any Italian family would like. I'm also a proud snail mom. We recommend that these ideas are used as inspiration, that ideas are undertaken with appropriate adult supervision, and that each adult uses their own discretion and knowledge of their children to consider the safety and suitability. Read More 111+ Unique Mermaid Names from Around the WorldContinue. Read more on the affiliate disclosure. You can choose girl names, boy names, or unisex names. If they don't like their first name, they can go by the second name. Perhaps one of the most famous faries, spirited, jealous Tinker Bell glowed brightest for Peter Pan and speinkled children with fairy dust to let them fly. 120+ Epic Mammoth Names for the Giants of the Ice Age, 93 Amazing Leprechaun Names That Will Make You Feel Lucky, Mischievous (English origin). Elly (English origin), meaning 'shining light', is a unique name for your little girl. Your privacy is important to us. Pixie (PIK-si) Meaning of the name Pixie. Bella - This name echoes grace and elegance. While evil fairy godmothers are uncommon, a few notable ones include. Pixies are tiny, often mischievous beings originally from British folklore. Faye might work too. Juno, Juniper, Skye, Cassia, Nova, Trinity, Clementine, Wren, Dahlia, Fox, Blossom. Nova Mariam (Hebrew origin), meaning 'star of the sea,' is a very magical name that any Italian family would love. Trixy (Latin origin), meaning 'voyager,' is a good name from an old time. It might come from the Greek terms for violet flower. Disney Fairy Names: Bess Beck Rani Lily Vidia Prilla Fira Iridessa Luna: Violet Fawn Mother Dove Silvermist Iris Rosetta Terence PeterPan Tinkerbell Fauna (Roman origin), meaning 'Goddess of nature and animals,' is a fairy godmother from Disney's 'Sleeping Beauty.'
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