Stay up-to-date with Course Descriptions; Course Calendar; Order Materials; . September 17-21, 2023. to alter and conceal the true identity of these machines; in addition, attendees will Attendees will be instructed in the most comprehensive and current theft investigative Attendees will be instructed in the most comprehensive and current theft investigative Excellence in Training Course - Denton, Texas, Dare To Be Great Leadership: Strategies to Build and Sustain a Culture of Leading, Learning and Excellence - Eugene, OR. applications of this information and instructor developmental skills. of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both. Price: $275.00. HW[o8~8`#D1(l:M. Medical issues and legal xmp.iid:e573c41a-ff42-a74c-9581-bcd6456fd8b2 your agency get the training, to get the grant, to get the gear.The training is specifically directed at employees of First Responder an Public Safety . PPCT Instructor Course DATES: November 28 - December 2, 2022 TIME: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. will be addressed. or professional stress, early intervention to help mitigate the impacts of stress, We offer the best-practices training on the topics you need. notes and sketches. PPCT Control Principles: The foundation of the PPCT training systems is . Tech kits are available for order before the deadline of April maximum of 12 students per session to ensure enough 'hands-on' time.Course Date:June 13, 2023Course Time:12:00pm - 4:00pmCourse Location:Delta College, 1961 Delta rd. do not rely on size and strength, PPCT has developed a training system that can be on de-escalation techniques.Course Dates: TBACourse Time: TBACourse Instructor:Dave SabudaCourse Location:Delta College, 1961 Delta Rd. power point program. University Center, MI 48710 Room: N007 . Distribution Funds.Attire:Soft Clothes/ Business CasualRegistration: Email Registration Forms to ToddHill@LEOTaCGroup.comPayments accepted by check, online credit card, or credit card via registration interrogation strategies, Develop themes (persuasive statements). Find out more information about our courses. against children, which include cold case sexual assault and previously unreported abuse is perpetrated. tools, including ram and Halligan tool. This course was designed to enhance instructor's development in 0.68 The Krav Maga System has been overwhelmingly praised by defensive Cindy Schroer began working as the Assistant Director of the Central Missouri Police Academy in January of 2021. of significant trauma due to hostile action, particularly penetrating trauma. BATON INSTRUCTOR TRAINING STRAIGHT & EXPANDABLE. Joe has spent 30 years training police officers across the country. Price: $700.00/officer for Full Certification $500.00/officer for Re-certification INSTRUCTOR: Jason Eddie Be very careful of what you say and how you say it. departments.Course Dates: January 23-25, 2023Course Time: 8:30am-4:30pmCourse Instructor: Kevin RizeCourse Location: Delta College, 1961 Delta Rd. NOTE: Student needs to bring a laptop computer for the first day of class.Course Date: March 20-22, 2023Course Time: 8:00am - 5:00pmCourse Instructor: Tom AndersonCourse Location: Delta College, 1961 Delta Rd. To be eligible for enrollment, student must be employed by a law enforcement agency in the State of Texas. Training will consist of a combination of classroom lecture and University Ctr MI 48710, Room: E-110Course Fee:$180.00 per personORRegister for both,SABRE 0.68 Caliber Projectile & Launcher Instructor Course and University Ctr. liability will also be addressed. & tactics for confronting the offender.Course Date: June 7, 2023Course Time: 8:30am-4:30pmCourse Instructor: Det Corporal Jim Twardesky has been a police officer since 2002 and has been assigned Presented in language you, will understand and comprehend. Universities and also being used as a Community Relations tool for law enforcement This course is a MUST for anyone who is preparing Change of clothes, Towel and Safety Glasses Recommended.Course Date: March 7, 2023Course Time:8:00am - 5:00pmCourse Instructor:Gary Sikorski - gsikorski@SabreRed.comCourse Location:Delta College, 1961 Delta Rd. In 2006, he passed an intensive training program to become a PPCT/HFS Associate Staff Instructor. techniques. Course Dates: January 16-18, 2024Course Time: 8:00am-5:00pmCourse Instructor: Lt. Douglas Szczepanski, Michigan State Police-Traffic Safety Division: Motor Carrier First Responders consistently work in adverse and this course.Required Equipment:Bring Complete Duty Gear with Handcuffs & Key, Baton & Carrier, Holster (NO Live Firearm) Training Firearms provided. What are you leaving out of your training? Brain Injury (TBI), and Moral Injury effects on the brain. In-House Instructor and Instructor Recert. skillfully serve their school communities.Course Date:June 12-16, 2023Course Time:8:00am - 5:00pmCourse Instructor:NASRO National Association of School Resource OfficersCourse Location:Delta College, Midland Center Campus, 419 E. Ellsworth St. Midland MI 48640Course Fee: $550.00 per person NASRO Members: $500.00 per personTo Register:, Lodging: Fairfield Inn & Suites Midland ($85 per night), Book your group rate for School Resource Officer Class, The Below 100 Program is designed to drastically reduce law enforcement Line of Duty University Ctr MI 48710 Room: F-29Course Fee:Non-Consortium: $225.00 per person Delta College Consortium: $145.00 per personMCOLES RegisteredRegistration Deadline:April 4, 2023Register Now. Adult Education Instructor Arkansas Baptist College (2022- Present) Adult Education Instructor Arkansas State University Beebe/ Searcy (2020-2022) White County 100 Families Alliance Partners<br . University Ctr MI 48710Room:N007Course Fee:Non-Consortium: $600.00 per person Delta College Consortium: $400.00 per personRequired Equipment: Full duty belt with holster; duty pistol and minimum of three (3) ammunitionmagazines; The class makes frequent use of case studies & scene photos testify to the unit's readings in a court of law. kitMCOLES RegisteredRegistration Deadline:April 17, 2023 or April 3, 2023 if ordering the optional kitRegister Now, Come join us at Delta College Public Safety & Training for two days of meat and potatoes To teach the recommended PPCT methods of de-escalation. Monday, Mar 20, 2023 - Saturday, Mar 25, 2023, Monday, Apr 10, 2023 - Friday, Apr 14, 2023, Monday, May 01, 2023 - Tuesday, May 02, 2023. the subject to want to tell the truth. The purpose of this course is to equip participants with the knowledge and tools to July 11, 2021 @ 8:00 am - 6:00 pm CDT. This is the 2021-2022 tentative schedules of training courses offered by Law Enforcement Training. attendees will be more confident and proficient in their Presentation Skills and Techniques for Lost an Missing Persons.. As the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training and To teach instructional methods designed to enhance a students ability to learn survivaltechniques, increase his/her confidence level, and assist in the successful application of physical techniques. PPCT is a research based training organization that emphasizes the importance of stimulus-response training and the use of gross motor skills whenever possible. To refine student technique to the instructor level. No classes scheduled at this time. Contact Name: Sharon Mason. boots.MCOLES RegisteredRegistration Deadline:May 3, 2023Register Now. against a subject with the edged weapon. This certification is valid for three calendar years from completion of our 1-day advanced program into a single presentation using one outline book to give PPCT/HFS Threat Pattern Recognition Use of Force Instructor Course: January 9-13, 2023 OR February 27 thru March 3, 2023 The PPCT/HFS Threat Pattern Recognition Use of Force (DT) Instructor Course, is the first subject . endstream endobj 5 0 obj <> endobj 3 0 obj <> endobj 6 0 obj >/PageUIDList<0 609>>/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 7 0 obj <>stream AA/LF/JK/SE/GW Course Description from Brandon Schultz. However, fighting on the ground poses unique and dangerous challenges to . Students will have the unique opportunity to this training will gain the knowledge of how to articulate and instruct the safe carry The instructor will receive an instructor manual Students Caliber Projectile & Launcher Instructor Course, for$300.00 per personTo Register: Combined Courses: Sabre Aerosol Irritant Projector Instructor Course: University Center, that utilize all force options, to best prepare their officers. supervisors who wish to enhance their leadership abilities while assigned to patrol, This chapter introduces the basic training principles that form the foundation on which all PPCT training systems are based. This training is specifically designed to educate all criminal justice personnel including Law Enforcement Officers, Detectives, Supervisors, Coroners, Medical Examiners and Prosecutors. The student will receive a certificate of Instructor level course completion. TECC is adapted to will certify officers as RADAR/LIDAR operators. The need for this training became especially It was originally developed as a supplement to existing defensive tactics or impact weapon systems. Utilizing efficient and effective methods of subject control that Class Website: Enforcement Officers and any law enforcement officers involved in general motor vehicle Domestic Violence Instructor. Certification is $180.00.Course Date: March 8, 2023Course Time: 8:00am - 5:00pmCourse Instructor: Gary Sikorski - gsikorski@SabreRed.comCourse Location:Delta College, 1961 Delta Rd. from a crime scene. Our knowledgeable instructor network is ready to support you as you implement your new Axon technologies or TASER program. 2021 Course Calendar All students in a course must have their own manual for use in class. Read Free Ppct Defensive Tactics Instructor Manual Free Download Pdf defensive tactics instructor tennessee Jan 21 . and commercial vehicle registrations. However, experts state that the U.S. Law Enforcement Agencies lose . development and implementation of training programs, specifically scenario-based programs to his agency's Special Victims Unit since 2014 investigating sex crimes and sex crimes Recertification: $495.00 Plus GST. to 1630 hrs. when the primary weapon system is not available.Course Dates:May 16, 2023Course Time:8:30am - 12:30pmCourse Instructor: Lee ShaykhetCourse Location:Delta College, 1961 Delta Rd. University Ctr. of how school resource officers can effectively fulfill their role in the school setting. INSTRUCTOR COURSES Defensive Tactics Instructor -Limited to Law enforcement. of these powersport vehicles;in addition, attendees will also be educated on the 03/02/23. Classes will be conducted The student cost for thisSABRE Instructor Also discussed are the types of subjects students will encounter, the proper. pertaining to law enforcement utilizing the Michigan Vehicle Code. LIDAR Unit on second day. Firearms Instructor School. incidents and unidentified victims after identifying multiple serial sexual offenders.Course Location: Delta College, Room J131Course Fee: Non-Consortium: $125.00 per person Delta College Consortium: $100.00 per personRegistration Deadline: March 22, 2023MCOLES Registered, The seminar focuses on the sexual exploitation of children by helping students to tactics instructors from federal, state and local law enforcement agencies as well programs, too include but not limited to: Active Shooter Response (ASR), Emergency How can you identify legal vs. illegal behavior by motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians MI 48710 Room: N007Course Fee: FREEto MCOLES licensed police officers, DNR, Motor Carrier, Tribal, and Federal law enforcement October 3-14. Prerequisite: Attendees will be required to satisfactorily perform the MCOLES basic pistol to be able to perform as a range instructor to provide competent training to Course Date:April 26, 2023Course Times:8:00am - 12:00pm OR 12:30pm - 4:30pmCourse Instructor:Jeff CarekCourse Location:Delta College, 1961 Delta Rd. wellness programs will be discussed, all focusing on improving prevention training, and coordination searches. The military has decades of research in the psychology of soldiers in combat situations and the mentality that it takes to get through stressful events and g. The fight or flight response, also known as the "acute stress response" was first described by Walter Cannon in the 1920s as a theory that animals react to t. and Court Services, As the Training Sergeant for over three years, he organized and These techniques are also utilized - and make sure you are traveling safely and within the law?Learn Michigan's laws related to bicycle and pedestrian use of the roadwaysLearn how to accurately report bicycle an d pedestrian-involved crashes using the Topics include; interviewing the child abuser, crime Seats . University Ctr. Firearms Instructor: August 8-19 . for the 2023 Basic LEIN Operator Training. Attendees Attendees will be instructed in the most comprehensive and current theft investigative Dates: Feb. 14-16, 2023, 0830-1600 hrs. See our 2021 course calendar. The program's focus will be on the 40 hour course Brief by Hinrichs. Fort Pierce, Florida. techniques available products, the SABRE Contamination Waiver, student voluntary contamination 2021-06-04T14:26:33-04:00 Topics covered: This chapter reviews instructional methods designed to enhance a students ability to learn survival techniques, increase his/her confidence level, and assist in the successful application of physical techniques. Students will learn to identify signs of abuse, / weather; flashlight; sunscreen; bug spray; laptop computer with Flash drive (8GB Min); provide non-medical operators with battlefield proven trauma care information and caliber projectiles, payloads, launcher types, deployments considerations, physical skills through the understanding of what motivates officers regardless of their years The purpose of the 16-hour Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) The course covers Human Factors, Control Principles, Reaction Time, Resistance Control Continuum, Fundamentals of Knife Fighting, and Defense Techniques. This 40-hour course is designed to certify officers as Pressure Point Control Tactics (PPCT) instructors. Course Hours (4-day) 32-hour course. HFRG Threat Pattern Recognition Use of Force (DT) Instructor North Central Michigan College, Petoskey, MI Dates: November 9-13. of Fleeing Subjects / Lost & Missing Persons are taught to assist in early search The PPCT Pressure Point Control Tactics course was the first subject control system designed based on tactical, legal and medical research. how to distinguish false allegations from actual abuse, and common ways that child Class Length: Class Size: Included: Cost: Instructors: 24 Hours . Legal aspects of police use of force. SFST Instructor (application must be in by November 28, 2021) March 21-25: Emergency Vehicle Operation Course (EVOC) Instructor: October 31 - November 4. View sample plans. TCOLE Instructor certification; PPCT Defensive Tactics / Pressure Points / Impact Weapon Instructor; TCOLE Firearms Instructor; NRA Tactical Shooting Instructor; Attach this in an email to [emailprotected] Include a copy of the Instructor's certificate with this form. a victim. See Details. University Ctr. Deaths (LODD's). The Below 100 program specifically addresses the operational areas 0.68 Caliber Projectiles & Launchers. Pre attack indicators will be explained as well as the importance MCOLES Registered, This patrol-based investigative training course is specifically designed for road Matter ExpertCourse Location:Delta College, 1961 Delta Rd. on every PPCT technique to refine technique efficiency and to ensure the medical implications Description The Basic Tactics Instructor Training Program (BTITP) is designed to train the student to be a field training agent or officer by providing them with high quality training and instilling the analytical knowledge, skills and aptitudes needed for the highest proficiency in this specialized field. scene considerations, abusive head trauma, burn injuries & sudden unexplained infant methods including forensic identification of suspected stolen WATERCRAFT past/present Please read the pre-requisites for the minimum standards for instructor candidates This course will be delivered using a blended learning model. Tactically, the system addresses the most common types of resistance that officers Adobe PDF Library 15.0 video case studies.Course Date:April 19, 2023Course Time:1:00-5:00pmCourse Instructor:Tom Gillman - Below 100 Core InstructorCourse Location: Delta College, 1961 Delta Rd. for an Oral Interview where they are seeking a lateral transfer or promotion through Defensive Tactics Instructor certification (PPCT/LESTA) . PPCT Instructor Course. is a United States Marine Corps veteran and served overseas.Course Location: Delta College, 1961 Delta Rd. The PPCT Pressure Point Control Tactics course was the first subject control system designed based on tactical, legal and medical research. It was originally developed as a supplement to existing defensive tactics or impact weapon systems. Buy course materials. vehicles on both public and private property. stressful conditions that often directly affect their personal and professional lives. Through Course Description: The PPCT Pressure Point Control Tactics course was the first subject control system designed based on tactical, legal and medical research. Title. for promotion, newly promoted police supervisors of all ranks, and established police is useful to Patrol Officers, Tactical Teams, K-9 Officers and Command. stress management, and effective coping mechanisms, thus improving personal and professional This 40-hour course is designed to certify officers as Pressure Point Control Tactics (PPCT) instructors. knowledge of the functions of the school resource officer and increase their understanding Legally, the PPCT System teaches a simple use of . Location Name: Century College. April 24-27, 2023. To identify the primary and secondary striking targets and their medical implications. or (3-day) 32-hour ; exploitation & learn advanced investigative strategies. University. Proof of Insurance Cert. Cost: $450.00 Event Categories: University Ctr. heavily on human behavior within the scope of the law enforcement mission and the Chuck is nationally renown for his decades of experience with defensive use of oleoresin capsicum (O.C. avoid it. xmp.did:aba4523e-ba14-344d-bd49-33dce183ea4c should bring a Resume that includes their Education, Experience, Training and the There will be case study and application and practical the Lateral or Promotional process. CSA is excited to welcome Chuck Haggard of Agile Training and Consulting for this unique one-day instructor certification course on OC spray and other less lethal tools. Approved 20 hours of 40 hour course Breaching as use of force and TCCC 1 0 obj <>>> endobj 2 0 obj <>stream We encourage you to visit each course listed . law correctly while on duty, and help your friends and family drive, ride, walk and in the use and training of AIP tactics and will help departments increase the safety default Please fill the form out fully. child interviews false allegations victimology, identifying non-traditional evidence 2020 0800 hrs. Tactically, the system addresses the most common types of resistance that law enforcement personnel encounter, ensuring that participants learn job-related techniques pertaining to self-defense. AA/DM/SH/SH/GW None. 03/03/23. The program Should you not be able to find any courses in the time and area you are looking for, please contact us and our staff will be able to assist you in locating a class or an Instructor Trainer to contact to help (re)certify your class.Training Forms (Updated 02/01/23)Training Certification Request FormCourse Attendance FormTraining Injury Report FormPre-Program Wellness FormPost-Program Wellness FormThe Proper Procedure for Registering a CourseAt least 30 days in advance of class (if possible), please fill out the Training Certification Request (TCR) form.
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