WE SEEN A BLACK STAGE AND BODIES. Elif Ozden September 2, 20213 mins read. Theme: Newsup by Themeansar. Sadly, Dave Dave . He then appears again after his alleged death watching his own funeral live on CNN dressed up in disguise as burns victim, Dave Dave, who they say is formerly known as Dave Rothenberg before he changed his name because his dad set him on fire in the house. Not a word. ". Within hours of the attacks we had landmarks in cities around the world, Liverpool included, lit up in the red, white and blue lights as if they had the lights pre-ordered. Me too, I'll have to look thru my picture collection and find one of Michael and Dave Dave, but Dave Dave and Michael were friends, and I recall him saying that Michael was like a father figure to him. Born in San Marino, Calif., on March 21, 1944, Lindley grew up in a musical household, surrounded by his father's eclectic collection of 78 rpm records. This is the front cover of Rolling Stone magazine she is lording herself to the masses on here. This was at a time on YouTube in my early days when I had a largely American only base of people who followed and supported my work. But I am not really interested in looking past that until I know I am no longer "scared" or whatever you wanna call it. Charles Rothenberg spent less than seven years of a 13-year sentence in prison for attempted murder. In fact the more I think about it, this has to be the biggest family of illegitimate liars and impostors to walk the earth since the British Royal family. When he was a child, Lindley started playing banjo and fiddle, soon acquiring enough skill that he became a five-time winner of the annual Topanga Canyon Banjo Contest. .To explain all of this I am going to go back to how it started, with a thought, I jumped up and thought out loud to myself, as I was taking all the info in regarding the Paris attacks at the Bataclan I suddenly said to myself Paris Jackson. My birthday is interesting because I was born on June 5th 5/6 (UK format) the 156th day of the year with 209 left. My advice to you is save this image zoom in on it do super special auto fix on its grainy crap quality to make it clearer and see for yourself, but most importantly, do not believe what you hear from trained media and government liars ever again in your life. Dave Dave went to Michael's funeral and spoke of their friendship there. He wanted to meet me. In the studio with Michael durring the Bad session, http://www.crimelibrary.com/blog/files/2014/01/dr.jpg, http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/tncies-Observations-and-other-theories/page402. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg says Dave died on. Lindley released his last solo album, "Big Twang," in 2007, a year in which he also scored the Werner Herzog documentary "Encounters at the End of the World" with Kaiser. Based on the book, the documentary delves into Michael Jackson's charity involvement over the course of his career. "I have spoken to Dave within the past several weeks, and he is doing well. This book covers Michaels early success.Although it was published in the eighties,the reader can get a good idea of the huge success he was if they are not old enough to remember or were not even born in that era. New Michael Jackson Musical Celebrates His Greatness While Mostly Avoiding the Dark Stuff After a lengthy Covid-related delay, the jukebox bio-musical 'MJ' debuted Tuesday. Tim Mullen At Kingsport SDA Church On Mothers Day, May 9? The evil little wanker. Uploaded by 15K 4M views 13 years ago Longtime Michael Jackson friend Dave Dave appears on "Larry King Live" on the day of Jackson's funeral. He opened up his arms to me and accepted me as a very good friend of his. So anyway in short Christmas Day, December 25 is the birthday of Nimrod, the Sun God, the new sun, Ra, EL, Baal, the Sun, The Devil, which is the Babylonian, Pagan, Jesuit, Roman, Egyptian, Greek, Kabbalistic and Satanic sun worship that you keep seeing me refer too. in his own words and in words of those, who knew him, www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2623700/Jackos-star-burned-so-bright.html, vindicatemj.wordpress.com/2010/10/28/dave-dave-as-another-of-michael-jacksons-child-friends/, On Suffering, Compassion and Healing The World, Michael saved his sisters husband from suicide, "I'm sorry, Mr. For the record:3:02 p.m. March 3, 2023: A previous version of David Lindleys obituary misstated his age. Rothenberg, known as Dave Dave, has died. Blood On The Dance Floor At The Bataclan Linked To Wacko Jacko? Here is some more evidence that it is quite common knowledge that this logo is a satanic symbol associated to witchcraft. I was in good company and learned from not only the best researchers but also subscribers of my channel who have always been the most sharpest and smartest people I have ever interacted with in any form in my whole life and they know it. Like most people in the entertainment industry circles she has transformed from a young girl into yet another whore of Babylon manifestation who resides amongst. Enchanted LifePath News, Articles, Reports, Educational Films, Live Streams, Videos, Podcasts, Live Streams, and more. Publisher I wonder if half of the idiots have got such a good memory because I can pull stuff up on them all year me. Access codes and supplements are not guaranteed with used items. "You're an angry dancer. Let us get back to the Bataclan as we still have more details to dig up on that monstrosity of a false fake news event. Look at the dust, the New York-like Skyline, mirrored in the duality as above so below reference in the black and white masonic floor, 911 was the hyper event that pulled this fake vial over our eyes back in 2001 anyway, so let me remove that vial for you, you only have to go looking for answers, you will always find more questions. Therefore, the entire thing is a fiction of the worst kind that is now eschewed by a public that wants something very simple, really: a fair, balanced, knowledgeable, and insightful account of the life of the foremost creative genius of American popular culture. As evidence he cites accounts of nasty family squabbles, the botched Victory tour, and the disastrous press conference to deny charges Jackson is gay. He took me into his life. June 25th, 2009. Bring your club to Amazon Book Clubs, start a new book club and invite your friends to join, or find a club thats right for you for free. LOOK CLOSER AT THE IMAGE ABOVE ZOOM YOUR SCREEN IF ITS BETTER. God knows what the life insurance companies must be thinking with all these hoaxes being exposed Hes a bad mannn hes a criminal?????? He also developed an enduring relationship with reggae percussionist Wally Ingram. Dave Dave, born David Charles Rothenberg and later David Jordan Robinson (June 18, 1976-July 15, 2018) was a conceptual artist whose father was found guilty of attempting to kill him by burning in 1983, when he was six years old. These five d. I knew it was the clown show and the whole Paris hoax just bugged me into an outburst of energy. The all seeing eye is symbolic of the Eye of Horus in Ancient Egyptian teachings which are the same thing as the Romans and Greeks and every other empire have repackaged in one way or another as they enslaved humanity under their rule. , Paperback , ISBN-13 ", While he was a fixture in Browne's band, Lindley played sessions with many of the biggest stars of the mid-1970s. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. LAS VEGAS (AP) Dave Dave, a respected Las Vegas artist who was badly scarred as a boy when his father tried to burn him to death in Southern California, has died. Reviewed in the United States on June 3, 2018, Reviewed in the United States on July 31, 2000, Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2012. Yes, there will likely be pictures in there you don't like/don't want to see but I don't think there is any way to avoid that. Damals wurde Michael Jackson unter Seinesgleichen sogar Dave genannt. JavaScript is disabled. It has been quite refreshing to revisit some of the insults to our intelligence as they deny us of what we see with our own eyes. Reviewed in the United States on January 2, 2000. Please try your request again later. and white "progressive" racist arrogance (Yo, Dave, if "black people carry a burden in America, Michael"---ain't that caused by white racism?). The event was loaded with 9/11s. Michael was a good friend to Dave Dave. Weitere Stimmen Vergleiche. By all rights, Fred Astaire and Michael Jackson were two men who could have gone their entire lives without ever speaking a single word to one another. Dave Hogan/Getty Images. I was about 7 years old at the time. Watch popular content from the following creators: 727Kbby(@a99le.ju9ce), Michael Jackson (@michaeljacksontru), Gab Gifted Chronicles(@theprototype00), Gab Gifted Chronicles(@theprototype00), trilletrolltrull(@trilletrolltrull) . While attending La Salle High School in Pasadena, he formed the folk group the Mad Mountain Ramblers, who started playing in Los Angeles folk clubs. And, one particular night in 1983, Jackson unveiled a dance move that was so revolutionary that Astaire was compelled to call the Indiana native and talk things over. Michael Jackson's biggest fan, Dave Dave appeared on The Doctors in January of 2015 to share his story on being nearly burned to death by his father, and how he managed his pain. I believe what people fail to realize is that Michael was a human being. 8x8x8 = 512 add the numbers together to get 8. Using your mobile phone camera - scan the code below and download the Kindle app. Paris, just like the rest of Wackos kids, has been subject of lifelong, is she or isnt she, Michaels child speculation. Dave was a close friend of Michael Jackson, who met him after the boy survived a 1983 attack that left him with burns over 90 percent of his body. Did Michael Jackson fake his death? No cause of death was given, but a fundraiser to cover medical expenses from an undisclosed illness had been set up earlier this year. I was told I have Jesus birthday written all over my life because he was born on 9/11 with 111 days left until the end of the year. Astaire was so moved that he was compelled to call Jackson on the phone, according to Rolling Stone, and in fact, the younger man was at first incredulous that Astaire was calling him. Dave Chappelle has come under fire for his latest Netflix special in which he claims he does not believe Michael Jackson sexually assaulted young boys, and makes jokes at the expense of Jackson . October 17 is the 209th day of the year, 2 plus 7 in the 27 is 9, the 209th day of the year gives us an 11, in Freemasonry code, they do not recognise the zero so it has to go for this report and 209 now becomes a 29, 2+9 = 11. They instantly called the Bataclan attacks The Parisian 911. Reviewed in the United States on July 21, 2009. Things people spoke about made sense, I absorbed all this info, the methods people used to obtain it and subconsciously created my own research template from it, if I wanted to know something I would use such a persons skill set or knowledge base and it really did just build from there. He was 42. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. The parents were divorced and in conflict over custody of David; after the two argued on . Unable to add item to List. A guy who had no reason to trust anyone other than his mother was amazingly trusting.. How about this, it is my opinion I know it is "wrong" quote-on-quote to judge Dave, and I am sorry. Reviewed in the United States on October 7, 2009. I just find it "hard" to look at, like I feel horrible for what his father did, but I can not make myself look at a picture of him, so unless it is a picture of him as a child, I just can't look at him it is just too "graphic" and "intense" for me. You are using an out of date browser. It was in the news back in the day. "I am happy to have been his friend for all these years,". The cause of his death awaited results of toxicology and other tests and a police investigation, the coroner said. The whole next part of the article relies on you watching the video below, it is a song from the King of Disguise/Pop called Blood On The Dance Floor and it takes us on an adventure with more truth on this page than you will see on Sly News, (sky News) Bullshits Biggest Channel, (BBC News) or Crappy News Network (CNN) all year combined and that is a scary fact. Please try again. Metaphorically he was always like a father that I never had.". Dave already talked about how the king of pop sucked a kids dick. After founding the psychedelic folk-rock group Kaleidoscope in 1966, Lindley supported many of the biggest stars of the era, establishing himself as a sought-after session musician through his work with Jackson Browne. There is a lot that happens in peoples lives, but that doesnt define them as a human being, it makes them stronger, Dave told the Las Vegas Review-Journal in 2016. There was a tap on my shoulder. Michael was like a father to me. ", At the funeral Brian Oxman sat next to Dave and spoke of Daves eulogy as moving www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2623700/Jackos-star-burned-so-bright.html, Source:vindicatemj.wordpress.com/2010/10/28/dave-dave-as-another-of-michael-jacksons-child-friends/. There are 11 weeks and 1 day between June 25 and September 11. on the Internet. Marsh argues that Jackson's efforts to avoid controversy while living inside a child-like cocoon are doomed. The cause of death is under investigation. I am sick of people turning this into a democracy, I'm not really diggin' this forum anymore because of people arguing over my "opinions". How the publics opinion about him changed from one of admiration to ridicule was very heart breaking and upsetting to him. THE LOVE HEART WAS CAREFULLY PLACED TO POINT TOWARDS VALENTINES DAY WHICH IS THE HIGHLY SACRIFICIAL ROMAN LUPERCALIA FESTIVAL REPACKAGED. On the self-titled 1981 album and its 1982 sequel, "Win This Record!," Lindley played a lively, vaguely new wave-inspired brand of roots-rock that found space for reggae rhythms along with an impish sense of humor; he rewrote the Huey Piano Smith hit "Rockin' Pneumonia and the Boogie Woogie Flu" as "Tu-Ber-Cu-Lucas and the Sinus Blues" and penned an ode to condoms with "Ram a Lamb a Man.". Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video! It was founded on April 25, 1979. Reviewed in the United States on January 14, 2000. He reunited with Browne for a tour of Spain in 2006; the concerts provided the source material for the live album "Love Is Strange." By flashing subliminal images at you like this you are being programmed to receive the actual meaning and not the meaning you think you are getting fed at face value. To have gone through what he had gone through as a child at the hands of his father, and to lead a life as rich as he did and as creative and as caring and as giving as he did, I think is amazing, Watkiss said, speaking on behalf of his mother, Marie. He was not a "disguise" for Michael- he was a real person and there are photos and videos that prove it. Although heavily opinionated, the book's viewpoint is valuable - and compassionate to Jackson, even though it disagrees with him. Oh yes I forgot to mention her lightening bolt necklace which is the symbol of Lucifer. His dad tried to kill him. : I think out of shadows 2? Jul 30, 2013 - I made some comparison photos between Michael Jackson and "Dave Dave" on LKL, also trying to find out how the real Dave Dave looks like. Just for good measure 8+8+8= 24, 2+4=6 we keep breaking numbers down until they hit a master number. Between a series of open letters to Jackson, he looks at his history, as well as the history of contemporary black music and the responsibilities a black artist has to his audiences. If Michael Jackson had read this book in 1985 and recognized it for the sage advice and on point assesement of Michael Jackson's life, career and place in American history (and musical history) Michael Jackson could have changed his destiny. And he was severely burned as a child by his father. Weitere Stimmen Vergleiche. Dave Chappelle repeatedly steps on a third rail of comedy Michael Jackson and his accusers in his new Netflix special "Sticks & Stones.". This is important apart from the obvious reasons (you have been lied to), but to help you with the understanding of the number 88 and an 88 sequence which needs highlighting because it does show more mockery and deception and cryptically ties into 9/11 which we are linking to the Michael Jackson Blood On The Bataclan Dance Floor Attacks. Astaire was a dancer from Hollywood's Golden Age, and in his movies, he was a smiling and positive character, per Rolling Stone. So now it is time to revisit the purposeful way the attacks aftermath and emotional control theme was carefully set by what we like to call crafty bastards. My apologies in advance to everyone who thought Michael Jackson was dead. It may not display this or other websites correctly. He is going to school in Utah, and he is studying to be a lawyer. : "It was quite an amazing experience. Michael Jackson vivo - Le teorie di Adam Kadmonhttps://vimeo.com/59167384David 1988 - sinopsishttp://www.dailymotion.com/video/xs9oyl_david-1988-sinopsis_peopleDavid Rothemberg movie - Now Dave DaveDavid is a drama, the true story of a child named David Rothenberg, who was burned by his father. This was on the 17th, November, 2015, I have references to the dates in my articles etc to go off still so I can be precise as well as it feeling like I only did it all yesterday anyway. I always let them know. David Rothenberg was born to Marie Rothenberg and father, Charles Rothenberg. Okay, so maybe creepy was a bad word to use, but if I am able to defend myself, the pictures that I've seen of him are bad, and make him look well "interesting" to say. This is what Dave remembers of Michael Jackson: "He heard about me and contacted me. After "Very Greasy," a Ronstadt-produced album from 1988, Lindley lost interest in mainstream rock along with his major-label contract. LAS VEGAS (AP) Dave Dave, a respected Las Vegas artist who was badly scarred as a boy when his father tried to burn him to death in Southern California, has died. In other words, by this logo being shown all worldwide after the Paris attacks, the masses were subjected to what is known as sigil magic, this is processed by your subconscious mind where it is stored in your psyche where it then plays a part in the shaping of your paradigm, which is basically the world how you see it. 2015 As the tale goes, Astaire called Jackson's dancing "angry." He is also the founder of the band Foo Fighters and the band's singer, guitarist, and . ", He was a great person. THE HEART IS SYMBOLIC OF LUPERCALIA, THIS EVENT CAME 13 DAYS AFTER OCTOBER 31, SAMHAIN, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS HALLOWEEN, CHECK THIS OUT ON SATANIC SACRIFICE OR HOLIDAY CHARTS. please do some research before spouting such nonsense. Just as you thought I can not have any more snippets to open your eyes to the lies and deception you are faced with on a daily basis, here is a picture of the inside of the alleged Bataclan attacks in Paris, France, on November 13, 2015, I remember it well, they use dummies on the set of the shootings and smeared them and the floor in fake blood. Our relationship started with a hug. He never hurt a soul and Im happy to have been his friend all these years. Each Twin Tower building had 8 sides, 8 is the cube again, 8x8x8 is another cube, you can fit a cube into a Hexagon, which is why the number 8 is known to be a Saturn reference. Here is a quick video I just uploaded to the Enchanted LifePath Facebook Page showing a few of the things I was saying back in 2015. Michael felt a lot of compassion for Dave Dave, he learnt to look through the skin to find the real person, maybe following his lead wouldn't be a bad Idea. Other things to look for, apart from that voice was the way he talks over Larry King with confidence, only the most elite stars would even dream to speak over Larry the CIA King of Operation Mocking Bird turned CNN fake news presenter.. Broccoli. She is crying out to Lucifer in every way possible. : He heard about me and contacted me. I challenge you to watch this without laughing and if you do laugh, or find it weird, please share the article subscribe tohttps://EnchantedLifePath.comfor new content notifications. I do not. Dave Chappelle on Sunday took home the 2020 Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album, over other nominees including Ellen DeGeneres and Trevor Noah. There are tons of newspaper reports about Michael Jackson still being alive so this is another one worth looking at. Dont Borrow From the Bank Borrow From Yourself, 3 Smart Ways To Help You Find Cash In Your Home, (Koh Hasebe / Shinko Music via Getty Images), (Ebet Roberts / Redferns via Getty Images). Not more sensationalist tripe written for a fast buck while the going was good. I had spent years watching and listening, learning all sorts as the information I was receiving was changing my perception of the world each second. There was 3 weeks and 6 days between the tribute night and the Blood On The Dance Floor attacks, 36 represents another cube, if you add all the numbers up from 1 to 36 on a 36 square board, or casino table for example, they add up to 666, 36 is also 666 as 3 6s is 666. (Paul Kuroda /The Orange County Register via AP, File), Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. Video: Michael Jackson Is Alive MJ Watched His Own Funeral In Disguise As Dave Dave On CNN MJ Death Hoax. Interestingly, there is a fair amount of judgement and insinuation going on here (and this was before Michael's life got completely out of control), so it is far from an objective journalistic book. There is only one type of person in the world that does these things, sneaky satanic snakes in the grass. Paperback - November 1, 1985. A source close to Lindley confirmed his death to The Times. Carrot" and "I'm sorry, Mr. So was Michael Jacksons Blood On The Dance Floor single cover, take a look if you can see it. My dad died 88 days after the 88th day of the year,but in 1992. : He was 78. Dave, who was born David Rothenberg, died on July 15 at Sunrise Hospital in Las Vegas, Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg said Wednesday. WE SEEN 1 DOOR THE IN FOOTAGE? Or three, would you be surprised given the fact you just watched him attend a talk about his own funeral on CNN with Larry The Liar King? Without his influence my music would sound completely different. Americana singer-songwriter and guitarist Jason Isbell tweeted, "The loss of David Lindley is a huge one. IS THE TOP PICTURE A SET A PROP WITH FAKE BLOOD SPREAD AROUND IT? Indeed, the former was an elderly man by the time the latter was getting big in music, and further still, they came from . Michael was there for me whenever I needed to talk to him. Michael Jackson Is Alive MJ Watched His Own Funeral In Disguise As Dave Dave On CNN MJ Death Hoax, Michael Jacksons name was all over the Bataclan prior to the staged attacks at the now famous French venue. You probably feel slightly insulted by that video now, just moralistically insulted at the very least. Weeks before the Friday 13th attacks there was a Michael Jackson tribute night at the Bataclan, it was on October 17, 2015. POSSIBLY A RE-SCALEDSTUDIO SET UP OF THE SECOND IMAGE. 1. Liverpool's Number 1 Alternative News Platform - Est. Dave Grohl is a successful musician, singer, and songwriter who rose to fame as the drummer of the iconic grunge rock band Nirvana. And if you thought she was just Princess Paris, then this next picture shows who she bows down to. He was 42. p style=text-align: left;>Just after the Paris Jackson Blood On the Bataclan Dance Floor Attacks, I Tweeted her to ask her if her name was linked to the event, but as you can see the Tweet is a visually bit bland to say the least, both accounts have since been terminated by Twitter over time. Damals wurde Michael Jackson unter Seinesgleichen sogar Dave genannt. Freelance Investigative Journalist & Presenter. German. It was very cathartic to be able to look my dad in the face and tell him exactly what was on my mind, Dave told the Review-Journal. Discover delightful children's books with Amazon Book Box . Remember she has lied to you about her fathers death as much as CNN have, she is not innocent in all of this. on March 9, 2021, There are no reviews yet. THERE IS ONLY 17 20 BODIES IN THE IMAGE ABOVE WHERE IS THE OTHER 80 AT LEAST? This is an odd book, written as part open letter to the late Michael Jackson and part history of the life and career of Jackson and the other members of the Jackson family, up until the mid-80s. Jerrod definitely loves Chappelle, just like everyone of us. Here is some of the creepy pictures she posted online prior to the Paris attacks, she is now 20, this was when she was a mixed up MK Ultra teenager. ", "Michael Jackson was like a father figure for me. I had only started my channel and building the website in April 2015 so I was still technically a pup in truth channel terms. It was also the first time I spoke out against public perception as I was astonished to see whole world of social media turning into France Flags. HERE IS AN IMAGE OF THE WOMAN HANGING OUT THE WINDOW AT THE BATACLAN FROM NEWS SOURCES WHO YOU THINK ARE VALID. Rothenberg, known as Dave Dave, who was badly scarred at the age of 6 when his father tried to burn him to death, has died. I have all sorts of unique work on it and I will use this chance to now re-present it and prove to you that this world is a stage and you have been super lied to. In fact, he's well-known for more than just late-night TV, after appearing on countless shows, in movies, and on comedy specials. While producing Warren Zevon's first album for Asylum, Browne had Lindley play fiddle and slide guitar; Zevon would hire Lindley again in the 1980s. Do you know of any pictures of him as a child? Michael Jackson was the Love Child of a 14 year Old Dirty Diana Ross and Her first Love Smokey Robinson. NEWS COMPANIES YOUR LUCKY DAY IS HERE CLICK IMAGES TO BUY YOURSELF A STUNT DUMMIE AND STAGE A FAKE MEDIA TERROR EVENT. Just reminding you so you stay with me. I dont think this needs an explanation it speaks for itself, I have told you about as above so below, inversions, things being flipped. I wonder what bloodline shes representing here all draped in green like butter wouldnt melt in its cold blooded mouth? Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them. Letterman has also worked on various shows that he didn't necessarily appear in, making money behind the scenes as other hosts take to the stage.
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